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Old 10-12-2008, 05:25 AM   #1

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Default Are ghosts from another density?
hey everyone.
i'm watching project camelot videos and i suddenly thought.

ghosts or spirits, are they from 4th density?
4 density are those light bodies i heard of somewhere?
could they actually travel within our density and there might be some *holes* where they can get inside our density for a while.

there are some places where we can really feel someone, not only it's energy, but someone. i do often feel a presence in my room at night, but it is not a bad one. i do not know if he is an et trying to speak with me, or a spirit willing to protect me: maybe grandfather or someone i don't know.

i'm just curious, though we cannot be 100% of anything since we didn't lived it. but what do you think about ghosts? are they lost souls in 3rd density or are they *travellers* from the 4th density?
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Old 11-11-2008, 09:47 PM   #2

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my humble opinion:

i feel that ghosts and spirits are 2 different things.

spirits are of the astral plane. like, when you get a visit from your dear old late grandmother and she tells you she's ok and she loves you. thats a spirit. or if you believe in guides or angels or what have you, then those beings would be on the astral planes.

ghosts are stuck here in their etherical bodies, almost like in between planes. they dont vibrate at the same frequency as a spirit does (but they can), hence why for most its easier to have ghost encounter than a spirit one. they also dont vibrate at our exact frequency, but closer to where we are than to the astral plane. thats why when you see a ghost in a form that looks like a person, you can pretty much see through it. its vibrating differently.

its like they are stuck in the middle i would say. for whatever reason. i guess maybe a real ghsot cant accept it all and/or feels compelled to stay. after its physical bodies keeled over, its soul is still meandering around, not heading to the astral level. if it decides to head to the astral plane, that is where it will meet with the other so called "dead" of our realm and live in its etherical body in a different frequency. and since the astral plane would be where we alledgedly plan our incarnations for whichever density it is a part of, then they might start planning another incarnation once they make it there. but until they do, they continue to display the form that they were in physically when they "lived" here....or they "haunt" their old home or stay with certain objects, etc etc.

...i dont claim to know all of this per se, but my studies of the paranormal and ghosts led me to my spirituality, so ive done some reading....i think it makes perfectly good sense anyway....

hope i helped...a little?.....maybe?.....
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Old 11-11-2008, 11:43 PM   #3

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i think everyone has a soul – whether they be living, dead, spirit, ghost, guide, alien or animal.

i think it’s more a matter of which realm and state we exist in – whether that be density, astral plane, frequency, dreams, heaven/hell, limbo or what have you.

i think we all have varying abilities to view, recognize, tune into, or travel between them though.

i think a spiritual poster or guidebook would be helpful, don’t you? let me know if you come across/make one because i would love to see this visually mapped out!
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Old 11-11-2008, 11:53 PM   #4

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i think everyone has a soul – whether they be living, dead, spirit, ghost, guide, alien or animal
of course! i agree 150%

thats the beauty of creation. we all have a consciousness because we are all the same living thing. souls have amazing abilities dont they! always moving around and they can go wherever they so choose.

which is why i am hypothesizing that a ghost (spirit of a "dead person") can meander around in between our plane and the astral one. that, in my opinion, is where they are residing.

love and light!!!
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Old 11-11-2008, 11:58 PM   #5

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are they lost souls in 3rd density or are they *travellers* from the 4th density? what kassandra said plus this:

i believe that spirit can exist in any density

spirit is what we are, and density refers to the level of consciousness
that the spirit has achieved.

1rst density : rocks. conscious but not yet self aware.

2nd density : plants, animals, trees. higher consciousness, can
become self-aware.

3rd density: humans-self aware existing either in physical form or spirit. ghost is just another term for a spirit and can refer to spirits that haunt a place or linger for some reason.

