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Old 05-14-2006, 02:59 PM   #1

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Default An entity in my bedroom?
I was woken in the middle of the night the other night and felt very afraid, I was aware that there was something 'not nice' in my room.I could only see it as a mist in one corner of my room, (I dont normally see spirit) but i knew that it was there and I did not like it. The whole atmosphere in my room was different, and i was afraid.I remembered what I have been told to do in these situations, I said to 'it' that i am a being of divine light, I then called on ArchAngel Michael, asked him to come and protect me and remove the bad spirit, to ing with him his angelof light and to stay with me. The atmosphere in my room changed, the 'thing' was gone, and I knew I was protected, but felt uneasy for the rest of the night, kept the light on, was afraid to close my eyes, afraid of what would happen if I did.All has been fine since. I am questioning just what did happen and why, I always try to work from the light, was this a test for me? Also, a lot has been happenning on an emotional level in my life lately, so did i manefest something? Or, was it a manefestation from thoughts someone who knows me was having? Or, was it just something from the dark side that for some reason I had attracted in?I would be interested to know more, and, is it likely to happen again?
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Old 05-14-2006, 03:10 PM   #2

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Yes, it could be a manifestation of the emotional problems you were having but even without that, there are spirits all around and they could have just dropped by to visit...whether they are spirits you know or don't know of. The important thing is the protection that you did successfully! Way to Go! It could just be a spirit on hisher journey. That happens quite often! The important thing to bless them and let them go if you don't want them around!
Love and Light
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Old 05-14-2006, 03:25 PM   #3

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Thanks Mysticfunny old world isnt it. Im planning to do lots more spiritual work when Im in Uk, maybe this was just a test, to show me what is out there? Should I have asked it what it was and what it wanted? No, I just wanted it gone, dont know if im 'strong' enough, could have got a lot more than I bargained for.Interesting thoughxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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Old 05-14-2006, 03:27 PM   #4

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LOL, yes, I do ask spirits who they are and why they are there for me and it helps a lot...but, for starters what you did is totally right and probably what I'd have done...if something makes me uncomfy, i ask them to leave!



Love and Light

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Old 05-14-2006, 03:33 PM   #5

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Thanks, its good to get your feedback.Hugs back to you tooIMG src="http:www.spiritualblessing.orgForumsrichedits mileysLove1.gif" border=0xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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Old 05-22-2006, 03:29 AM   #6

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I started seeing energy in my bedroom at night about six months ago, and was facinated by this. In the end i had to cover my Tv with a towel as so much whitegrey energy poured from it, my bedroom was thick with it and it kept me awake all night.

Then i read about protection and i thought what do i need to be protected from. My mind went in overdrive thinking about spirits and stuff.

After this i started seeing black shapes moving around my bedroom ceiling and it scared me. My husband wasnt impressed with me going on about this. So i new i had to get a grip as it could get worse. So i also said if you are not of the light and of the highest benefit to me you must leave as you are not welcome and not invited and called for my angels to removed was was not of the purest of love and light.

After doing this for a few days I thought wait a minute just because its black doent mean its bad, im being predudice to the colour black. I also realised that my fear was manifesting fear, thus creating the black shapes. I started sending love to the black and sure enought it got swallowed up by a white light. I liked white shapes moving across my ceiling.

Shortly afterwards i started seeing my aura and outlines of faces around me. I was scared at first, i knew it was my guides and angels but i was still scary. So i said too much too soon and it calmed down. Bit by bit i grew aver but i know the veil will get thinner and thinner the more i accept it. It scares me but it also excites me and i wouldnt want it to go away.

A few weeks ago i got up in the night to go to the toilet. I saw a goblin in the hall looking at me. I felt fear but told myself i had to be ave, so i blew it kisses and sent it love, as i read that it repulses anything that is evil and they wont hang around. Its hard to feel love when you have fear, i had to think of my baby when i first saw him and feel that feeling again to send out. Instantly the goblin changed into a puppy. I realised that it wasnt a goblin, it was the fear i felt, manifested into a goblin and when i released the fear i released the goblin.

I know nothing can hurt me if i dont allow it, everything is made of energy and if i work from love and not fear i have nothing to fear. I know this isnt always easy but with pratice its gets easier.

You may also be seeing energy and if you welcome this it is a wonderful gift. The beautiful colours, shapes, faries, angels to name a few.

I have a protection ritual i do every morning and evening. Hopefully one day there will be no need for this as i believe the higher your viation the rate your aura oscaltes the lighter you become. When you reach a high state the dark cannot reach you has dark is much denser and has a much slower viation. So even though the dark is still there you will not be effected by it as you are moving to fast for it to see you and your light will smoother it.

Hope this helps you.
Love and blessings

Energy is in the eye of the beholder.
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Old 05-22-2006, 08:49 AM   #7

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Great Post. Thats all I do if spirits are around me and Im bothered I ask them to leave if they are not there for my highest good even in real life and during meditationtrancesoul travel. Fear only manifests what you fear of, right again!

