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#1 |
further musing gave me the idea that there might be some kind of etheric conduit of meaning (frequency signature) throughout the densities. a crude example being a (tho more than semantic!) connection between external events and dream events. that these psychic and physical events are actually connected. they are points on the whole wheel within wheels matrix. like worm holes between...
had a very cool experience a week ago. many folks try the "go back in time meditation". i've always done it to no effect. but last week [reference to a cough suppresent deleted], i "went" back to my old apartment into my bedroom. i used to listen to my music there and go deep into inner space. as i went back in my mind's eye (during the middle of a by passing weakening hurricane), my point of awareness seemed to hover over the chair i used sit in (i hovered over my past head where the crown chakra is, was). the amazing thing was that i then suddenly remembered...doing a form of the opposite back then. i recalled a brief experience back then of sensing someone kind of like myself popping in for a visit - from what seemed to be the future. i've tried to recapture this to no effect. but i came away with a neat occult tech (that does'nt always work); when going back into your own personal history, try to recapture the thoughts of the past. ie., for me, being into heavy music and spacing out, i used to have all kinds of visions of landscapes etc. those are the things you try to re-enter. not the actual 3d space or event. that's how i experienced the above; i tried recalling past trip visions. on a far tangent; anyone familiar with [name] (the "conspiracy" guru). i won't go into anything but mention that due to his revealings, i'm wary of everything i see now. that is, more than healthy critical thinking. he says that everything we have access to is first ok'd by "the big boys" (their think tanks etc). everything. even these new (re) discoveries/"latest" technologies. problem for me is that i keep seeing this stuff about how great we are and everything is one. it may be an organic whole...but human greatness is here and there. i myself wonder about this concept of "gaining experience and growth" or "it's all lessons" etc. most of the time i tend to consider all this a sop for the more grim reality that there is needless suffering. and that the "big boys" have still greater plans for us scum. the "it's" as they call us. did the universe (or our higher collective) fashion a system that's totally in your face, all the time? where most folks are slaves? what kinda "school " is that? oh, you should've studied harder! yeah, that's it! my point being is that these old foundations and elites are behind most everything, from suppressed science to toys. this especially includes mystery schools and the like. of course i'm now wondering if all my golden dawn grade work is total make work diversion. sorry i'm venting. i'll share another neat synchronicity after i play more of the game... |
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#2 |
i've worked with orgone generators / accumulators. as well as created. though i can say geometry with pieces does have an effect with aether, they feel more powerful. you do eventually end up with the same result when it comes to orgone stuff. now, making pieces that fit well with the furniture can be a bit of a hassle as it takes creativity to plan out a piece. not sure if your able to see energies, but having this stuff around is pretty nice. its also great for getting those chemicals out of our skies!
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#3 |
you said, "you do eventually end up with the same result when it comes to orgone stuff."
is this in the context of the various means of generating chi? like chi-kung or say, hugging a tree? i wonder what's happening during traditional when the scrying orb gets the radiant aura around it (created the entity). tho i'm not a born again anymore, i still wonder what was behind the charged atmosphere during certain sermons. i think this was different than just an emotional high. maybe not. what i find painfully cool are those energy disks. the ones with the detailed (psychedelic like) patterns. |
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#4 |
it's all about the aether, life force. follow to the website below, dw mentioned it a few times in his project camelot interview. and yes, its just like generating chi, though i am sure you'll have different feelings when using the device compared to a natural object. |
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#5 |
ok thanks, i'll check that out. tangents; was just reading about the tarot key the high priestess. this sounds like the aether...
also (been wanting to type this anywhere) the "conscious unit's" structure almost reflects the kabbalistic idea of tzim tzum; how it retracted (to form an empty sphere and then shot a line of "light" through it. kinda sorta.... don't know about you but i love this stuff with tenen and winter - who found phi and the hebrew letters (shadows) on the inside faces of the tetrahedron. that is, how all this might tie in with tarot.... it would be peachy if the enochian system reflected any of this. it does have the spirals of the elemental kings. btw, hebrew is anything but! |
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#6 |
i've been under the impression that for a pyramid to "work", it had to have the exact dimensions as those found at giza. apparently not. i also remember a new agey add selling copper etc. pyramid kits. again, apparently, metal structures don't seem to work as well.
