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Old 12-28-2011, 05:02 PM   #1

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Default Will this never end?
Guys, I am truly truly sick and tired of having panic attacks and anxiety and sometimes barely contained hysteria. Its been going on for over a year now and I'm 15 and I really want to enjoy life without feeling so drained and light headed and overwhelmed every single day. I want to stop being afraid to sleep so I can stop killing my body and worsening my anxiety with lack of sleep. I am tired of being afraid of eternal annihilation and unconsciousness, I want to know for certain that life goes on after death, either that or be okay and stop fearing eternal sleep and cease of existing. I want to be able to go out at night without being afraid because it's dark, I don't know if I ever willbe rid of these fears and anxiety, and what if I never get over them? I dont know for a certain that spirit guides exist. Just because I believe that ANYTHING is possible doesn't mean that I'll actually believe in them u til i know for a certain they exist. All I know is that im tired and sick of the fear, and I've been seeing a counsellor but seriously, who can cure someone from fear of death? Getting medication to help me sleep is just going to make me fear sleep more since then I'll even lose my control over when I want to sleep. I know techniques that help a bit with the panic, that gets me through them at the end of the day, but it never goes away, I thought it might a few times already but it always came back. I want to live, since I'm so scared of dying, but I'm so scared I've pretty much forgotten how to have a life. I'm wasting it and every day o waste I can't get back. If I think too much ofthe reality of my situation I'll start another real panic attack so I don't want to think about it fully. Merely telling me that it's going to be alright isn't going to be enough. I don't know what I want or need to hear but i know that all I want and need is to bE free from this anxiety.
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Old 12-28-2011, 10:11 PM   #2

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Do not be afraid of death. There is nothing to fear.

Life is a school. We incarnate on earth to learn and to advance the soul.
Death is, quite simply, going home.

It's the cycle of life and it's as natural as the changing of the seasons.
The sun goes down in one place, only to rise again somewhere else; so it is with the human soul. Life is a continuum.

The Art of Dying by Dr Peter Fenwick with Elizabeth Fenwick and Glimpses of Eternity by Dr Raymond Moody are two books that will be of great comfort to you, or anyone else in the same frame of mind as you. Very comforting.

One of the best NDE accounts can be found here
Again, very comforting and reassuring.
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Old 12-29-2011, 05:32 AM   #3

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have you considered talking to a person who specializes in that kind of situation? maybe that can help you.

no offense meant dear, but this has been recurring for you. i cant remember if there was a chance that it went away, all i remember is you having this from the start..
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Old 12-29-2011, 09:04 AM   #4

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Hi, Im sorry you've been experiencing these feelings. I'd like to ask you, has anyone else in your family experienced the same things as you?,or have you had something traumatic happen during your life?

The best and most positive thing you have in your favour is your age. Starting the search so young means you will get over these inflexions, Panic is just fear and you have the power within your mind to control and overcome that fear.

How to do this?

Well, there are many options, the first is affirmations they are positive statements made to yourself and as you've already mentioned you are using that technique to some degree right now. The object for you is to step it up and gain control, which you can do!!! You don't have to live life with all this fear.

You see its your mind controlling your reactions repeating things life, I may die if I leave the house over and over you say a statement to yourself, What if theres nothing else what if this is it, what if? Repeat repeat.

You have a choice, you can continue allowing your mind to control your life, or you can take back control and have your life back. Will it take work, you bet it will, but that work will be filled with joy not pain, power not fear.

Start by telling yourself, I am {your name} Safe and always protected.
Repeat this to yourself 70 times Daily, you need to write the statement as well 10 times, it would look like this.

1 I am ,{Name} always safe and protected
4 And so on

Another good one for you could be,

1 I ,{Name} communicate with ease and joy

You need to commit to the pattern and if you do I know you will feel better.

Another thing is doing connected breathing, it will help you control your body. All you need to do is breath as deeply as you can pulling the air into your lungs and release it softly out your mouth. To start with sit somewhere no one will interrupt, if you can do around 40 breaths this will be a good start.

As for the life after death I can tell you what I know, which is there is no death, not for the soul, of coarse the body dies but thats normal, but your soul and every experience you live through and overcome goes with you, these get added to your collective and boy you'll have some great stories to tell when you return home.

