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Old 01-05-2007, 11:50 PM   #1

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starting a few years ago, i began to experience strange sensations on the top of my head and forehead. these were pleasant sensations, similar to being caressed in some fashion, but with a bit more tingly feeling associated with it. sometimes there is the feeling of "someone" standing near my left shoulder or behind me. no communication, just the feeling. it was also pleasant and felt sort of warm. these don't occur often, but i always enjoy when they do.

have had photos of strange things floating above my head. wish i still had those. they were interesting.

multiple dreams throughout the past few years, ever since i moved to canada. i've dreamed of battling with some strange short beings, in a war setting. then a "friend" told me to run away with him, and we ended up on a ship. next thing i knew in the dream, we were passing by galaxies and some planets. the view was breathtaking and quite enjoyable.

had another dream last year of falling rocks from the sky. these rocks fell and landed in a square square shape, almost as if they were extruded from some sort of mold. as the rocks fell, the ground would move like waves in water. i yelled at everyone around me to take cover. i did as well and ended up underneath a very large boulder and watched the other rocks fall around me. then a bi-plane (single propellor) landed in the driveway! there were two passengers. the one in the front looked like a beastly form of a man, but wearing what seemed like bear skins or something to that effect as a coat. i attempted to hide further in the rock, but this "man" saw me, and approached me. he bent over, reaching for my hand, but i refused. a struggle ensued and he ended up grabbing my left hand and proceeded to inject something into it, like a syringe filled with who knows what.

another dream some beings landed and began to search for humans. the humans were terrified of these beings, but the beings didn't seem to hurt anyone, at least from my perspective. i, too, was terribly frightened and hid. i could hear them walk around outside the home, but never saw anything. was too fearful to look.

had multiple dreams of seeing mass et ships in the night sky, and then turning around to everyone that was near, saying "look! i told you so!" these dreams varied a great deal with the types of craft that were in the sky. some had amazon military style women come out after landing and proceeded to attack people. others were tiny metallic spheres that never landed, while others looked like a combination of nasa craft and something out of star trek moving in and out of some sort of energy field.

i've never seen a ufo in waking reality, but tons of them in the dream state. don't know what to make of these dreams, but they are my only connection to anything et as far as i am aware.

when i was a small child, i recall a deep male voice that seemed to come through my bedroom wall. memories of the past are very cloudy and so i don't remember the discussions. but i felt this voice was a friend. no clue what that was all about. i wish i could recall.

anyhow, those are my experiences. nothing really 3d concrete, but the experiences make for a good story when sharing dreams.
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Old 01-06-2007, 02:51 AM   #2

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even so i understand myself as an angelic wanderer, with one incarnation on this planet, i could not say that i see myself as what is understood as et.
i would rather see myself as part of a being that made partly the choice and partly was assigned here to help.

regards detlef
rah nam
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Old 03-05-2007, 05:45 AM   #3

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Default Poll: What level of ET contact have you had in your life?
given the nature of so many wanderers coming together on this forum, i'm really curious to know what level of contact this group has had with extra terrestrials.
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Old 04-24-2007, 10:06 PM   #4

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if you have not yet responded to this poll, please take a moment to do so.
thank you.
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Old 06-04-2007, 04:07 PM   #5

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...although i have not had any contact in the waking physical reality, though i have seen one fast-moving object (a light in the far distance in a dark sky) that might have been a ufo, i certainly did have close contact with seven ufos landing on a curved florida beach (or some place in the caribbean) in a very lucid dream that i had many years ago.

it was an awesome dream. i had asked an entity at a channeling session soon afterwards and she said that i was in an alternate reality with a guide and was allowed to go see the ufos landing because i had requested for an experience with ufos, so i was granted one in dreamtime.

it was an unforgettable experience. i was in a little truck (exactly like the one that i had at that time) as a passenger and we crested a hill with a sudden view of seven ufos hovering above a beautiful, curved beach with sparkling, crystal-white sand. the ufos were scattered along the beach, but not landed. each one had a beautiful, shiny metallic-blue/silvery look to them with a bright, glowing light below each ship. the night was moon-lit, cloudless and the seas were calm.

