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Old 04-08-2012, 12:03 AM   #1

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Default Clairvoyance versus OBE
Hi, it's been a bit since posting on the site but I,m on a bit of a downer and could do with some of your advice.
Since I joined I posted a few of my OBEs and they really leave you with a buzz and full of excitement at discovering
what really lies out there . You cann't help but feel the adrenalin rush.
Here's the problem--- I decided to join a development group to try to develop any psychic abilities (for my own benefit). I really became very needy in wanting to know my own purpose for being here, what I may be doing wrong that I could change,...etc you get the picture?
Unfortunately, since developing this side of it my OBEs have stopped.
I could only ever have success at the 4-6am slot as I could never relax enough through the day.
I feel such a fraud at the group sessions as I feel I get nothing, but when I tell them that I raise energy early am and see images ie multiple white faces I,m told I should close down immediatly as I,m connecting to the spirit world and there are some not very nice people out there.
Well, isn't that the point of it all!!!!
I've woken up listening to a male and female singing a country and western song, another time a loud bang on the wall, when I thanked them and asked if it could be a bit quieter next time I got a door bell. When I told them that it sounded as if the batteries needed changing I got the sound of a telephone ringing.I've had the first few notes of music I play on my I phone.
Also very vivid dreams where I'm being told near the end of the dream to pick up the telephone and twice I,ve heard a man's voice (different voices each time) speak to me. ( in the dream).
The best of all was a lovely young mans voice speaking very softly but in a foreign language.(a bit like Polish).
I was actually wide awake looking up at the ceiling listening to him.
So why have my OBE,s stopped.?
I know I want to have my cake and eat it but I really miss them.
I woke up once just to feel that heavy sinking feeling as if I had just returned back but felt strongly that there was some kind of lovely energy just above me to the left.I felt very cozy and happy.
This is all lovely but do you think the chance to get out on my own and explore has been taken away from me?
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Old 04-08-2012, 03:40 AM   #2

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Why should it be taken away from you?

Did you have any change of attitudes since you've joined this psychic class? Did they say other things to discourage certain types of psychic development?

What do you want to experience through OBE?
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Old 04-08-2012, 07:49 AM   #3

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Clarvoyance and OBE's share one crucial element in common. They BOTH require raising your vibrations to move or act in the spirit world. Its possible that in working on the clarvoyance element that you are using a great deal of energy and are not left with enough supply to get OB. Try dedicating a week to OBE and a week to connecting to spirit off an on that may help. Also, you are not a fraud by NOT GETTING ANYTHING. Just stay with it. If you WANT it. it will happen.
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Old 04-11-2012, 06:56 PM   #4

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Clarvoyance and OBE's share one crucial element in common. They BOTH require raising your vibrations to move or act in the spirit world. Its possible that in working on the clarvoyance element that you are using a great deal of energy and are not left with enough supply to get OB. Try dedicating a week to OBE and a week to connecting to spirit off an on that may help. Also, you are not a fraud by NOT GETTING ANYTHING. Just stay with it. If you WANT it. it will happen.
Hi. rf396 ,thanks for that. I think your probably right about the energy depletion. Even through the day I,m feeling really tired, and I,m not sleeping well at all.
Get your point about NOT GETTING ANYTHING. I think what I should have said was that I feel that by telling the group about some of my OBE experiences( and they would all love to experience the same), and what I pick up at the moment of waking, I then feel I'm making up any visualisations when we go round class.(a bit like being a fraud)

Korpo, thanks, They encourage closing down at night. But that is my most productive time,and as for what do I hope to achieve from OBEs? Captain Kirk and the Star Ship Enterprise comes to mind. But seriously discovering what is out there can bring excitment into a fairly mundane, routine life.

