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Old 05-15-2008, 03:11 PM   #1

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Default Global pool of money doubled in 6 years !!!
the total of all the money in our world, in our savings accounts, in the central banks' savings accounts, all the money that is in existence both represented in physical paper and digitally in computers, is called the "global pool of money". this total sum of money, in 2002, was calculated to be around 36 trillion dollars. now, in 2008, the global pool of money is estimated to be around 70 trillion dollars!!! it took us all of our modern existence, hundreds of years, to get to the 36 trillion dollar mark and then that number doubles in 6 measly years!!!

if that is not a clear sign of the acceleration of this earth process then i don't know what is!

i got this information from this fascinating radio show that was on npr this past sunday (5/9/2008):

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Old 05-16-2008, 07:05 AM   #2

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it could just be the increase in wars around the world. i don't know about other countries, but i remember reading something that said that one of the reasons we went off the gold standard was so that the gov't could print up money at will to finance wars. more wars = more money in circulation.

i'm just curious: if there's twice as much money floating around, why are earnings stagnant?
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Old 05-16-2008, 04:22 PM   #3

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...one of the reasons we went off the gold standard was so that the gov't could print up money at will to finance wars. more wars = more money in circulation.
excellent point, john, that's exactly what's happening. we've been losing truckloads of money with the iraq war, both literally and configuratively. i saw a snippet on the news of a senator grilling a war general, incredulous about the amount of money being shipped to iraq and promptly lost. (see this report) he was telling the general that they had just shipped the equivalent of 2 huge dumptruck loads of pallets of shrinkwrapped crisp new hundred dollar bills, (which was promptly "lost") and demanding to know what happened to it. the general, unfortunately didn't seem to have any answers. it would have been hilarious, if it weren't so sad.
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Old 05-17-2008, 04:32 AM   #4

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omg! two huge truck loads! i can't believe two huge truck loads of money just got lost somehow. i wish they would have "lost" that in my back yard. :d

but seriously, i think the war is a big part of why the value of the dollar keeps dropping. this happened before, i think it was the revolutionary war or the civil war (i can't remember exactly), the government was printing tons and tons of money to finance the war and pay the soldiers. and it turned out that there was such a ridiculous amount of it in circulation that it was costing thousands of dollars for one pair of shoes. war does stretch the value of the money and it bankrupts governments because they will do whatever they have to do to win.

but much of this money that was made recently was not made here in the states. it was actually made in other up and coming countries who are exporting tons of stuff. we don't export much of anything anymore. we are not even the best at entertainment anymore, bali actually beats us in total sales of their movies they make there.
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Old 05-17-2008, 01:01 PM   #5

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i think the story of the lost money, like most stories in the mainstream news you are actually allowed to hear, has been calculated to make people angry. i think thats the main reason we have the iraq war, to anger and motivate people to truly want peace and love.

it makes sense that the war-mongers are 'reflections of our darker sides' sides that we need to put in proper perspective and balance. we are allowing this to happen as a lesson, a test.

when you look at it in it's simplest form the answer is that when a majority of people forbid war for profit, it will cease. gandhi encouraged enough people in india to forbid the british from ruling it anymore.

when you are constantly angered by news stories you are less likely to have the love in your heart needed to get the courage to stand up to your darker side i think.
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Old 01-09-2009, 06:59 PM   #6

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this is an article i have come across, and i think it yet another piece of the steps to understanding and revelations that are taking place in these times of great change.

this article is about a study made by 2 physicists (with their techniques, not traditional economic methods/mathematics) where they look at the world economy in 2007. their findings are that 80% of the worlds resources are controlled by a few and that they have the responsibility and power to manipulate the supposedly free markets.

i hope you enjoy it and help spread it, people need to understand that this is the reality, and change is necessary.
yet again david, thank you for all your work, you are an inspiration.
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Old 06-10-2009, 06:02 AM   #7

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it could just be the increase in wars around the world.
true... but everything is accelerating, not just the positive. if it was just the positive there would be no balance... lol pun there...
the wars are just the cause to the effect.
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Old 07-09-2009, 07:03 PM   #8

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... about .0002 cents.

i can't resist a post on one of my favorite topics -- money, the nature of it.

nice posts, y'all.

ok, here's my .0002 cents:

1) wars are not the cause of the "doubling" of the monetary base of the money in circulation -- war is a part of the cause of the increase, but not the whole cause of it.

