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cayce was a fundamentalist christian who was raised in strict nineteenth century bible tradition. when he discovered that his subconscious information declared the ancient mystic religions to be true and acclaimed jesus as their crowning glory, he suffered the greatest mental and emotional shock of his life. cayce had only a seventh grade education and consciously knew nothing of what he said while in a deep trance-like state. he was only versed in the bible and had no high school or college background of any kind. up until his revelations, cayce had never heard of the mystery religions. yet the cayce material agrees with everything about them that is known to be authentic. he spoke at length on christian gnosticism well before the gnostic writings were discovered after his death. cayce affirmed that christian gnosticism is the type of christianity that was taught by jesus. much of the information from cayce has solved some of the greatest mysteries of humanity, some of which were later validated after the discoveries of the dead sea scrolls and the early christian writings discovered in egypt.
reincarnation and the early christians in december, 1945, early christian writings containing many secrets of the early christian religion were found in upper egypt, a location where many christians fled during the roman invasion of jerusalem. undisturbed since their concealment almost two thousand years ago, these manuscripts of christian mysticism rank in importance with the dead sea scrolls. these writings affirmed the existence of the doctrine of reincarnation being taught among the early jews and christians. these christian mystics, referred to as christian gnostics, were ultimately destroyed by the orthodox church for being heretics. their sacred writings were destroyed and hidden with the belief that they would be revealed at an appropriate time in the future. the discovery in 1945 yielded writings that included some long lost gospels, some of which were written earlier than the known gospels of matthew, mark, luke and john. brian a. bain, m.a., has this to say about the 1945 discovery: "long considered to be heretical, ancient gnostic christian texts unearthed this century display compelling similarities between gnostic conceptions of life and death and modern near-death experiences. the gnostic texts devoted extensive tracts to what readers could expect to encounter when they died. other passages make numerous allusions to near-death-like experiences that can be realized in this life, most notably the human encounter with a divine light. the gnostic christian literature gives us one more example of ndes and similar experiences in the ancient world." another interesting fact comes from edgar cayce (a near-death experiencer) who affirmed that gnosticism is the highest form of christianity. the christian gnostics were regarded by some as a new jewish sect who believed they had finally found the long-awaited messiah and not a new religion. some of the apostles became gnostic and because of this, christianity could well have grown up as a gnostic religion had it not been for their eventual persecution by the organized church centuries later. the secret teachings of jesus an important christian gnostic teaching was the "logos" which in greek is translated as "the image of the word." it is an important concept found in the gospel of john: "in the beginning was the word (logos), and the word was with god, and the word was god." (john 1:1) logos is the part of god that acts in the world. it is the perfect unity of the human and the divine. this is affirmed by john when he wrote that "the word was made flesh and dwelt among us." when john stated that jesus is the logos, he is stating that jesus became the logos, the christ. the logos is the divine "spark" of god within humans that needs to awakened. everyone has the "image of the word (logos)" within them and it is for this reason that genesis describes humanity as created "in the image and likeness of god." the logos is the divine spirit in humanity. by using the christian gnostic idea of the logos, john is not only affirming the preexistence and divinity of jesus, but he is affirming that all sons of god created in the "image of the word" as jesus was, preexisted in spirit before being born. in other words, every human is an incarnation of the logos and every human has to potential of becoming like jesus, a manifestation of the human-divine unity. every human can be a "christ" and because of this, every soul will eventually be drawn back to god. the roman church misunderstood what the logos was in john and incorrectly concluded from this that only jesus is divine - the word made flesh. the orthodox church either rejected or ignored this christian gnostic concept found in john. this may have been a factor when the gospel of john was almost rejected from new testament canon when it was being put together. this was during a time when christian gnosticism became an enemy of the organized church. nevertheless, it