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#1 |
i am curious who here practices some form of magic and if so what forms. also how do you think that the magic system you practice aligns with the material here on david's website?
i practice chinese qigong and western magic based on the kabbalah. i find both systems to be valuable even though they approach the great work (to use the western term) from two different directions. the western magic system is rooted in the rational and analytic mind and as such it has an approach that is more outside of the body to use a hazy term. the eastern approach emphasizes the emotional and feeling mind or what would be called the heart. the western system has complex systems of classification of experiences and objects into correspondences that are used in practical work and in theurgy. the eastern system brings the mind into the body and fore goes the correspondence system and works directly with the energy body through feeling. i feel that both systems are in line with david's teachings and that the science he is trying to put together explains the phenomena of eastern and western magical practices fairly well. what about you guys and gals? |
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#2 |
what is your definition of the great work?
and what magick system do you used based on the kabbalah? i have used sigil magick and its worked almost every time so far. i have and do use tarot (thoth deck). i have been interested alot in kundalini yoga right now and am trying to find a good audio book to help guide me through each chakra (you know where to find anything like this?) personally i want to learn and use systems of celtic and earth magick, so thats where i'm at right now. magick is not necessary though. to me magick is a stronger version of prayer. the ritual and the props are more just psychological programmers, but only if you know what and why they correspond. so thats why i ask what kabbalah magic you use? i have been studying the tree of life for about 2 months now. good stuff! |
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#3 |
what is your definition of the great work? mostly i use[please pm dtris for name of] system and stuff derived from it. if you are interested in celtic magic you should check out [author-please pm dtris if interested] books on druid magic. [reference to the auhor]i don't know much about kundalini yoga so i don't know any good sources for that, sorry. what system do you use for creating sigils? [moderator note: just reminding posters that the metaphysical community is very large and it is ok to talk about a method of magik or whatever is being discussed, such as meditation, but no specific names, authors, or books should be listed. this preserves our members' free will to choose. thanks] |
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#4 |
i spend a life time in the 15-16 hundreds, maybe even earlier, as a celtic pagan somewhere in europe (perhaps the northern part, somewhere).
i regained a lot of memory of that time when i met someone i knew in that life. that was about the time when i really got into the occult; the tarot, seances (although that was an interest i developed as a child), and of course all sorts of magic! and of course whatever i am interested in i attract the entities and though forms that are associated with the particular phenomena. and of course those that were involved in these practices were also confronted with evidence of the reality of the paranormal. yes, i actually contacted dead relatives for myself and other people as well. and many facts about myself that i already began to suspect were proven with a rather strong exclamation mark at one of these seances. an event 5 others and i will never forget! concerning magic: i had rather obsessive patterns due to this interest so my guides put a synchronicity in place. i was being bullied by a girl at school and was on the verge of casting a black spell. i read tons of them; was trying to decide which one to use. around that time i began studying the elements, beginning with fire and that just added heat to my already aroused imagination. by a "coincidence" i found a very different type of ritual for banishment of negativity: a prayer. all i had to do was lid a candle dip a photo of the individual in some virgin oil and read this prayer every night for (don't remember how many nights, sorry). for those that haven't guessed by now, this was a christian prayer. i never did do any black magic thanks to the event i describe above. after that i was led by my guides to find the links between the occult and metaphysics and later on cosmology. i was still interested in demonology and was trying to understand this difficult classification. although i turned away from orthodox christianity at a rather young age, i was eager to study the two opposing forces of this religion. i was trying to figure out why, o why do people create such distortions as the devil/satan. my questions began to be answered when i began seeing more and more familiar names on the demon list. ancient egyptian and other pagan gods were showing up all over the place! how can amun ra, the sun of god atum (still can't get over this name lol), be a demon with a legion of demons????????????? in my mind at that time, little goat men where still the general/typical image of a demon, hehe. did it ever take some time; to realize that most of the demons that are also pagan gods are actually aliens/extra-dimensional beings with free will and that most angels are aliens/etds without free will.* and that the rest that don't show up as any gods of past religions are thought forms! angels like michael and gabriel (and others from that group that mated with the human females) can be found in both the lists of angels and the lists of demons. as i understand this distortion/mix up occurred due to the fact that they were peaceful aliens that would of course, just as ra, answer in the name of the positive beings familiar to humans; such as jesus, for example. okay, anyways, awesome thread, can't wait for the convo to develop! much love and light, ra ma |
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#5 |
my own opinion on the two opposing forces is somewhat unusual for someone of a christian upbringing as well. it was common to make the old gods of the religions that were converted into christianity into demons or devils. at the same time it was also common to take the customs and holidays of the old religions and give them new christian meaning. a great example is st. john the baptist day which is on my birthday. this was originally a holiday worshiping the god moloch.
