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#1 |
I started hCG last February and did awesome. I lost 21 pounds and felt amazing. I then tried to do the "Sugar-Free" experiment with a few other members to try and lose the same without hCG and had not so great results. I was left feeling confused and not losing anything.
I have since tried to do more rounds 3 to be exact and have cheated horribly and failed each time. I just started a new round in December (going to Vegas for my 40h with my best friends of 30 years) and did perfect the first week. I lost 9.4 pounds and got back to my LIW again. Well then the holiday came and the cheating began AGAIN. I was giving my injection everyday and cheating every day. What was the point. I do not know why I cannot get back into the mental state I had the first time I did this. So, I took a couple days off the shots to regroup and started again yesterday and stayed on protocol. I woke up to a 1.2 pound loss. This is encouraging I know, but I want that mental feeling back that I had before all of the Sugar-Free experiment and everything that happened during and after that time. I feel like I was defeated and now I am never going to get to my goal. It has almost been a year. Any words of advice would be appreciated. Thanks to all in advance. |
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#3 |
What dose are you on, honey? It's common to have to lower the dose with each round. So you might be taking too much. |
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#5 |
Did I scare people off with the whole "I did the Sugar-Free Protocol Experiment?" Hi! You didn't scare me off!
![]() The difficult thing is for others to know what to say that might trigger something in you that will make you determined not cheat. The mental aspect of any diet is difficult, but this one even more so because it takes extreme sacrifices of time (all the cooking), foods we love, and money. The other side of that is that cheats are FAR more punishing since we are including HCG. When someone cheats on this diet, deep down they know that the consequences could have a very negative impact on them not just the next day, but for the next several which impacts the whole diet since we are only on for a certain amount of days. So how do you tell someone who knows how serious a cheat is that they shouldn't cheat when they already know about the negative consequences? I see it on this forum a lot, but luckily there are is a large, diverse group of people and usually someone can relate and speak to you on terms that you can relate to as well. I don't know if this is helpful at all, but are there specific situations that trigger your cheating? Foods? People around you? Emotions? Are your cheats triggered by cravings for sweets or is it more about breads/pasta/pizza? Are they all over the map? Also, are you battling mentally on a regular basis fighting the urge to cheat? Or is it more impulsive? Any cheats I have had followed a pretty similar pattern to each other. They were usually around TOM and I was usually battling major cravings. It would be easy for me to say that I "slipped up" but the reality is that my brain was focused on whether or not to cheat and I made the decision to do it. I think reminding myself that I was "choosing" to cheat instead of minimizing it made me feel more responsible for the cheat. I am writing this with a tone of empathy and helpfulness, so I hope that's how it is coming across. I hope that your enjoyment of success keeps you on protocol! I know for me, I have to sometimes take it minute by minute to make good choices, not just by hour or by day. Good luck! |
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#6 |
Angie, losing weight is a decision. Only you can make it. Do you really want to lose more weight? Maybe you feel ok with your size now. Maybe you could spend some time journalling and just write. Don't censor yourself, just write and see what comes up.
I also know that when you eat the wrong foods for your body (not sure what the sf thing is about) you can lose that inner fortitude that comes from the right mix of brain chemicals. Perhaps you tipped something. I did that after losing over 60 lbs and indulging in sugar and starch over the holidays. I could not get back to it no matter what I ate. It could also be food sensitivities youve developed. IMO, do a cleanse as clean as possible... Maybe extra protein and veggies and very little else. Don't worry to much about the calories... Focus on eating the right foods. See if your brain kicks back in and gets on the program! Any of this make sense? Good luck! Julie ![]() |
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#7 |
Thank you ladies. I was just putting a little joke out there about the SF Protocol thing for those of you who remember this from last year.
I do agree with you Ryann that I have a mental block and only I can break through. I am somewhat comfortable with my body right now since it is so much better than before. My cheats are totally random and sleep deprived. My husband and I got a call from Child Services on August 1 that our adopted 8yr old daughter's bio-mom had a baby and wanted to know in 24 hours if we would like to have him in our home. We had not been talking about another child AT ALL. We have a 15 yo son and our beautiful daughter we adopted. We couldn't say no, so 24 hours later we picked up a 2-day old baby from the hospital and fell in love. Well, as the state child protective service goes, mom gets to have another chance to get baby back even though this is the third child taken into custody. We are in love 5 months later. It is also hard to go straight back to newborn child care so much later in life. My daughter was 3 when we were blessed to have her in our life. I am tired to be frank. So as I write this the light bulb is going off. Lack of sleep, new parenting(without even planning for it) and the thought of handing this beautiful baby boy back to this dysfunctional drug addicted mother I believe is putting a CHEAT in my dieting progress. I so want to do this and get back to feeling great like before. I also lost my partner from last time. My teaching partner and I did this together and were on track every day together so could not cheat in each others mug each day. We got separated after so many years teaching side by side. I do not even see her anymore. Ok- thank you for listening being forced to write all of this down has helped. I am still wavering as to what to do, but I think if I linger here and listen to my body and the wonderful people I know are on the boards I will make a good decision. Thanks again you wonderful gals! |
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#8 |
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#10 |
I understand completely. Never underestimate mental preparation. Below is not just advice, its what I do myself so I do walk my walk
