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Old 01-27-2012, 10:19 PM   #1

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Default More Questions about Facts
Searching sometimes just brings up more questions.

I look up different perspectives about:

Chakras...some say they spin this way, others say they all spin clockwise. Some say they spin differently for men and women.

I used to believe once we died, we went into the light and we were at peace. I experienced souls/spirits who were not so peaceful, and not looking out for others best interest and actually would mess with people. I used to think that when we died, we were united with our highest selves and left the issues behind that we had in our lifetimes. That when we died, we then hit our heads and went, "Oh da, now I get it". That doesn't seem to be what I have been shown. I really did believe that our Highest Selves were us-watching us and "absorbing" our earthly lessons. But that they were the most positive part of ourselves and only of the light.

I have researched Clarisentient and have only found one internet posting/website in which the person experiences being a clairsentient as I do.

I used to think that there was only one soul allowed in one body. That you are your soul. Most people have this same idea I think. But I have seen people change in an instant and they actually look different when they change. I have been told by guides/the other side that these are different souls hopping into the body. I didn't know that was allowed.

I've recently come across on the internet about Walk-ins, soul switches, and dark workers vs. light workers. About Ascension soul switches. When I check my body I feel the vibration of some truth to this. I was told -by guides-that there is something different about my soul. That I had part angel soul. I chose not to believe this as I thought the idea was ridiculous. But then with the information I read about Ascension soul switches, I being to wonder about that reference since angel means messenger. Still contemplating this.

In my earlier days, I had asked the Angels to turn my head if I wasn't "getting it". Soon after, my head and body began to move in responses to questions and I've wondered if this was my higher self or someone else. I was told, maybe because of how I was raised in a certain belief system, that God is trying something new. And both angels and people (guides) learn from how this goes for me. My friend picked up the same thing from his guides when he was at my house and I was "complaining" about how things were going for me last year. That this is how the guides learn and that the angels are nearby ready to step in at any moment if things get out of hand.

I've had times in which it felt as if energy was being pulled out of my crown chakra. Majorly, as if my whole energy field was pulled up through my crown. I've asked other gifted people what could this be? I've been told that I must have asked for healing, that I should allow this to happen and also from another person stating I should stop this from happening as it could be someone sucking my energy out of me.

With different psychics/mediums they have seemed to not be able to "read" me at times, but seem to pick up on people in my life instead. Although they insist the answers are for me, later I figure out it was for my friend, or my cousin who was standing next to me.

I have been told over and over again, some rules are different for me because of who I am. Really, please understand this is not me being arrogant, just writing out the facts as I have been told. When I went to a priest friend with some of this information he also told me that things are different for me and to be careful. This priest is also very psychic which I love!! Can't ask for anything better than a gifted priest. LOL!

I have a close friend that always brings up why other psychics can't read me and how she doesn't understand why things sometimes have gone in a certain way for me when it seemed that things were headed in a much more positive way.

So, with all of this being said, with so many of us connected so well with God/Spirit/Higher Realms/Higher Selves, why aren't the facts just the facts?

Why don't we all have the same information/knowledge on something as basic as which way do Chakras spin? OR which way are they supposed to spin? Who has the True rule book?

Again, why aren't the facts-just facts?

Sorry this is so long, it's been rolling around my head for awhile, and it is just frustrating at times. I still stay positive and have faith that all of this has been worked out, but thought this is the place to raise these questions.

Blessings to all,
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Old 01-28-2012, 04:01 AM   #2

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Confusing isn't it?

Just the thing about which way chakras swirl... I have to admit I never even thought about it. I just 'assumed' they swirled clockwise, for no particular reason at all.

Now that I've thought about it, I wonder if maybe chakras work the same way tornadoes and water going down a drain do, swirling clockwise on one side of the equator, and counter-clockwise on the other?

As for why people can't read you, perhaps you have a very effective shield set up around you. You can't be read, if you won't allow it. Maybe subconsciously you are unwilling to let anyone in.

Just my thoughts. Wonder what others will chime in with...
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Old 01-28-2012, 10:37 AM   #3

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Hmm, Hey how you doing.

This caught my eye and although I didnt want to read some of it as I have things goign on wich I dotn have answers to and or want to think about, it still is crazy how much you sound like me.

I feel I dotn belong here, I feel god treats me differently and theres one rule for others and different for me. I have had so many unexplained things about me and my life.

I was spiritual growing up and it seems my whole life has taken a toll, nothing has worked out no matter what I tried, then few years ago after learning the truth of the world in many ways I went from one thing to another, and if I didnt do it that way I wouldnt of believed it.

