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Old 02-18-2011, 08:24 PM   #1

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Default Another Chapter in and of the Masculine Divine
Time for another chapter in the light fantastic

Of the Masculine Divine…………

(Disclaimer: Due to Corporate Policy, I can neither affirm nor deny
The Presence of Feminine Divinity. Keeps my ass out of a lot of trouble.)

Study Resources for this Chapter:

“..... We don’t get fooled again” ~The Who

“I mean Negative Capability, that is, when a man is capable of being in uncertainties, mysteries, doubts, without any irritable reaching after fact and reason” ~ John Keats

“Well, ****-fire!” ~ wódr̥

Herewith, with much ado about nothing


Wódr̥stein’s Unified Fooled Theory


Sometime a century or two back, there was an Irish Stableboy who worked as stableboys do for rather less than a pittance at a very well-found manor. He curried, and picked hooves, cleaned and polished tack and shoveled a lot of **** for his daily helping of thin gruel and a panikin of watery beer. No complaints, right?

The Head Groom noticed that, lately, the Stableboy seemed to be Off His Feed. He moped and merely picked at his gruel. So, finding an opportunity, the Head Groom enquired as to the underlying reason for the Stableboy’s Mopery. Under the unrelenting gaze of the Head Groom, the Stableboy finally ‘fessed up that he was horribly, hopelessly in love with the beautiful Daughter of the Manor. She, natch, seemed completely unaware of his existence, tho’ each day he led her perfectly curried, hoof-picked, impeccably tacked mare up the gravel drive, and held said mare’s reins in his recently washed Irish paws while she daintily mounted for her Morning Ride.

This admission in the Confessional of The Hay Mow put Head Groom was in a quandary. On the one hand, the boy was by far his Best Stableboy. On the other hand, a Relationship with the Daughter of the Manor was simply out of the question. In a moment of rash compromise, the Head Groom advised the boy:

“Son, first you need to do A Thing to catch her attention. After that, Nature either will or won’t Take Her Course.”

The boy seemed a little cheered at this advice, and departed to shovel more ****.

Some days later, the boy asked the Head Groom for a bucket of Barn Paint, made in the traditional way of hematite, the blood of the ox and milk of the cow. The Head Groom, encouraged by this show of initiative, provided the bucket of paint without question.

The very next morning, the Stableboy (his face washed and his brogans polished with illegally obtained saddle soap from the tack room) led the Daughter of the Manor’s mare up the gravel drive and waited patiently for her to appear.

She did so, and came to a full and astonished stop at the top of the broad stone stairway leading down to the drive.

Giving the Stableboy her complete attention, she asked in a strangled voice

“Whatever have you done to my mare?”

The Stableboy, glorying in the glow of her attention, replied

“I painted it Red. Let’s go f__ck.”

So ends the Prologue.

And begins

The Unified Fooled Theory.

For most of my life, I have kept track of

The flock of thought-vultures perched on

The alleged Corpse of Cognition.

Scientific Vultures

Religious Vultures

Political Vultures

Economic Vultures

Rational Vultures

Irrational Vultures

Feelgood Vultures


Pseudo-Shamanic Vultures.

Quarrelsome beasts, they all flap and curse-squawk

Shove and peck

For best position in the

Corpse-hierarchy of Cognition.

So…. what happens when the

Corpse of Cognition simply

Picks itself up off the ground, commences

A good nose-to-tail shake,

And simply walks off?

A Bunch of Seriously Surprised Vultures,

That’s What.

In our tiny little brains

(How small? I refer you to those

Who attempted to quantify just

How many Angels could reside

On the Head of a Pin.)

We each and individually

Begin and complete billions of

Neural transactions every second.

Using our curious method of measuring time

That’s roughly 31,536,000 (31.536 Million-Billions as

In Billions – Zah) of these hyar transactions

Each “year.”

As it is increasingly obvious that

What we call the “Universe” is fractal in essence

It is no great leap to

“As above, so below”

Or that we contain the whole of all

In our miniscule entity just as, simultaneously,

We are contained by

The magnum entity, the Infinite

Which we contain already.