was the idea of the preexistence of the soul and its corresponding doctrine of reincarnation that the roman church had great difficulty with. the christian gnostics emphasized spiritual knowledge rather blind faith as the road to salvation. they indicated that they possessed secret knowledge (i.e., "gnosis" in greek) concerning the hidden meaning of the "resurrection." this was a part of the secret teachings of jesus handed down to them by the apostles. this special knowledge was restricted to people who were given the public teachings of christianity before qualifying to be initiated and receive the secret teachings. in contrast, the very term "catholic" means "universal", implying that anyone could become a member of the church by adhering to the public teachings of faith and rituals. the christian gnostics were harsh critics of the orthodox church. the christian gnostics accused the church of watering down the gospel in order to popularize it for the masses. the orthodox church stressed salvation through faith alone and by the rituals of the church. this secret gnosis emphasized spiritual "resurrection" (i.e,. spiritual rebirth) and physical "resurrection" (i.e., reincarnation) as opposed to a resurrection defined as people sleeping in their graves until it is time their corpses to crawl out of their graves at the last day. christian gnostics held the view that if spiritual resurrection was not attained in one lifetime, then the soul would be subjected to as many reincarnations as it takes until spiritual rebirth is attained. one of the great church leaders was clement of alexandria in egypt (150-211 a.d.) who indicated that he possessed the secret teaching handed down from the apostles. in the gnostic text entitled the secret gospel of mark, one of the christian gnostic texts discovered in 1945, describes jesus performing secret initiation rituals. before the discovery of this secret gospel, our only knowledge of it came from a letter written by clement. clement quotes from this secret gospel and refers to it as, "a more spiritual gospel for the use of those who were being perfected." he also states, "it even yet is most carefully guarded [by the church at alexandria], being read only to those who are being initiated into the great mysteries." clement mentions elsewhere that jesus revealed a secret teaching to those who were "capable of receiving it and being molded by it" he also affirmed that, "the gnosis (secret knowledge) itself is that which has descended by transmission to a few, having been imparted unwritten by the apostles." (miscell. book vi, chapter 7) the existence of a secret teaching can be found in the new testament: “the secret of the kingdom of god has been given to you. but to those on the outside everything is said in parables so that, 'they may be ever seeing but never perceiving, and ever hearing but never understanding…'” (mark 4:11-12) "he replied, "the knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven has been given to you, but not to them. whoever has will be given more, and he will have an abundance." (matt. 13:11-12) "we do, however, speak a message of wisdom among the mature, but not the wisdom of this age or of the rulers of this age, who are coming to nothing. no, we speak of god's secret wisdom, a wisdom that has been hidden and that god destined for our glory before time began." (1 cor. 2:6-8) "so then, men ought to regard us as servants of christ and as those entrusted with the secret things of god." (1 cor. 4:1) "at that time jesus said, "i praise you, father, lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. yes, father, for this was your good pleasure." (matt. 11:25-26) paul wrote about teachings which are taught to spiritual "babies," teachings about righteousness for the more mature, and then teachings for the spiritually mature. paul reveals this fact immediately after equating melchizedek to jesus by stating: "we have much to say about this, but it is hard to explain because you are slow to learn. in fact, though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you the elementary truths of god's word all over again. you need milk, not solid food! anyone who lives on milk, being still an infant, is not acquainted with the teaching about righteousness. but solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil. (heb. 5:11-14) according to tradition, after the roman invasion of jerusalem, the author of the gospel of mark established a church in alexandria, egypt. mark may also have been the author of a "secret gospel" containing more advanced teaching for those being initiated into the christian mysteries. this secret gospel contains passages portraying jesus teaching secret doctrines. the champion for the secret teachings of jesus as the orthodox church in rome gained more and more political power the more it viewed secret teachings as a threat to their own public teachings. but the church leader who made the final and greatest attempt to revive the secret teachings of jesus within the orthodox teachings was the first church