the next thing i knew i was standing on the beach some 50 feet from the closest one and i was just awestruck with the whole scene. some girl (there were a few other people there witnessing this along with me) wanted to move closer, but i had told her while trying to hold her back that there was radiation exposure risks if one stood right below a hovering ufo, so she stayed back.

i didn't see any entities come out, nor did i board any of the ships--it was just a close-up visual contact that was unforgettable. i really regretted waking up from that and wanted to go back immediately, but i was grateful for the experience just the same.

someday i look forward to sight-seeing/traveling in antigravity ships which i'd be at the controls and would be able to go anywhere, anytime. i'd be everywhere viewing nature in her full glory while hovering, flying and landed with frequent stops to go fishing/hiking/exploring and experiencing nature close-up with my little ship parked nearby. i imagine that such kinds of antigravity discs would be the perfect traveling device that would enable one to experience nature close at hand without leaving any marks or damage of any kind, nor creating any nature-scattering noise. maybe that can finally happen in 4-d? i'd want to see everything--storms, cloud formations, sunsets/rises, rainbows, calm weather, animal movements--you name it, i want to see it! and i'm tired of waiting, waiting for this to happen.
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Old 06-04-2007, 06:05 PM   #6

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after digging into scott mandelker's writings recently (universal vision, and from elsewhere), i feel i can safely say that i am an et.

sometime before adolescence i had a dream in which a ball of light flew up to me and hovered in front of me, telepathically asking me if i wanted to merge with it. in the brief instant in which i made my decision, i registered the consequences of passing up on this opportunity, then saying with my whole being, "yes". i floated into the glowing sphere and dissolved into its warmth of love and light with a great sense of well-being. from then on, my life increasingly took on the shape and form of a difficult anddeeply transformative spiritual adventure.

at 22, while studying existential philosophy and deep in the grip of my spiritual search, i discovered the ra material through a coworker at a cafe, who loaned me her copy after i expressed genuine curiosity in what she was reading. i was highly skeptical of anything smacking of new age material, but kept this to myself: i wanted to understand this person i was working with better. playfully challenging my own highbrow standards, i took her copy home and gave it a read. i soon found myself transported into a different quality of experience altogether.

reading the book alone and out of the way of my housemates and girlfriend, i would feel a living presence of energy emerge above my head, showering me gently with some kind of essential, nonverbal information. this shocked me. had i not found the experience to be pleasant, i would have given my co-worker back her book immediately.

at that time my dreams became heightened and alive in a completely different way than normal. in one dream, i was taken on a tour through an underground city deep beneath the earth somewhere, one populated by a network of benign planetary human servants working together with great urgency in preparation for the future. in the dream, people were walking swiftly through tunnels carved underground, tunnels that were embedded with giant computer screens that had maps of the earth on them, which were being monitored around the clock with a great sense of urgency. a soothing electronic wash of sound permeated this environment, synchronizing and soothing the intense activities engaged by this network of unusual human beings. only last year upon re-reading the ra material did i come across a reference by ra to the presence of such benign confederation workers under the planet, complete with computers!

i had other unusual dreams as well, one in which i was gathered with representatives from every spiritual tradition on earth, all of us sitting before an empty chair in a room. a woman to my side approached me and asked me point blank, "what are you?" as with the ball of light many years before, i felt a great intensity in the instant following her question, as if something depended upon my answer. spontaneously i said, "a lover of god." end of dream.

most recently, i had a dream vision in which i beheld millions of benign et ships hovering around the planet. in the dream, as i turn around to walk "home", i feel a convergence of benign violet light beams from many of these ships focused on my heart, resulting in a upwelling of indescribable love in my body. i understand in that moment that i am here to release this influx into the planet itself, and share it with others as moved.

mandelker's books have been extremely useful in helping me recognize how and why the above experiences denote my own et status as a wanderer. far from being an ego-glamorizing self-image, this recognition is one that makes a quantum difference in my ability to stand in self-acceptance in a way i've not been able to do before, despite years of therapy and a rich spiritual practice.

