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Old 07-17-2011, 11:59 PM   #1

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Default Another Astral Visitor
This one was much more peaceful than the last buggers!

July 13, 2001. (Two days before full, again.)

Went to bed with a dry mouth. Maybe I am catching a cold? Woke abruptly at about 2:30am! I was sweating like a beast and had thrown my blanket off of me. I had a fever. I was hot and kind of lethargic. I did not have the energy to sit up. I just lay there, feeling like crap! Just then, someone came up to me and put there hand on my forehead. I could not make out clearly who it was. I thought it was my mom, but she is 50 miles away. I figured it must have been my wife. Maybe she noticed I wasn’t feeling well, and was trying to take my temp!? I KNEW it was not her, because she was asleep next to me, I could hear her breathing.

Just then I became aware of a full body ‘hum’, indicating loss of muscle tone and paralysis. The room ‘came into view’, as my eyes were closed, and I was looking through my closed eyelids. I did not become overly fearful. I knew that whoever was there, it was not physical. It removed its hand from my forehead and held a small device up to my forehead, not in the middle, but off to the right a bit. It felt like a small rectangle that pressed up to my skin. It moved the device to the left a bit and paused again. My head was turned to the left and the Astral person (?) was out of view, to the right. As soon as I began to move my astral head to the right, the ‘person’ vanished out of sight, completely. I was able to get a quick look at it. It was ‘wispy’ and transparent. It resembled a silhouette or something. There was a large bulbous head and small skinny arms. It disappeared in an instant. I was laying there paralyzed and vibing just a bit. I could feel my fever and I could feel a sore throat coming on. The last thing that I remember was trying very hard not to fall back asleep. But of course I did.

I woke up abruptly and sat up in my bed and looked at the clock. It was 3:30pm. I must have fallen asleep, but I remembered the little ‘doctor’, or whatever came. I wrote it all down in my journal. I went outside to look at the stars for a bit, thinking maybe I would see a UFO or something, but I did not. My fever had broke sometime before I got up. I still felt a bit dizzy.
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Old 07-18-2011, 03:22 AM   #2

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How long have you been sick, Jake? And how high is your fever?
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Old 07-19-2011, 11:28 PM   #3

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I was only sick for a couple of days. It felt like a flu. I have no idea how high the fever was. I felt the familiar sensations that go with paralysis. I was able to move mee astral head a bit. I suppose it could have been a fully self created image based on how I felt. :\ Everything is back to normal now. I guess I do not insist that this was an astral being or ET. That is just how it seemed to me at the time. I have heard it said that it is best to keep an open mind!
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Old 07-20-2011, 01:16 AM   #4

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Delirium is a common and severe neuropsychiatric syndrome with core features of acute onset and fluctuating course, attentional deficits and generalized severe disorganization of behavior. It typically involves other cognitive deficits, changes in arousal (hyperactive, hypoactive, or mixed), perceptual deficits, altered sleep-wake cycle, and psychotic features such as hallucinations and delusions. It is often caused by a disease process outside the brain, such as infection (UTI, pneumonia) or drug effects, particularly anticholinergics or other CNS depressants (benzodiazepines and opioids). Although hallucinations and delusions are sometimes present, these are not required for the diagnosis, and the symptoms of delirium are clinically distinct from those induced by psychosis or hallucinogens (with the exception of deliriants.)

Peripheral Visual Distortion - resulting in perception imbalance most often described as a sensation of precieving bystanders on ones periphery.

Delirium may be caused by physical illness, which can be mild, or any process which interferes with the normal metabolism or function of the brain. For example, electric shock, fever.

Disturbance of consciousness (that is, reduced clarity of awareness of the environment, with reduced ability to focus, sustain, or shift attention)

Change in cognition
(e.g., problem-solving impairment or memory impairment) or a perceptual disturbanceOnset of hours to days, and tendency to fluctuate.
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Old 07-20-2011, 02:34 AM   #5

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I've hallucinated before (when I had dengue fever as a teenager, and later when I had a really bad case of the flu). The difference between those hallucinations and the kind you have when you're in the liminal state (which I would classify as astral visitors) was that when feverish I was completely awake and with my eyes open (physically) and could still feel and hear the hallucination, but had to close my eyes to see them (they didn't go away when I opened them, because I could close them again and it would be where I could hear it) while an astral event is only seen/heard while in the liminal state, and stops as soon as I'm awake enough.
Other than that, the quality of the hallucination (vs. astral event) is better, because it happens when I'm completely awake, FWTW.
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Old 07-27-2011, 03:35 AM   #6

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Last night I had a similar experience. I had gone to bed veeeerrryyyy early. It was very hot and I was tired from working in the yard. (lazy is more like it ) I was awakened by the familiar torso rush and paralysis. I did not attempt an exit at this point. I was going to relax more into the sensations and create a bigger 'window'. My wife came in to the room and walked over to her side of the bed and asked me something. I do not remember what she said. She sat on the bed and looked at me, waiting for a response. I just remember only being able to move vvvveeeeerrrrryyyy slowly, when I moved my head to the right towards her. I was able to move my arm, veeeeeerrrrrrrryyyyyyy slowly with my forefinger pointed up. I was trying to 'shoosh' her. I could not muster a sound from my mouth, as my breathing was fixed and my body was paralyzed. I realized that I might not be moving my physical body due to the fact that I was moving soooooooo slow. I have had this happen to me before a couple of times when I was bi-located. Sometimes when my projected double is out and about, I am able to move (what seems to be) my physical body,,, but only vvveeeeerrrrrryyyyyy slowly. It was like that. But I do not think that I was moving my physical head and arm and finger. I came to several minutes later. I immediately asked Erin what it was that she was asking me, but she had not come into the room at all. So it was not her that was there during my energy body event. (Which means that I 'shooshed' an astral visitor...) doh!

Perhaps my feverish incident was not a hallucination after all...
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Old 07-27-2011, 04:03 AM   #7

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It could have been her astral double, especially if she was thinking about you at the time.
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Old 07-27-2011, 07:28 AM   #8

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It could have been her astral double, especially if she was thinking about you at the time.
Ooh! I like that. Of course. I had not thought about it like that. .. This is why I love this place. I have a tendancy to 'project' my own biases into my interp of my memories. (i think we all do that to a point.) Thanx again. You are like an OBE Jedi
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Old 07-27-2011, 10:14 AM   #9

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Oh, I do that a lot. And thanks for the Jedi thing- hee hee.
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