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#1 |
My daughter is only 13 and had this terrifying dream this morning and she was crying out while sleeping.I woke her up and it took 2 minutes of good shaking to wake her up.She said that there were 2 of them and their faces changed into her oldest brother's face and someone elses and were trying to kill her.One was squeezing her stomach and the other one was strangling her with his hands.She was powerless and said that she couldn't move at all.Any toughts ?She said she'll never go to sleep again.
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#2 |
Hello Niki ,
Please allow me to ease your concerns.The biophysiology of dreaming changes as we age and such is most often cause of concern for many parents dealing children of younger ages.In your case your daughter being right at the cusp of puberty might could have experienced it per se but this warrants no inordinate concern within itself. She was powerless and said that she couldn't move at all This doesnt implicate occult or untoward forces are at hand , its common to experience paralaysis of varied sorts as we rapidly shift from concious to wake state , so please rest assured this wont get on in perpetuity. What you have at hand is simply a bad dream.If you insist on something untoward or worry for her sleeping habits - I have more good news still.If I was to hazard a guess it seems from what you write your daughter might have experienced and episode of Pavor Nocturnus - although typically encountered in early teens they sometimes manifest at start of puberty as the brain accustoms itself to a myriad of hormonal changes. Pavor Nocturnus/Night Terror are a common sleep problem among children. By some estimates, about 15% of younger children have occasional night terrors .Although usually considered to be normal or benign, they are often very scary and distressing to parents who often overreact, especially during a child's first night terror .When you hear how most experts describe night terrors, it is easy to see why parents find them distressing. Children who have night terrors are usually described as 'bolting upright' with their eyes wide open, with a look of fear and panic, and letting out a 'blood curdling scream'. These kids will usually also be sweating, breathing fast and have a rapid heart rate (autonomic signs). And although it will seem like they are awake, during a night terror, children will appear confused, will not be consolable and won't recognize you. Typical night terrors last about 5 to 30 minutes and afterwards, children usually return to a regular sleep. If you are able to wake your child up during a night terror, he is likely to become scared and agitated, mostly because of your own reaction to the night terror, especially if you were shaking or yelling at him to wake up. Instead of trying to wake up a child having a night terror, it is usually better to just make sure he is safe, comfort him if you can, and help him return to sleep once it is over. Given the fact that puberty itself is a process of change many if not all teens out grow sleep disturbances as the body overtime acclimates to its new physiology. |
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#3 |
It may help your daughter to say a prayer together before bed. Perhaps you can guide her through a meditation where light is sent through the house to disperse the shadows and then a shining protective shield is placed around the house.
Ensure that all is well in her life in general and she's not being unduly stressed or bullied. The areas where your child felt oppressed are at her throat and solar plexus. Here is some information that may help and you can further investigate on numerous sites. Consider that information in light of what you know about your daughter and you should be able to intuit what you can do to bring her to a state of equilibrium. |
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#4 |
I thought of this. I don't know if there's anything here for your daughter but I thought it might be something you want to examine:
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#5 |
what ur doughter is experiencing is called a sleep paralysis which is common amongst people with natural obe abilities. It usually happens right before projecting and if ur mind is awake while ur body is asleep, it can be a very scary experience although it is not real at all. This first happened to me when i was 13 years old and ever since i found out that i can turn that into a beautiful obe state, my fears ended. So first of all, when our bodies fall asleep every night, our brain releses chemical that freezes our bodies in order to prevent us from acting out our dreams. Sometimes our mind wakes up during this process and we are actually dreaming with our eyes open. We cant move our bodies and we also are experiencing hallucinations. If your doughter wants to break free of this sensation, all she has to do is try to relax and focus her mind on moving her big toe, imaging and feeling that a wide brush is brushing it back and forth, up and down inside and underneath. I promise that this will break the sleep paralysis. Also the sensation of someone choking her and her stomach being squeezed, its caused by her chakras working overtime to prepare for astral projection. If you dont know what chakras are, you can read about them online. The chakras associated with sleep paralysis and astral projection are solar plexus chakra (located in middle of the abdominal area), the throat chakra (located in our throat), and heart chakra (in heart region). When these energy centers start working, the squeezing and tingling sensation is felt and it can be pretty extreme. Some people even feel like they are being electricuted or that they are having a heart attack or being choked. Again, none of these sensations are going to hurt your doughters body in any way they are just a natural phenomena that happens to all of us with natural obe abilities. I know that for a child these sensations can be hurtful menatlly, so therefore i would advise you to talk to her and explain the process, or if that wont help you can take her to energy worker who will make sure her chakras will lessen their power. You can also read up on astral projection and encourgage her to learn it so she can turn this experience into something beautiful she will enjoy. I hope this helps and I understand how she feels, as i said before i had sleep paralysis since age 13 and nobody believed me so i was left alone with this until later when i actually learned what it meant. Good luck to you I wish u both the best!!
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