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#21 |
david’s latest blog titled ‘it’s the physics stupid’ promises to become an interesting article. he’s explaining the colony collapse disorder (ccd) of bees occurring globally now as a phenomenon related to the changing fabric of the physical vacuum and the torsion fields contained therein. the torsion fields within our solar system and probably beyond are changing and may cause for a disorientation of the bees since they seem to be navigating on these torsion fields. the article will probably focus in on the works of dr. victor grebennikov that has been discussed in david’s work before: since the changing torsion fields within our solar system interfere with the natural torsion fields radiated by the honeycombs of the bees themselves, the bees may get disorientated. david points out that although the electromagnetic waves of cell phones and the like may interfere with the natural occurring torsion fields on our planet, they are unlikely to explain why the ccd is occurring so suddenly on a global basis since the electro smog has been around for quit a number of years now. i would like david to have a look at this article: the article states that the ccd does not occur in bee colonies that are organically kept. somehow the ccd problem seems to be related to the pesticides and antibiotics used in the hives to kill the varroa mites, so the author of this article claims. ccd has also already been linked to monsanto’s herbicide ‘roundup’. the accumulation of more and more herbicides is putting a biological pressure on the biosphere and may be affecting the bees as well. quote: “and the honey bees. with the creation of these frankenstein crops and frankenstein weeds, isn’t emerging a major question about accumulation? no one really knows the answer to how much is too much for earth life? and that the piling on of herbicides now against resistant weeds, made resistant through the application of genetically modified herbicides, you are increasing pesticides out there in the world with unknown consequences?” there may be a multitude of factors involved in explaining ccd? regards jan |
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#22 |
a few days ago i saw the article you mentioned, and would definitely second your opinion of it and request that david please read it. it was very interesting to read about the average size of a cell in an organic honeycomb being 4.6mm in diameter versus the artificial honeycomb size in non-organic honey farms being 5.4. honeycomb is like a must be built in the proper proportions. charran ---------- excerpt from the article: this change from fighting the mites is mostly because i've gone to natural sized cells. in case you weren't aware, and i wasn't for a long time, the foundation in common usage results in much larger bees than what you would find in a natural hive. i've measured sections of natural worker brood comb that are 4.6mm in diameter. what most people use for worker brood is foundation that is 5.4mm in diameter. if you translate that into three dimensions instead of one, it produces a bee that is about half as large again as is natural. by letting the bees build natural sized cells, i have virtually eliminated my varroa and tracheal mite problems. one cause of this is shorter capping times by one day, and shorter post-capping times by one day. this means less varroa get into the cells, and less varroa reproduce in the cells. |
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#23 |
hi everyone,
so many fine articles shared re-bees. especially liked the one that jan shared with emphasis on "natural". had mentioned on other thread about steiner book "bees"(bk cover - lectures describe the unconscious wisdom contained in the beehive and its connection with our experience of health, culture and the cosmos). would recommend exploring, also possibly more current anthroposophical / biodynamic researchers - book is almost 10 yrs old and based on steiner's lectures given in 1923. will share a quote that gives a strong sense: "nature has placed a truly wonderful wisdom into the entire manner in which a bee society functions. bees respond to certain powers of nature that are extremely important is still true today that whenever we intrude on these powers of nature, we tend to make things worse rather than better. but we don't worsen things immediately, since nature has limitations everywhere. despite these constraints, nature operates in the best way it can. we can remove certain limitations and thereby make things alittle easier for nature. we have, for instance,seemingly really helped nature very much in regard to beekeeping by using, instead of the older beehives, the newer type of beehive boxes that are arranged with comfort in mind for both bee and human. but now we come to this whole new chapter concerning the artificial breeding of bees....but the strong breeding of a bee generation, a bee family will be detrementally affected over the longer period...certain forces that have operated organically in the beehive until now will become mechanized , will in themselves be mechanically carried out. it won't be possible to establish the intimate relationship between a queen bee you have purchased and the worker bees the way it would arise all by itself in nature. but at the beginning the effects of this are not apparent." steiner gives suggestions to prevent bee diseases due to an understanding of the complex mechanisms involved in bee health related to gigantic task of collecting nectar and converting to honey. also, he details: "...the bee collects from everything available in nature the very form of nourishment that carry over into our bodies this same hexagonally acting force, a force that produces a six-sided effect." steiner goes in to much detail about this six-sided hexagonal formative force that works via the honey upon humans. he says this power is inside the bee. steiner notes many fascinating relationships with this six-sidedness. he touched on the significance of hexacyanoplatinate: "only with the help of anthroposophic science will we be led to observe such things as the fact that when hexacyanoplatinate is particularly affected by light, one type of feeling is taking place there. the intensity of this type of activity is present to the greatest degree in bees." will give you an example of this wondrous creature that amazed me. he gave details about how when a person is calm and approaches bees, the bee "notices that the person's blood has the same amount of the six-sided power it has" and does not sting! it is different if one is angry or afraid! (related to blood/skin pale/normal/ or red!) can hardly wait for more of david's fine research.(thanks jan for bringing that article to our attention again). sorry not a better reporter - this is very complex and do not have a science background! nina can search for bees from |
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#24 |
from what i could find (and i have not researched this exhaustively) it seems that the mechanisim(s) for ccd is not known. why is there a reduction of the number of bees?
