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Old 05-08-2011, 03:47 PM   #1

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basically, it was a wake-up call to humanity--that love, not money, is what matters.
thanks habit4ming for your thoughts .

i agree that the movement was a wake up call and that it could of been a collective movement in expression to counteract the war and political energies of that time .

i think as of late every other country is in turmoil at present due to greed on some level and they have there own set of problems because of it .

where are the hippies when you need them - ha ha .

there doesn't seem to be a "love thing" going on at the moment to counter act where things are heading .

daz .
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Old 05-08-2011, 03:52 PM   #2

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i feel many dynamics of love were present in that era, and not just in america, but simultaneously across the pond our british brethren were having their own cultural pot stirring.
hi moonbodhi .

are you open to the idea that the hippy movement was the result of a wave of cosmic rays upon the earth . (just a thought i wanted to run by you)

dazzle .
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Old 05-08-2011, 06:28 PM   #3

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to our society the hippy movement was a direct result/response to the industrialization, ww2, un, and over all a new awareness for the human rights.
yes, all of this can be an effect of a wave of cosmic energy.
for this we'd have look at what exactly was going on in the universe at this moment.
if we look at this from a scientific point of view, we know that the mixing of matter with anti-matter creates gamma ray and gamma ray is ionized gas. if we view our galaxy from a side and not the top, we will observe two huge gamma ray bubbles coming out of the center of the galaxy where we can assume matter and anti-matter meets. we can also assume that if they were to blow up, they would open up like flowers thus the radiation will unfold onto the galaxy. it takes our sun 200 million years to go around the center of the galaxy. (just as earth circles around the sun). we are in the area of space, right now, in which the last time earth was here was during the uprising of the dinosaurs. can we take this into account for what is happening here on earth. of course we can. it is not all about cosmic rays (which is actually referring to ionized waves/the products of collision between matter and anti-matter). we know that these waves are harmful to dna, yet we can't say for sure. we were never exposed to such an amount of ionized gas that these effects could be observed. for all we know, it is a normal event in the universe which might rearrange our dna instead of harming and destroying it. just like as the microwaves were considered really bad before, and now they are proven to reserve more nutrients than if you boil your food. again the biggest reason for the fear was because to us, the effect of the dancing/bumping particles in the microwave, seems dangerous.
but then a scientist had a successful experiment using rearrangement of dna caused by microwave radiation.
we haven't been around for long enough to be tracking the cosmic rays or explosions that cause the rays/waves.
all i can say is that the ionized gas is the only probable variant for spontaneous evolution. and when we look at our galaxy as a whole, the sun becomes tiny and irrelevant. the galaxy is thus going around something as well in accordance of its galaxy local group. and so on. all of it cooking up in ionized gas, electromagnetic radiation, microwave... and so on!
i'd say you got your heat and fertilizer anything is possible!

love and light and love
ra ma
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Old 07-19-2011, 12:49 PM   #4

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Default "Free Loving" Hippies . . .
hi all .

was the free love movement of the hippie generation all about the expression of self love or was it all about an expression of lustful desires . .

what energies where at play do you feel .

daz .
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Old 07-19-2011, 04:01 PM   #5

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the movement was all about questioning the status quo. many young people saw their parents chasing the almighty dollar, only being concerned with appearances, only being concerned with status (like joining country clubs)...(they saw their parents as being very superficial)...all the while, people were starving to death all over the planet, our young men (and innocent civilians abroad) were dying in an unnecessary war. many young people were also disgusted with the hypocrisy of those professing to be christians, all the while hating their fellow man due to skin color or other equally-ridiculous reason. there were also environmental and animal-right's issues. basically, it was a wake-up call to humanity--that love, not money, is what matters. i'd like to add that the "summer of love" was 1967, not 1969, which has been erroneously reported numerous times. i feel privileged that i was there and able to experience that lovely, peaceful movement. imo, love still is the answer.
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Old 07-19-2011, 05:20 PM   #6

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first, i second that habit4ming! pulled the thoughts from me mind ya did! and thanks for that summer of love in '67 bit. i did not know that.

and to nice, yes and yes, c. all the above, and much more. i am only thirty so i offer no empirical evidence from being there but i feel many dynamics of love were present in that era, and not just in america, but simultaneously across the pond our british brethren were having their own cultural pot stirring. it is not either-or, this or that, rarely ever is, but rather a collective and eclectic effort put forth by many fronts acting in unison, aware or not. like many encampments on the battlefield representing various tribes and kingdoms, but united in principle against a common foe. personally, i always consider any observabvle happening as being a collaborative mix of sts (service-to-self) and sto (service-to-others) catalysts.

love and light!