2) the total money pool has actually more than doubled -- estimates vary, but it has way more than doubled in the last 6 years. the growth rate of the monetary base is now in the nearly-vertical rise of an exponential curve -- and that's when it would implode, as money is supposed to be a unit of account of real goods and services and such goods/services cannot grow at massive, exponential rates year in and year out -- it's like expecting food to suddenly increase by ten-fold worldwide in one year, or expecting the human population to increase ten-fold in one year. not gonna happen.

3) the vast bulk of the money has shifted upwards into the hands of the elites, into their stock accounts, bank accounts, derivative funds, hedge funds etc. this includes the corporations that they control. the vast shift upwards into the elites is why the lower 80% of the human population has not experienced any increase of wages and wealth -- they have actually declined very badly, thanks to the vacuuming effect of this current monetary structure that is monopolistic and oligopolistic to the core.

4) the elites, with those vast pools of money, have shifted the funds towards their dumb bases -- deep underground military bases -- that they have been feverishly building in anticipation of a "catastrophe" in 2012... so they think. but we know that it won't be a catastrophe -- it'll be a dimensional shift.

5) the elites have also used a huge portion of their vast pools of money to build their off-planet ships and bases (on mars, the moon, etc) in an effort to escape earth's imminent destruction -- so they think.

6) so the vast majority of the funds from most of the central banks of the world have either gone into the ground, or up in space -- very little of it was left to have the world function and it's that chump change that is counted at a "doubling" of the monetary base worldwide in the last 6 years.

i have predicted the demise of the fed earlier this year on several boards, including this one, i think -- i'd have to check my posts here -- but i had felt back in feb of 2009 that this year would be the year that the fed would be finished, as well as the irs. the fed admits that the monetary system is designed to increase any initial money supply by 7-fold, but, the reality of it is that they have consistently allowed 30-to-1 expansion of that money supply ever since 1913... which they then siphon off most of that money, so that it expands "only" at a 7-to-1 scale.

a natural, healthy growth of an economy is right at 2.4% annually -- which closely matches the natural growth of nature in any ecosystem of 2.4%; so that's a very healthy, inflation/deflation-resistant growth rate, so that's the kind of target rate that an healthy monetary system should shoot for.

i can only hope that the new financial system that has already been constructed (by the "white hats") would favor the people over the elites and that the once-hidden funds can then be redistributed quickly around the world in a world-wide "marshall plan" effort to stabilize the economies of the world and to usher in a new world of transparency, openness and widespread free energy devices to power up our new world.

we need something big to cut the massive gordian knot that our whole world is stuck in -- something big. something that would cut through the massive entanglement of the corporations, the governments, the public entities and the public itself that are locked into place, not being able to really bust out a move, to really change things.

i think that this "something big" may be the coming official ufo disclosure that is, so far as we know, scheduled to be televised on tv with obama making an appearance on nov 27th, announcing the fact of the reality of the existence of the ufos, the fact of the us government's contact with up to 6 specific et races and the ending of the official coverup.

so, if that ufo disclosure happens, then this will be the sword that would slice through the world's massive gordian knot and it would be the "something big" that can finally bust loose the changes that we so badly need to make.

so, mark that date: nov 27th, 2009. visualize it happening. imagine the joy that you'd feel watching obama really doing the long-awaited official disclosure of the ufo coverup and imagine the joy that you'd feel with the reality that the end of the age of oil, the age of deception, the age of funny money will have come to an end on that day. of course, it takes time to shift out of those ages and to go into the next age of free energy, but, historically, that day may be marked as the day that the world changed for the better.

just because the tv event has been booked, does not mean that it would actually happen, but, as far as we know, it's still booked and set to happen.

