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Old 01-24-2012, 09:09 PM   #1

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Default Solar Flares
Supposed to be a big one. I seem to be affected before and during one of these. Anyone else notice them? I feel like I should just wear alot of gray and stay under the radar for awhile with these energies. LOL~

Have a great day!
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Old 01-24-2012, 09:10 PM   #2

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Yes.. I feel horrible... I am very sensitive to these flares...
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Old 01-24-2012, 10:16 PM   #3

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Sorry you are feeling bad. Have you found anything that relieves it? I was looking it up on the NASA site and it goes into great detail about the protons, etc. Sometimes I wonder if these are actually beneficial for us on an energy level and we need to just adjust to the fine tuning?

Hope you feel better,
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Old 01-25-2012, 02:34 AM   #4

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Yes, drinking a ton of electrolyte type drinks. Meditation and rest. I'm someone that does not take a high level of energy in my body.

At the chiropractor they use EMG type machines to help relax the muscles and I can't use it. It makes me hum for days.. Even after I ground and ground.. And ground...
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Old 01-25-2012, 02:39 AM   #5

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Sorry your not feeling well Laura! I felt kinda off last couple days too but today I feel great!! Is that kinda like a Tens Unit? I got one of those for the shoulder i love it! That explains why the other day it wouldn't work on the shoulder! LOL
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Old 01-25-2012, 03:47 AM   #6

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Supposed to be a big one. I seem to be affected before and during one of these. Anyone else notice them? I feel like I should just wear alot of gray and stay under the radar for awhile with these energies. LOL~

Have a great day!
Every things about how you look at it, I view such things as GODS energy recharging the planet, for in truth thats whats taking place, We are charging up!
And this planet need that energy
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Old 01-25-2012, 06:17 AM   #7

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Wait--- I feel sucky today. My arms and legs feel crawly! This started last night. Am I being effected by the flares too?? And it's on the heels of a new moon.

People really feel these things??
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Old 01-25-2012, 07:43 AM   #8

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Every things about how you look at it, I view such things as GODS energy recharging the planet, for in truth thats whats taking place, We are charging up!
And this planet need that energy
I absolutely agree with perspective. I keep getting tonight that it's a charging up to get ready. It's just that for some, these things can whammy our energy fields. I have learned to "be prepared" because sometimes these do get to the point that it's not the easiest thing to even get out to the store. Kind of like have supplies on hand for the kids to make their own meals for certain "events" that may affect us.

Laura, hope you're feeling better, I'm leveling off I think. Took your advice and just started drinking more water. Seems to still affect me when I get near the windows at times. Once when I had a hard time with energy stuff I felt much better when I wore a green jacket....something to do with vibrations again I guess.

Even with all this going on, feeling a very positive attitude happening!!!!

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Old 01-25-2012, 08:06 PM   #9

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Hi everyone,

I've been absent from SB and anything spiritual for a while and then the last couple of days I've been feeling energy buzzing around my head as if to say 'Wake Up & get back on track'. Perhaps this energy was the solar flares?
Hope everyone feels better soon
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Old 01-25-2012, 09:59 PM   #10

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Thanks, I'm better when I hydrate. I'm just terrible at drinking anything during the day. Water when I read mostly but otherwise, I just don't drink...

I wake up with a vibration that lasts throughout the day. Like touching an electrical box (the kind outside you can actually hear humming).

Grounding helps a LOT. So when it gets really trippy, I ground. It stops.. Comes back in 2 hours... Ground... Etc.
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Old 01-26-2012, 02:06 AM   #11

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Please take this in the way it is intended. I am sorry you are affected by these energies, but you have been such a huge help to me! Letting me know that you have to ground and reground yourself. I don't feel so alone with having to deal with these unusual issues that is not common for many. (Heck, I hold my hand above my mouse and my hand starts vibrating)

When you tell others about how you can be affected by energy, a lot, I won't say most, tend to think the issues maybe in your head just because they haven't felt them or aren't sensitive, or the grounding works for them immediately.

So, thank you soooooo much for sharing this.

On another note for the grounding, I seem to need extra help with crystals for grounding at times. I picked up the red garnet today and they totally sucked into my hand, along with red jasper. I keep getting "heliotrope" in my head and finally understand that stone is to cut down on unwanted psychic activity-along with grounding....seeing a pattern here lol. (I always wondered why I've loved that stone!!!!)

So, instead of following the lead on Medium to use alcohol to cut it down, I finally have my answer of what to use to help!!!!!!


