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Old 06-24-2011, 05:26 AM   #1

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Default Is a dry spell normal?
Hey guys,

I am in a dry spell. I usually have 1 ~ 2 OBEs every week. But recently I decided to get very serious about it and wanted to use my OBEs to contact the deceased relatives and get verifiable info from them. After I made that decision, I only had one short OBE and that is it. I tried everything, nothing happens, I have very good sleep every night. Still wake up at around 4 or 5 AM and still tries to do the techniques I do all the time. But I get nothing. And no, I don't have fears or anything like that.

I wonder if this is normal. Do you guys have dry spells regularly? Am I trying too hard?

Thank you in advance!


Just changed "diseased" to "deceased". Beek.
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Old 06-24-2011, 05:50 AM   #2

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Yes and yes.
First of all, one or two a week? Excellent.

One of the things that I have observed is that when you get to a certain point in your development, a 'dry spell' (or what seems like it) happens- and it usually has to do with readjustment (energetic, psychological or some other term I haven't thought of yet)- in which the experience will change- you will sleep more, and possibly have more lucid or precognitive dreams- this happens and is normal.
Another thing I've observed is that when I would get a mission- one of mine was to try to go to the moon- my OBEs dried up. I never knew what that was all about, but I noticed it does happen to others. So, Idk if maybe this means that your 'mission' needs to be approached differently, but my advice would be to ask your higher self/subconscious/superconscious/whatever you believe in/ to let you know what you're supposed to do next.
BTW, I just forgot about going to the moon, and when I needed to see someone specifically (and couldn't do it by my own will) I ended up asking for help, and got it, in the form of a guide.
Go figure.
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Old 06-24-2011, 06:16 AM   #3

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Thank you very much CFTraveler for your valuable quick response as always!

It seems I do need to forget about the mission for awhile.

BTW, I read Bruce Meon's books and have tried retrievals for a couple of times. That was cool. But I wanted to have verifiable info. That is why I wanted to contact specific people. Well, good luck to myself.
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Old 06-24-2011, 03:28 PM   #4

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But I wanted to have verifiable info.
That appears to be in many cases causing a "dry spell". In my opinion it is not that much the problem of "receiving verifiable info", but the kind of mind set people get into, when they decide to "proof something".
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Old 06-25-2011, 05:30 AM   #5

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That appears to be in many cases causing a "dry spell". In my opinion it is not that much the problem of "receiving verifiable info", but the kind of mind set people get into, when they decide to "proof something".
I dunno, this would explain what happened with baby001's case, but I don't see what this would have to do with going to the moon since you wouldn't be able to verify anything by doing that.

I have never really had a real dry spell, closest it ever got was a couple weeks without any action.
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Old 06-25-2011, 11:07 AM   #6

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I'd never speak for Alienor, and I may be completely offbase here, but the way I'd interpret what she said would be that when you have a specific intention, sometimes it affects what you see- you want to see something verifiable, but 'wanting' something makes you form it, and something you form is the opposite of 'verifiable'. So the two conditions lock each other up, and cause a 'logic crash', so nothing happens.
Or something like that.
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Old 06-26-2011, 10:22 AM   #7

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........as if your perception were stumbeling over your own anticipation.
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Old 06-26-2011, 10:32 AM   #8

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And yes,......... I think many of us have dry spells from time to time. There are times that I wont have a lucid dream for months, let alone a sleep paraylsis. Don't get anxious over it though, because that will only choke you up, just let it flow in its own rhythms.
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Old 07-05-2011, 03:46 AM   #9

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I have many dry spells.
I think they come and go for various lengths of time.
It probably has to do with what's going on in our lives at the time.
Maybe it has to do with growth, spiritually.
I know alcohol will put a damper on projecting.
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Old 07-14-2011, 10:44 PM   #10

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Thanks guys for your replies.

I am still having little or no OBEs/lucid dreams these days (luckily, I just had two or three extremely short OBEs this morning.) I hope one day it will "rush back in as fast as it went out."
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Old 07-14-2011, 11:18 PM   #11

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From reading your other posts I think what you're categorizing as a 'dry spell' is a restructuring of how you project. I think for now, you should concentrate on meditating to deep trance, and then, instead of trying to go somewhere, you stay where you are and observe what is happening around you and then write down whatever happens.
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Old 07-14-2011, 11:39 PM   #12

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I think it is a very good suggestion, I think I agree with you. But I am still very interested in hearing why you think it is a restructuring of how I project. coz I think I am restructuring it, I just don't know why I think like that.