I can feel the Vultures getting restive…..

Why is the Corpse moving?

It is also no great leap to

The Ex-Stasis that “within”

- which is also, simultaneously, “without” -

Each of us is a

Complete and eidetic synaptic memory

Of these neural transactions

- the whole SheBang -

Past, present and future.

The Vultures now are scattering off

The impossibly standing, moving

Corpse of Cognition..........

(Thus it is neither more nor less than factual

Neither more nor less than fractal

To say to you that I

Was and am the one and the many

Did paint Lascaux, fr. example)

Engaging in the practise of

“The Willing Suspension of Disbelief”

Removes the “Selective” from

The commonly and rigorously enforced norm of

“Selective Synaptic Memory”

Otherwise known as the Thought-Vulture(s)

Sitting on the Corpse of Your/Our Cognition

No matter the suasion they

Might provide to the contrary.

Vultures gone, the

Corpse of Cognition walks free:

Dead as alive, alive as dead.

Look where you will

The Dreamtime

The Oxherding Pictures

The halls of Lascaux

The Green Man

The Tao te ching


The Hawk's Well

The grin of the Cheshire Cat


You’ll find home.

And the Irish Stableboy?

A Mere Nobody I threw in

To pull you in-

Side this thing……………

We all, even Stableboys, wish we were

Numinous Beings,

Despite that we are one.


hoka hey

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Old 02-20-2011, 09:25 AM   #2

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"Ex-cuuuse me?!" exclaimed the sweet maiden, growing quite red herself,
"I like my mare white, as God intended...now go wash her off before Daddy fires your ass."

So it would seem, your story ends how it began.*

The moral?

Have hope, but no expectation.*
Walk softly in unknown territory, it is all unknown territory.

Now, it seems to me, that I heard somewhere or another, about vultures recycling the dead in a mystical circle of life.

Of course, the presence of vultures when you aren't feeling poorly is very annoying, although sometimes there's a funny cartoon featuring one or two of them in Sunday's paper.

The trick is, and it works everytime, is never frighten a vulture.*
Pretending you're dead is just asking for trouble,*
Letting them think they are smarter than you allows you the freedom to ressurect in peace.


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Old 02-20-2011, 06:52 PM   #3

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Ash, it's luverly to see you, but I have to disagree with your prognosis.

The stable boy followed the highly successful strategem of the archetypal 'bad boy'. And you must know that wodr's Denizova Girlzzz love a bad boy, who lived long before the invention of Jane Austen's need for making a good marriage. That's why, even in her novels, romantic heroines always dislike the hero first, as Lizzie Bennett does Mr Darcy. She needs to find him a bad boy in order to get turned on. Why? Because the bad boy overturns the boring old status quo ... they represent revolution and, as we all know, revolution is far more important to evolution than slow and steady as she goes. Without bad boys, none of us would be here!
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Old 02-20-2011, 09:02 PM   #4

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Please join me from another perspective.*
That of hanging upside down from my branch with my head cocked just so;

The true bad boy has no idea he is one, while the revolutionaries act out their Oedipus complex.*
The maiden who finds herself in love with a revolutionary will invariably find herself being his mother.*

The true bad boy, wandering through his life with innocent disregard for the rules, yet keeping his crayon enough between the lines to pass kindergarten, is the stuff of change.*

Ashasane *
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Old 02-20-2011, 09:06 PM   #5

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The true bad boy, wandering through his life with innocent disregard for the rules, yet keeping his crayon enough between the lines to pass kindergarten, is the stuff of change.*

Ashasane *
Ash, I think you've just described the most pivotal guys on this forum. (They know who they are! )

By the way, I can't but help notice that since one of them set foot in the Middle East, it has erupted into a fervour of revolution. Coincidence?
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Old 02-21-2011, 12:04 AM   #6

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Does that make me a 'Bad Girl' then Ish? I set foot in Cairo in November!