recognition of being "from elsewhere" helps me appreciate things that have never made much sense to me before, such as being born into a family circumstance packed to the gills with entrenched emotional tragedy (multiple suicides, addictions, abuse, etc.), yet emerging from all of that relatively whole, while actively participating today in the ongoing healing among many of my family members, with wonderful results over time. yet, all the while, i now know that this family is not my true family. it is one of my family's along the way, but it is not my true family of origin.

more poignantly, recognition of being an et allows me to now appreciate how my life to date has been an exercise in actively and systematically hiding from this aspect of my own nature, partly out of an instinct for self-preservation, and partly because i have always wanted to simply be an ordinary human being. the most painful part of this lifelong self-rejection of my own wanderer nature is the self-hatred that has developed in relation to feeling just how weird a being i really am: a true planetary misfit. scott mandelker discusses the rage that can inform such buried self-rejection in this regard, which has long been true of me.

in coming to terms with what it means to be a wanderer, really for the first time now (even after 20 years of meditation stabilizing into a realization of the felt unity of being), i am finally able to really let myself be this weird being i am, and consciously value that weirdness for what it is: an ontological fact.

coming out of the cosmic closet is proving to be a powerful experience this way. by standing in my own open identity as a wanderer, i can actively communicate deep self-acceptance to others in the same way i am doing in myself. this just never made any sense to me before, therapy and meditation be damned! it has been my own version of "the missing piece" falling into place, resulting in a newfound peace.

i don't think i would have come to this kind of conscious clarity had i not read the ra material directly; nor do i think i would have really done so without the work of david wilcock and scott mandelker helping to translate ra's archane lingo into a vernacular i can relate to in an everyday way. now i do not underestimate the real empowerment that is available through sharing our experiences with each other -- of this kind of self-validation and self-acceptance -- at such an otherwordly level. it can make a big difference in what it means to be here as a human being.

objectively speaking, it's worth noting that being et (a wanderer or a walk-in) is no big thing. it's not a status symbol of any kind. it's simply a category of identity that, when it is identified as real for yourself, can allow for a quality of self-acceptance that can simply allow us to be here and do what we're here to do that much more. it's deeply freeing that way.

thanks for the question! i hope to meet and interface with other's for whom being et is a felt reality -- alongside anyone else around here who cares about aiding the planet in this critical moment of its -- and our -- emerging and unprecedented transformation.


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Old 06-04-2007, 07:26 PM   #7

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hello! it seems et's really like arizona for some reason. back in 1989-1994 when i lived there, i had a few unexplainable experiences. first time i was walking across a parade field (i was in the army) around 11 at night, by myself. i was about half-way across when i heard an unidentifiable noise above, close enough that i should have been able to see what was making it, but saw nothing. i heard a sound much like something with very large wings hovering over me (i jokingly expected to see a huge dragon hovering above). not like a helicopter, the sound was low frequency and slow. about a year later i had a series of dreams that had me in a very large ship. i was being shown around by a little guy (about 5 feet tall) w/a big head, large eyes (that were kinda like ours but way bigger w/no lashes), little mouth and i don't remember seeing much of a nose. he had a light grey and orange one piece suit on. he did not communicate w/me verbally, was friendly but unemotional. there were a group of little kids chasing each other around that had a sparse coating of hair on their heads, and i somehow knew that they were all mine. i also knew that was why i was there. what's really weird, i actually did turn up pregnant at that time, but had a miscarriage. i went in one week and the doctor confirmed the pregnancy via ultrasound, then i went in when i started to spot and another ultrasound revealed an empty gestational sac. the doctor seemed very awkward. before i had the miscarriage, i had another dream of being back on the ship, in a long rectangular looking room lying on what seemed like a hospital bed. a group came in dressed in some kind of protective gear, and piece of equipment attached to the ceiling was pulled closer to where i was. i started to panic and decided i didn't want to experience that piece of equipment. a human looking older woman was next to me and tried to offer support. it didn't work, and the next thing i knew i was in this strange twighlight kind of awareness. i was aware, but not aware of what was going on around me. then i felt myself being lowered somehow and felt my right leg hanging off of what ever was lowering me. when i "woke up" from this my eyes were already open and i just kind of floated back into normal awareness. about a week later, i miscarried. what's even stranger is how similar what i experienced is to the abduction case of travis walton. not the fire in the sky movie, but his actual accounts (which were very different from the movie). i only recently read of his experience so it did not influence the dreams i had. i did not feel any fear (other than the big hoopajoop attached to the ceiling) and felt familiar with the little guy in charge of my stay. i was also shown a huge room with an even bigger tank w/a killer whale swimming around in it. must have been a big ship. to this day i do not feel any anxiety over those experiences. i really did not feel threatened in any way. they seemed to have intentions that were friendly, albeit unemotional. lot's of l & l, krista
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Old 05-07-2010, 06:52 AM   #8