4th density: according to dw, this is the density that humanity is
heading for 2012. some are saying wanderers have to ascend through
the process that exists for the planet. others, like scott mandelker, are saying that we get to go home to whatever density we are from when our physical bodies die. personally, i hope to get a choice whether i want to stay and continue helping or return to 6th(?) density.

hope that helps makes sense of things for you or at least puts
them firmly crooked? :d
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Old 11-12-2008, 01:03 AM   #6

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i am in agreement with you fiish, in your summary.

i can see ghosts hanging around that have unfinished business but the other ones that just seem to linger i have not quite figured out. did they like it here so much they don't want to leave or did their "escape capsule" not operate correctly?

are they stuck in limbo for ever or are they free to go as they please.

if the other side is as beautiful as dannion brinkley describes it why would you want to stay here?

can they ascend in the 2012 process to the 4th dimension?

once again i have more questions than answers!
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Old 11-12-2008, 01:57 AM   #7

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there are some places where we can really feel someone, not only it's energy, but someone. i do often feel a presence in my room at night, but it is not a bad one. i do not know if he is an et trying to speak with me, or a spirit willing to protect me: maybe grandfather or someone i don't know.
hi djonne,

if you feel the presence of another person, it may not actually be a ghost. ghosts are kind of like animated thoughtforms that are caught in this dimension. kind of like a broken record that just keeps repeating. they usually lack the entire depth of the entity from which they came.

you could be feeling the spirit of somebody who is deceased, but who is not a ghost.

you could always be feeling the spirit of somebody who is not in body, or who is sourced in another dimension. you may or may not perceive such a consciousness to be "et".

you could also be feeling the presents of spirit guides, or angels from the inner place.

it could be your own higher self.

or it could be somebody who is incarnate right here right now on earth whom you have a strong emotional connection with.

your best bet is probably to consciously engage the energy and ask it to reveal its identity to you. then just be still and pay close attention to words or pictures that appear in your mind, as well as any emotions you feel in your body.

hope that helps!
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Old 11-12-2008, 03:10 AM   #8

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did they like it here so much they don't want to leave or did their "escape capsule" not operate correctly? in some cases, these spirits have attachments to people and/or things
that they have trouble letting go of. obesessions and addictions are examples. sometimes, spirits are in denial that their physical body has died and think they are still alive in a physical body. in this situation, they experience only what they want to.

are they stuck in limbo for ever or are they free to go as they please. these things are temporary. ideally, once a soul has acknowledged
the death of the physical and released any attachments, they experience a life review and decide for themselves what they wish to do next. sometimes, those who have passed come back and visit from time to time.

if the other side is as beautiful as dannion brinkley describes it why would you want to stay here? many people have no concept of living on after physical death and therefore
experience what they expect. due to free will, they often have to awaken to a greater reality on their own. in some cases, this can take considerable time as we perceive it.

can they ascend in the 2012 process to the 4th dimension? this is possible, but it all comes down to the individual
and whether they are ready for this transformation. those
who are not are given additional opportunities for learning and
growing until they are ready to ascend to the next density. for some, this means reincarnation.

these are merely my opinions but have been formed through years of study and experience. your experience may vary.
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Old 11-22-2008, 12:54 AM   #9

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can they ascend in the 2012 process to the 4th dimension?

once again i have more questions than answers!
if they are ready i guess, but if you get forced into a higher density (by machine) that your soul cant handle you may be permanently destroyed/dead if you cant handle it.
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Old 01-13-2009, 03:16 AM   #10

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hello everybody i just wanted to collect wisdom and insight on spirits, what they look like or can look like, which ones are positive or negative, etc.

i had an experience a long time ago, i think i was about 6 or 7, but it was after my granny passed on. i was sitting on the floor next to a coffee table playing with some toy cars and i was just outside of the hall way. i sat there playing for a while then i looked up and i stared at the doorway that led into the kitchen and all of a sudden this huge black smoke like disembodied shadow that was not like a object's shadow but a thick mist slowly came toward me and i started backing up out of fear, because when i saw it i was just stunned in shock and started to get afraid when it began to accelerate slowly towards me. when it got to about 2 feet from me i was either in the process of putting my hands up in front of my face or getting up to run screaming when it just quickly fades and disappears.

now putting in more detail, to describe what i just saw, it wasn't that it was tall it was very volumnius in that it took up a lot of space in the hallway and it hovered about 3 feet above the ground. i can't vividly remember but i may have blacked out for just a split second, not sure really.

the thing that bother's me is after but not immediately i started changing in terms of behavior, but am not sure if it's related, i had the experience maybe 2 to 4 months after my granny died so i'm not sure if it was her but i just don't think it was.

i don't want to say it was a possessive entity but have to wonder because ever since that moment i've been a little different. it's been 12 years since i've had that type of encounter. but any input or information on those type of encounters or spirits in general will be greatly appreciated.

