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#1 |
I saw something unexplained when I was a little kid. My family had driven to our church which was in the middle of the country by a big corn field. It was during the week so no one was around but us. As we neared the building I saw a silvery shiny round ball in the sky above the corn field. I only saw it for a second or two. As soon as I saw it, it mysteriously disappeared! I started yelling to the rest of the family what I'd seen, but no one else had noticed and my parents told me "Oh it was probably just a weather balloon!" They were very dismissive but I coudn't understand how a balloon could disappear that quickly. While my parents went into the church to do whatever they went there to do, my brother, sister and I combed the field looking for the balloon for a long time but never found anything. I always had a burning desire to figure out what it was I saw.
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#2 |
Shootin' this out to you Joli. I have often seen the flashes of which you speak. So often I call them "Blinky." At times they have even seemed to blink as an answer to some mental question I have, or as confirmation to my internal dialogue of the moment. They definitely don't seem to be satellites, as bright and as quickly as they flash. And baffled awe seems about the best I can do at describing them either. Also an interesting description on your part of just how quickly the left brain rationality tries to find ways to deny the right brain and the intuition that comes with these events. I've experienced that myself. Very much like the old cartoons where someone has a devil on one shoulder and an angel on the other, each whispering their truth into one ear. Let the ego have its say, but don't lose the intuitive, experiential side.
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#3 |
Thanks for the responses. I told my youngest [adult] son about the phenomenon I saw. He said it sounded like how a fireworks explosion with smoke puffs around a center larger puff would look like in the daytime. And it did look that way, except it floated away intact and got smaller in perspective and disappeared as I watched it. It didn't dissipate in place or fall as a firework explosion would. I know I didn't hear any explosion. I will certainly borrow some binoculars and keep them handy this summer whilst out on the deck, and a a camera for sure.
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#4 |
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#5 |
About two weeks ago I saw an object or objects in the daytime sky near my home. I can't get it out of my mind. I keep thinking of how I could clearly describe it. It was about 4 PM on April 15th [Tax Day] and I was out on our deck. I was bending over working in my flower boxes and pots when out of the corner of my eye I thought I detected a flock of birds. So I looked south and saw a round object or perhaps formation of objects that was moving as a unit towards the south. It was fairly close, probably about a block away, but higher in the sky as I looked at it over the brick elementary school behind our house. but I couldn't see anything recognizable about it. There were grey storm clouds in the sky so the parts of the object I could see looked dark gray [not colorful]. I saw no lights on it. There were specks which I first thought were a flock of birds, but birds don't fly in a ball-shaped formation. The specks were rather angular [not round themselves], but not flapping like birds. I could see they clouds beyond the specks so if they were contained in some sort of orb, it was clear like glass. In the center of the circle of specks was a larger cluster of some something...same color as the specks around it. It looked like a cluster of the specks. The whole thing [specks & cluster] moved slowly higher and further away and stayed in it's rigid round formation the whole time I watched it. It was moving slowly away so, I ran in the house and called my husband who was upstairs to come down and see this "thing". He came right down, but didn't have his glasses on so all he could see was the cluster, but not the specks. By the time he got back with his glasses and looked, the object had moved far enough away that I could only see the the cluster and then it disappeared into the clouds or was too far away to see any more. Has anyone ever seen anything like this in the daytime? Location: North of Denver, Colorado
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#6 |
Not to long ago, maybe three weeks or so, come to think of it probably in the same time period, I saw something unusual.
