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Old 04-28-2011, 01:45 AM   #1

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Default Help with fear.
Can you help; my problem is fear of criticism by others when doing a reading for spirit;
I have an inner fear that I am not good enough but spirit tell me that I am ready.
I would appreciate any help you can offer.
Love Babes.
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Old 04-28-2011, 04:34 AM   #2

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in what you are doing
in what you are feeling
in the Divine
and believe in yourself..........

Criticism can be constructive as well, Babes, go with your heart.

Love and Blessings

Papa Bear
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Old 04-28-2011, 08:07 AM   #3

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Hey babes...do you think none of us that have been reading for yrs have no fear in sayng what we get? If all the readers in the world thought like you then there would be no readers, we all have our fears to beat.
The only way to beat fear of getting it wrong is get your ego out of the way and say it. If it doesnt make sense to you so what its not your message. If you get it shown to you in a way that doesnt make sense to your sitter then see it in a diferent way and there can lie the secret. We have to get ourselves out of the way in many cases. How do we learn to get better? We practice. Yes its great to get validation but dont make that nessessary to your read...there is absolutely no way any of us will get 100%, right no one does.
Say it as you get it and if you let it out you may supprise yourself, if you dont then you are atchieving nothing...so atcheive something and say what you get...work in Love and not Fear its the only way, rainbows, JanelleBHR
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Old 04-28-2011, 08:26 AM   #4

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Hi Babes
We all go through this, I know I did a couple of days ago when I did my first readings.
What I did was realized that I have a knowing, (not a belief) this is different. You know your guides help you, you know you can receive messages for others. Use this knowing, you know the message is not for you but the person your reading for. Put aside your own need to analyze whats coming in and just put it out there.
For my own learning I wrote down the readings I received and compared the feedback. Write down everything you receive all the bits and pieces will form into information the other person needs.
This is what works for me hope it helps.
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Old 04-28-2011, 09:18 AM   #5

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I believe in you. I have read your readings to others & this is why I believe in you. Sometimes other people need to make you doubt yourself so they can feel better about theirself. I don't think anyone here expects you to be perfect. There will be times you receive the information but you might not deliver it as it was intended. Sometimes the person receiving the message is having an off day & don't relate to the message immediately. A week later they may understand it. Again, I believe in you!
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Old 04-28-2011, 05:01 PM   #6

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I would like to thank you all for your support and I will take all your messages on board, you have all helped me so much you are so kind and I am glad that I have had the opportunity to me you all, thanks to this wonderful site.
Love Babes.
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Old 06-05-2011, 07:39 PM   #7

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You really don't need to fear critism. you're a great reader. I left you feedback for my reading and you did an awesome job! wish i could read as well as you. keep it up. you will help many with your readings. xoxo
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Old 06-05-2011, 08:12 PM   #8

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Harmony... you can. You have the same issue as Babes!
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Old 06-05-2011, 08:55 PM   #9

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lol. yes, i can relate to the feeling that i'm not getting enough information or the right information. i do also get very nervous after posting a reading. When i do get confirmation though it all seems worth it. It will for you too babes. I guess it's just practice makes perfect, or in our case the more we do it, the more confident we'll become. one day it'll become like second nature to us and we won't doubt it anymore.
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Old 07-05-2011, 10:45 AM   #10

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No, its NATURAL to doubt. Even the best of the best have doubts, that is because we are humans. The doubt never leaves, but you learn to work through it. If you are afraid of being judged then that is a fear you need to address by finding that self love and self power. Once you realize that no one is going to change you, the way you feel about you, by giving an opinion; this is when you truly have learned to love and trust yourself.