All the best little one, I know you can do it!!!
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Old 12-29-2011, 09:13 AM   #5

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Have you had an in person or over the phone psychic/mediumship reading before. I just had my first over the phone reading (not the paid by the minute type) and it was Amazing!! the things they told me they couldnt get from anywhere else and also they are able to connect to Your energy much better if it's via phone or in person. I'd try that instead of the next coucelling session, just to try and use another angle to help you from and then go bk to the councelling. just a thought xo
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Old 12-29-2011, 09:49 AM   #6

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I recently googled fear of going to sleep & I could not believe all the people suffering with this. It was not long ago when you had posted, but I didn't make back here with links. I really think it would help if you google it & see if you connect with anyone. Maybe someone will have an idea or solution you have not tried yet. I had a lot of fear when I was preteen & early teens. In fact I am still scare of a lot of things, but not nearly as much as I was when I was younger. May you should write to Dr Phil. Have you seen his show? You can google Dr Phil. He offers helps free of charge lots of times. I hope you find someone to talk to that has found some help.
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Old 12-29-2011, 05:12 PM   #7

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Wow thanks for all the responses guys. Yes I've always had this fear since i came onto SB; to be truthful it's what led me jere, so I could find something to comfort me about my fears. Some days the anxiety is better or
even gone, but it's always returned.
For readings, I don't have my own bank account to pay, and I don't feel comfortable asking my parents to pay for something they don't believe in. I don't know of any service that is free.
Maybe I'll try dr. Phil, thanks for the suggestion. But again, who can 'cure' me of fear of something that is inevitable other than myself, at the end of the day?
My fear does prevent me of going out on a more subtle subconscious level, but although I do know that accidents can happen to any of us at any moment, I'm relatively safe from panic attacks from the things that could possibly kill us. It's just the eventual thing that will happen for sure that makes me so scared.
Sorry I couldn't reply these directly To your replies, I'm on my phone and it really is a pain typing all this out :P
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Old 12-29-2011, 11:01 PM   #8

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Greys, so sorry to hear of your suffering... At what age did this come about? I just heard about a natural remedy you might want to try- melatonin. I recently have been using it for my 11 yr old who had difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep. I dont give it to him every nite but it seems to have helped. They sell it in most drug stores or vitamin shops for pretty cheap.....
I will be sending you healing thoughts and positive vibes for peaceful sleep.....
May this just be a brief memory one day!
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Old 12-30-2011, 08:30 AM   #9

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Greys, so sorry to hear of your suffering... At what age did this come about? I just heard about a natural remedy you might want to try- melatonin. I recently have been using it for my 11 yr old who had difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep. I dont give it to him every nite but it seems to have helped. They sell it in most drug stores or vitamin shops for pretty cheap.....
I will be sending you healing thoughts and positive vibes for peaceful sleep.....
May this just be a brief memory one day!
Thanks junkycat, thats something I meant to bring up as well. Vitamin B and Magnesium are great for stress/anxiety. Both assist the nervous system to get you back and maintain a healthy system.

Also Meditation can help
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Old 12-31-2011, 08:51 PM   #10

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Wow thanks for all the responses guys. Yes I've always had this fear since i came onto SB; to be truthful it's what led me jere, so I could find something to comfort me about my fears. Some days the anxiety is better or
even gone, but it's always returned.
For readings, I don't have my own bank account to pay, and I don't feel comfortable asking my parents to pay for something they don't believe in. I don't know of any service that is free.
Maybe I'll try dr. Phil, thanks for the suggestion. But again, who can 'cure' me of fear of something that is inevitable other than myself, at the end of the day?
My fear does prevent me of going out on a more subtle subconscious level, but although I do know that accidents can happen to any of us at any moment, I'm relatively safe from panic attacks from the things that could possibly kill us. It's just the eventual thing that will happen for sure that makes me so scared.
Sorry I couldn't reply these directly To your replies, I'm on my phone and it really is a pain typing all this out :P
Only YOU can cure you of your fear. I think we talked about this before. You have a HUGE fear of failure and loss of control. While it is manifesting as fear of sleep/death. The root of the problem is the first 2. Failure/loss of control.