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Old 02-21-2011, 12:29 AM   #7

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First, a couple of Cold Mountain poems

From Han Shan

Men ask the way to Cold Mountain
Cold Mountain: there's no through trail.
In summer, ice doesn't melt
The rising sun blurs in swirling fog.
How did I make it?
My heart's not the same as yours.
If your heart was like mine
You'd get it and be right here.
Some critic tried to put me down -
"Your poems lack the Basic Truth of Tao."
And I recall the old timers
Who were poor and didn't care.
I have to laugh at him,
He misses the point entirely,
Men like that
Ought to stick to making money.
And, mesdames, I'll have you know

I had to drop out of high school


And University twice

(Thereupon being immediately disenfranchised

By my family for some years - it was a polite singlepage

Handwritten letter)

In my true path to Higher Learning.

We all make sacrifices for

The Way we love.

I categorically deny being either

A bad boy or

A Shaman.

But - Ashashane - you are right that

Wannabe bad boys ought to, in Han Shan's words

Stick to making money And I was using the word Vulture in the sense

Of a metaphorical pejorative, not the lovely birds they are.

Speaking of the Denisova Gyrllzz, I don't believe anyone here

Has met any of the Denisova Boyyzz


As for the Irish Stableboy, there is a faint bell

Ringing in the woods of that tale

Perceval of the Grail comes to mind...........

He had his chance with the Hag

And blew it, thus

Sealing the fate of

The Fisher King.

hoka hey

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Old 02-21-2011, 03:05 AM   #8

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Cass... it was obviously a cumulatative effect created by the two of you! Just please let me know, in advance, where you're going on holiday this year! We'll obviously have to bear it in mind, in future that no one region of the world can take a visit by two members of the Gate within months of one another, and so co-ordinate our travels accordingly.

Denisova Boyzzz, wodr, reminds me of this article that you posted on the Gate more than a year ago now, and so I went searching for it. Since it was published, Ardi has been outed as "probably not our ancestor" but anyway...that doesn't detract from its general thrust, no pun intended!

All -

[quote:vs0epxyp]According to Owen Lovejoy of Kent State University, it all comes down to food, and sex.

In apes—both modern apes and, presumably, the ancient ancestors of Ardipithecus—males find mates the good old-fashioned apish way: by fighting with other males for access to fertile females. Success, measured in number of offspring, goes to macho males with big sharp canine teeth who try to mate with as many ovulating females as possible. Sex is best done quickly—hence those penis bristles, which accelerate ejaculation—with the advantage to the male with big testicles carrying a heavy load of sperm. Among females, the winners are those who flaunt their fertility with swollen genitals or some other prominent display of ovulation, so those big alpha dudes will take notice and give them a tumble, providing a baby with his big alpha genes.

Let's suppose that some lesser male, with poor little stubby canines, figures out that he can entice a fertile female into mating by bringing her some food. That sometimes happens among living chimpanzees, for instance when a female rewards a male for presenting her with a tasty gift of colombus monkey.

Among Ardipithecus's ancestors, such a strategy could catch on if searching for food required a lot of time and exposure to predators. Males would be far more successful food-providers if they had their hands free to carry home loads of fruits and tubers—which would favor walking on two legs. Females would come to prefer good, steady providers with smaller canines over the big fierce-toothed ones who left as soon as they spot another fertile female. The results, says Lovejoy, are visible in Ardipithecus, which had small canines even in males and walked upright.

Lovejoy's explanation for the origin of bipedalism thus comes down to the monogamous pair bond. Far from being a recent evolutionary innovation, as many people assume, he believes the behavior goes back all the way to near the beginning of our lineage some six million years ago. From here: http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news ... s-sex.html

Just when you thought it couldn't possibly get more amazing!

hoka hey
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Old 02-21-2011, 05:19 AM   #9
Dominick Yo

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When I read a lead post such as this one I read it with my heart.*
When I press "post reply" and start to type, I have no idea about what my heart wishes to say.*
I simply write. Then I press "submit"*