reasons i have come across: *they are dying *they are not reproducing at the same rate as in past years *they are getting lost it seems there is no definitive answer to this question (only theories). before a cause can be found or proven it seems we need to find and prove what has happened to the bees themselves. tracking bees, it seems, is infinitely more difficult than tracking humans. questions that need to be answered include: is this a worldwide problem, or is it specific to certain areas? are any organic hives being affected? (aside from annecdotal statements from a few organic keepers all organic keepers should be polled) is this affecting all species of bees? could this have anything to do with the killer bees that were migrating and breeding with other bees and/or an attempt to get rid of them? |
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#25 |
dear asc2k friends:
in 1999 i read the book, "energy blessings from the stars-seven initiations," by virginia essene and irving feurst. besides some great reading about energies, you could request seven "shaktis" from seven different star systems that would give you blessings of hope, breath, love, compassion, soul awareness, integration of matter with spirit, and christ consciousness. in my journal for the compassion blessing, i wrote the following: i remember seeing a honeycomb pattern, in different colors, white background with patches of color on them. there seemed to be pictograph-like shapes inside the honeycombs. i excitedly said, "i see it!" and the response was, "not too many can see it." it seems somehow the honeycomb shape was the interdimensional "fiber optics" used to convey the shakti from the vega masters. perhaps the honeycomb pattern used by the bees is somehow used to communicate the energetic connection to the bees where the nectar was collected. food for thought? (pun intended!) ![]() healing love, bev |
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#26 |
hi nina,
don’t apologize for your 'poor' knowledge of science when you mentioned quote ‘sorry not a better reporter - this is very complex and do not have a science background!’ you brought up a very strong point that i think david will be addressing in his article. you mentioned the hexagonal structure of the beehive cells, and this is a very important point as it relates to torsion wave physics. remember david’s article about the hexagon on saturn, it’s all related when it comes to understanding torsion physics!!! i will repeat what i responded earlier with respect to this article about the hexagonal structure on saturn as the torsion physics pertaining to the beehive is similar in nature (as above so below): not only could the ‘hexagon’ on saturn represent an icosahedron, it could also represent a dodecahedron!!! (as strange as this may sound at first). if you carefully look at the pictures of the ‘hexagon’ you may notice that at the vertices a short edge of around Ľ of the edge of the regular hexagon can be observed. it gives the impression that the hexagon has ‘rounded’ vertices. take a careful look at the left vertice in the bottom picture: also the black and white picture on this page shows this feature clearly. so it seems there are more than 6 vertices in this ‘perfect’ hexagon. what it could represent is the top view of a dodecahedron observed from an angle that will give it its ‘hex view’: since the icosahedron and the dodecahedron are duals they can be nested into an ico-dodeca alternating fractal geometry. this geometry implodes from large to small scale and describes the geometry of a vortex as has been demonstrated by dan winter. this geometry then may explain why we see ‘nested’ hexagons on saturn which in reality are nested icosa-dodeca fractals. the fact that the nested ‘hexagons’ on saturn do not align but are slightly rotated when you go down from one hexagon to the other, may be an indication that we’re dealing with this kind of fractal geometry. the north pole of saturn shows the icosa-dodeca geometry because here the vortex implodes to a zero point while at the south pole this geometry gets blurred because of a widening of the funnel of the vortex. you can read more on this icosa-dodeca fractal from the work of dan winter here: and quit similarly the hexagon shape of the beehive cells harvests the torsion wave energy from the universe that is all around us. regards jan |
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#27 |
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#28 |
dear jan and everyone,