Go to the library and get self help books. You can heal your life by Louise L Hay.

http://www.amazon.com/Addiction-Grie...5339305&sr=1-4 -Addiction & Grief: Letting Go of Fear, Anger, and Addiction ( I know you don't have addictions to drugs but control IS an addiction)

Love Is Letting Go of Fear by Gerald G. Jampolsky and Hugh Prather


Fearproof Your Life: How to Thrive in a World Addicted to Fear by Joseph Bailey

Goodbye to Guilt: Releasing Fear through Forgiveness by Gerald G. Jampolsky and John Denver

You should be able to find at least ONE of those. Grey, you have to make steps or you will just keep coming back to the same place in yourself, to the same mindset and posting the same questions here. We are all understanding and some of us have gone through it just as you are now. You can do this if you really REALLY want to, but you have to WANT to.
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Old 12-31-2011, 08:53 PM   #11

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Greys, so sorry to hear of your suffering... At what age did this come about? I just heard about a natural remedy you might want to try- melatonin. I recently have been using it for my 11 yr old who had difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep. I dont give it to him every nite but it seems to have helped. They sell it in most drug stores or vitamin shops for pretty cheap.....
I will be sending you healing thoughts and positive vibes for peaceful sleep.....
May this just be a brief memory one day!
She's afraid to sleep. It's not that she can't. She doesn't want to because of her fears.
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Old 01-01-2012, 12:28 AM   #12

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Grey I spoke to a well-known and well-trusted hypnotherapist about your fears.

This is what I wrote : I have a question. I know someone that has a huge fear of sleep (loss of control) fear of death (loss of control), she's young and there are cultural issues (parents don't believe in the metaphysical) Do you have books or anything that you recommend for someone like this?

This is his professional advice. He has PhDs, and several degrees.

Hi Laura, Obviously your friend has many " control" issues that have not been addressed. My guess is that her parents are controlling or perceived as very controlling and your friend doesn't believe she has much Control over her own life. Even if she is older and out of the house this can be a leftover theme from her adolescence. Women like her often tend to develop anorexia since it stems from control issues.
I don't think that any book can properly address this issue. A therapist or insightful friend would be her best bet.
I hope this advice is helpful. Best Regards, Rich
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Old 08-01-2012, 02:31 PM   #13

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I've been recommended melatonin before, and maybe I should try it. It won't hurt. The fears started the summer of 2010, right before my first year of high school.
Harmony, do you remember where you got that reading? Is there a site?
Meditation does help. I admit I haven't committed to it, and I haven't read many spiritual books, but please don't imply that I'm just letting this happen. Theres a reason why I'm still, at the end of the day, okay, and that's because I do help myself. Who wouldn't? I've experienced things during meditation (maybe I should write thesedown) that I can't shrug off, but I'm still not convinced they have anything to do with proof of an afterlife.
PM, I know you keep mentioning it, and I think I always reply that you're right, and a fear of ceasing to exist has a lot to do with a fear of not being able to control my eventual fate, but is that enough to make me dizzy with fear? In the past I've definitely felt trapped at home, that my parents weren't giving me any control, but now that I look back, that's also not true. Theyve always been easy on me, a bit too easy now that I think about it. They never pressured me to do anything, whether in school or for chores or whatnot. Theyve never punished me, even when I've been a most outright unpleasant person to them. Because of them I've never had to fight for anything in my life. The one thing that might indicate how restrictive they are is their, especially my moms, sheer overprotectiveness of me. But we're working our way through it, making small compromises, and now at least I'm mature enough to know that no matter how annoyed and offended I feel, they do mean well in their own way.
Ive had weight issues lately, and that's due to my excessive eating. That does relate a bit to my control issues though, because I guess I'm not fighting to control myself all the time.
Thanks so much for going all the way to help me. I feel like letting my thoughts out for once and talking to a therapist and you guys does help. I wish being able to control my fear would mean it no longer exists, but I don't think that's the case. Even more than not being afraid of death, I want to be okay with it. To accept it. And in order to do that I always hope that I'll one day know for a fact that my spirit guides exist. And I know that to get to that stage I have to work harder and fight for something for once, which I've really never really done.
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Old 08-01-2012, 09:54 PM   #14

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I'm happy to see you are working through it. It's not easy but I feel that the more you put forth, the more you'll get back.

Remember too "control" is a bit different than being told what to do, or being expected to act/be a certain way. Overprotectedness is a form of control. Being expected to succeed in any way. Being told you have great potential.. Etc. These are all ways that people/parents can exhibit control. It's just very subtle.

Rich is a great friend of mine and has written 2 amazing books. He also works with many people who have fears. He's a hypnotherapist. I valued his opinion because honestly, he sees this kind of thing every day.

I wish you all the best. Xo
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