If you think I am wrong, it's okay. I've been wrong so many times, I've lost count.*
My heart, on the other hand, has never once told an untruth. Even when it's a truth I don't necessarily want to hear. Eventually I will realize the importance of that truth.*

Perhaps the initial response should be examined again under this light.*
Perhaps the portion of that post which my heart responded to was very well understood.*
Perhaps you think I'm wrong.*
Oh well.*

Finding the Grail in order to win the girl?
There is only one way to win anyones heart---
Give them yours without condition.*
As above, and as in any fractal the mind can possibly comprehend, this is how it's done.
That's the Grail.
Finding another who accepts it, well that's a whole other story. **

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Old 02-23-2011, 12:56 AM   #10

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Ashashane -

There's no "wrong" here, or "untrue"

Wrong lives within Unwrong lives within and without the

Whole dang shooting match.

(As does truth/untruth, and

All and anything else)

A banjo will get you through

Times of no money,

But money will not get you

Through times of no banjo" It is the blind and mindless imposition of

The fascism of any binary value system

("binary value system, by the way, is one of the finest

Triple oxymorons I know)

Which has led me a life of colouring outside the lines, with

Its attendant lack of superficial couth

And a sense of humor with occasional full-

Bared fangs, and meaning it. So

It is no diminution of you, or

Any other traveler here on the Gate.

A while back Grandfather told me that

It wasn't enough to let go of the banks

Of the raging loving full-flooded River of Life,

And it wasn't enough to

Let this River journey me.

What was enough?

"You must become the water, Wodr."

A simple enough directive but, ahhhhhh

So hard sometimes to unclasp the

Hungry Ghosts - Preta -

Of Fear.

hoka hey

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Old 02-23-2011, 01:10 AM   #11

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So hard sometimes to unclasp the

Hungry Ghosts - Preta -

Of Fear.

hoka hey

The Wise Man also knows when it's time to leave, dear wodr,

And to undertake yet another chapter in and of the Masculine Divine.
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Old 02-23-2011, 09:55 PM   #12

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I'm glad we got that cleared up.

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Old 02-24-2011, 12:01 PM   #13

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By the way, I can't but help notice that since one of them set foot in the Middle East, it has erupted into a fervour of revolution. Coincidence? Coincidence? You must be joking! All kidding aside, wodr. Where shall I send the new munitions?
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Old 02-24-2011, 05:17 PM   #14

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By the way, I can't but help notice that since one of them set foot in the Middle East, it has erupted into a fervour of revolution. Coincidence?
Coincidence? You must be joking! All kidding aside, wodr. Where shall I send the new munitions?

It wasn't quite what I meant, Cogs. I meant that the Field which is All That Is wodr was obviously too much for the existing collective Middle East Field which was nearing tipping point anyway. It only took for wodr to enter that Field, plus Cass to visit Cairo in November, and the whole place erupted!

I would like to take this opportunity to apologise to my good friends and sponsors Zine El Abidine, Hosni and Muammar for disrupting that nice little num....er, I'm sorry, I mean the decades of just, fair and stable rule which they'd established in that region and to assure that in future, Gate members will co-ordinate their travel plans better.
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Old 03-14-2011, 10:59 PM   #15

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I love this place...

I like vultures. I like the two in the Jungle book, which always spring to mind when reading such stories:

Vulture 1: "What do you want to do?"

Vulture 2: "I dunno, what do you want to do?"


Apologies for the Disney reference but it is embedded due to three five year old's obsessions and multiple viewings of the same video 'til the tape was worn out.





All so bloody judgemental.


Now we're talking.




You don't need sight, you need vision Maxi Jazz

Got to go an' make some more money now

(Trainee bad boy)
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Old 03-15-2011, 06:37 AM   #16

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Were they in Jungle Book?

They always seem vaguely Beatleish, and I think Jungle Book preceded the Beatles.

I agree though, very similar routine.
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Old 03-16-2011, 09:11 AM   #17

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I don't know but I've been told, one of the vultures was voiced by Ringo Starr. there's certainly a souser scallywag in there somewhere.

This on judgement made me smile :

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