found myself drawn to some good advice: cayce reading 1089-3 "meditate, oft. separate thyself for a season from the cares of the world. get close to nature and learn from the lowliest of that which manifests in nature, in the earth, in the birds, in the trees, in the grass, in the flowers, in the bees, that the life of each is a manifesting, is a song of glory to its maker. and do thou likewise!" learning so much daily about so many relationships! (yes, jan, thank-you, did get to links with pictures of potential meaning and the fine article "the physics of phi, compression, implosion, gravity, time and love".) please keep sharing your observations - nina |
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#29 |
i hate to say it, but thankfully the second part of dw's article on this hasn't been posted yet. if i had to venture a guess as to why the bee's are "lost" it would be the subtle changes in the torsion waves as our solar system is entering the "new energy" realm. in my earlier studies i ran across the cse - cavity structural effect mentioned in one of dw's articles.
anyway, alot of insects and animals have a "homing sense", and i although i am not qualified to make any predictions, i would guess that as we enter further into this new energy "realm" that we will see more and more "lost" creatures. think of the humpback whales in the river in california. i would be interested to read reports of other "unusual" events like this... in the past, i had always believed that animals navigate via an internal geo-magnetic "compass"... changes in the earth's magnetic qualities (think pole shifting) could affect this "homing compass", correct? i would ask the group their opinions on "relating" the two concepts 1) geo-magnetic navigation and 2) torsion-wave cse... maybe one in the same? oh, and i apologize for the "quality" of this post - in a rush... |
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#31 |
i buy honey at the local farmers market.
there seem many types available, some varieties apparently help with seasonal allergies. personally, i like the taste of the orange blossom honey. i was told that the beekeepers move the hives in trucks in a mobil fashion. i wonder how natural it is for a hive to be moving in the back of a truck? the sun seems brighter these days - is it me or is now painful to look at some days to a greater extent than before? maybe the bees are being affected by stronger ultra violet. |
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#32 |
| far is that this condition is happening through a number of factors, some of which are:
1) hyper breeding--far too many factory-farm-focused bees have bred in unbalanced ways, so diseases have been showing up in the last few years, culminating in the latest phenom amongst the bees--the ccd. like many other over-bred animals (dogs, farm animals, etc)the bees' genetic diversity has greatly diminished, thus adversely affecting the maintenance of the now-compromised immune systems in the colonies of the commercial, factory-farm-focused bees, as well as individual bees. another problem with the hyper-breeding is that the commercial bees are averaging 50% larger in size/weight compared to the natural, organic bees (that are still thriving for the most part in many areas world-wide), so the bigger, heavier commercial bees cannot stay on many flowers to get the pollen. too big, too heavy. it seems that nature knew what she was doing. 2) toxin overload--the factory-farm-focused bees are dealing with an overload of too many toxins from too many areas, primarily in the factory farms, where the bees' hives are sprayed heavily to ward off the mite/virus problems (which, in turn, are caused by the decreases of the commercial bees' devitalization of the immune system of the colonies and the individual bees). organic bees are just fine in many areas. 3)gm (genetic modification)--genetic modification probably is playing a key role in the ccd. now that the vital species barrier has been crossed in numerous farm-related species, some insects (butterflies, bees) have already shown to be highly sensitive to the effects of more-dangerous, gm-modified virus/bacterial colonies to rapidly establish themselves in the bodies of the insects. the insects would likely have yet to establish effective defenses to the gm-inspired onslaught, so there can easily be large losses of insect population before the neccessary adaptational responses in terms of harmonized genetics that strengthen the future generations of the affected insects. 4) electromagnetic smog--it appears that bees are adverse to the cell-phone microwaves and other electromagnetic effects of modern-day devices, so they appear to be gravitating towards areas that have less electromagnetic smog and those areas tend to be rural areas that are away from cities/suburbs of electro-smoggy areas in the world. 