read and learn... i must say these russian chaps are on it. and i do wonder how pyramids might work with basic chi collectors (or "orgonne accumulators"). play them off each other and really make a crack in the egg... interesting about the energy sphere around the structure as well! that it lines up with the queen's chamber. read years ago to line things up with the king's chamber! well, has anyone here made their own? what other objects might do the same? i'm thinking along the lines of an aesthetically pleasing room furnishing. or just a contraption one could put around their chair or (over the) bed. anyone know if kits like this are available? etc... probably should start a new thread for this but; concerning the influx of energies; it was mentioned that these torsion waves pouring in are actually similar to spiritual energies (if i remember and or read that right). am i right in thinking that energy obtained from say, chi-kung, a chi box/accumulator and a pyramid are all (for the most part) identical!? it's all the torsionized aether? i ask due to repeatedly reading that if one takes on too much "spiritual" energy they can end up worse off (for awhile). i'm coming from the golden dawn's magickal tradition. they (et al) also have the idea that you can only spirtually advance as far as your present incarnation will allow. now i have heard of chi-kung students taking in too much chi. in most cases they were out of it for days. so, i'm specifically wondering about "spiritual energies". is this something totally different than the above? hmm, i wonder if evocation (with it's triangle of manifestation outside the circle) might be a generating of torsion waves...from one's own unconscious! thanks ps. i just saw david's old pic with his metal t-shirt. i hate it how folks think metal is for kids only! i still love it. that is, the underground (read; real) stuff. i myself think it's the same with sports! anyone who wears a sports t or cap etc. is just as, "immature", or whatever they call it now. |
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#7 |
great pyramid slope limit of crystal stella (230/ sometimes 232). 228 plus moving 4 or 2 planes. i am first to obtain slope by simple compass and rule method. first worked out in 'balls' a geometry with no lines or points. the used the 'great stella' program (demo downloads easily from web). pull out tetrahedron and move planes in until you see the 14 pockets (12 centers) of (if pockets flattened off) would form a cubeoctahedron. (to move planes push down both shift and control and move with pointer). pick any 4 plane pocket.
if opposite 'volume' poured into 60 degrees would make pyramid slope. [reference to personal site removed] the four planes of the pyramid operate in the 'genesa' shape also provided that the inside diameter of the tubes is near 13 degrees and the tubes are made out of glass. (also on above site). another way of saying this. if in great pyramid shape there is less overwhelming outside interference with your own energy. just read [please email for author and book]. in russia they have seen and determined statistically that 'healers' tend to die early of cancer. both the government and media are promoting program where 'healers' and psychics can go to 23 pyramid structures (one 44 meters high- all built with fiberglass) throughout russia. combination of private and government funds. media is very behind this. also using special tube (found in statures in egypt) that resonates to earth vibration. (can's spell it - schumman resonence?}. they are way ahead there as are measuring types of electomagetism in human form from, for example, chakras. healers have massive energy coming through and can easily block if just a bit out of ballence. those machines now in many russian hospitals. there 'religion' is not pitted against the 'new age'. i assume that this is because of two factors: 1- 70 years of communism. 2- the orthodox church is very different from roman catholicism. they never cared what people 'believed'. "go be a shaman, fine, just come to mass." michael donovan |
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#8 |
have heard about the statistics with (non drug ironically) healers.
not sure how to take your words. are you saying they know certain (pyramid) structures actually compromise (bio) energy systems? or that they're all on a happy roll with this? i'm just looking for some easy steps to fashion a torsion wave contraption. i hear you can make one with a series of tubes... as hinted from the lines above, i've always wondered how all this could be used for draining one of energy. there's folks selling sacred geometric shapes to wear or hang in your rooms. surely there's geometries that do all the opposite. buy an inverted angel star and send it to your enemy... just musing. but does'nt it makes sense? you never hear about this aspect tho. unless that's what you meant from your wording. |
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#9 |
see [name and author-email michael]. you are right about other pyramid shapes. bust also must be exact. believe russians are letting out some of pavlita's work without giving out basics. one pyramid for 'healing' not great pyramid shape. can be expressed in another (other - plural) way(s)..... [personal site reference deleted] david has really made progress by changing 'muti-dimensional' to densities. michael |
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#10 |
i would build a pyramid for experiments
i have to build it big and put me inside or it work also in little dimension ? if i build a little pyramid, it have some effect if i sleep at night with a pyramid near me ? if i put my dna (blood or hair..) inside the pyramid it should have some effect on me ? what is the best material to build a pyramid ? i think to build the basement with copper and to connect it at the ground through the electric implant of my house and to build the upper structure with a material similar to the original in egypt. (excuse me for my bad english :d ) |
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#11 |
i had stumbled across this website a few months back. in it, the guy sells pre-made (as well as plans for) various sized pyramids. i don't see the same shape as the russian ones that david has photos of on this site though.
coincidentally i now have powertools and could likely make one of these guys :d [email privately for site name] |
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#12 |
i've no experience with this. but i have read that metals are not the way to go.