Did get a bit of a shock this am. Just looking in to the blackness of the eye, just starting to drift away when I,m sure a 1" black figure shaped like a man appeared in the top right hand corner of my vision. It scared me and I felt myself jump and fully woke up.It was as if he just jumped into the scene, but then I may have imagined it and this isn't the proper section for this so I'll finish. Thanks
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Old 04-11-2012, 07:31 PM   #5

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Maybe your tiredness is related to some changes required in your energetic makeup. Such adaptations tend to take a while, and might limit your experiences also for a while. Experiences come and go, for this reason and others. Sometimes it's just the preparation for the next leap in your development.

The group's belief might not be too conducive either. You can protect yourself without shutting down, I'd say. Your attitude of exploration should help things along.

Don't mind the minor scares. Most of the time there's no reason to suspect anything coming from that.
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Old 04-11-2012, 07:49 PM   #6

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rest assured, nothing has been taken away from you.

you said it yourself - you can't relax enough and you feel a rush about your achievements. even your style of writing suggests, that you are always in a hurry, always being on edge about something. my suggestion is that you find a way to calm yourself down before advancing with any kind of practice, be it OBEs or clairvoyance. find some kind of breathing meditation that helps with your anxiousness, and the OBEs will return.

I have to agree, that spirit worlds are indeed full of stuff that isn't nice. the trick is not to be afraid, but simply to be careful. you wouldn't dive in the river head-on if you didn't know how deep it is, the same holds true for almost every practice. one step at a time and you'll be fine

good luck!
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Old 04-15-2012, 04:28 AM   #7

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rest assured, nothing has been taken away from you.

you said it yourself - you can't relax enough and you feel a rush about your achievements. even your style of writing suggests, that you are always in a hurry, always being on edge about something. my suggestion is that you find a way to calm yourself down before advancing with any kind of practice, be it OBEs or clairvoyance. find some kind of breathing meditation that helps with your anxiousness, and the OBEs will return.

I have to agree, that spirit worlds are indeed full of stuff that isn't nice. the trick is not to be afraid, but simply to be careful. you wouldn't dive in the river head-on if you didn't know how deep it is, the same holds true for almost every practice. one step at a time and you'll be fine

good luck!
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Old 04-15-2012, 05:31 AM   #8

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thank you , her crow, I feel you can read me like a book.I am always in a hurry but need so much more than just this physical existence can give.
I have a lovely family with a loving husband but after experiencing OBEs and other dimensions this topic becomes an addiction.
I have experienced the bad elements but it's as if someone just clicks their finger and I wake up.
I know I need PATIENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Old 04-15-2012, 08:43 AM   #9

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Captain Kirk and the Star Ship Enterprise comes to mind

Wow this is the only time I have heard it descibed this way other THAN MYSELF!!! MY biggest desire is simply to return home FULLY for a variety of reasons and when asked WHY I respond IN this fashion. I liken being HERE, to being James T Kirk awaiting a refit. The Enterprise sits in dry dock awaiting its next adventure and yet its Captain is STUCK here on Earth for one mundane reason or another. A true bummer. LOL
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Old 04-16-2012, 05:27 PM   #10

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I have a lovely family with a loving husband but after experiencing OBEs and other dimensions this topic becomes an addiction.
you must always try and remeber to stay with at least one foot on the ground, because your life happens here and now. every lesson you learn here, in the physical reality, is just as priceless as the ones you can learn 'out there'. stay grounded, calm and focused.

best of luck to you!
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Old 04-17-2012, 03:36 AM   #11

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Hi, I made the mistake of going to a friends house for the evening where someone would give us all a card reading.(at a cost which must be expected this was not the issue.)
She told me that I had a lovely energy but that she wanted to tell me to join the gym, ( I'm not overweight by the way)but that even though I was happy through the day with my patients and made them laugh, at night she just wanted to open the window and let me fly free.
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Old 04-17-2012, 03:54 AM   #12

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I made the mistake of going to a friend's house where a psychic would give us all a card reading.
She told me that even though she picked up that I had a (lovely) energy she wanted to tell me to join the gym.(I'm not at all overweight)
She said that through the day I was happy and made the people I was with laugh , but that at night she just wanted to open the window and let me fly free.
OKAY.. so I can go so far with this but when I MADE THE MISTAKE OF TELLING HER THAT I HAVE OBEs her reply was that the mind is very powerful and she feels it could be my imagination!!!!!