There was a speck moving below the clouds, just one little dot, I pointed it out to my GF but she didn't have her glasses and couldn't see it. The odd thing was it moved across 2/3 of the sky in a strait line, no course change unlike a bird. It was only a small dot, not very noticable at a glance. If I had to guess a size, estimating the altitude and comparing it to airoplains I would say it was no bigger than a small car. It was traveling from about due East to due West over the skys of Boise ID. |
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#7 |
I have seen something I cant explain I know that much, but not your typical flying saucer sighting
Camping with my partner during Easter (we are from Melbourne AUS but were in NSW at the time) we noticed a star that seemed to get brighter and brighter in the sky! this was during sunset and went on for about 30 minutes and we were not the only ones that were watching it as we were at a festival call Confest. We watched it and it stayed stationary, growing and diminishing the intensity of light constantly and it was not in our atmosphere as far as I could tell. After about 10 minutes or so it would fade to nothing then appear again just under where it was previously and would grown in light intensity again and kept doing this until finally we lost it under the treeline and horizon. Later on at the big bonfire meet up I quite literally just screamed out "DID ANYONE ELSE NOT SEE THAT ****ING UFO BEFORE?!!??!" I had to know that we were not the only ones and we were not, straight away I got to chatting to a couple of guys that also saw it and after about 10 minutes of talking about it and others hearing our conversation I was talking to about 10-15 people about whatever that was that we all saw. One of the guys said he could hear it, some kind of sound being emitted from it but I didn't experience that and have no idea how he could have. It has greatly excited me and my partner and we have both witnessed this phenomena a couple of times since then also! I'd just like to know what it was cause stars and planets don't do that, nor do satellites as far as I'm aware. Anyway I have played the game of deduction to get some answers and still nothing. It was as if the Light (whatever it was) was watching us all at the festival, I think it's kind of a nice feeling ![]() |
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#8 |
I have seen 2 different types of UFO's, one was when I was a teen and my mother and i both witnesses a gigantic triangle float overhead, without any sound at all... I noticed it floating a few miles away probably a half mile above our town (Orangevale, CA) just over the river with a bright spot light shining down. When my mom came out and looked into the same direction as I had been, the light immediately went out and this blackness (no indicator lights) starts slowly moving towards us. it floated directly over us as it passed. No sound no other lights after the beam went away. My mother said "get in the house" and she never spoke of it again.
The second time was recently, I was in a parking lot waiting for my girlfriend to pick me up, she pulled into the lot and I walked to her car. She got out greeting me, and as she did a flash of light had streaked through the sky just over our heads, we both noticed it even though it was within a single second of time. It was brighter than the street lights that bathed the lot in light and this tiny focused light zigzagged almost like a butterfly would bounce back n forth through the air. But this was no bug, it was definitely higher than the street lights bright than them too. It moved way to fast to notice a shape of the craft but I’m guessing it was pure light. |
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#9 |
About 10 years ago I was driving home at night and I saw some lights in the sky. I live by Wright Patterson Air Force Base so I figured it was a plane. I noticed the lights weren't moving fast enough so I figured it was a helicopter. But it was pretty low and there was no noise. So I slowed down to get a closer look and it was a classic flying saucer. It was disc shaped with a small half globe rising from the top in the middle. It had what looked like square blue windows at the base of the top part. I sped off before I could be abducted though, I think I did anyways
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#10 |
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#11 |
I live near Fort Indiantown Gap military base. I've never seen anything in broad daylight though my mom said she saw a ship while crossing a nearby highway bridge over ten years ago. The way she described it was like the ship from "Flight of the Navigator". In my own experience, I just notice a lot of what looks like stars where I live at night, except that they flicker with red and blue lights occasionally. A lot of times these "stars" don't move across the horizon at night as time passes either. They do move straight up and down at times. A lot of times one is coming up as one is coming down. Since there is good bit of plane traffic here, at first glance it looks like a plane passing at very high altitude, but they don't cross the sky quickly enough so you can tell they're moving vertically instead of horizontally. They just get to a position and sit there stationary so they could be antigravity drones as opposed to what we might think of as UFOs.
Once when coming in town I could see a line of these specks of light going from the military base about 15 miles away to the local airport which is also close to Three Mile Island. That memory is a little fuzzy but I think there were maybe 5 of them equally spaced across the entire distance. From my position they were pretty much straight in front of my from left to right, but about 10 miles ahead and probably a mile or so in the sky. That was last year sometime that I saw that. A few months ago, again at night, I just happened to look out of my window to see a bunch of lights in the shape of maybe a boomerang heading away from the direction of the military base and only maybe a few hundred feet in the air. Something about what I saw makes me think it was one huge craft as opposed to several craft in tight formation. If I had to guess I'd say it was wider than a football field, maybe one and a half at least. I expected to hear a jet engine if I heard anything at all from this thing, but it sounded like a blimp going by. You know how they're not really loud like a prop engine plane, but you can tell there's a propeller on it somewhere anyway? That's what it sounded like. It could be that it used higher technology, but had sound devices on it to make it seem to be using prop engines. I dunno. I assume the thing would look not quite like a stealth bomber, but more like the plane from Raiders of the Lost Arc where the huge bald guy got cut up by the propeller. Except way, way bigger. I Think it started to bank left before going out of view and that's why I believe it was just one huge craft. You could tell by the lights underneath that it was all one piece that was banking. That's all I have! I believe in life on other planets, but I believe what I witnessed was probably man made. |
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#12 |
The last time I scene one close is during the Hale Bob exiting our of Earth. I was working night shift for Daily News prepress production in Secaucus, NJ. That office was right under the direct landing path for Teternoro Airport. One midnight, a collegue and I brought out the garbage before leaving home. The temperature was extremely cold. The wind was around 20knots from West to East. I can hear planes landing at Teterboro airport constantly throttling up and down. Also saw a few doing crosswind landings. While I looked up and watch the planes 3 really faint round objects appeared flying in a "V" formation. Flying perfectly smooth, with no sound, slowly northbound changing to "A" formation. When the center object moved forward the side one's spread out then moved back in. Right after the objects moved out of view a single engine plane flew by doing a crosswind landing. I though it might crash because the wings dipped side to side very violently. My colleague, a good Christian man denied what he saw when I told my boss.