Am I wrong in readings? Heck ya I am! I'm human! Do people call me out? Yep! They do! I apologize and tell them that I'm not getting a good connection. Spirit is NEVER wrong. We are. Being right most of the time though gives us that confidence to work through the times when we are wrong. Trust your guides, trust your gut and worry not about the opinions of others. My dad always said "Opinions are like @ssholes... everyone has one and most of them stink." lol
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Old 07-05-2011, 04:55 PM   #11

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I find simply passing the information on is enough. My job is done. What the other person does with the information is their job. And I have also found that people who disagreed with something often come back after realising that it was quite correct.
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Old 07-05-2011, 05:18 PM   #12

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I think that sometimes those that ask for a reading don’t totally believe & look for things that could be wrong. As I have heard John Edward say, sometimes people have temporally amnesia. I think that can happen easily, because a reading can bring on anxiety, excitement & a flood of emotions. But later they may connect the reading to what it was intended for, & be overjoyed with happiness again. And don’t forget that sometimes messages that come through are actually for another family member or a friend of the person receiving the reading; and in time that message will make it to that person one way or another. Each time I have asked for a reading I have asked my guides & those I know who have passed on to please give messages to the person doing the reading that I need to hear. I’m sure the person doing the reading may get something & think it means one thing when actually it means something different to the person receiving the message. As an example, the person reading may see a strand of pearls that has been left for the person receiving the reading. These could be actual pearls or they could represent pearls or wisdom. Just my thoughts…as I’m still a new puppy in learning. I’m amazed at how well you all do & believe in each one of you.
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Old 07-05-2011, 05:26 PM   #13

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I found it useful in giving readings and keeping them in a journal. It would show what I had said and then the person's feedback. Of course no names are attached to these readings. They are all kept separate and nameless...why? If I give them another reading I wouldn't want to be tempted to look back and be vulnerable or even question what spirit gave me. I learned to trust in spirit and by looking over my journal this helped me in the beginning. I no longer keep a journal this was only used in the beginning to help release those fears and judgments others may or may not have placed on me.

Yes, we all make mistakes in interpretation but you can't expect to be perfect...you will find however that you really did make a connection and that person will verify it. That is when you say thank you spirit...I get it now!!!

Love and blessings
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Old 07-05-2011, 07:25 PM   #14

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I would like to thank you all so much for your time and support that you have given me, I have taken all your views on fear on board and the last message I gave I felt so much better.

You have all helped me so much; I hope I will be able to return the help to you one day.
Love Babes.

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Old 07-05-2011, 07:59 PM   #15

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aww.. you already have.. I'm not lying when i say i Will remember that reading forever.
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Old 07-05-2011, 08:02 PM   #16

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oh my god that quote is sooo funny. i love it!

It's interesting to know that the doubt never leaves us.. hmm, something to remember. thanks ((hugs))

No, its NATURAL to doubt. Even the best of the best have doubts, that is because we are humans. The doubt never leaves, but you learn to work through it. If you are afraid of being judged then that is a fear you need to address by finding that self love and self power. Once you realize that no one is going to change you, the way you feel about you, by giving an opinion; this is when you truly have learned to love and trust yourself.

Am I wrong in readings? Heck ya I am! I'm human! Do people call me out? Yep! They do! I apologize and tell them that I'm not getting a good connection. Spirit is NEVER wrong. We are. Being right most of the time though gives us that confidence to work through the times when we are wrong. Trust your guides, trust your gut and worry not about the opinions of others. My dad always said "Opinions are like @ssholes... everyone has one and most of them stink." lol
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Old 07-05-2011, 11:44 PM   #17

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No, its NATURAL to doubt. Even the best of the best have doubts, that is because we are humans. The doubt never leaves, but you learn to work through it. If you are afraid of being judged then that is a fear you need to address by finding that self love and self power. Once you realize that no one is going to change you, the way you feel about you, by giving an opinion; this is when you truly have learned to love and trust yourself.