this despite the fact that's all i've ever seen. and i'm not so sure you want residential em currents running through that. well, i mentioned above i'd type another cool synchronicity; last year i was reading about the dagda and oghams. the former was a celtic god of the woods. the latter an archaic celtic symbol set/alphabet (there were more than tree oghams). i've a nice place in the woods i frequent with grove like patches. one day in the midst of one, as i looked up towards the tiny opening through the tree tops, i actually heard the word dagda. the only thing i can fathom is that there were folks deeper in the woods. i'm guessing that one of them was named dana. but the point is that i centered myself in the grove, looked up to connect with spirit...then at that very second i heard the word. and honestly, it sounded more like dagda. pronounced; dayda. it had an electronic sound to it as well. that was kinda unsettling. low and behold, on another day about 6 months later, about 25 yards from the natural i was thinking about the above...i saw an old carving on a tree off the trail. it spelled out dada.... there's another design and date on a nearby tree which has it at 1978. i live for this kinda stuff. i was wondering if it meant i was where i was supposed to be. that's the only thing about this. synchronicities, mine anyway, seem to be sudden and that's it. nothing ever comes from it. but with the above, that was all fine itself. maybe that's the point. well i'm all psyched up now. i must share this; i mentioned the book on oghams. there's a the chapter on the vine. surprisingly, the lore says it's unwise to do any magick if vines are in the area. i did, nothing serious. but a day later...there was a very freak and severe storm which took out countless trees in that wood. |
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#13 |
way back in the early 90's i spent lots of time working with pyramids of different sorts. i have made them in glass, cardboard, wire frame, dry wall - finished boards - chip wood, and cement with quarts sand. i have tried different angles. my biggest was 9 feet high. i have had several that were big enough to get into when they rested on cinderblocks. this is what i discovered. the cheops angle is very harmonious. the greater the angle the sharper the energy. if you want to build a pyramid to meditate in, my best results were with the kind of drywall boards you can buy at the lumber store - at least here in norway. get large boards and make four pyramids the same size. mount them on standing cinder blocks and tape them together from the inside. fill in the joints with a dry wall filler and fiberglass tape to make the joint strong. if you really want to go to town, paint the whole thing white with quarts sand mixed in. this seems to increase the power. sit inside on a bean sack. and you might notice a buzzing sensation on the top of your head. this will really start your dreams to come alive. you might want to try with card board pyramids under your bed if you have air space. my results with open wire pyramids are not so interesting. i would not bother with chip board either. i think the drywall board works well because of the organic, inorganic and organic layers - cardboard, gypsum, cardboard. make sure you orientate the pyramid to the east west true direction and not magnetic. re adjusting the pyramids directional angle after it is finished is not easy. have fun.
mike from norway ![]() |
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#14 |
"you might want to try with card board pyramids under your bed if you have air space."
by this you're saying you don't actually need to be inside. or did you mean over the bed? but yeah, i think the laminated organics/inorganics would be good. gee, it's 4:44 right now. i wonder what would happen if you could construct a second inverted pyramid? sit inside a real star tetrahedron. maybe it cancels out! i have mused a scf fi like idea where everyone astral projected themselves to the great pyramid's king chamber - at some celestial alignment. poof, we're gone.... off topic; today i read one of the articles where dw relates a rather darkish dream about the system. mechanical pencils, chest wounds from shells, suicide punks and all that. this was odd for me as just last night i dreamt of a similar show off kinda guy strutting around...while ealier in the (real) day some guy showed me a hole in his chest from a major operation. and i just happen to be reading a book about tank battles on the russian front..... >>>>> norway. are you into black metal? ![]() um, by any chance, do you know what alu lathu means or meant? |
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#15 |
"norway. are you into black metal? heh!
um, by any chance, do you know what alu lathu means or meant?" no black metal here! cant stand the stuff. i guess i am way too old for it - 1950 model - dont know about alu lathu - do a goggle search. pyramids emit an energy from their apex. you can imagine a pyramid upside down over the one right side up. i guess it has to do with hyper geometry. you will be getting the effects of the pyramid (cardboard) under the bed. you might have to experiment to find out what size works best. i would prefer to be inside one myself but that is not practical for many people. mike from norway |
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#19 |
[quote=vithar;26548]"you might want to try with card board pyramids under your bed if you have air space."
by this you're saying you don't actually need to be inside. or did you mean over the bed? but yeah, i think the laminated organics/inorganics would be good. gee, it's 4:44 right now. i wonder what would happen if you could construct a second inverted pyramid? sit inside a real star tetrahedron. maybe it cancels out! ------ some questions: the russian pyramids have angles of 70° are best than the cheope angles? the pyramids with simple wood edges are good? how can i use the non magnetic orientation? what does it means? how can i make it? thank you |
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#20 |
i think to build a pyramid like this
![]() it's possible to measure the energy inside the pyramid ? what do you think about this? |
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