So if these are man made object they must be higher in altitude to avoid any surface crosswind. The size is in comparison to holding a frisbee 2 feet away. Their reflection is so faint that I would guess they are at least 10,000 feet in altitude. My conclusion is each object diameter is at least 4000ft across or more. Then the speed they were traveling is astronomical. I studied planes since I was four. Inspired by my uncle, who passed away last year, was one of the last surviving pilot of the "Black Cat" squadren. A part of Taiwanese airforce flew the U2 for CIA and Pentagon. So I know about aircraft quite a bit. The objects i saw that night are not planes. May peace, love and prosperity be with you my fellow friends. |
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#13 |
Okay, I'll bark to this thread. One night some years back I was out in my yard and spotted a satellite flying by. Just a spot of light drifting through the sky like all the other satellites I've seen. That was until it reversed direction with no change of speed, and then performed a spiral maneuver and came to a stop. Most interesting is that after it stopped it maintained the same position relative to the stars for the rest of the night. That is it moved with the stars, as if it were a star. This was my first ever sighting. My best ever sighting was mid-day in a totally blue and cloudless sky. My wife and I were gardening in the back yard and I paused to arch and stretch my back. Doing so I was looking straight above us and there I saw a silvery disc. No way to gauge distance or size, but with arm extended and fingers together I would say my fingers would have been just under a quarter-inch apart to "squeeze" the object. I told my wife to keep an eye on it while I went to get my camera. And the tri-pod, which turned out to be a bad idea as far as actually getting a picture. While messing around trying to set up the camera and glancing up at the object too I noticed that it seemed to shimmer at times, seeming to expand slightly and become less solid, almost like a silver cloud. Then it would become solid again. Frantically I tried to get camera, tri-pod and all set up when my wife said "Better hurry, I think its going." I looked up in time to see it shimmer, expand slightly, become almost gas-like, and then it just disappeared. It never moved the whole time, just stayed there directly above our heads until it disappeared in a totally clear sky. So there's a couple for ya. I've had many other sightings, but these two stand out for both exhibited characteristics which seem to defy the laws of physics. Probably because our science is still very primitive, no matter any of our egoic exultations at being the pinnacle of evolution!
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#14 |
Nada. I have never once seen an Extraterrestrialic Space Shuttle, nor anything like ETs as Individual Entities. However, I /HAVE/ always Questioned something About ETs and Their Arrivals to the Earth Matter Plane. Perhaps They Live in Another Dimension Parallel to Ours. We haven't quite reached the Level of Dimensionality They have (Perhaps... they are of Higher Density than Us?).
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#15 |
Hi everyone, greetings from Sweden.
I can't remember ever seeing anything 'totally' wierd in the nightsky, so I really can't intellectualize what I saw last night - and my mind is about to implode. I was watching the stars, I observed a few satellites when, suddenly, an object flashed a white light twice. They were not beams and whatever it was, it was clearly in orbit as it was not blocking the stars around it. The white flashes of light lasted about a second each, felt/seemed like slowmotion. Wierd. And it felt wierd. Like a linear time-pause. Complete silence. I'm very much aware that my observation is more than modest in comparison to what I've learned about other individuals' experiences with UFO's. For myself, well, at this moment I'm just perplexed. I know my starformations and my knowledge of satellites is updated and good and I've never seen a satellite behave like that. My intuition seems to be very blunt about alot of things right now, I'm experiencing countless situations, every day, where synchronicity 'Is' absolut. I'm onboard, I'm awake, but/and my ego is flirting with the idea of freaking out. And before my ego comes running with censorship-post-its', I wan't to say this, when those lights flashed, it immediately 'felt' soothing and comforting. Rather than hearing, I 'felt' a question, or perhaps it was more like a reassurance. I interpreted it as "You know all is well, don't you. You are home, you are not alone." (Rhetorical as well...) And I spontaniously answered it with a verbal 'yes'. It's hard to describe how I 'heard' this, but I heard it clearly. Don't know what the hell happened. A few minutes after this event, my ego had already blocked this experience from my conscious mind, obviously this scared the **** out of the ego. I went to bed without even thinking about it, haha.. Today, I'm fifty percent in awe, and the other half in a totally baffled place. What are Your thoughts? Kindly, Joli |
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#16 |
Yes I've seen and exchanged mental communication with a grey. He was very cute and happy. He appeared just as if he was standing right in front of me, no more than inches from my face. I had been wondering about them, what they were about, if real and friendly etc..but just sort of casually wondering, nothing intense. Then, one day while in deep meditation this grey just popped up in front of me. He mentally communicated to me he was there to say hi and show himself to me and did I have any questions. I was so thrilled and happy and thanked him for showing himself to me. He just said (mentally) I'm a friend, here to help and I asked if I could touch him to which he 'replied' yes, of course. I touched his face and head all over very gently and was mesmerized by his eyes, which were very dark and looked like pools of black gel. Towards the end of our visit I wanted to touch them out of curiousity and he OK'd that. As I touched his eye it was like a liquid and indeed gel-like and after a few moments he went away and I got the feeling he said, 'Ok, that's enough'. |
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#17 |
Tuesday, July 3rd this year in southern France. We had just put the kids to bed, we came out on the terrace at about 20 past ten. We were five adults present, four of which have university degrees in various natural sciences.