so visualize it happening. visualize it.
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Old 08-09-2009, 04:50 PM   #9

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i love you mozart! we have like minds. i have one major point i want to make at the end here about population control so stay tuned for that.

since my original post i have learned a lot more. and i agree with 90% of your above post. one thing i would disagree on is where the money has gone. sounds plausible what you said. but i think it is just a flawed system designed to create an elite class. but these systems never work because, like for example, if i have all the money and you have none then the system fails. and there is a snowball effect as well. the rich just keep accelerating how fast they soak up all the money and the poor are on an accelerated path towards having nothing.

and i am not trusting of obama anymore. he has a slick tongue but his actions so far has showed little. i am not saying that you are not right about him. but i am dubious at this point.


population control...

how do i begin this? population control is not necessary. it is only necessary in our current wasteful corrupt system. if all of the world gets to live the wasteful "american dream" then the world would not survive. and the elite know this. but they want to continue their wasteful selfish lifestyle. so their plan is just to kill enough people so that they can continue with their lifestyle.

if we had a system that was much smarter in managing resources and waste then the population would not be a problem. also free energy will change things as well.

also the fluid nature of currency is fascinating. it is like controlling the tides of the ocean. this is one reason why it is so attractive to the elite. and also the reason for the term "maritime law" that jordan capri brought to our attention.

it is hard to explain. i hope that made sense.
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Old 08-09-2009, 07:26 PM   #10

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one thing that never seems to get mentioned in discussions of the potential collapse of the world economy is inertia. the first i can remember hearing this was in the interview of pete peterson on project camelot that just came out. he commented that it was a mystery to insiders why the economy didn't collapse in 2001, and why it is not collapsing now. he said the general thinking is that the economy is so big that its inertia has kept it going through stresses that should have brought it down.

as i heard his comments on that, it came to me that the collapse actually is happening, and has been for quite some time. the reason it is not obvious is because it is happening in very slow motion. whatever evidence we see of recovery in the economy right now is simply the fluctuation, or perhaps the spasms, of the system under catastrophic stress. the system is so huge that we cannot see the collapse from our vantage point within it.

in fact, i suspect that collapse might have been going down hard since 2001, even though there was an apparent boom period since then. think of the way a slab of ice falls off a glacier into the arctic sea. because of it's size, it looks very slow, and at first appears to be barely moving at all, even though it has broken away and has nothing to support it.

the market fluctuations are deceptive and superficial. with all the trillions and trillions of dollars that have been created out of thin air, and that exist only in the virtual world, we may well be beyond the point of no return on a crash that is running long, slow, and very very heavy.
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Old 09-09-2009, 12:24 PM   #11

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i agree that the crash is in super slow motion. it is an implosion. there may be two different but inter-related parts to it (simultaneous and diverse "dream threads" which are intertwined, and making the crash happen). these are: 1. the virtual digital ownership by the elite, and/or middle class retired, of monetary units, like stocks, bonds, bank accounts. 2. physical reality. goods and services being traded in the so called real world. this is food, clothing, and all that makes 3d work for us all.

so, the goods and services slow way way down, and it is, of course, in the physical reality. this is happening now because the non-elite (living and consuming in physical reality) have suffered many years of wages that didn't meet cost of living. we staved it off by both parents in family units now working full time just get by, and saving less and less. another method of staving off was the real estate given to those with too low of income, with bogus loans. the workers bought homes that were too big to heat, and with taxes that have become ridiculous. the elite are now realizing that the virtual model is unsustainable because those with too low income and the unemployed will pull the virtual wealth, in a downward spiral, into the goods and services reality. for example, unemployed jack and jill have to rely on retired mom and dad for help feeding the grandchildren. mom and dad empty out their bank accounts in a gradual pull out of the virtual, in order to buy the food, the goods and services. the "real" will suck the "virtual" back into itself. it will all balance out, won't it? does this make sense to anybody else? and what do we do with mom and dad who saved all of their lives so they wouldn't have to rely on their children for goods and services once they are too old to work? blah!
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