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Old 06-15-2007, 06:06 AM   #1

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Default Children/ past lives
I saw this topic posted on another board and was wondering if anyone has experienced a child saying they knew you when you were young or something similar.

It reminds me of something that happened when I was about 14.

Long story short, Iwas meant to have a friend overnight when someone who works with my mother (they dont know eachother well) needed a babysitter badly. She said my friend could come with me as long as we could do it and she would only be a few hours. We agreed.
I had never met these people before in my life and when i got there there was a brief hello and an apology for asking me to babysit and rushing out.
We went into the living room to find the kids and the first thing the little boy (about 5) said was 'hello felicia' to my friend even though she had never met him before and i hadnt mentioned her name to the parents.
Later on that night the little girl (about 4) told me that i had changed my hair since she knew me last. I told her i nevr met her before and she told me that she knew me before she was in her mummy;s tummy.

It was a weird experience. Anyone else have anythig similar?
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Old 06-15-2007, 10:39 AM   #2

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I've never had that happen with children. Only with adults. That would be really neat to hear from a child in my opinion as they are more aware and remember more of their past lives then adults do. Most of us lose our gifts only to be rediscovered again. That is awesome...Thanks for sharing that
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Old 06-15-2007, 02:30 PM   #3

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Thank you
I believe that children remember more easily as well. I think the memory probably fades as would any memory from childhood, but as you said, can always be rediscovered, like forgotten memories
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Old 06-15-2007, 06:17 PM   #4

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Did you ask her more questions at the time?...I think as a whole, the adult population is now becoming more aware/giving more credibility and not just bushing off statements children make that seem to come out of the blue.

My son use to pick up a specific marble and use it like a crystal ball to see his father. The words he used were "Crystal ball, crystal ball, please show me another world" and then he would exclaim, I see daddy working....he has never been exposed to crystal balls nor has the conversation on this topic ever played part in our lives so it was a bit "interesting".
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Old 06-15-2007, 06:43 PM   #5

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I was only 13 or 14 at the time and I remember being a bit freaked out by it all so I didn't ask any questions. I asked the little girl how she knew me and she said her mummy knew me.
They then wanted to play outside cos they liked playing in the dark... so it was all around pretty odd lol

That is very interesting about your son. Did he ever tell you anything about his father that he wouldnt otherwise know?
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Old 06-15-2007, 07:48 PM   #6

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Wow, what great experiences! Id say Id be a little freaked out as well..LOL.
When my dd was born, I had this strong sense that she had been here b4. As months went on--she would do odd little things often that still made me question the thought. Shes now 2 and more vocal, I still really cant say for sure whether or not this is the case with her but I do know that she is able to see things that I can not. Only time will tell, I suppose.
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Old 06-15-2007, 07:48 PM   #7

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This is really interesting!!!

And I think it caught my attention because for the past few weeks, my son (14yrs old) is begging me to take him to a holistic fayre as he wants to see a psychic!!! He is convinced he was Spartan in a previous life!!!lol

So Im waiting for the next fayre so I could take him, even if its not only for the knowledge he is wanting to hear!!!

Also, my best friend's daughter is now five years old and is way way older than her years! She knows the directions to certain places even if she only went there once or has never been before. Everything looks familiar to her...she will point out places and things even before we would get there...like for instance the colour of a house we will pass in the next five minutes, or a tree on a street she has never been to before!!

Really amazing hay???

Love and light
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Old 06-16-2007, 01:38 AM   #8

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None of my kids have expressed anything like this, but my nephew got into trouble with his Dad one day. He was sitting on the couch and looked up and said to my brother: My last family didn't treat me like this. LOL.