however once we get past the historic aspects we still have the very real experiences of people with negative spirits. i think that some are thought forms, some might be 4th density sts ets and others are universal forces. satan has a specific role as an angel and that role is to deceive and to test. this is clearly illustrated in the book of job. he gets a bad rap but ultimately this entity exists to make us stronger. nothing worth doing is easy and when it comes to spiritual seeking he is the aspect that provides the trials and tribulations. |
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#6 |
magic is easy, it has to do with focus and intent. many people do not focus on things with intent.
it was really interesting when jordan maxwell pointed out that a "spell" has everything to do with "spelling", thus to cast a spell, is to write an intention. this focus upon intention is what makes a tarot deck powerful. one learns in tarot schooling, that you must hold one card at a time, and focus your awareness of intention upon that card. this will relate to your subconscious which card is to be pulled when you are doing a reading. literally you focus your intention into the card, and the physical paper that the card is printed on is then "imprinted" with your intention. in this way you "know" which cards are which even if they are upside down. even in the deck you "know" which cards are going to come up next. this gives your sub-conscious time to decide where to place the cards you draw and what there connection is to the rest you drew. allowing yourself to "unknowingly" place cards down and speak there intention, such as; these first three cards are past, the next three are present, and the last three are future. basically, one learns to allow there sub-conscious to shuffle and deal the cards. there really is no "trick" no predetermined shuffle. the magic of the draw is within you! your intentions are allowed to speak without you getting in the way. this is the "trick" to all magic. one places the intention into the object, or "spell" and then allows the sub-conscious to manifest it. intention! intention!! intention!!!! let it be known that this post is the key to magic! |
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#8 |
hi guys .
i also had a past lives that involved magickal practices / expressions . i was a sorceror in the 14c . i had my chinese guide present to me in a vision about 5 years ago the symbols that represent the elements and from that day on that kind of activated my interest in working within consciousness with the elements in regards to healing myself and healing others . it did indeed open many inner doorways and reconnected me with visions of past lives that involved mackical practices . many teachings mention the importance for an individual to master the elements within . within 18 months of working on balancing the elements and connecting with them i saw my first earth spirit . very cool (lol) a 1 foot tall being with a head similar to a rhinoceros . x daz x |
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#9 |
hi guys . |
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#10 |
je ra manuck : how did you discover your past life? well it all began when i reached my higher self, 5-6 years ago. but obviously i thought it was an entity outside of myself, for i had not gained the concept of higher self till i found dw and the loo. till late winter 2011, i thought of this being as a parental figure. he/she never spoke to me directly, at least what i though at the time was directly. lol; cuz really i was just talking to my self, right? :d anyways, the name i received for this entity got me on the occult tracks. and soon after i began to remember the past through dreams, visions and synchronicities. also certain people, sounds and smells triggered memories. and i am still remembering now, new pieces are coming in almost everyday! love and light, ra ma |
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#11 |
what methods did you use for balancing the elements? interestingly somewhere in the loo ra mentions that i think 1st density is the density of the elements and that this corresponds to the red ray center or base chakra. this is also the starting point of most western occult practices. the elements are in essence the ingredients of life . be it in form or a formless form that is of the fire of our sun to the inner flame of our spirit within . (for example) . firstly one has to acknowledge the elements individual spirit and one has to acknowledge their interconnectivity to all of life that is conscious . then one can begin to connect in gratitude when one perhaps bathes or sungazes or when one walks barefooted on the earth beneath their feet . one can say thank you to the flame of the candle that illuminates your room etc, etc . on another level when i meditate we can breathe life and energy in to our chakras and as you mention about the base chakra that can be connected to the root of the earth and like wise for instance the element of air that flows with the energy of communications that are connected to the throat center . i also sit in a quadrant that contains crystals in each of the 4 directions and place along side each crystal a representation of each element like acorns for the earth, water for water (lol) etc . i then bring in the elements from the ether (so to speak) and then combine that energy when i send out healing to the world and the people within it . it’s all to do with awareness of life on many levels and understanding the properties of the elements - in other words their nature . i do a bit of tree hugging and earth healing so it was no surprise that an earth element took an interest in me . i have also connected with dragon / phoenix energy also (fire) so i am working my way round them all (lol) . i would say the key is to allow the interconnectedness of the elements to become a part of your awareness thats within and around us all . hope this brief explanation helps . x daz x |
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#12 |
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#13 |
ha ha ha!!! magic and stuff----yeah
![]() for the last two years i have been working in these "spiritual shops" which the owners were practicing pagans. magic to them requires rituals to the moon and along with people and items. we needed visuals of earth, fire, water, air along with verbal chants. i was always wondering, if i just thought it, would it not just then become, but that is no fun you know. if you can't make/buy w/e a magic wand, then the whole being magic is pointless. the metaphors in their mind won't make sense. i just watched a video this last week that basically says which i agreed with, we have understand the ways of the "old" or earth bound ways in order to understand what is coming in the future. if i was on another planet, i would have to understand the functions there, i am on earth, i need to understand the five basic rules, and then i can expand. this made sense to me. but everything is perception and built reality, what is an orange to one, is a nectarine to another, but its still the same color. ha. |
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#14 |
thanks for sharing nice. i especially like your concluding sentence.