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Old 07-19-2011, 07:39 PM   #7

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hi all .

was the free love movement of the hippie generation all about the expression of self love or was it all about an expression of lustful desires . .

what energies where at play do you feel .

daz .
well no one has the answer for this, only assumptions. i think that a lot the people involved in the hippie movement were there just because they decided to jump on board and have fun. for others, it was the meaning of existence. they protested for peace, strike against the system and so on.
the free love movement in particular occurred because women were gaining freedom of expression and certain men allowed this. was it because of their lust for women or because they believed we all have equal rights? no one can say for sure.
all i can say, historically wise, is that this was a direct ripple effect from the initial colonization period of north america when women began experiencing the free choice of choosing a husband.
again, this coin has two sides. on one side we have the women fighting for their rights and on the other, women using this opportunity to manipulate men.

love and light and love
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Old 08-08-2011, 10:34 AM   #8

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to our society the hippy movement was a direct result/response to the industrialization, ww2, un, and over all a new awareness for the human rights.
yes, all of this can be an effect of a wave of cosmic energy.
for this we'd have look at what exactly was going on in the universe at this moment.
if we view our galaxy from a side and not the top, we will observe two huge gamma ray bubbles coming out of the center of the galaxy where we can assume matter and anti-matter meets. we can also assume that if they were to blow up, they would open up like flowers thus the radiation will unfold onto the galaxy. it takes our sun 200 million years to go around the center of the galaxy. (just as earth circles around the sun). we are in the area of space, right now, in which the last time earth was here was during the uprising of the dinosaurs. can we take this into account for what is happening here on earth. of course we can. it is not all about cosmic rays (which is actually referring to ionized waves/the products of collision between matter and anti-matter). we know that these waves are harmful to dna, yet we can't say for sure. we were never exposed to such an amount of ionized gas that these effects could be observed. for all we know, it is a normal event in the universe which might rearrange our dna instead of harming and destroying it. just like as the microwaves were considered really bad before, and now they are proven to reserve more nutrients than if you boil your food. again the biggest reason for the fear was because to us, the effect of the dancing/bumping particles in the microwave, seems dangerous.
but then a scientist had a successful experiment using rearrangement of dna caused by microwave radiation.
we haven't been around for long enough to be tracking the cosmic rays or explosions that cause the rays/waves.
all i can say is that the ionized gas is the only probable variant for spontaneous evolution. and when we look at our galaxy as a whole, the sun becomes tiny and irrelevant. the galaxy is thus going around something as well in accordance of its galaxy local group. and so on. all of it cooking up in ionized gas, electromagnetic radiation, microwave... and so on!
i'd say you got your heat and fertilizer anything is possible!

love and light and love
ra ma
that was an interesting read ra ma thanks .

i think what’s interesting is how these cosmic rays / ionized gas or whatever has an effect on us on a one to one basis . whereas some individuals are running around shooting everyone else there are others that are expressing the love .

i would say what is important is how much are we influenced by other means . are we the puppet or the puppet master . are we at the mercy of external energies? perhaps the answer is to self enquiry and dig deep within our own bubble of consciousness so that we can ascertain as to whether we are in an expression of what we are at the core rather than behaving in a particular way because of such influences .

daz .
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Old 08-08-2011, 04:02 PM   #9

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of course, my love! self-ascertain is the key to enlightenment! like i've said before, we can only assume which hippies were there to protect human rights and which were there to get stoned out of their minds and party. we just can't tell what is going on in the heads and minds of the individuals we consider as 'bad.' the truth of the matter is that, even those that can see through into people's thoughts would most likely avoid looking into the minds of these people. i know i would.

love and light and love,
ra ma
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Old 08-09-2011, 05:19 AM   #10

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now wait a minute, et!

you wrote..#### "just like as the microwaves were considered really bad before, and now they are proven to reserve more nutrients than if you boil your food. again the biggest reason for the fear was because to us, the effect of the dancing/bumping particles in the microwave, seems dangerous.
but then a scientist had a successful experiment using rearrangement of dna caused by microwave radiation. ####

now who the blazes is this scientist you mention? some genius hired by food trust?
supposedly the russian's got hold of the german army's microwave units used by their field kitchens...warm meals for the frozen soldiers...seemed a great idea.

in a noted experimented on factory workers, two groups were so employed during their lunch break...half got the nuked meals while the rest got the old-fashioned treatment. after some months the record showed that the nuked group had seriously more sickness and assorted disabilities.

the russian scientist were nice enough to send out a global alert...but of course no one took them seriously. finally, western researchers started looking into it and found that the food quality was indeed seriously compromised...even the lesser evil of warming was enough to screw it up....there is a famous lawsuit levied against a hospital because of a death caused by the seemingly innocent act of merely warming of blood by microwaving just before it was given to a needy patient.. it killed her real dead. the conclusion was that something in the blood's makeup was changed for the bad.

in my admittedly limited readings i don't know of any messages from upstairs giving microwaving food/drink a stamp of approval.. in contrast to that lack of approval there is a whole bunch giving strong warnings not to use it. so what is going on here? do nukes make kitchen life so much easier few can live without them-- so happily die younger --or something worse -- for the sake of mere convenience?

nuke free! and seriously proud of it! luv, etc., bbb
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Old 09-08-2011, 04:19 PM   #11