WISHFULL THINKING is what she said.
Sorry but if you can recall any OBEs that I've posted none of them have been in desperation and most from raising energy the NEWS way.
I think this is why I seem to be in such a hurry to raise my clairvoyance or clair??? just to fit the jigsaw pieces together

This is why THIS SITE IS SO IMPORTANT for people like me who have OBEs but can not communicate with spirit.
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Old 04-17-2012, 04:42 AM   #13

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Hello, susan.

That sounds like a rather unhelpful psychic. Clairvoyants can be very limited without even noticing themselves, and strongly held convictions can be powerful filters for what comes through, how it comes through and what the psychic will make of it when translating and presenting it to the client.
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Old 04-17-2012, 05:38 AM   #14

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OKAY.. so I can go so far with this but when I MADE THE MISTAKE OF TELLING HER THAT I HAVE OBEs her reply was that the mind is very powerful and she feels it could be my imagination!!!!! Or envy- she may be jealous of your experiences, and possibly may have tried without success.
Communicating with spirit is something that develops with time and practice, and will come eventually.
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Old 04-19-2012, 02:37 AM   #15

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The advantage with astral projection is that the experiences you have are your own, without a clairvoyant or psychic to experience/communicate/pass on messages. IMHO, some clairvoyants and psychics (especially those who charge money) do not like people APing because it does away with the intermediary.

I have a respect for some clairvoyants and psychics, but it is always best to have your own experiences if possible. Well, that's my view, FWIW.
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Old 05-19-2012, 05:40 PM   #16

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I feel that you have found psychics, clairvoyants and a circle that are not as advanced as you are. Perhaps you can gently lead them by confidently sharing your experiences where appropriate or maybe you could start your own development circle with a focus or more broad learning rather than a focused but fear based approach. I see no reason to stop looking in the early post dreamstate consciousness. I suggest you use prophylactic protection and then open those eyes widely.
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Old 05-23-2012, 02:53 AM   #17

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I feel that you have found psychics, clairvoyants and a circle that are not as advanced as you are. Perhaps you can gently lead them by confidently sharing your experiences where appropriate or maybe you could start your own development circle with a focus or more broad learning rather than a focused but fear based approach. I see no reason to stop looking in the early post dreamstate consciousness. I suggest you use prophylactic protection and then open those eyes widely.
Thank you Aunt Clair, Excuse my ignorance but what is prophylactic protection?
ps. using this opportunity to just say 2 days ago 6.30 am looking into black of eye and 2 doves flew past. Thinking this could be imagination (like looking into clouds) I saw the same white dot turning into 2 dots then into doves then flying out of vision. This happened 3 times.
This morning, thought I was still awake (about 7.30) my vision screen showed me a beach with young people playing and just frolicking around . I wanted to turn to my husband and tell him it was just like watching television (not a good idea!!!!!) then the picture moved to the side and the most beautiful white dove flying with its wings flapping (looking at me ) took up the whole of the screen . Mesmorising. Had to share this with you all.
This is all happening since going back to Roberts NEW and concentrating 50% on brow area but still starting with the feet and raising energy.
At the moment I'm on cloud Cuckoo
ps... my vibrations have started again and I'm not tired any more.
Have had 3 miserable OBEs. Just got as far as the roof . (Very loud buzzing each time) but could not go further than the roof. Did you know that if you have insulation in the roof of your house it may look like long needles with round bobbles on the end? Well something in the roof looks like that .Robert's way works the best for me .
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Old 05-23-2012, 09:27 PM   #18

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Prophylactic= preventive
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Old 05-24-2012, 04:30 AM   #19

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In general, I've found that psychics that charge money are best avoided. Not worth the cost.
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Old 06-07-2012, 10:04 PM   #20

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I am wondering how you are going? Have you developed your ability to project at will? And have you tried mystic projection of consciousness in meditative trance?
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