The evening was absolutely wonderful, not a breeze, the stars were out and the full moon was climbing the horizon. This was in Provence. For those of you familiar with the landscape, you know that it consists of hills/small mountains and valleys. This particular village was at the foot of a hill. The terrace was facing south/south-west, with a good view over a river. For some odd reason we were discussing things that frightened us when we were children, and a lady mentioned she had been terrified of UFOs after a friend had told spooky stories about them when she was about 8 or so. So none of us believed it when she suddenly pointed up at the sky and said "Look, a UFO!" But we turned around, and actually saw a rather large-ish ball of orange light coming from over the hill on our immediate right (west). We can't say for sure the size of this thing, since there was no sound to assist us in judging the distance. And since we don't know the distance, we can't know the size of it. It moved very quickly (less than 15 seconds) across about two thirds of the sky, before it sort of stopped and hovered towards our left (east). Then it made some moves round and about (at this point in time my husband managed to flick out his mobile and start filming). It wandered sort of aimlessly about the sky for a while (about half a minute or so), before it took off and disapperead into space... The strangest thing about this is to be in the company of four other adults, intelligent and educated people, and no one was able to explain what we had just seen. That is a very bizarre feeling... It's like my youngest daughter of 3 years who points to things with a very puzzled look on her face saying "what's that?" In her case, us adults will normally explain to her about the thing in question. In our case, we had no idea whatsoever as to what we were witnessing. It's one of the strangest feelings I've had in my adult life... It made me feel like a little girl again and I sort of wanted to ask my dad what this was (he seems to be able to answer any question I ever had). But he wasn't there and when I told him, he couldn't explain it either... Very strange. And kind of cool :-) |
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#18 |
I believe buried somewhere way back in this thread is my account of a UFO encounter, but since it has been a couple of years ago, I'll restate, briefly my experience.
Sitting in my living room my Mom and I were watching tv. Our living room was surrounded on 3 sides by very tall, floor to ceiling windows solid all the way around. I first saw this huge, about 50' around, very solid, very intensly white bright orb and then watched it go all around outside my living rm windows, maybe 150' very, very close. I watched it until it just 'blinked out' above my barn which was about 150' from my house, that's how I know it was that close. The whole thing lasted about 30 seconds, a slow cruise around the house. I was just speechless for a couple of seconds, then asked my Mom if she saw 'that' and she said she did. I first asked her what she saw and she described perfectly exactly what I there you go.......2 eye witnesses to the same thing........huge, up close and very vivid and bright. Quite a thrilling experience.......I think of it often. |
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#19 |
Well Vanya, just ask for it and have no fear, just wonder and loving feelings, and I bet you too will have an encounter of some type.
This happened to me just a month or two after I discovered David, which was 6 yrs ago, and also deeply getting into 'the law of one' books and also meditating. I said often, silently and out loud, 'I want to know the truth...bring it on' and within days I found David on the Net and of course he recommended the LOO books and studying them so I did. I also have taken a UFO ride with a 'friend'...if you know what I mean...but that's a whole other story. So being open, living in love and asking....what 'they' say is putting out the 'call' is all it takes. Hang on to your knickers....exciting things are happening all around us and more of us will become aware and remember them too. |
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#20 |
I believe buried somewhere way back in this thread is my account of a UFO encounter, but since it has been a couple of years ago, I'll restate, briefly my experience. What a cool story :-) |
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