Have a great day all.

Actually making progress here,
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Old 01-26-2012, 05:13 AM   #12

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Glad to help. Alcohol actually numbs you to a lot of things , especially the fact that it opens you fully to the lower realms where a lot of "bad people" hang out, afraid of the light or too stubborn and angry to leave.

I don't drink. I've dabbled and found it incredibly hard to shut down from the negative spirits. So, it's not worth it to me.

I also use red garnet (earrings) but not often. I simply wear a hat (no not of tinfoil either) lol
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Old 01-26-2012, 09:16 AM   #13

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Hi wholespirit,

I'm sorry for not be more sympathetic, I'd forgotten how disconcerting these energies can be. Last night I was given an encore of what I used to experience, had something to do with you I'm sure.

What I did to remove the discomfort was and is Meditate to raise my own vibration which in turn has made the up grades mother earth is going through easier on my body..

I do Meditate daily and if I miss even one day the discomfort returns,

I start by doing stretches and then deep breathing,forced breathing for at least 20 breaths then I commence my meditation

I focus my inner mind of the beauty that is mother earth, a small river with water running over the rocks, birds, frogs, plants, insects, anything that mother earth sustains. As I do this I focus on the love I feel, the beauty thats all around me, when I feel love well within my heart I place that love in a little ball as I do this I send that love down to the centre of the earth and then I wait. As mother earth send her energy back to me.

I do the same with our father sky. I look out and see all the wonder that our father offers, the planets, stars our sun and moon and as I do this I feel the love I have for the beauty that is our father, again I place this love within a small ball and as I do this I then send this energy upward until it reaches the outer cir***ference of the planet, then I watch as this energy spreads out encasing our planet. Once this is complete I wait for the energy return from our father as I feel this energy reach my body I allow it to flow through and all around me.

Then the last part there is a tube which runs from the top of our head upward a round 27 feet and the same distance below, I focus on this tube and see a crystal ball on either end which I visualise is opening up as I do this I call to the Universal God Light force to come forward and enter my body as it enters I tell the energy to flow, meaning to move within and without my body.

This Meditation not only raise your vibration it grounds you as well and even more it assist our mother earth to raise her vibration and allows her to know that some of her children are thinking of her.

I hope this helps and once again I am sorry for be dismissive of your plight.
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Old 01-26-2012, 08:49 PM   #14

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Glad to help. Alcohol actually numbs you to a lot of things , especially the fact that it opens you fully to the lower realms where a lot of "bad people" hang out, afraid of the light or too stubborn and angry to leave.

I don't drink. I've dabbled and found it incredibly hard to shut down from the negative spirits. So, it's not worth it to me.

I also use red garnet (earrings) but not often. I simply wear a hat (no not of tinfoil either) lol
Love the new photo/logo.

I didn't understand that about the alcohol thing, but had heard references to that. When I had that drink last fall and had gone to the store, it was like I had someone in my head that couldn't think at all. (It was a newer experience for me and maybe one I just had to experience) Really didn't like it and was upset as it seemed there was nothing I could do about it at the time. A friend of mine had just suggested that I can't even try it anymore, which is probably the best. I have felt alot of anger when I have been around some people who had been drinking-not out in public-more of a one on one atmosphere. I didn't understand if that was my feeling about them drinking or the fact that they had others around them who were affecting me.

Then there is the whole issue that I had to wrap around in my head that there are those bad/stubborn/fearful people on the other side that I really hadn't considered being so prevelant. I also had a very difficult time closing that energy off at the time. (Kept zipping up and the zipper would leak, lol)

As far as the hat goes...you crack me up...I was envisioning a football helmet on my head recently and yes, I did think of it lined with tinfoil! lol

Moonstone energy has felt great. I also feel like I lost lbs overnight!!!

Have a great day,
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Old 01-26-2012, 09:20 PM   #15

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Thanks, the logo was a gift from someone for giving them a reading Its a bit big, but if I shrink it, you can't read it LOL

I'm happy to hear that you're going to X the spirits (lol alcohol spirits) Why do you think they call them "spirits"?

If your zipper leaks then it's your belief system. You THINK that "this can't possibly work.. the zipper would let things in..." So since you believe it.. it WILL.

Have you tried my white light meditation? Just click the link, put on headphones or turn up your speakers and just visualize it to the sound of my voice. I think it will help you .

http://mediumlauraevans.podomatic.co...12_33_13-08_00 - Click here
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Old 01-26-2012, 09:41 PM   #16

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Hi wholespirit,

I'm sorry for not be more sympathetic, I'd forgotten how disconcerting these energies can be. Last night I was given an encore of what I used to experience, had something to do with you I'm sure.