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one of the above is pertinent- i have seen ufo's, we assume. many people who use the state highway between waxahachie and italy, texas have. there are (or were) dipping, swooping red lights down among the trees in the creek bottom as the highway crosses chambers creek,not every night, but regularly throughout the 70s. my grandfather even went down to waco to check out the cattle 'disembowelments'.

but what was really weird: halloween 1981 i dressed up as an alien, with antennae, my boyfriend as a caterpillar, with antennae. we stopped out in the country on the way to a party in san antonio florida at 8:15 pm. we got back in the car and drove on 10 minutes further to the party. it was after midnight when we got there. 4 hours missing. have no idea where they went.

[moderator: some drug references removed as per our rules]
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Old 05-19-2010, 03:56 PM   #9

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it seems "et's" have been instructing my family for generations. i've read mostly negative scenarios. there is an abundance of "fear" with most material out there..

i don't talk about my experiences much because of the negativity associated with et "abductions", but i feel comfortable expressing some of my experiences here. my encounters are all good.

i've been taken aboard "ships" several times. i've been trained by the "entities" i've encountered to heal a planet, among other things.

in the early 90's there was an earthquake in japan. (i understand there is a major fault/opening in the earth's crust under the ocean.)
i was "beamed" aboard a "ship" with other "humans" like me. we were standing on an observation deck overlooking the pacific/japan.

et entities were there to assist us "humans" in a ratio of 1 to 1. the et's had trained us how to shoot universal/unconditional love energy from our "heart" chakras. simultaieously, each et put their right hand on "our" right shoulders. with the touch came a voice in my mind, "we've taught you how to heal this planet and the time is now!"

with that "command" bright white light energy shot out of our chests in unison, like the visual image of "star trek photon torpedos" into the open fault near japan.

it was as if the "proceedure" was meant to "cauterise" the "wound" in the planet's crust.

then it was done. i had the feeling that the "proceedure" was a success. i was "beamed" back to my bed.
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Old 05-20-2010, 04:15 AM   #10

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anyone not of african decent is an et...
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Old 05-20-2010, 07:28 PM   #11

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just in the last few weeks, i've been seeing an abundance of ufo's. many have been "satellite" looking bright specs of light moving across the sky, one was orange and low in the atmosphere. one i saw a few weeks ago (the first one i've seen, i suppose) was a big, bright pulsating light, fixed in the sky, that disappeared in an instant, leaving me quite awestruck and filled with questions of what i had just witnessed. it's funny that i firmly believe "they're here", yet i doubt my own eyes when i see strange anomolies in sky, coming up with any form of plausible excuse, just like your every day skeptic.

the whole ufo/et subject never even mattered to me one way or the other until a couple years ago, when all of a sudded i became obsessed with wanting to know the truth of this matter. this new awareness of/need to know about this subject seemed to come out of nowhere and has been needleing my brain ever since. i've never really considered if i could be of et origin (that might still be a little much for me to consider, but maybe not. truth has proven stranger than fiction many times over these past few years). i am most definately a "black sheep" in my family and circle of friends. i find that the more i can understand others, the less i can really relate to them (paradox), and i feel the need for isolation most of the time. maybe i'll order one of those books mentioned above and read with an open mind.
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Old 05-22-2010, 10:09 PM   #12

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none of the above were suitable options......

in dreams and during meditation, i've had several inspiring and profound experiences.

one conversation with a being was simiiar to my 'concept of oneness' very loving energy that was sky blue and (sun) yellow. the other was a philosopher/philanthropist of pure white light. i didn't want wake up or leave either conversations....uuugggggghh!

