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#2 |
omg Saffire do you have EDS!?? I have EDS type III and so does my daughter, if u do you probably know how apparently "rare" it is and in fact how its not rare at all. I know loads of people with it and not all online, quite a few in real life that I have known for years not related to me. ![]() I am very curious if we are some type of genetic evolution, or a hybrid of something, or what. We do seem to have a lot of good qualities except for the fact we are in pain and have so many medical problems! - saffire |
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#3 |
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#4 |
I am also extremely head- and neck-sensitive! It has gotten so bad, the only thing I can wear on my neck is a very loosely tied lightweight scarf. No necklaces, no heavy scarves, no hats, no headbands. Even a hair tie can get on my nerves sometimes! I get migraines frequently but no doctor has been able to explain why. Sometimes I get strange sensations on the surface of my scalp, either tingling or creepy-crawly feelings like there are bugs on my head.
I do have something called Arnold Chiari Malformation - basically my brain is too big for my skull. However I don't think that explains it all. Doctors have said my ACM is not bad enough for surgery. I get cranio-sacral treatments every 3 weeks to keep my skull balanced. There is always a lot of energy coming out of my head which my Reiki class members all commented on. - saffire |
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#5 |
Hi (hey, my first post here!
![]() I can relate to the neck thing. Just today I took a scissors and cut off the turtle neck part of a cotton thingie I wear around the apartment. Drove me nuts. Now my "frock" looks like hell, but I'm comfortable! Ever since I was very young my eyes have been VERY sensitive to the sun. When I was nine years old a bunch of us party kids had to stand out in front of the birthday house (in the noonday sun yet) and smile at the camera. My eyes kept tearing took forever for them to snap the picture. And wouldn't you know, I ruined it for everybody. I shaded my eyes and looked miserable while the other kids smiled brightly, with their eyes open! Also when I was a kid, I was afraid to sleep in the dark because the "frogs" were always around my bed. My parents had to install a blue night light for me. Yep, am thinking that's when the alien visits first began. But lately my neck makes a loud creaking noise whenever I turn my head. Might this be one of the Ascension symptoms or am I just getting a lot older? ![]() SayYes comment from mod Same thing happened to me...made me suspecionate I was getting older...Friends (?) told me, "Billy, you ain't getttin' older --- you ARE old!" |
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#6 |
Howdy, SayYes
![]() I am stunned that you mention frogs!!! You see I have been obsessed with frogs my entire life. Imagine an adorable blue-eyed girl with long blonde hair playing with frogs as if they are her friends. Imagine her putting them in her swimming pool to create a frog village. Imagine her giving them all names and being able to tell them all apart by their coloring and spots. Imagine her neighbors and friends running in terror as she tries to introduce her frog friends. Yep... that was me. So I was always curious if aliens and frogs were connected because my frog facination seems a bit unusual. I have 2 tree frogs as pets and anytime I find a frog in the wild it is like winning the lottery. I get so excited and must spend time "communing" with the frog. Seems like aliens and frogs have some physical similarities (cool smooth skin, large eyes)? Although I have not met an alien in my conscious awareness maybe that is why I love those cool little frogs so much. They seem wise. - saffire |
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#7 |
(Yeah, I hear you, billybob. Older 'n too.
![]() saffire, yes, I think frogs DO look like the little greys with their wide-apart eyeballs. Maybe they're the ones that/who used to visit me. I was never allowed to see them, only feel and hear them. They probably figured I'd be scared sheeeeyetless (and I would have been). Supposedly they're not allowed to hang around us any longer though, only the "good" aliens -- those who will be helping us with Ascension. Frogs are cute, but I've always loved cats. Maybe they too sort of resemble ETs? OR, maybe I merely had a slew of happy lifetimes (we're talking linear here) in Egypt. Back to the neck thing: I think I meant to use the word "crack." This never used to happen until fairly recently -- the past several months or so. Whenever I turn my head to the right I hear this loud crunchy sound. Sheesh, I hope nobody close to me can hear it too. No pain or anything -- have been practicing yoga for decades and do the head/neck exercises daily, so wouldn't you think my neck would be more flexible? Oh well, 'tis only a minor thing really. Just weird, is all. SayYes ![]() |
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#8 |
Well, that is very interesting SayYes! Fascinating!!! What did the aliens sound and feel like?