What I did to remove the discomfort was and is Meditate to raise my own vibration which in turn has made the up grades mother earth is going through easier on my body..

I do Meditate daily and if I miss even one day the discomfort returns,

I hope this helps and once again I am sorry for be dismissive of your plight.
Dear Balance,

I didn't take it personally. I used to be too sensitive and I think I have a handle on that more now.

I need to tell you that you have answered a question that has been rockin' around my head...what are some of the things people do to raise their vibrations? Thank you. It is a very beautiful meditation you do.

I truly believe that when we have our individual experiences, we sometimes get to the point that we think what we have experienced is exactly what others have also. I keep trying to remember as we are each individuals, with personal experiences, that maybe the experiences are similar but that we can't be sure we know exactly what the other person has gone through. I want to be mindful of that and make an effort to do so.

Have a great day and many blessings to you
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Old 01-26-2012, 10:00 PM   #17

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Thanks, the logo was a gift from someone for giving them a reading Its a bit big, but if I shrink it, you can't read it LOL

I'm happy to hear that you're going to X the spirits (lol alcohol spirits) Why do you think they call them "spirits"?

If your zipper leaks then it's your belief system. You THINK that "this can't possibly work.. the zipper would let things in..." So since you believe it.. it WILL.

Have you tried my white light meditation? Just click the link, put on headphones or turn up your speakers and just visualize it to the sound of my voice. I think it will help you .

http://mediumlauraevans.podomatic.co...12_33_13-08_00 - Click here
Thanks, I will try the meditation soon.

Maybe they should put a warning label on the alcohol "spirits". Maybe someone started calling them spirits after they experienced what you or I have!!!!

Really, Laura, I THOUGHT the zipper would work, and then again it was proven to me otherwise. That's where I have gotten frustrated in the past with a strong belief that something would and actually was working and then it didn't. I would do the meditations and grounding, etc, and it seemed to work for others and not me. I really did have choice words for the other side then!!!!!

That's when I was given one of the Psalms to read....like I needed a spiritual lawyer. That something was up and that I needed to go higher up the ladder since the laws were not being enforced. I would state, "I've done this right, and that right, and this shouldn't be happening". I also had spirits around that weren't "following the Law".

Anyway, things have gotten much better since I read the Psalms, but I still need to get the book, I think it's called, "The Power of the Psalms", because through experience I found out that reading all of them from front to back was not the best thing to do at that time.

No need to bring up what happened, just not a good idea for some people to do....lack of complete knowledge thing for me at the time.

Anyway, I began using a "Ziploc" zipper since that seems to work well on the physical plane. That does work better you know, that double zip for the freezer-waterproof lol.

Have a great day...I am!
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Old 01-27-2012, 05:10 AM   #18

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hmm a better book is "Infinite Quest" by John Edward. I'm loving this book! Prayer does work but honestly, I've never had ANY spirit that didn't obey the law unless the person (client) still had "doubts" themselves that the laws were "real".

I believe in the laws and I've always been able to send things away. Not sure why it's not working for you unless there is something you don't recognize deep inside that is still doubting and fearful.
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Old 01-27-2012, 04:12 PM   #19

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Last night I was shown a vision of how the planet received the Solar Flare. A large energetic force of light was ejected from the sun, it hit the protective outer rim bouncing off. But then something beautiful happened a beam of energy filter through the earths protection. This energy entered over a large land mass, So I'd say if you live within that land mass you would have definitely felt the shift.

I think it was over America, I was told this energy will assist with the awakening consciousness.

By the way this is how I receive my information, most often through my dream world. I find this way best for me.
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Old 01-28-2012, 02:20 AM   #20

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Last night I was shown a vision of how the planet received the Solar Flare. A large energetic force of light was ejected from the sun, it hit the protective outer rim bouncing off. But then something beautiful happened a beam of energy filter through the earths protection. This energy entered over a large land mass, So I'd say if you live within that land mass you would have definitely felt the shift.

I think it was over America, I was told this energy will assist with the awakening consciousness.

By the way this is how I receive my information, most often through my dream world. I find this way best for me.
I think it would be great if you could download that for the rest of the world to see. Visions are sometimes so much more beautiful than what can be created by technology.

When you say dream world do you mean only through dreams or visions you receive while you are meditating or know you are awake?

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