during a waking trance that spanned several weeks (taking an equal amount of time to 'get into' and 'out of'......) i felt a pure white light leave my head, like an explosion before departure. lots happened during this time.

also, one time, i asked a cloud to protect me (because i was 'in trance' and unstable for driving). would you believe that cloud followed me? at one point, a friend asked, 'do you know that you have a dark cloud following you!' oddly, it did follow me and may have even blocked a car from hitting me!!!! definitely had turned towards me; but was blocked (deliberately) by another car......kewl, huh?

during meditation, two golden beings (feminine) with elongated faces and skin tight thin helments appeared (in my mind's eye). nothing compares to the love that washed over me. nothing!!!

i've certainly sensed other beings, energy, or something close by. once there were five 'white' beings surrounding me; but since i was spooked, i asked them to back off a bit because i felt uncomfortable.

the best answer to this pole, imho, is i am an et. simply because everyone, essentially is an et.
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Old 05-23-2010, 12:45 AM   #13

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if we're here, we must be et's
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Old 05-24-2010, 02:18 AM   #14

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when i was 14, i remember seeing a very big and bright static ball in the sky one night. i didn't know what it was, it was too big to be a star, it was in no way a plane as it was completely still in the sky and it was too bright and up too high in the sky to be a light. it was just sitting there, while i looked at it in complete bewilderment. i think i should mention that all that weekend, i was waking up with an unknown sense of unease, which was more intense the following morning, which is when i found out about the death of one of my cousins.

about 2 days later, when we were heading down for the removal in the car, i saw the same object again, this time flying up from the ground up into the sky at great speed. the rest of my family saw it as well and said to me it most be a ufo.

thats the only notable time that i believe i've seen a genuine ufo and i believe that the death of my cousin and the sense of unease i had that weekend until i learned of her death are all connected.
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Old 05-24-2010, 06:05 AM   #15

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my spirit guide/guardian angel came to me in a dream one time, about 25 years ago, but i don't consider that et.
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Old 06-06-2010, 08:44 PM   #16

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as far as i am aware, i'm on a giant spaceship called earth.

but, i could be wrong.
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Old 06-14-2010, 01:13 AM   #17

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here's my story.
i was in the navy and stationed at oceana naval air station near virgina beach, virgina.
that is where i first learned about edgar cayce in 1974.
anyway, when i got discharged i was driving home to indiana. just down the interstate, as i was leaving virginia beach, i saw some light up ahead and i was confused why there would be stoplights out on the interstate highway.
as i got closer i could see that there was an alien spacecraft shaped liked a large top with a flat top and bottom hovering just over the road.
i slowed down very slow and drove right underneath it and could see that it was some sort of alien space vehicle or time traveling device.
it was only about 50 feet above the road and i could see it very clearly and it was quite the spooky experience.
i just kept on driving and continued to see it in my rear-view mirror for some distance as well.
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Old 06-14-2010, 04:22 AM   #18

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for most of my life i have been open to experience and try not to make assumptions that are far fetched. i have not had a strong inclination to do over extensive research or excitement about the subject on ufo and et phenomena but did find it a good possibility the more i understood the vast size of the universe and other things i read in mostly open minded scientific studies or theories that showed that it is quite possible we might not be alone. i like the internet for many things but is hard to look at ufo video or cases because as many of you know the material could easily be doctored. i also thought that unless there was a big movement by e.t.'s if there were any to enter our atmosphere that i would probably never see one for the simple reason it is highly unlikely statistically.

fortunately one late summer evening in 2009 i was talking to a close friend just outside of his karate studio in boise, idaho which to my knowledge has not had any real big or far out events. when i was casually talking to him everything was totally fine and nothing out of the ordinary and all the sudden a saw a very weak flash or reflection in the sky that my mind caught only because the sky was totally clear and the area i was in wouldn't usually grab my attention because there is a airport near by with a lot of air traffic knowing so because i worked right next door.

as we were talking and this short glimmer caught my attention i focused in on it because i did not hear any sound what so ever as i usually did with air craft even though the area of the sky i was looking at was not in the usual air traffic area it was higher up and a good 5 city blocks away from the airport. the area the object seemed to appear at was in a area where my periphrial vision had been open to for a good ten minutes or so because of previous conversation and wasn't there earlier having a keen sense of observation from video games.(nothing to brag about but when you play first person games consistently your eyes are quicker at spotting things out of place that weren't there before.)