From reading your other posts I think what you're categorizing as a 'dry spell' is a restructuring of how you project. I think for now, you should concentrate on meditating to deep trance, and then, instead of trying to go somewhere, you stay where you are and observe what is happening around you and then write down whatever happens.
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Old 07-15-2011, 05:03 AM   #13

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If you read many authors on OBE, you will find that all of them at one point or another change the way they project- Monroe is the first one I can think of- he went from going through the 'usual' vibrations, 'reaching out' to project, and 'old fashioned' RTZ OBE to directly phasing into the astral. IIRC so did Moen, and many others have gone through some change after they had established a specific method of preference and gotten some experience.
Many of us, at some point or another, find that all of a sudden they are not getting the same symptoms, or when they do exit the 'usual' way they don't end up in their room, or they bilocate, or they have dreams in their room, and they also find that their dreams become either precognitive or significant (in that they experience stuff that is happening somewhere else or in someone else's head) and other 'shared dreaming' type of experience.
As you practice and project and cultivate conscious exploring, you are changing how your mind works, and how your energy body works too, and thus at some point you find that things change, slow down or become dramatic- and this tells me that you are evolving as you practice- so that your experience evolves too.
That's why I suggested you deepen your meditations without the expectation of projecting- it'll develop your clair (voyance, audience, or whatever your natural predisposition is) and then you can decide what to do next.
I just don't know why I think like that. I'm not sure I get what you mean by this.
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Old 07-15-2011, 06:17 AM   #14

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I'm not sure I get what you mean by this.
Sorry that I confused you. I meant that I myself thought I need a change in terms of the way I project. But I cannot find exact reasons that can explain why I need to change, except that I know the old ways don't work any more.

Thank you so much for your explanations, they make sense!
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Old 07-16-2011, 12:35 AM   #15

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Hello, baby001.

I read your original post, and wonder if your intention has something to do with it:

I am in a dry spell. I usually have 1 ~ 2 OBEs every week. But recently I decided to get very serious about it and wanted to use my OBEs to contact the deceased relatives and get verifiable info from them. After I made that decision, I only had one short OBE and that is it Your intentions can prime your consciousness to access the specific energy body needed to have the experience you're looking for. Depending on the information you're looking for or the stage of the afterlife you're trying to access, this could be somewhere in the astral or mental plane.

OBEs occur during trying to learn to use the etheric body (bedroom/RTZ OBEs) or astral body (farther-ranging OBEs and astral projections). A lot of them may actually be simulations for getting full use of the astral body, even though they mostly look like a "regular OBE" on the physical-etheric plane.

To visit the afterlife, you have to tune into the astral and mental planes. The deceased only stay on this plane for a rather short time. The various other areas they pass through are entirely nonphysical. In trying to reach for these higher planes you may have triggered a growth process that is not yet easily or fully recalled (you might even dismiss these experiences as dreams), not experienced as lucidly, evaporate your recall soon after waking and before you could analyse them or even do not get recalled at all.

From your point of view it might seem nothing is happening, or if your experiences have been reduced to next to nothing, when in reality aspects of your being are absorbing relevant lessons every night to honor your intention. It wasn't just any intention either. Usually such an intention to communicate with the deceased can be seen to put the displayed talent to good use, and that's why the intention is honored. People need to know about the afterlife, and there is a need for people that can connect there and come back.

It's a tricky phase to be in, usually, when such a switch occurs. There's frustration and confusion. Everything seemed to run so well. Results seemed more or less reliable. We actually often prefer that to the next step, where there are challenges, some frustration and new learning, especially if we're not knowing what is going on. It was really, really frustrating for me.

I go through these "dry spells" from time to time, and these shifts are necessary, I know they are. But I also know it often conflicts with my expectations and desires. What I do is trust the process now. It has taken me farther every time, even though I had no idea what would come up next each time.

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Old 07-16-2011, 01:19 AM   #16

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Hello, baby001.