father named origen (183-253 a.d.) of alexandria in egypt who was a disciple of clement of alexandra. origen was the first person since paul to develop a system of theology around the teachings of jesus. his effort was the first within the orthodox church to systematize a theology on so vast a scale. although origen defended orthodoxy, he included in his system the wisdom of the christian gnostics. his theology was a perfect synthesis of "orthodox" and "gnostic" teachings and came the closest to reviving the "lost christianity" of the original sects, communities and schools, at a time when the christian gnosticism was falling into disrepute. unfortunately, hundreds of years later, the church declared him a heretic and his teachings as heresy mostly because they affirmed preexistence and therefore reincarnation. origen had this to say about the secret teachings of jesus: “[jesus] conversed with his disciples in private, and especially in their sacred retreats, concerning the gospel of god; but the words which he uttered have not been preserved, because it appeared to the evangelists that they could not be adequately conveyed to the multitude in writing or in speech… and they saw… what things were to be committed to writing, and how this was to be done, and what was by no means to be written to the multitude, and what was to be expressed in words, and what was not to be so conveyed”. (contra celsus, chap. vi. 18) concerning these secret teachings, clement stated: “james the righteous, john and peter were entrusted by the lord after his resurrection with the higher knowledge. they imparted it to the other apostles, to the seventy…” (outlines book vi) the theology of christian gnosticism according to gnostic theology, a series of "falling away" from the whole that is god occurred in eternity which resulted in all that there is today. after the first "fall", the divine consciousness descended to the level of the divided consciousness; now after another "fall", it has fallen even further, into the depths of the unconscious; it has been "forgotten." it is now humanity's privilege to discover the potential realms of human existence and face the great challenge of the "ascension of consciousness" through the man-god-spirit transformation. once souls fell into the lower levels of consciousness, they became enamored of it and burned with the desire to experience the pleasures of matter. the souls then no longer wanted to disengage itself from these lower levels. thus the world was born. from that moment souls forgot themselves. they forgot they original habitation, their true center and eternal being. gnosticism proceeds from one fundamental insight: this world in which we find ourselves is thoroughly and irretrievably less than holy. the soul is trapped in a prison of flesh, and the flesh is intrinsically less than divine. according to gnostic theology, the creation of the cosmos came about as the result of a tragicomic mistake: the fall of the soul from god. thanks to the advent of christ in the lower realms of consciousness, the power of reconciling the fallen souls has been given to restore the one-ness and usher in the kingdom of light over the kingdom of flesh and matter. the unity of the godhead is assured thanks to the introduction of the new uniting force, the logos, the part of god who acts in the flesh and the material. it is important to distinguish the logos (christ) from the soul named jesus. any person has the potential of becoming a logos but it was the soul known as jesus who actually incarnated as a logos and therefore became a christ on earth. we, as humans, cannot comprehend the omnipotent power available to us until we utilize the christ power. when we effectively use the divine "christ awareness" we have the ability to help in the liberation of the imprisoned "sparks of divinity" from flesh and rejoin them to the source. the divine plan of creation will become complete as the divine outpouring of christ gnosis liberates humanity from ignorance. the result of this will be the redemption of all human beings. the christ power can only liberate souls through the call and revelation of christ gnosis to, "awake, remember who you are and where you come from!" but since the soul cannot by itself hear the gnosis, the christ power resorts to elaborate strategies to create the conditions for which all souls will be saved. christian gnostics felt that initiation into the cosmic christ gnosis is inseparable from "the light which lighteth every person coming into the world." it is this light within, our higher self, which each individual must bring to at-one-ment with the divine source if liberation is to occur. as more and more people hear the call to "wake up!" and attain the christ gnosis and become liberated, their souls are received back into the bosom of divine consciousness. the soul becomes free from unholy flesh and the cycle of birth and rebirth. christian gnostics seek to achieve this by cultivating the higher self within people to seek reunification with the godhead. but each soul returning to its divine source must, after death, pass through the various levels of consciousness. sometimes christian gnostics describe seven of these heavenly realms, other times ten. omg, this makes so much sense! ![]() |