My brother doesn't believe in past lives or anything, so it was just another funny thing kids say. But I always wondered about his 'last' family and if it was a past life thing happening or just a random thing my nephew said to make my brother feel bad about punishing him.
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Old 06-16-2007, 01:44 AM   #9

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Very interesting stories everyone
Ana, your story reminds me of one that a friend of mine told me once. She has a son, who has a father who he knew. When her son was younger he would talk about his daddy (actual father) and his 'black daddy' and he'd talk about this other father and his life with him. He was only about 5 or younger when he'd say this so he wasn't very old.
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Old 06-16-2007, 02:10 AM   #10

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My family and I believe that my youngest son is actually my great grandfather, "Clyde" reincarnated. At 6 months, he saw an old picture hanging in my moms guest room and identified Clyde's wife. (the Guest room was decored in antique and had old pictures down our family line that my mother had collected to go with the room decor) At the time, I did not know if he was right and I hadn't looked into the reality of reincarnation yet so I disregarded it. When he was around the age of 2, I had started to look at the possibility and asked God for confirmation. There shortly, my youngest saw the picture again. He pointed to each individual and said, "Nelly and Clyde. Clydes Mean." He would then laugh and run around the room. We asked him over and over and he kept saying Clydes mean. Later that night, we went over to my aunts where my grandmother was visiting as well. I asked her what her grandma and grandpa's names were.

"Clyde and Nelly."

My mom and I about fell out of our chairs. We told her the story and my grandma said, "What if he is saying, clyde is me instead of clydes mean." She then turned in her chair and yelled out, "Hey Clyde!" My son turned around and said, "What?!"

The kicker to this story is that my grandmother told me that she had been very very close to Clyde (her grandpa). When he died, he would come back in spirit to see her all the time. He would also talk to her and tell her how much he loved her. The last time she saw Clyde, she said that he appeared to her in her car and told her that he would not be returning in form but that he loved her and would surely be back in her lifetime.........

My son no longer talks of this life. Afterward, he would talk about Nelly but in a very hushed voice and hold his hands to his heart. Now he has no recollection. He will be 4 in July.
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Old 06-16-2007, 09:24 AM   #11

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That is an amazing story Crystaldanika! It's too bad he doesn't talk about it much anymore.
Mecca, I have had a similar experience to you. When my little brother was stil a baby (i'm 16 years older than him... oh that makes me sound old lol) I was giving him a bath. He always go excited and would kick and scream and laugh in the water. I was leaning over the side with my elbows resting on the tub and my hands dangling ofer the side towards him. In all the comotion of him laughing his hand went into the palm of mine as if he were shaking my hand and i swear time stood still. I never took my eyes off of him but i could see the droplets of water hanging in the air, like watching something slowed down on tv. He was stairing straight into my eyes. Then bang, back to reality. My friend was there too as were were both babysitting my bro but he obviously hadn't noticed anything.
I had a strong feeling from that moment on that we were connected in another life though i dont know how.
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Old 06-16-2007, 07:44 PM   #12

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Wow...all these stories are so interesting and cool to read! I hope there's more people with experiences 'cause this is cool.
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Old 06-16-2007, 08:37 PM   #13

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Very cool story Crystaldanika! Really enjoying reading this thread as well
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Old 06-20-2007, 01:00 AM   #14

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That is an amazing story Crystaldanika! It's too bad he doesn't talk about it much anymore..
Yes, it seems that most children soon forget. To be all honest, I don't think he was to remember to much. I think he was allowed to remember due to my requesting of confirmation. He has a very simple persona. He enjoys each day and age as if it will never end. I truly feel he came back to enjoy life this time around as I know Clyde's life was quite hard and he worked diligintly to provide for himself and his family. I've never met a child as carefree as my youngest. If I had known of reincarnation when my oldest was young, I'm sure I could have learned a whole lot of my oldest PL's. He always talked of things that made no since for his age to know, of places and things and incredibly detailed stories but of course I can't remember them at all now. Another wierd thing about my youngest being Clyde is that when I became pregnant with him, I immediately knew he was a boy and that his name started with a C. I went through a couple until I fell on Clyde and C*** (for privacy sake). I didn't much like Clyde because it was so old so I went with the other version which is actually quite simular and simple like Clyde. Wierd eh'? We were calling him by name before I received a sonogram telling of his sex.