many thanks,- robert
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Old 02-13-2009, 02:28 AM   #11

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the law of one covers the topic of ghosts. there need not be any speculation on this.

simply, a ghost is what is left of its 3rd density entity who refuses to accept the reality
of his death and his free will choice is not to enter time-space, but linger here with what
energy is left to his or her existence. the ghost is 3rd density. the reference to ghost is
found late in book 2, near the end, and i paraphrase what i found:

questioner: what stimulus would create an earth-bound spirit or a lingering ghost?
ra: the stimulus for this is the faculty of the will. if the will of yellow-ray mind/body/spirit is that which is stronger than the progressive impetus of the physical death towards realization of that which comes, that is, if the will is concentrated enough upon the previous experience, the entity’s shell of yellow-ray, though no longer activated, cannot either be completely deactivated and, until will is released, the mind/body/spirit complex is caught. this often occurs, as we see you aware, in the case of sudden death as well as in the case of extreme concern for a thing or other-self.

ed, in light and love
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Old 01-08-2010, 02:18 AM   #12

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i wish i could answer your questions. i can only tell you what i do believe i know and have experienced. my daughter is psychic. she's been seeing ghosts since she was in her early teens, maybe even about 12 years old. what i believe is ghosts are the soul of a person who has passed and is unwilling to leave because of a strong attachment to someone or something and refuse to leave, or they are unaware of their own circumstance and don't know they have passed. i didn't have any experiences of my own until last summer while i stayed with my daughter and granddaughter. her husband was overseas serving in iraq and i was there to keep her company and help with the baby. we slept together in the same bed. she had told me her apartment was haunted and that she felt the ghost didn't like her. it would make noises when she was home alone just her and the baby. so one night as we lay in bed together all tucked in to sleep i felt what felt like the touch of a hand on my knee through the blanket. it startled me, but i stayed quiet and paid attention to what i was feeling. after a moment i moved my knee. he picked up his hand. at this point i'm also looking down at my blankets. i had some illumination from a light coming through the window. i could see a depression in the blanket. in a few moments i felt the light pressure through the blankets higher up on my thigh. i spoke to my daughter at that point and told her i was being touched. she said "oh, so finally he's made himself known. he does this to me almost everynight and i really get irritated." the following night it happened again, but this time i felt something going across the back of the mattress and over my pillow at the head of her bed. we again were laying in bed together trying to go to sleep when this happened. we both thought it was the cat, but i spoke up and she had felt it too, but on her end at the same exact time. we checked the room and the cat was not in the room. i later asked a channel about the ghost and found out it was the owner of the apartment building we were in who had passed on many years ago. he had an attachment to the apartments and made a lot of money with it. he also had an attachment to a chair. i had to verbally tell him to please leave me alone and let me sleep and he did. i was told he was unwilling to leave, was not truly aware of his circumstances. ra was speaking through the channel and said they would try to help him move on. the last i knew of what was going on with him was once my son-in-law returned from iraq the ghost showed up one night banging on the apartment door. he was on the outside at that point. my daughter went to the door late at night and looked through the peep hole and there he was looking at her. my daughter and her husband and baby have since moved out to another apartment. i think the main thing you need to know is they are stuck for one reason or other. they need to return so they can move on and continue their journey. otherwise they can be stuck for hundreds of years, maybe longer.
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Old 01-08-2010, 06:09 AM   #13

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the symptoms you mention don't sound like a ghost to me. there may be something unhealthy about the house, like mold or a conflict of underwater streams under the house.
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Old 03-07-2010, 07:09 PM   #14

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ghosts as you call them would be passed on enities that are stuck in what is called the astral plane, also known as the 4th dimension.

if dealing with these entities tell them to go to the violet light, not the white light. there is technology in the astral plane that has copied white light and cleanses the energy and sends the entity into the astral and into another incarnation.

violet is best.
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Old 05-01-2010, 10:41 AM   #15

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we(my husband, kids and i) live in los angeles in the most haunted house ever!! we've reached the point where nothing else can surprise us anymore. we rented this property and only recently found out that the last tenant who lived here went nuts and was put into mental hospital.

the house looks ordinary on the outside. here's some features of the property:

- the house has a huge tree, couple stories high in its frontyard, this tree is the most gorgeous one, kinda like in avatar movie, i instictively feel it's somehow involved
- nothing ever works in the house- electrictronics break down- 2 computers, 3 cameras, plumbing problems(fixed by 2 different plumbers, still failed), heater, stove goes on fire, etc

- when you wake up in the morning, you feel completely powerless, like you never had rest at all.