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#4 |
you may enjoy reading the pagen christ by tom harpur. it delineates the differneces between the literalists and the symbolists in regard to the jesus myth. i found it a great discussion of the god/man myths that have been with us for centuries. yes, the bible was altered, etc etc. as for the other stories from other religions/ cultures in the past which sound like the story of jesus, one question i find these researchers haven't asked is: what about the possibility of reincarnation and/ or prophecy? this alone could explain why these messiah gods in persia, etc, sounded so similar to jesus. i'll always keep an open mind though. ![]() that is until i can learn to fully become a "master" and tune into perfectly tuned intuition (which in many cases can become confused with other stuff until fully developed....such is the nature of life). |
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#5 |
if you guys are enjoying the gnostic information - check this out - this is a huuuuuuge library of lectures about all the old topics that range from kabbalah to gnostic stories (or the symobolic meaning behind) jesus, buddah, and krishna. i found the tarot lectures to be particuarly interesting. so much info to absorb! ![]() |
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#6 |
that is one thing that i argued for a while, was the fact that jesus and his desciples defiatly must have believed in reincarnation...otherwise why would they ask such questions as " how will we know they are your deciples? (where jesus answered, "if you have love among you"
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#7 |
dear aj,
you wrote this: "this alone could explain why these messiah gods in persia, etc, sounded so similar to jesus." i first chose a steiner list with a moderator (extensive cayce background) who told me how he found it distinctive that both cayce and steiner keynoted significant incarnation back in persia. nina edward reaugh smith, in his bk, "the soul's long journey", pp.57-59: "....we saw how the incident about balaam’s ass illustrates the reality of the three human bodies that clothe the soul. then in numbers 23 balaam blesses israel and in chapter 24, the spirit of god having come upon him, he utters his oracle. the most pertinent parts of the oracle (num 24,3-24) for our purposes are copied below (rsv, emphasis added): 3and he took up his discourse, and said, “the oracle of balaam the son of beor, the oracle of the man whose eye is opened ...: 5 how fair are your tents, o jacob, your encampments, o israel! 6like valleys that stretch afar, like gardens beside a river, like aloes that the lord has planted, like cedar trees beside the waters. 7water shall flow from his buckets, and his seed shall be in many waters, his king shall be higher than agag, and his kingdom shall be exalted. 8god brings him out of egypt; he has as it were the horns of the wild ox, he shall eat up the nations his adversaries, and shall break their bones in pieces, and pierce them through with his arrows....” 17“i see him, but not now; i behold him, but not nigh: a star shall come forth out of jacob, and a scepter shall rise out of israel his seed shall be in many waters. today’s reader can hardly be expected to fathom the meaning of this ancient idiom. the most familiar, related biblical passage is about pharaoh’s daughter drawing moses “out of the water” (ex 2,10). that his name came from this act was absolutely full of meaning in ancient times when names signified character or nature. the most meaningful exposition on “his seed shall be in many waters” must surely be that of oxford professor andrew welburn (new college) in the book with fourteen seals (bfs).10 the book of fourteen seals welburn speaks of is the apocalypse of adam text found among the gnostic collection at nag hammadi. he shows that rather than being a gnostic text, however, it was in fact an essene writing. he plausibly identifies the various “seals” as incarnations of the very ancient zarathustra, including the one as the sixth century b.c.e. teacher in babylon. one of the most intriguing aspects of this ancient document is that the first thirteen “seals” end with the statement, “and thus he came on the water,” the same spiritually real expression spoken of moses, “and she named him moses, for she said, ‘because i drew him out of the water’.”