When I hold a frog and feel its cool somewhat slimy skin I am not repulsed in fact - I feel a very strong sense of affection ![]() I did yoga for a few years, until I tore the meniscus in my left knee and now I'm afraid of further injury. During my yoga meditations I started seeing visions. One of them that I still see is the face of an ET. He or she has the typical large almond-shaped eyes and large head, small mouth, tiny nose and long skinny fingers. I believe he/she has 3 or 4 fingers but it is hard for me to see as the vision comes in very quick "flashes." This ET does not seem scary at all; in fact sometimes it waves at me as if to say hello! I'm not sure what type of ET this is but it appears to be the helpful type. I have the opposite problem as you - my neck is too flexible! That's why I had to give up yoga although I do some of the poses by themselves when I need them. - saffire |
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#9 |
Well, your post is a lot more interesting, saffire! Your visions while meditating, etc. Yep, owls would do it too. Hmmm....and how 'bout bulldogs or whatever the kind with the big bulging eyes?
![]() It's not as though I felt their "slimy" skin or anything, it was more like I was getting a feel (up) from them. Pokings, probings, pressings -- checking this or that (eye socket area), twisting my hands around. Some pretty "sexual" touchings, for sure (which surprised me). A long needle not only in my belly button but also in my rear end. Boy, did I object when they did that! They'd always assure me that I was "working with" them." Yeah, well... I kept a pretty thorough journal when I was in my thirties/forties (when there was the most contact) -- would jot something down after I woke up. This stuff always seemed to happen when I was about to drift off. It didn't dawn on me until years later that these might be ET contacts. I just assumed I was doing a lot of OOB-ing/astral projecting, so that's how I'd refer to them. I could fly off to beautiful sights -- with hands pulling me through the stars -- and seemed to be able to experience clairaudence but, again, they never let me look directly at them. I certainly begged them often enough. Eventually, though, I'd actually look forward to flying off somewhere with them; we came to terms, y'might say. I could always tell when I was "going under" (getting ready to fly out of my body (?). I could rattle on a whole lot more about this, but am sure there are other threads here where this is done. (No, it doesn't happen anymore, am sad to say. I assume they're "done" with me, now. *sniff* As in, "slam, bang, thank you, ma'am." I've always been super sensitive to noise -- for instance, loud TVs, shopping malls and various stores (restaurants, too) where the "music" is waaaaaay too loud. Also, I've no patience or interest in most TV programs anymore. Or novels. Or.... Sheesh, huh? ![]() (It would be a good thing to have a neck TOO flexible, wouldn't it? And If we can place our palms on the floor without bending our knees, it's supposed to mean our arteries are working well, and not clogged up.) SayYes |
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#10 |
Can't help but laugh, this is an amusing thread
![]() I sort of have the opposite reaction to things than many of you others. I have a need for covering my neck and head. I love scarves, especially silk ones, and wear them most of the year. Being in Norway, there are only a few weeks per year when scarves are redundant due to warmth. From mid August untill early June scarves are a necessity for me. I really have a thing about my throat (am working on the throat chakra issues, and am on my way to healing). Most of my youth and young adulthood I got queazy if anyone touched my neck. My husband has more or less healed that for me now, and I enjoy him touching my neck. But I instinctively withdraw from most people (including my kids) who try to touch my throat or neck. I also get these tones in my ears. It varies which ear gets it, but it's mostly the right ear. A few times it has been a bass kind of sound. Mostly the tones are very high pitched, and even with my rather high pitched soprano voice I can't get up to the top tones. Other times I can sing along, wich I often find rather healing and stimulating. It really feels like down-loads, and it feels like I amplify it when I manage to hum along with the note. Or other times, trying to create chords, by finding a note that feels harmonious to the one in the ear. Yeah, I feel rather crazy putting this in writing!! ![]() |
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#11 |
Also, I've no patience or interest in most TV programs anymore. Or novels. Or.... Sheesh, huh? But I wish you could see some of the "slow TV" we have over here. Norway does have some really nice nature. What they do, is they put TV cameras on boats or trains that are driving through some landscape or other, and they send this directly. The boat "Hurtigruta" follows the coast from Bergen and way up north. The trip takes almost a week. They filmed all of it and sent it real time... And the train trip from Oslo to Bergen. Some very impressive nature across the mountains. The trip takes about 6 hours... It sounds really boring. And it is. But the scenery is beautiful, and you get to do other stuff while watching now and then. I'm not sure why it became so popular, though. For some odd reason it was one of the most seen programs on TV when they sent it... Norwegians are strange.... (Note: It must be firmly pointed out that the D.C. Forum moderator's do agree that Norwegians are indeed "strange"...but only in a very good way! OK? love, peace, bBbb) |
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#12 |
(It would be a good thing to have a neck TOO flexible, wouldn't it? And If we can place our palms on the floor without bending our knees, it's supposed to mean our arteries are working well, and not clogged up.) ![]() I'm also sensitive to noises and get the tones in my ears all the time! - saffire |
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#13 |
I find this too. Here all the rage has become "slow TV", wich isn't all that bad, but "normal" TV is so crappy there's only one thing to do - switch off. - saffire |
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#14 |
In my case, sadly no. It causes my vertebrae to shift out of place, then my muscles spasm and I suffer severe pain! Actually it hurts really, really bad! This is from my connective tissue disorder Interesting post, saffire, and nothing in it sounds weird to me! ![]() SayYes |
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#15 |
omg Saffire do you have EDS!?? I have EDS type III and so does my daughter, if u do you probably know how apparently "rare" it is and in fact how its not rare at all. I know loads of people with it and not all online, quite a few in real life that I have known for years not related to me.