the initial glimmer or flash was not strong but subtle and seemed like some sort of entry method after thinking about it later. when i was looking at the object i tuned all my surroundings out and was more curious than over excited. i saw a pure white (nothing resembling the color as an object colored white from earth) orb at a standstill which was very vibrant and perfectly round without any blurring at the edges as you would see with other things like aircraft such as a gassy look like when you look down a long stretch of black road on a hot sunny day. it wasn't super bright but easily distinguishable from anything else i had ever seen. as i looked at it i was a bit amazed because as many of you know some accounts of ufo's stand still in mid air and this one did also. i looked at it for about 3 seconds to make sure i wasn't seeing things and about the time i could confirm to myself what i was seeing wasn't made up in my head it did a 45 degree slant probably a good 300 hundred yards down and to the right and then another one slightly up and to the left which was about the same distance and after it did those to movements it just wasn't there.

i am quite intuitive and felt that this object was trying to show me that it was in fact something different.

i told my friend and he said; "wow that is odd because just two days ago my brother just sent me a video over the internet of some kind of odd flying object that was quite impressive" (which to this date i have not seen because i have not talked to him for a while). hmm syncronisity?

after that i just felt good to know that i had witnessed such a thing that i never thought i would. now this wasn't over the top but definitely not of this world. i know it might seem kind of bland and similar to other accounts but wanted to share because most of the people here at dc can understand. i to this day haven't told anyone other than you guys because i don't feel the need to express something to my friends or family that they don't really care about but of course want to share it to add a little more evidence to the existence of such things.

we are not alone before i was quite sure that there were others in the vast universe but not sure if they would be able to get here or reveal themselves. but now i have a feeling that these visiting phenomena are around and definitely not ill intended.

i am not pledging or trying to sell anything. i happened to be one of the fortunate few to witness something not of this earth for a good 6 seconds and appreciate the experience. thanks for all of you that share your opinions and testimony for and against any subject covered it helps me and others culminate information in a healthy way that are trying to open our minds and being to new body's of information.
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Old 06-16-2010, 01:17 PM   #19

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well i dont know exactly what it was but last year i was on a train at 8 am looking out the window.it was summer time so the sun was already pretty high in the sky.

at one point i saw a light standing there shining.it looked like a smaller sun but not as bright,
first i thought it was the sun cos the train kept turning while going.
i took my sun glasses off to make sure i see right cos it seemed colorful.
without my glasses seemed even brighter and more colorful,red,blue,green,almost like a piece of the rainbow.
i got even more intrigued when the train turned again and i was able to see the sun which appeared like 20 cm distance from it and a little higher than that light.

i took out my phone and took a few pictures of it ,as soon as i did it disappeared.
i looked at the pics i took and i zoomed in,it looked even better and more colorful.
funny thing is when i got home i showed it to my parents and my dad had a quick explanation that it was just a reflection in the clouds,but there were no clouds that morning.

now the intriguing part,
my mom looked better at the pictures and her face turned white,then she asked me if i noticed anything else in one of the pics i took.
i was only looking at the light and not at the things around it,the sun was also in the picture,but... my mom noticed 2 faces and then i saw them and it was so weird,two human faces next to each other, right above the light,one showed an old man with white hair and white beard and the other man had black hair and black mustache and looked younger,it was amazing

another funny thing is that after a few months in a local paper a similar picture appeared with the title ufo? taken in the same area that i saw it
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Old 06-17-2010, 03:56 AM   #20

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i've seen the 3rd cigar shaped ufo flying over north san diego county. two were earlier in the year, and i saw one today when i went out to see what the workmen were repairing a neighbors home were doing.

silver, cigar shaped, like an aircraft with no wings or tail. why these fly over camp pendelton i do not know. the previous two occured around 3:45pm and were going east to west. today's ship went from north to south in a non-standard flight path. airliners and military aircraft do not take the route this thing took. seemed to move about 50-75% faster than a regular jet.
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