.... (in interest of brevity, edited here, but please go to text for full explanation) the thing most obvious about this water idiom is that it applies not to the body, but to the “seed,” the soul that moves through first one body and then another. the hebrew word translated sow in verse 4, zara (grzh), is the verb relating to the noun “seed,” zera (grz), and means “to sew, scatter seed, make pregnant” (seec). it is this soul reality that balaam’s oracle speaks of when it says “his seed shall be in many waters.” the “waters” are the formative etheric body or nature through which the soul moves in the nonphysical realm nearest to the earth.... when god brings the seed out of egypt [having] as it were the horns of the wild ox, it seems clear that moses was here seeing the symbolism of his own action. he “killed the egyptian” element in order to progress from that cultural age (the chaldo-egyptian) to the next (the greco-roman). the “ox” or “bull” was the zodiacal animal influence (known as taurus) of the chaldo-egyptian age,12 and the fading clairvoyance of that age was represented by horns growing out of the forehead of moses in michelangelo’s famous sculpture (see the image in dqwim at p. 33). the cultural age of aries, the lamb, commenced as isaiah spoke of the long-term loss of this “seeing” (is 6,9-13). the lamb of god incarnated one-third of the way into that age. we are now one-third of the way into the cultural age of pisces, the fishes so prominent in new testament imagery and whose symbol is appearing on bumper stickers in our time. finally, according to balaam’s oracle, a star shall come forth out of jacob, and a scepter shall rise out of israel. that “star,” the etheric body of the ancient zarathustra descending to incarnate in the solomon jesus child, appears as the “star” that led the persian magi, initiates of the mysteries founded by the very ancient persian zarathustra, whose soul was descending through the “waters” of the etheric realm into the solomon jesus child. this deep insight, first revealed by rudolf steiner, is elaborated in “the nativity” essay in bb as well as in ibj (see also the intimation of this in the “farewell” that ends this book). but let us now return to look at how the seed metaphor is woven into..." |
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#8 |
hi everyone,
we've seen in "law of one"books how physicist don elkins asked some very penetrating questions. wanted to share the very thoughtful review of smith's "the soul's long journey" by physicist bobby matherne. he has many bk reveiws of steiner, seth, and others at his and also a personal library where many important books can be read(find access at bottom of review for "christianity as mystical fact". this review may help explain more about reincarnation, and also about what is called the "book of jashar"/akashic record: "one might wonder why the knowledge of karma and reincarnation was suppressed for 2,000 years and why it is being revealed during this time. the ancient peoples retained knowledge of their previous lifetimes, but gradually this knowledge began to fade until the "deep darkness" of about two millennia ago(5). it was then that christ came to earth "in the fullness of time." with the fading of knowledge of karma and reincarnation came the discussion about whether these two processes even existed, and soon even that discussion faded away. lacking the lollipop of reincarnation sticking out in the bible, no one found reason to discuss the possibility of pre-birth existence or post-birth existence in a human form. instead, one learned to make the best one could of the one lifetime one had in human form, and western religions made light of the eastern religions which continued to teach the reality of karma and reincarnation. [page 20] as noted earlier, steiner even makes the point that reincarnation was not to be taught within christendom for two thousand years so that every soul would have the opportunity to incarnate at least once in each sex during the time that knowledge was suppressed. it had to be so, for the common knowledge among ancient humanity had the effect of deemphasizing the critical importance of each lifetime on earth, a point christ counters by his parable of the talents (mt 25, 14, 14-30; lk 10, 12-27). this covers the why of the suppression of knowledge of reincarnation and karma. what about the how? apart from the gradual slip into materialism which caused a veil to fall over our view of previous lifetimes, there was another way to hasten and to ensure our forgetting. when alcohol is consumed, even in small quantities, it will act to poison or disable any clairvoyant vision in a person. the consumption of alcoholic wine in the last supper and its repetition in communion services to this day has acted over the millennia to defuse the capability of conscious recall of one's previous lifetime. this explains how the possibility of christian priests, who share communion with alcoholic wine, teaching reincarnation and karma to the religious and laity has been eliminated over the past two thousand years. " "book of jashar" excerpt: smith pulls one rabbit after another out of the hat in this book. the akasha or akashic record is the next surprise he has in store for us when he identifies it as the "heavenly book" in which all deeds are written and equates it to the "book of jashar." here is a definition of the akashic record: [page 161] akasha and akashic record are terms which have not yet made it into many dictionaries, though widely recognized and used in esotericism. the following definition is found in 1 brit 185: akashic record, in occultism, a compendium of pictorial records, or "memories," of all events, actions, thoughts, and feelings that have occurred since the beginning of time. smith lists at least fourteen old testament citations which clearly point to the book of jashar as referring to the akashic records. two of the citations are given below: [page 164] josh 10,13: and the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until the nation took vengeance on their enemies. is this not written in the book of jashar? 