I do often wonder if this isnt something to do with some kind of genetic evolutionary changes. All of my joints are very unstable, all of them, ribs, neck the lot and my back has been bad for years but recently its all getting worse. Last week I could barely sit up my back was so bad and it was like multiple snapping sounds everytime I moved it and I hear it and feel it. I was also away for a CT scan last week cause of all the neurological symptoms I have too with my eyes and my hearing I have visual hallucnations and audio ones but not like schizophrenic its not like voices talking to me or seeing people, the visual stuff is interesting now that am used to it expecially the hallucinations but my eyes have always been very light sensitive, have always had afterimages from just glancing past things, the light doesnt even need to be that bright but in the dark my eyes dont seem to adjust to the dark anymore and the audio stuff have had for years but its not like a voice in my head I have tinnitus and sometimes when am falling asleep its like listening to somebody switching through radio channels with the bits of speech in between really fast, its not legible at all and again recently my tinnitus has been bad on and off, ears are very sensitive to atmospheric pressure, allergies and allsorts. I am pretty sure something will come back on my scan, if it doesnt I want it investigated further cause i know all this stuff isnt anything to do with medication or anything. Its like my whole body is on a permenant malfunction but the whole appaerent telepathy thing seems to be getting stronger its kinda weird but not really now!? |
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#16 |
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#17 |
I'm not sure about the scar but I too have acquired the ear movement thing, as if focusing on the sound, and this has been something that has occured here in the past few years I've not always done it. As for the neck thing I can wear necklaces but I can't hardly stand ties or even having a button up shirt buttoned to my neck bugs the crap out of me, feel like I can't breath. I don't have the following problem but have you noticed fewer and fewer young men have the ability to grow full beards? Seems like every male I meet under 25 or so can't grow much in the way of facial hair.
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#18 |
When I was a child,maybe about 6 or7, I remember hearing tones in my ears and seeing a weird swirling light in my3rd eye. I also remember being out of my body one night and looking down at myself. This frightened me to the point in which I shut all of this down...there was no one for me to ask about it because I was raised in a strict catholic household, it was also the early 60's. I was also afraid of flying saucers, I thought I heard them flying around...I would cry for my mother to come into my room because of that...I'm pretty sure my parents thought I was nuts. Oh...I also was aware of ghosts, even though I never saw them, I would have dreams about them.
It turns out that several years later when I was about 11 or 12, my mother (a stoic New Englander), had a close encounter with a UFO hovering a few feet over the house across the street. She didn't tell us until we had all moved out of the house, as she was newly divorced and didn't want authorities to take her children away...the strange thing about it is that she felt nothing but peacefully does anyone feel peacefully calm when they are a stones toss away, looking up at a UFO, with rotating colored lights? This still has me perplexed! OK, getting back to the tones in my ears....I still hear them..certain sounds influence them more than others...sometimes both ears...sometimes high and sometimes low...and sometimes the tone is seriously deep...this is when I just take a moment and download whatever is being downloaded. I see "sparks" of white light, sometimes blue light, mostly when I am reading something of Truth...also when I am thinking something of Truth, or something profound. There has been a lot of trauma to my neck...I am concerned by this. I do not like anything around my neck either. In winter, I will wear turtle necks sweaters, but only if they are very loose. Oh, and my future son-in-law...has sparse facial hair..and he is Sicilian and Arabic! Interesting! |
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#19 |
I don't have a problem with things in the neck area, but rather the top of my head. I have never been able to wear hats, I get terrible headaches when I do. I have wondered if covering my crown chakra has something to do with the headaches. Living in New Hampshire all my life has been interesting, I hurry back into the car or house just so I can take the hat off. Obviously, I'm not a cold weather person! |
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#20 |
Yes!! I'm the same with hats, I can't wear them for too long even if they are relatively loose, I get headaches... Glad you brought this one up. Would be interesting to see if there are more who feel this. |
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