I dont do protection rituals...I know i am protected....I know nothing can harm me and thats the way it has been. I have never had any unpleasant expereinces with spirits...Im always excited to welcome them!

Great post!
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Old 05-22-2006, 07:18 PM   #8

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Wow Purple, thank you, that does help a lot.You know, you are so right, the fear thing. Im Afraid a lot because of changes happening in my life right now.Its easy to let the fear in and forget the love isnt it.Thank you for the reminders, I feel betterLove and light to youxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx
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Old 05-22-2006, 11:46 PM   #9

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I'm seeing a grandmother figure. She wasn't there to hurt you. She was visiting you to let you know that no matter what you're going through right now, you're never alone and that it'll be alright.BRBRYou got scared. She didn't mean to frighten you. She won't materialize again, if you don't want her to because "you're not ready". But she's still with you. She also comes from the light. She is a family member.BRBRI'd like to get feedback about this vision if you could because it's a very strong vision. I see her. She has a flowery dress, she loved flowers and plants when she was earthbound.BRBRHope this makes sense to you,BRAnya
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Old 06-24-2006, 01:29 AM   #10

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Anya, Im sorry, Ive only just found your post.Grandmother, yes, I have been told before that I have a grandmother who draws close to mein time s of stress or emotional problems.Im not sure which Grandmother she is, from which side, or even if she is a Great grandmother. I never knew my grandparents. I would like to know more.Thank you so much, sorry for not replying earlier.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx
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Old 06-25-2006, 02:40 AM   #11

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No prob. It's really interesting. Worth investigating, asking questions, etc. Which grandmother (or great grandmother) loved plants and flowers. Talked to them.

Very strong image.

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Old 09-21-2006, 01:47 AM   #12

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I also have had problems with spirits since I was a teenager. Their was one that would come into my room at nights and lay in me. It would come in and sit at the foot of my bed. He would lay on top of me until he was in me. It continued for 4 nights. At first I was scared, but on the 4th night I acually fussed at it and fought it off. That one left me alone after that night.

Another incident, I woke up because I heard the door open and I felt anger fill the room. It became ferious, I felt it come to the bed and it started to push me out of the bed. There was nothing there but the feel of anger and the force that was pushing me out of the bed.

I have lots of other incidents but I have learned to pay no mind to them unless its children spirits who like to play. I let them know that I know that they are there and when they call me, I do answer them like I answer my own children.
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Old 09-21-2006, 02:44 AM   #13

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Sounds scary. Do you ask for protection for your house and yourself and family before you go to bed? You could also try clearing any negative energies with sage.
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Old 09-21-2006, 05:34 AM   #14

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yes, it was very scary, I use to run from those rooms and try to stay up known that they would come. But tell me how to use the sage. I would appricate it. Thanks for replying.
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Old 09-21-2006, 04:03 PM   #15

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Iv never used it myself but iv read of it. You can buy a sage stick from a new age shop. Its a native indian tradition. Light the sage and ask it what you want from it i.e to clear all negative enrgy from your room and give you protection. Then go around your room and waffed the smoked everywhere making sure to get into the corners.
When you have finished thank the sage and thank the spirit.
Do this with intent and try to not be disturbed.

Look up shaman and native indian on goggle etc and see if you can find more info.
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Old 09-21-2006, 06:26 PM   #16

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Sage is an excellent cleanser...I would recommend Californian White Sage which can be bought in any new age shops - I usually start upstairs and work my way down. It wouldn't be a bad idea to leave a window open to allow the spirit or negative energy to depart.

You could also ask Archangel Michael to surround your house with a golden sphere of protection - be sure to specify protection from negative energy, unwanted entities/lost souls and intruding spirits.

I often use this combined protection and the peace that descends is wonderful.
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Old 09-21-2006, 10:26 PM   #17

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Thanks for the help, I will go purphase the sage quickly.
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Old 10-17-2008, 12:22 AM   #18

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Just wanted to say hi, new to the sight.
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Old 10-17-2008, 07:29 PM   #19

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really interesting post! thanks for sharing!
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Old 01-05-2009, 06:10 AM   #20

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When I first started opening up a few months ago, I had some really wild experiences myself. Most of them involved me going into involuntary OBE's and ending up somewhere where there was a spirit. Instead of coming to me, I was being pulled to them. Very strange. Then there was one night when my wife sensed a spirit in the room. I felt bad because I'm the one all into this stuff, not her, and I felt like I was bringing this on my family. It wasn't a bad spirit though. Actually it turns out it's one of my spirit guides... I think.

I've also had a few incidents around the house of things getting knocked off of places or things falling over. Not big things, but little things. Then I had a sense of a little girl spirit. I didn't want her bothering my family so I sent her away. That's one of the rare "objective" encounters I've had with spirits - them being in the room. The rest I've had have been more subjective - seeing faces or sensing things during meditation, OBE's, or lucid semi-dreaming states.

I'm still not quite sure what to make of it all. Part of it feels like it's made up, and part of it feels real.
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