2 sam 1,17-18: and david lamented with this lamentation over saul and jonathan his son, and he said it should be taught to the people of judah; behold, it is written in the book of jashar. smith points out to us that the passages about judgment based on the heavenly book (book of jashar) supports the reality of a soul journeying through multiple lives during the earth stage of evolution and being judged once during the final days talked of in revelation when "suns and stars will rise and set no more." [page 168] heretofore, all the passages that speak about judgment based on the heavenly book have been interpreted as supporting the idea of one life followed by a final judgment after which comes eternal heaven or hell. now it can be seen that these passages [equally support] the view that reincarnation is a spiritual reality. |
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#9 |
...this is my first post at this forum...i am still trying to get used to the format...
...does anyone else here have re-connections with other lives?... of my lives was during the timeline of yeshua ... ...i am starseed and have had less than 10 incarnations...i am from a 5th density world and am here working on the ascension...i was dropped off in the *past* to aclimate and fastforwarded to this the pivotal lifetime...all lives are concurrent ...and lessons learned can be benificial to all lives... ...we all have rolls to fulfill in this and it is a privaledge to be here working... ...i am part of a team and i drew the short straw ...i am the boots on the ground...the rest of the team is off-planet... ...does any of you have similar knowldge ?... and light... ...will... [moderator: discussions of past lives is ok as long as it is kept within length guidelines. please see our rules about post length ] |
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#10 |
dear friends,
as i've mentioned before... it's all about re-membering... be well, be love. david go your own way: gnosis and the fractal spiral you have to work on yourself before you can really get anywhere. no one can do it for you. the magical codex and the dimensional escape hatch remain firmly out of reach for now. the flame will burn those who are unable to hold it safely in their hands. the universe insists, most adamantly, that we learn how to do it all by ourselves. gnosis, spiritual attainment, esoteric wisdom. whatever you want to call it. no cheating, no looking at your friend's paper, no plagiarising - you must do your own thing in your own way. otherwise, we are compelled to repeat the same tests over and over again, through multiple lifetimes, until we finally figure it out. so you have to do the homework. sharpen your blade. keep moving. fortunately, there is no time limit and everyone’s ascendant path is custom-built for their own unique growth pattern. in spiritual terms, it’s a win-win situation. to help penetrate the all-pervading mists of the illusion, one must first acknowledge that consciousness is not the accidental and purposeless by-product of the human condition. the perceived world that we appear to be locked inside, like the silver ball in a pinball machine, is wholly a construct of consciousness. the pinball constructs the machine around itself. whilst a testing notion for even the most elastic of modern philosophical minds, it has been known for aeons by the ancient mystical traditions and experienced directly by the indigenous shamanic cultures of every continent. now, it is being evoked again as a progressive scientific theory in quantum physics. it is not new information we are bringing to mind, not by any means. it is better described as a remembrance. |
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#11 |
thanks so much for sharing those, nina.
they are very interesting! will, thanks for sharing your feelings/ insights. i'm still not sure who i was exactly yet. one thing i've been wondering is whether incarnations possibly take place on other dimensions other than earth? earth is a very difficult school of learning, so perhaps we don't need to incarnate here so many times, unless maybe, we chose to do so. i believe karma are just paths we set out to go on, in order to accelerate our learning. |
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#12 |
thx everyone for the great sites to ponder on....ive been reading them all...this topic has been floating in the air not only here but at my work also.