Mecca, I have had a similar experience to you. When my little brother was stil a baby (i'm 16 years older than him... oh that makes me sound old lol) I was giving him a bath. He always go excited and would kick and scream and laugh in the water. I was leaning over the side with my elbows resting on the tub and my hands dangling ofer the side towards him. In all the comotion of him laughing his hand went into the palm of mine as if he were shaking my hand and i swear time stood still. I never took my eyes off of him but i could see the droplets of water hanging in the air, like watching something slowed down on tv. He was stairing straight into my eyes. Then bang, back to reality. My friend was there too as were were both babysitting my bro but he obviously hadn't noticed anything.
I had a strong feeling from that moment on that we were connected in another life though i dont know how.
Very cool experience. It would be interesting to see if you could ever access the memory in a meditation or something. They say that many of us reincarnate over and over again within the same family line or at least with some of the same people. My sister and I have had multiple PL's together and one night while visiting my grandma, I had a distinct flash back to sitting around something like a fire with a woman who at the time was my age, brown, short hair. (I knew this was my g-ma now), we were holding eachothers hands across the fire, looking down and then slowly looking up to lock eyes. It was a very cool memory. Her and I are very close and go into a whole other world when it's just her and I talking of the psychic and spiritual realm.
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Old 06-20-2007, 05:11 AM   #15

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Crystaldanika, that is a very interesting story

As for mine, I would like to find out through meditation sometime. I always felt a motherly bond with my brother, but I truly think that is down to the age difference and because I had to look aftr him when my mum went back to work. But there are alot of people I feel I am connected to that I would love to know how in past lives
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Old 06-21-2007, 09:02 PM   #16

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Crystaldanika, that is a very interesting story

As for mine, I would like to find out through meditation sometime. I always felt a motherly bond with my brother, but I truly think that is down to the age difference and because I had to look aftr him when my mum went back to work. But there are alot of people I feel I am connected to that I would love to know how in past lives
I met a woman recently who performs Past Life Regressions. I think it would be interesting to do one day but then a part of me holds back due to fears of what I may have to face.
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Old 06-21-2007, 09:15 PM   #17

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I would LOVE to be regressed!
There was once that my friend and I signed up to do a tv show on regression. I hated the idea of being on tv but wanted to be regressed so desperatly. Anyways, they wanted me to go on. They wanted to do it at night and in the end my bf had an exam the nest day and I thought better of travelling back from London after being hypnotised.

*sigh* lol if only. Someday i will find someone to regress me and a friend to get it done with me lol... i dont want to be the only one
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Old 06-21-2007, 09:24 PM   #18

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See, I think it would be fun if I could choose what parts of my PL's I wanted to visit and I guess that you really could but my worry is that I'll suddenly pop into another life that I am terrified to see. For instance, I have a feeling I was part of the holocaust. I get physically ill and sick when I read anything or see anything about it. I will start to shake. I couldn't even tell you much about this huge event that all of us learned in our childhood and highschool years because I refused to listen to teachers. I brought headphones and on the day we had to watch a do***entary, I faked being ill and got sent to the nurses office. When sent back to the class, I blocked out as much as I could and couldn't sleep that night.

I never thought of this being a PL memory/trauma until I went looking for an answer to a memory my mother has at a Past Life Forum. I simply could not read the holocaust thread so I posted a note asking others to go look in the thread for me. lol. Thats when someone told me it was probably PL related. Well, hun, I just don't ever want to find out if thats true!!
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Old 06-21-2007, 10:57 PM   #19

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I wonder if you could ask the past life regressionist to only regress you into lives which wern't traumatic... or the part of that life which wasn't traumatic (as hopefully the entire life wasn't spent during the holocaust)
I wonder if that is possible.
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Old 06-22-2007, 12:10 AM   #20

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One thing that I've found about being regressed is that you will gain healing from whatever fear it may have brought forward into this lifetime. Also during the time you are, it will be like a third person viewing. You can tell your hypnotist your fears and if you go back to that lifetime...she/he can tell you to pull back a bit ...it makes it easier for you. However...I think we tend to do that naturally anyways. I have seen my own death in at least one other lifetime, and I took my younger sister at a later date to be regressed and she witnessed her execution along with her family at that time from a third person viewpoint. You will still know it is you and you can "reconnect" to get info and get past fears...but it's not like a full blown hypnotism where you have no control over what's going on. As a matter of fact...you might find your brain marveling over what you are sensing and feeling at the time. lol It is definitely a huge healing process and I love past life regression. But that is only my opinion due to my own experiences and those close to me who went. If you do decide to go and have a regression...don't forget to share the experience with us!
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