rachael5922 most of what i have studied says that the symbols used in magic are used as an aid to keep certain things in the consciousness/subconsciousness. however these symbols often need to be worked with first so their meaning is engraved in the mind, then their presence allows you to keep multiple energies or influences in the mind at the same time more easily than doing it without the aids. that said they are ultimately aids and they are not absolutely necessary. |
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#15 |
i found this stone in a copse by the humber bridge in england. this image is a blew up, the stone is about five inches long. it contains some very clear images, that almost appear to be painted. but there is no paint. some of the images i had dreamt about and even painted before i found the stone. the stone has been at the centre of many odd events and "coincidences". take a look and see what you see. spin it around. |
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#16 |
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#17 |
i never saw qi gong meditation as magic but i do it daily, purely to increase my qi. qi gong is supposed to cure disease and all i do is lie on my back and put my hands over my 2nd chakra and focus on my hands. it really works and if you do it on an empty stomach you feel sick. i am too afraid to evoke entities.
questioner: the entity aleister crowley wrote “do what thou wilt is the whole of the law.” he was obviously of some understanding of the law of one. where is this entity now? ra: i am ra. this entity is within your inner planes. this entity is in an healing process. questioner: did this entity, then, even though he intellectually understood the law of one, misuse it and have to go through this healing process? ra: i am ra. this entity became, may we use the vibration sound complex, overstimulated with the true nature of things. this over-stimulation resulted in behavior that was beyond the conscious control of the entity. the entity thus, in many attempts to go through the process of balancing, as we have described the various centers beginning with the red ray and moving upwards, became somewhat overly impressed or caught up in this process and became alienated from other-selves. this entity was positive. however, its journey was difficult due to the inability to use, synthesize, and harmonize the understandings of the desires of the self so that it might have shared, in full compassion, with other-selves. this entity thus became very unhealthy, as you may call it, in a spiritual complex manner, and it is necessary for those with this type of distortion towards inner pain to be nurtured in the inner planes until such an entity is capable of viewing the experiences again with the lack of distortion towards pain. |
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#18 |
i never saw qi gong meditation as magic but i do it daily, purely to increase my qi. qi gong is supposed to cure disease and all i do is lie on my back and put my hands over my 2nd chakra and focus on my hands. it really works and if you do it on an empty stomach you feel sick. i am too afraid to evoke entities. |
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#19 |
i would recommend you find yourself a good qigong teacher. i have been doing qigong for awhile now and there is a lot more to it than lying down and thinking about your dantien. also qigong is best done on an empty stomach. if what you are doing is making you feel sick i would suggest seeking out an experienced teacher to guide you and discontinuing that practice. |
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#20 |
magic has been redefined so many times throughout various cultures over time that it really has no base definition anymore. what is magic? there will be many differing answers.
it is rooted in the rituals of ancient priests who practiced it for the purposes of appeasing their particular gods. and the ancient gods had particular reasons for each specific ritual to be performed. now that opens a whole new cauldron of defining gods and rituals. the occult and every other form of what one might call magic are all rooted in the same origins despite their abuse and misinterpretations. and it is always meant to be the effort of using the natural energies of the cosmos to achieve particular goals, whether they be contact, alchemy or benefit(greed or otherwise). magic is nothing more than using natural energy in ways that accomplishes a particular result. it is science pure and simple. but it is science that is used for purposes that the science community does not condone and so it is considered taboo. when christianity became prominent all pagan ritual was considered taboo. paganism had been around for countless milennia before christ's time, and was prominent throughout the world. magic at that time was merely the everyday practices that had gone on long before. magic is like the creature that the christian church devised called satan. take an already misunderstood and maligned thing and advantageously exaggerate on that delusion to create something different of it. sanat kumara is not some evil creature living in a hell beneath us. nor is magic some dark occult practice. and all americans are not hillbillys. and not all canadians live in igloos. the reason that the enlightened ones reach that state is because they are open minded enough to understand these things and seek out the reality behind the delusions. if someone were to see me practice my ritual they would instantly assume i was worshiping some demons, but they would really have no idea what the true premise behind my practice really is, and could never know simply by observation. they would have to know why i do what i do and that would involve a process of teaching that would take more than a few paragraphs of explanation. it has taken me years to perfect my craft and come to the understanding i have, so how could anyone walk into my sanctuary and be able to understand within minutes? i would instantly be labeled and condemned, and they would be completely wrong in their assumptions. magic? please! |
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