- noises are loud, mostly in the living room and kitchen- slamming doors, approaching steps, chu-chu train sounds, etc

-all of the family members are constantly sick, including kids

- yes, my 4 yr old is scared to be left alone even during the day time, tons of stories about monsters and ghosts on his behalf

- yes, we had this dark matter materialized- at 3 am my mother woke up of a strange buzz in her head that was accelerating- then the moment she opened her yes, this creature attacked her, the creature had 4 legs, a big belly, and some wings, a mix of frog and a pig. luckily my mom did not get scared and hit it back!(russians are brave, lol). she hit it right in its freezing cold belly after which it flew back and my mom's arm became numb.

- that was the turning point, after which we invited the church rep to cleanse the house
he did a good job and for a while everything was quiet, however the crosses that were drawn on the doors disappeared gradually, and i drew new ones myself.

-i saw a huge black cat on the roof one time, it disappeared from the roof once approached

scary place, so i'm looking for a medium to figure out why is this place is so interesting. are there any devices one could use to figure this out?
by the way, we're moving out very soon, so the property will need a new tenant, any volunteers?):
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Old 07-02-2010, 12:02 AM   #16

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as i understand it, ghosts exist in time-space rather than space-time, but remain at third density.
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Old 11-06-2010, 05:15 PM   #17

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hello everyone,

after a long while of following wilcock and many others, i've been trying to find explanations of all the "paranormal activities" (haha) or "myths" that we hear about. for instance, how psychic abilities work, how can this explain qigong, how is it possible for a person to set things on fire with only the energy emitted from the hands, dragons, vampires, werewolves, yeti, big foot, magicians, wizards and witches, ninjutsu (like abilities in ninja assassins), and of course ghosts.

after watching most of wilcock's videos, a video on human origins on youtube, following project camelot, reading "conversations with god" by neale donald walsch (not religious, everything falls in line with law of one), i see that everything i listed above is actually very possible.

i couldn't explain dragons before but now, it sort of makes sense. if you've watched videos where they talk about the serpent, well... the asian style dragons are serpent like. werewolves, vampire, yeti, and big foot could be defects of when the ets were creating us using their dna.

but now, ghosts... i downloaded some audio files on how to become more psychic or something like that and they mentioned something about how you can leave behind energy at your workplace, your room, home, etc. the example that was use is, "have you ever went into a room where the air just feels very thick?" well that is apparently the "residual" energy that was left behind. that's why some people hire exorcists to remove this aura or energy even though they probably think that you're getting rid of "evil" or what have you.

now what i also noticed is that there are 2 types of ghosts/"spirit beings". the ones i see on "ghost hunters" or this other ghost hunting show, they do not appear to be conscious about what they're doing. or rather, they don't seem to have human like personalities. they don't talk normally, they don't act like a human, they just seem sort of... blah.

the other type i hear about is where a spirit would come down and could communicate or (decides not to) where they appear human but they're sort of glowing. so these appear more human like where they have clothing and such where the typical ghosts appear sort of blue-ish. my friend took a picture where there was a bluish ghost in the background. but this ghost does not appear human. it looks more like a conventional ghost. the interesting thing about this story however, is that right before she took the picture, she just had the urge to take a "random" picture behind after all of her friends were already ahead of her (she was at a cemetary). what could that urge be? could the ghost be trying to communicate with her? or was she just sensitive to ghosts and felt the presence of it? so maybe this type of ghost could be part of the first type that i explained

i think there's a 3rd type. my mom has personally experienced this. the being would appear perfectly human. she's on a "beat up" wooden boat with this old woman, my mom turns around to try to help get water out of the boat, my mom turns around and the woman is gone, and she instantly teleported to the other side of the shore with the boat (when she turned around, she has already arrived on the other side - her destination - which would have been impossible as it was really far away).