I read your original post, and wonder if your intention has something to do with it:

Your intentions can prime your consciousness to access the specific energy body needed to have the experience you're looking for. Depending on the information you're looking for or the stage of the afterlife you're trying to access, this could be somewhere in the astral or mental plane.

OBEs occur during trying to learn to use the etheric body (bedroom/RTZ OBEs) or astral body (farther-ranging OBEs and astral projections). A lot of them may actually be simulations for getting full use of the astral body, even though they mostly look like a "regular OBE" on the physical-etheric plane.

To visit the afterlife, you have to tune into the astral and mental planes. The deceased only stay on this plane for a rather short time. The various other areas they pass through are entirely nonphysical. In trying to reach for these higher planes you may have triggered a growth process that is not yet easily or fully recalled (you might even dismiss these experiences as dreams), not experienced as lucidly, evaporate your recall soon after waking and before you could analyse them or even do not get recalled at all.

From your point of view it might seem nothing is happening, or if your experiences have been reduced to next to nothing, when in reality aspects of your being are absorbing relevant lessons every night to honor your intention. It wasn't just any intention either. Usually such an intention to communicate with the deceased can be seen to put the displayed talent to good use, and that's why the intention is honored. People need to know about the afterlife, and there is a need for people that can connect there and come back.

It's a tricky phase to be in, usually, when such a switch occurs. There's frustration and confusion. Everything seemed to run so well. Results seemed more or less reliable. We actually often prefer that to the next step, where there are challenges, some frustration and new learning, especially if we're not knowing what is going on. It was really, really frustrating for me.

I go through these "dry spells" from time to time, and these shifts are necessary, I know they are. But I also know it often conflicts with my expectations and desires. What I do is trust the process now. It has taken me farther every time, even though I had no idea what would come up next each time.

Just capturing this for posterity, as posterity allows.
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Old 07-17-2011, 12:09 PM   #17

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Wow, your analysis is so interesting. It makes so much sense! It also sort of answered my question in the other post regarding contacting my guide. When I tried to contact my guide(s) for a regular retrieval, they always come. But when I asked them to come with the intention of leading me to a specific deceased person (I only asked to see one person), I got no response and I tried that many times. It really may be due to the person resides in a higher plane that is not reachable by me for now. (BTW, I seldom go to the RTZ when I project, I almost always ended up in some kind of astral plane. Even I wanted to be in the RTZ. That is sometimes frustrating too.)

I really hope I triggered the growth process and soon I will be able to project again.

Hello, baby001.

I read your original post, and wonder if your intention has something to do with it:

Your intentions can prime your consciousness to access the specific energy body needed to have the experience you're looking for. Depending on the information you're looking for or the stage of the afterlife you're trying to access, this could be somewhere in the astral or mental plane.

OBEs occur during trying to learn to use the etheric body (bedroom/RTZ OBEs) or astral body (farther-ranging OBEs and astral projections). A lot of them may actually be simulations for getting full use of the astral body, even though they mostly look like a "regular OBE" on the physical-etheric plane.

To visit the afterlife, you have to tune into the astral and mental planes. The deceased only stay on this plane for a rather short time. The various other areas they pass through are entirely nonphysical. In trying to reach for these higher planes you may have triggered a growth process that is not yet easily or fully recalled (you might even dismiss these experiences as dreams), not experienced as lucidly, evaporate your recall soon after waking and before you could analyse them or even do not get recalled at all.

From your point of view it might seem nothing is happening, or if your experiences have been reduced to next to nothing, when in reality aspects of your being are absorbing relevant lessons every night to honor your intention. It wasn't just any intention either. Usually such an intention to communicate with the deceased can be seen to put the displayed talent to good use, and that's why the intention is honored. People need to know about the afterlife, and there is a need for people that can connect there and come back.

It's a tricky phase to be in, usually, when such a switch occurs. There's frustration and confusion. Everything seemed to run so well. Results seemed more or less reliable. We actually often prefer that to the next step, where there are challenges, some frustration and new learning, especially if we're not knowing what is going on. It was really, really frustrating for me.

I go through these "dry spells" from time to time, and these shifts are necessary, I know they are. But I also know it often conflicts with my expectations and desires. What I do is trust the process now. It has taken me farther every time, even though I had no idea what would come up next each time.

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