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hello bbb,
here is where i should've been clearer.

now who the blazes is this scientist you mention? some genius hired by food trust?
supposedly the russian's got hold of the german army's microwave units used by their field kitchens...warm meals for the frozen soldiers...seemed a great idea. the scientist i mention, who's name i always forget, was the guy who made chicken/ducks. i think dw mentioned it once. so, when i was speaking about this, i was talking strictly about the dna rearrangement that can occur with radiation thus tieing it into the whole meaning of my msg above. =]
in a noted experimented on factory workers, two groups were so employed during their lunch break...half got the nuked meals while the rest got the old-fashioned treatment. after some months the record showed that the nuked group had seriously more sickness and assorted disabilities. of course you shouldn't use the microwave! all i was saying is that if you compare the boiled/steamed food from the microwave to the boiled/steamed food from the oven the difference is that the boiled food from the oven looses more nutrition than the food from the microwave. the microwave rearranges particles in food, so obviously no one should worm up blood in it! lol. the microwaves are getting better in quality now, and, a leading nutritionist from uk supports this claim.
in my admittedly limited readings i don't know of any messages from upstairs giving microwaving food/drink a stamp of approval.. in contrast to that lack of approval there is a whole bunch giving strong warnings not to use it. so what is going on here? do nukes make kitchen life so much easier few can live without them-- so happily die younger --or something worse -- for the sake of mere convenience? so see. i wasn't saying they are good and lets all go zap our food! lol!
btw, the russians did get it from the germans. do you think that maybe they got this technology from the aliens as well? if they did, i wonder what the aliens were zapping, using microwave technology!

your extraterrestrial friend
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Old 09-08-2011, 05:02 PM   #12

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thank you dear e.t. for your clarification.

yes, the retention of nutrients would apparently appear higher -- even if they might be denatured in the process.

the loss of nutrients might be linked to the fact that the boiling-in-the-oven takes much longer than the quickie nuke zap... which allows more time for the goodies to escape. if one insists on boiling food then it behooves one to at least drink the left-over water.

personally, i would just toss it frozen/raw into the vita-mix then gag it down before my taste bud's realized what went by. (description exaggerated for literary effect)

love... bbb
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Old 09-08-2011, 05:27 PM   #13

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when you boil something, bbb, the force is coming from below pushing the nutrients out with the steam. in a microwave there is an energy field created. it pushes from all sides thus the particles don't escape but they do start to vibrate and rearrange.

i am sometimes short on explanations, i'm sorry. when something makes sense to me it doesn't necessarily make sense for every body else. i just write down exactly the thoughts that are coming into my head without giving too much notice to what i am saying.

love and light and love,
ra ma

p.s: you avoided going into the conversation about aliens, why? =]
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Old 09-08-2011, 07:09 PM   #14

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when you boil something, bbb, the force is coming from below pushing the nutrients out with the steam. in a microwave there is an energy field created. it pushes from all sides thus the particles don't escape but they do start to vibrate and rearrange.

i am sometimes short on explanations, i'm sorry. when something makes sense to me it doesn't necessarily make sense for every body else. i just write down exactly the thoughts that are coming into my head without giving too much notice to what i am saying.

love and light and love,
ra ma

p.s: you avoided going into the conversation about aliens, why? =]
dear et liz, as to aliens what new thing is there to say? the truth is out there...etc.

about your description of boiling vs nuking's global containment..stick a cup full of water in the microwave oven and it will boil away...out the top. stick a lid on your boiling pot --or pressure cooker -- and the heat will be coming from all directions --including the top and sides.

you may very well be right...but i think the big difference is the time element.

et, you seem to have read virtually everything -- does that include the ra material? incidentally, you might really enjoy dolores cannon's body of work (yes, she is on the recommended reading list) her magnum opus is the three volume (and a coming 4th) set of "the convoluted universe."

best, billybob...
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Old 09-08-2011, 08:34 PM   #15

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well... no one yet even asked me on the forum where i know this stuff from, especially all that relates to ww2/aliens. so i guess it would seem like i am well read. yes, i am familiar with the ra material. i decided to read it to learn the terminology ra used there, as well as the reason why i read much other things so that i can communicate better. i will check it out, thank you for the suggestion!
as for our little boiling conversation, i am not a chemist or a physic so i was just observing the situation. of course factors like lid and no lid makes sense. except for the fact that when you boil on the stove even with a closed lid the particles dissolve. and you can never leave a lid on completely with no air passing through. if you would do that, the lid would come off and if the lid is securely attached then there might be an explosion because the steam will try to escape. we know that we should never close something completely with a lid if we put it in the microwave, for the same reason as above. the difference is that in the microwaves the particles do not dissolve and even if they separate from the food itself they still remain floating in the air inside the microwave. again, these are just my thoughts. it makes sense to me. and of course time plays its role, but forces do not travel in the boarders of time, because we know they can pass through everything including both space-time and time-space continuum.

love and light,
ra ma
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