so here's my explanation for them so far. i hope someone else can help me shed light on this as well. the first type is the stereotypical ghost. my explanation for this is that they're not really spirits but the residual energy/ leftover aura of the person who lived there before. it seems like the the spirit that was the most impacted when it had the human body had a stronger energy that was left behind and therefore we sometimes see the ghosts. these ghosts don't have a mind of their own and is just there. now, what i don't quite understand is if the stories of haunted houses are true, how can one of these spirits physically touch another? could it be that when their energy is more dense, we can start to physically feel them? what about stories where it appears that this ghosts is shuffling paper, or knocking on the window, tapping on the shoulder, or even scratching or harming another person? maybe their past life was so horrid that their leftover energy is so strong and full of hatred, that it "acts" this way? if someone has an explanation, please share it here.

the next type of ghost/spirit is the one that just shows up in human-like form with a glow to it. these definitely appear to be spirits... but are these spirits still is "spirit world" or are they higher density beings? what if you know this particular appearance of the being? for instance, it's a loved one or a relative, a best friend? it almost seems like they're visiting while they're in between lives to "check" up on us or better yet, let us know that everything is going to be alright. "i'll always be by your side" message or something.
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Old 11-13-2011, 10:48 AM   #18

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i've never felt any difference in planes between myself, spirits, ghosts or any beings. its all a matter of what we are willing to perceive. at a moment of great weakness i found myself talking with a tree before i realized what was happening. a bee noticed i was very down once and stopped to play a game with me to cheer me up. or maybe he just felt playful, but it sure cheered me up. i had the best conversation with my grandmother after she was dead. it felt quite natural. more natural than when she was alive and standing in front of me. that proved to me that she wasn't dead at all. i wonder if any of us will ever die? bodies may come and go, our containers may age and break but our soul remains. i feel like i've known that since i was in grade school. it wasn't until i stumbled upon camelot and ben stewart's work that i heard anyone else talk about it. living in south texas surrounded by meatheads can be trying sometimes. but i will not give up on them. i'll keep running my big mouth and brushing off the "you're wierd"'s and the funny looks as long as every once in a while...ever so rarely...somebody looks back and asks "what do you mean?" and i'll push them gently in the direction of wilcock, camelot and the other sources i've found that make the meatheads say "huh?" it is easy to feel isolated out here in the boonies of the boonies surrounded by asphalt and concrete. i'm thankful for the ocean so near and all of you on this forum

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Old 11-14-2011, 12:11 PM   #19

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hello kassandra, i'm not an expert, but i absolutely agree with your theory. i've been researching ghosts, spirits, the other side if you will for too many years to count, and your thinking is along the same lines that i've come to believe to be true. i know the only way we'll know for sure is by entering another plane. as much as our scientific instruments have improved, and made it easier to detect anomalies, they still can't explain everything. your study of the paranormal that led you to your spirituality is exactly how it happened with me. now i'm consumed with the topic. i've been watching a great show on the biography channel on sunday nights called, i survived, beyond and back, and i think listening to people that have actually experienced physical death is the most intriguing way to understanding what it's like in another dimension, i love it!
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Old 11-14-2011, 09:19 PM   #20

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most of us here started on the paranormal path and ended up on the spiritual one.
i've been beyond and back :d but hardly think anything worthy of that experience.
our scientific instruments have not proven anything... for something to be proven existent, one must observe it coming from and out of existence. ^^ even if you are travelling along side your subject and are also jumping from one plane of existence into the next you are not able to observe it come out of existence for you would have to be on both sides of the source field/force to observe such an event. and even then not even ra (a 6th density being living in the source field/force) is able tell us of what happens when we come out of existence in the source field/force and into the loop of re-existence (the big bang if you wanna call it that) but only that everything starts and ends in mystery!

love and light,
ra ma

ps: welcome to the forum danny!

hello kassandra, i'm not an expert, but i absolutely agree with your theory. i've been researching ghosts, spirits, the other side if you will for too many years to count, and your thinking is along the same lines that i've come to believe to be true. i know the only way we'll know for sure is by entering another plane. as much as our scientific instruments have improved, and made it easier to detect anomalies, they still can't explain everything. your study of the paranormal that led you to your spirituality is exactly how it happened with me. now i'm consumed with the topic. i've been watching a great show on the biography channel on sunday nights called, i survived, beyond and back, and i think listening to people that have actually experienced physical death is the most intriguing way to understanding what it's like in another dimension, i love it!
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