i was bombarded yesterday with sooo many strange beautiful synchronisities. i had people at work i never spoke with about anything spiritual and they were not aware what so ever that i was really spiritual, wanting to tell me about their dreams and their thoughts about religion and one specifically kept telling me about her son who is entranced by science (he is 9). i told her she should bring her son over to play with my boy who loves science as well. these are not people i talk with alot, they are fairly new to my work-place, and they kept coming to me to tell me things. there is a particular couple that comes in to eat where i work every sunday after they get out of church. they are very loving souls. they are always wanting me to join them at church and little by little ive let them know that i feel churches limit my faith. still, they have been kind and living and come to talk with me every sunday about all sorts of things. the lady is more 'old school' in the since that she feels the earth is 6000 years old ![]() ![]() but i do wish, there was a gathering place, for openness. there is magic by looking someone in the eyes. there is magic feeling thier touch. there is magic when you see happiness or sorrow in their face, for you can be happy with them, or comfort them in their sorrow. i long for the want to be with others who dont want to limit their faith as well as try to limit others. i started a book one time, have a whole notebook full of my the story there was a gathering place called 'way'...i guess my desires for this place has longed in me a long long time. then, last night, when i came across some great understanding about time and the resurrection process, the electricity in my house would black out. 5 times it happened in a couple of hours. 5 times! for what ever reason, i felt great feeling of missing the moon for the past few days. i felt that this had something to do with the fact that i was receiving a very fine tune channel to my higher world. something kept telling me that the moon can interfere with the connection to my inner voice. i think im going to take the sun gazing idea into more of a practice, being that the moon might be a interference...we shall see ![]() peace to all, lynette |
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#13 |
but i do wish, there was a gathering place, for openness. there is magic by looking someone in the eyes. there is magic feeling thier touch. there is magic when you see happiness or sorrow in their face, for you can be happy with them, or comfort them in their sorrow. i long for the want to be with others who dont want to limit their faith as well as try to limit others. i know! i wish there was too.
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#14 |
hi all,
i have been studying a large number of spiritual practices, ancient religions as well as exopolitics (anything out of the main stream really) and have found strong links between the study of gnosis and the law of one. loo speaks of a connection to the higher self, energy transfers, energy centers etc as does the practice of gnosis in terms of a connection with the divine, alchemy and energy centers. i won't go into all the details of the links because they are many. after the past year of studying gnosis i've realised that it is simply the loo passed from word of mouth/texts originating much earlier than the loo given by l/l group, obviously in the early days it would be difficult for people to fathom the higher universal/consciousness aspects being constricted by the language at the time - however gnosis seems to offer something to those studying loo by being able to give excellent/practical advice to inner transformation to establish the link to the higher self. it also seems that, life in it's infinite sense gives a person infinite possibility, and i feel that gnosis ultimately takes a being to the complete opposite of the spectrum of any lower vibrations and transforms them to a spiritual being living in the complete bliss of love. while the loo may be superior in the sense of knowledge, i still feel the practice of gnosis to be invaluable in aiding me to achieve the balance of my centers in time for the harvest and i can see it changing my life for the better, it really had the practical elements i needed to transform. i would like your thoughts on this. thank you |
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#15 |
just to add to this for those unfamiliar with gnosis, they teach
* meditation/silencing the mind as a point of reference to listen to the higher self * visualization techniques * astral projection * removal of the egos * alchemy/energy transformation * an understanding based on personal experience, not faith all of these are invaluable lessons to learn, i didn't realise how difficult it would be to remove the ego from the self but it's a great deal more difficult than i ever imagined. again, i can't recommend gnosis enough for those looking for the practical elements to achieve inner transformation, you will be surprised how much correlates with loo and how helpful it is. for a great overview of the ego (cant recommend highly enough) - see this link > |
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