Am I wrong in readings? Heck ya I am! I'm human! Do people call me out? Yep! They do! I apologize and tell them that I'm not getting a good connection. Spirit is NEVER wrong. We are. Being right most of the time though gives us that confidence to work through the times when we are wrong. Trust your guides, trust your gut and worry not about the opinions of others. My dad always said "Opinions are like @ssholes... everyone has one and most of them stink." lol
Thank you for that you have realy made me laugh and i feel so much better for reading your message i will keep that in mind next time i do a read.
Love babes.

tLO0hFNy is offline

Old 09-05-2011, 09:24 AM   #18

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Thanks for this Laura

Been something I've also been dealing with, & need to overcome, Doubt & fear of getting it wrong..

Your words are wise, will take it on board.
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Old 09-05-2011, 12:37 PM   #19

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You got some pretty good advice here, hun, but also remember that even though some will tell you that you are wrong, have confidence in yourself. Half the time that i give readings, people will tell me I'm way off and within a couple of weeks or even a couple of months they will come back and tell me I was right. Remember that the people you read for are also human and if your messages run deeper than their comfort level, they will be quick to deny it.This is especially true with love, relationships and matters of the heart. If someone is madly in love with someone and you know that they are not a good fit or the connections feel like it's one-sided (using empathic terms so change that part according to your abilities) but they may not be ready to face the truth about the one they love not loving them back. Or they may not be ready to face the shame and guilt of something done in the past. Trust your gut and your guides, if it feels strong enough and they deny it, just tell them "ok" and wait until they come back, and they will come back to tell you. Feel with your spirit, not the mind, feel the energy, if it feels off, then ask for their validation , if it feels "off" then it probably is, disconnect and try again. Some people are also very difficult to read. Once you understand how to interpret the slight energy changes around you, you will be able to use this as a guide, but don't be afraid to throw it out there. You will also have readings that make absolutely no sense to you, but it will mean everything to the person you are reading for. However, if the fear is that intense, do about 10 or more readings here, ask for detailed feedback and take notes on your consistency rate, but more important use that practice to focus solely on the energy, notice the change in feelings, or visions, ect, notice the subtle pulls and try to go deeper, go past the crap on the surface and go towards what's really important and the things that matter. Everything else should only be done for validation puposes, but the true answer's lye within them and you have the ability to draw this to the surface. I hope this makes sence. I wish you the best of luck, hun
Blessed Be,
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Old 09-05-2011, 09:41 PM   #20

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You got some pretty good advice here, hun, but also remember that even though some will tell you that you are wrong, have confidence in yourself. Half the time that i give readings, people will tell me I'm way off and within a couple of weeks or even a couple of months they will come back and tell me I was right. Remember that the people you read for are also human and if your messages run deeper than their comfort level, they will be quick to deny it.This is especially true with love, relationships and matters of the heart. If someone is madly in love with someone and you know that they are not a good fit or the connections feel like it's one-sided (using empathic terms so change that part according to your abilities) but they may not be ready to face the truth about the one they love not loving them back. Or they may not be ready to face the shame and guilt of something done in the past. Trust your gut and your guides, if it feels strong enough and they deny it, just tell them "ok" and wait until they come back, and they will come back to tell you. Feel with your spirit, not the mind, feel the energy, if it feels off, then ask for their validation , if it feels "off" then it probably is, disconnect and try again. Some people are also very difficult to read. Once you understand how to interpret the slight energy changes around you, you will be able to use this as a guide, but don't be afraid to throw it out there. You will also have readings that make absolutely no sense to you, but it will mean everything to the person you are reading for. However, if the fear is that intense, do about 10 or more readings here, ask for detailed feedback and take notes on your consistency rate, but more important use that practice to focus solely on the energy, notice the change in feelings, or visions, ect, notice the subtle pulls and try to go deeper, go past the crap on the surface and go towards what's really important and the things that matter. Everything else should only be done for validation puposes, but the true answer's lye within them and you have the ability to draw this to the surface. I hope this makes sence. I wish you the best of luck, hun
Blessed Be,
Thank you so much Lonelyangel,
All what you have said makes so much sence to me, I will carry on practicing and taking notes on were I have gone wrong.
I know your message has not only helped me but will help all those that read on this site.
Love Babes.
tLO0hFNy is offline

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