Makes me beg the question did I miss something because it seems I missed all the signs.

But now im trying to move foward, the thing you said about crown being sucked of energy, I dont feel the same but it does feel like that with my chakras sometimes although i doubt its true, maybe im just getting use to my chakras beign more open? or because of the shifts I am changing?

I feel different, the air feels different, I swear in not normal, looking in the mirror at my aura and true self, I see dark, grey my hairs black then i see a black and white version of myself is this normal? I think theres alot of good in me, but im not sure.

I have been told of gifts given to me from readings but how can i be sure? what are these gifts? I was told I would go threw changes before the new year , do i feel different yes, is these changes why my eye feels so weird now?

Trust me I dont feel like I belong here and no matter what I do I wont. Why is this? I dont know. But I know one thing im nothing like most people in this world. But that said, I have done bad neverless, so does that make me bad?

If some one makes money and it changes them, does that mean it was the money that changed them? or that the ego, arrogance, temper, selfishness, etc was already there? and the money helped them show it?

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Old 01-28-2012, 01:16 PM   #4

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My loves what is fact to someone is theory to someone else. If you want the truth look within yourself only you hold your truths and beliefs. I understand it is so frustrating to feel like when we have a clue and then we learn something new and totally smashes that theory. Don't fret though, we will find out one day probably in the afterlife lol. We are here to learn love and experience with that being said don't be troubled. We don't feel right here because we are from somewhere else but we chose this life so we have to live it in the best way we can. I hope this lifts your spirits challenges usually lead to enlightenment. Put a smile on your face if we were meant to know everything we would of never forgotten.
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Old 01-28-2012, 03:03 PM   #5

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I agree with mandajoy.
i agree it would be easier to just have a standard written manual on all of this. i don't have the answers as to why there isn't one but i'm assuming this is all just a great big lesson in one way. as joyous as it is at times and as annoying as it can also be at other times. could the lessons have something to with perceverance, courage, believing in yourself, helping others, setting boundaries.

you're not alone. i know i feel like a hit a brick wall sometimes and sometimes i just want it all to stop, then other times i wish it would just pick up a little bit faster but it's all in the learning process i guess. i think it's like every profession. it all takes time to master. as stated what makes sense one day mighten make sense the next but if you look at it from another point of view you can see that as progression.
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Old 01-29-2012, 10:00 AM   #6

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You said that challeneges often lead us to enlightenment, but I am going threw challenges but I havnt despite my name got full use of my eye yet.
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Old 01-29-2012, 11:01 AM   #7

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My view is if you can't be read it is because you have the tools to find your own answers. Spirit will block you from being read in hopes that you do the work and/or let the Universe work with you without you actually knowing the how.
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Old 01-29-2012, 10:26 PM   #8

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Spirit will block you from being read in hopes that you do the work and/or let the Universe work with you without you actually knowing the how.
That makes sense. So much of this has been references in the last two months to look inward, and feeling like a test to see if I stick with how I positively affirm outcomes or if I get swayed from what I feel in my heart.

Can not wanting to "connect or have contact" with a relative who has recently past affect how I connect? I have pushed back someone because of being "aware" seems so new to me even though it has been years now. But it is too painful and confusing to have contact with this person right now, and has messed me up. So, I feel correct in putting up that boundary. Just don't know when the right time will be to connect with him.

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Old 01-29-2012, 11:25 PM   #9

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The search for Truth is a great adventure...

More and more truth is revealed to you, as and when you are ready to receive it...
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Old 01-30-2012, 01:48 AM   #10

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You said that challeneges often lead us to enlightenment, but I am going threw challenges but I havnt despite my name got full use of my eye yet.
What I have found to be true for me is that the gift develops as we transform from the inside out and in its own unique way. This is just how I have seen my gift develop. Where I only saw one color when I first started now I see about 3 or 4 which is four years later. I think we all develop our gift at our own pace.

I like to think of it kinda like a rpg game like rift or wow as we gain experience by doing quests our strength and gifts get stronger so we can survive on higher levels lol ( I say this as my bf is playing rift) makes me giggle
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Old 02-22-2012, 11:23 AM   #11

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I thought I would develop them slowly too, but this slow? lol, I think its more knwoing what they are and for sure before we try.

I havnt tried seeing auras lately, but I havnt had much chance, and between my throat going crazy as in throat chakra and jaws clenching its hard to focus.

Also I wear contact lenses and its hard to focus with them for so long.
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