![]() 1. Get a vision board. Put all the great photos of ideal healthy sizes on the board, what it will be like ON PLAN, even pictures of chicken and salad, and a fruit bowl, or whatever you typically eat. If you do light walking like I do, find a magazine picture of a woman enjoying a daily walk with a dog or such. Most importantly, use pictures of happy people who are happily going about their way. Put this vision board up where you will see it frequently. If you need to make 2, or one for work, do so. 2. Sounds geeky, but I have fun buying color coded plastic tupperware from the supermarket. I used different colored lids for different items: red for beef, yellow for chicken, blue for fish, green for veg, etc and yes, I even put childish stickers that are leftover from children on the lids. It does make the routine very fun. 3. It's okay to have other diet books, but Hide them and Put them away! Seriously, I love atkins and somersizing, but I have literally hide and put my 20-30 diet books away, in a cupboard, in the cellar, in a closet so I am not tempted to keep jumping tracks. It's too tempting to say, well, I screwed up today but in "weight watchers' world" , I'm on 15 points and on track, etc etc. That way nothing gets accomplished and we never finish anything. One plan at a time! 4. Put all the dates on your PRIMARY calendar. So if you have many calendars, you can write it on several but make sure all the necessary ...R1P1....R1P4...Resting Phase...are clearly marked on the most common calendar that you constantly use. I've done this and now I can't use the excuse that I forgot anything. 5. Tie the calendar (see #4) to the weekly shopping lists. Each week has its own shopping list to be prepared which contains that and only that which is necessary for the week. With a plan as detailed, every morsel is counted, so there is no reason why the supermarket trips can't be controlled down to the last 100 grams. I hope this helps! Again its what I do so I know its helps. Good luck my dear! |
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#11 |
@ angie, i hear you so clearly. both the wanting your Mojo and unbelievable stress and fear about your new baby. and i too believe to be a good mom you have to be good to your self. i hear you...we have to be good examples for our kids in every way. emotionally and physically model for them the proper life style that we want for them! but i couldn't do that when i'm over weight, inactive and depressed. not only did my child's father abandon me 3 months into our PLANNED pregnancy, he abandoned my poor baby, knowing i don't have a family to help us at all! Then my closest, beloved, dearest, more than a sister, best friend of 19 years died right after my baby was born and i almost gave up. but because my own mom died when i was 15 and had such a terrible time coping & living without her, i knew i couldn't let my son go through his life with out a mom. so i kept going. and finally after about 4 years i actually have real hope and the confidence i just couldn't find before. And believe it or not, this protocol gave it to me! i too believe in it so much, i know it's a life changing miracle!
and so i did good for a few weeks and screwed up the rest...just wouldn't stop cheating. mine where night time binging on sweets before bed. probably the same thing that has kept me fat these last 5 years. Ryann really made a lot of sense to me. And this point struck me; "The other side of that is that cheats are FAR more punishing since we are including HCG. When someone cheats on this diet, deep down they know that the consequences could have a very negative impact on them not just the next day, but for the next several which impacts the whole diet since we are only on for a certain amount of days." Personally that is where i'm at today. So i've decided to take a 2 week break so i don't get immunity. i mentioned this on Nic's page. i'd like to send you some info i learned last night. i'll try to send you it in a private message. And @Julie said to try journaling... that sounds like a real good idea. at least in my case. i've had to realize there needs to be behavior changes at night before bed. Maybe writing will distract me? i'm gonna try it tonight! Julie also mentioned a cleanse, sounds like another good idea! i haven't done it before and don't know how to, but if you have or know of one let me know. also, about losing your partner, even though we aren't physically in each other's mugs ![]() WE CAN DO THIS! we already have once, so lets just figure out our next move! XOXO, shannon |
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#12 |
I think you made an interesting point in your last post Angie, that writing all this down has helped you. My advice is to keep doing that - keep a journal. Get it all out and then go back and re read it - it's perspective that's really invaluable, an a ha moment - at least for me - you've had A LOT going on to put it mildly - keep writing. Get it out, it helps.
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#13 |
I think most on here tried to forget about that whole ordeal as much as possible, the less drama the better @the ladies with the wonderful advice- everything that has been said makes sense to me. I just needed a little perspective from non-bias ears. I have a lot to think about. I feel better already. @Shannon-we will chat soon! |
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#14 |
@Jarret-No shit stirring here, just trying to be funny I guess it was only to me sorry! Won't mention it again. ![]() |
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#15 |
@Angie: Wow, you definitely have some of the most major life stresses possible with all of that going on. Sometimes when we are in the middle of the storm, it is hardest to excuse ourselves. I don't mean to blow off cheating because I think we should do every single thing to stick to protocol. But you also have to be realistic about what is going on. I think that you simply need to be your own friend, show empathy to yourself and see if that means continuing or trying again later. You can continue and deviate a little from protocol and just accept smaller losses this round.
@Shannon: It sounds like you have battled quite an ordeal yourself and come out of it. Good luck with your break. I hope that it is exactly what you need and you can come back and be even more resolved to do two weeks on protocol. I hope it all goes wonderfully! |
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#16 |
@Ryann-thank you for your comforting words. I don't think I realized how much stress I was under until I actually sat back and read my post. I thought if this was someone else I was reading about I would be thinking they must be crazy.
I think I am going to actually try and stick with it. I have been reading about the cycling and it sounds like it might be a good fit for me right now to have short breaks. I am battling bronchitis right now, which I got from the baby being sick and no sleep being up all night and working full time. My husband is awesome help, but you know how the mom thing goes. Will keep you posted. @Shannon-you might check out cycling also it might be a good fit for you too after you finish a complete round. Lets chat about it. |
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