5) stress--factory-farm bees are frequently trucked many miles to distant farms, so the bees are not only seriously stressed from suddenly being in wholly-new locations, the bees have the stress of the trip itself, being shipped for hundreds of miles in the trailers of the big-rig semi-trucks on the highways. it is already proven that stress reduces the immune systems in many life forms, bees included. in summation, it appears that the organic bees world-wide are ok. this may be a blessing in the sense that commercial, corporate agriculture's karma of being so brutal to nature is about to bite the corporations in their arses, big-time with possible collapses in farm production in a number of different crops in the next few years. karma for big pharma. big pharmas' crop woes may trigger an additional boost to the organic food movement that is already the most-rapidly-growing "movement" in the world and would be given the added resources with which to grow more food to offset the likely losses in the factory-farm sectors of our economy. there's an aspect of the natural adaptation that dw talked about in one of his blogs. ~seth |
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#33 |
that ny times article is absurd in the 2nd paragraph. notice how they discredit some very credible possibilities by lumping them together with some absurd explainations that they allegedly found on some blogs. were they really looking for possible answers or just trying to find the most ridiculous explainations out there (such as the rapture)? genetically modified crops, cellular phone towers and high-voltage transmission may or may not be the genuine reason(s) behind this, but they don't even appear worth looking into according to this times piece. yet credible scientific studies suggest that these 3 possibilities have some detrimental effects on living biological systems. as for the possible contribution of chemtrails that someone mentioned. i have noticed very few chemtrails over the past 3 weeks or so. this includes a trip to north carolina for a week and 2 weeks in new jersey. before this i would see them at least 4 times/week. over the past few weeks i have seen them only 2 or 3 times total. that's at least a 75% reduction here on the east coast. has anyone else noticed this? |
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#34 |
hi folks:
here's dw's quote concerning the plight of the honey bees from his blog personal update 5/7: "this is just one of the tasks ahead for the week. richard hoagland called me yesterday with a true breakthrough discovery in terms of understanding 'colony collapse disorder' with the honeybees. over the course of a two-hour conversation we put the whole thing together — and it's all related to 'the new physics.' furthermore, we have a solution that can be spread to the beekeepers — something easy, cheap and probably unheard of before now — and whether you want to attribute it to 'the physics' or not, the proof is already apparent that it will work. this can help smooth our transition through the remaining years as we head into 2012. " what solution and how fast can we get it out to the beekeepers?? i read somplace that changing the shape of bee hives to square from round is one thing that is destroying the bees. (this is sacred geometry, no?) let's give the bees back their round bee hives! also dr. mercola (i subscribe to his health newsletter) gives a lot of information on how cell phones are bad for the health of the bees and for us as well. pesticides are still a big factor too. see dr. mercola's website at: are-disappearing-10796.aspx keep caring! jax |
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#35 |
dw mentioned on his blog about upcoming info re-bees.
found something about bees in connection with st. francis.(recall francis,teresa, and augustine were noted by ra, see session 22, ) authors allen, of "francis of assisi's canticle of the creatures", share story told by thomas celano about francis's time on a mountain where he performed penance for 40 days. no one else used the cell that was constructed for his use. it seems that an earthen vessel from which he used to drink was found there and in the vessel, they found bees! it was felt that surely this signified the sweetness of the contemplation the saint had experienced there. nina |
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#36 |
hi folks: keep in mind that the other flower-loving insects have stepped up their cross-pollination efforts, now that there's more flower nectar for them to gather, so this is one small, natural adaptational effect in play. ~seth |
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#38 |
i just saw dr. laurie moore speak about talking with animals in an intuitive way. she mentioned cell phone technology was disturbing the bees.
in listening to her i had images and impressions enter my mind - the old idea that the body is a vessel and the idea of a higher self animating a body - a sense that a human's higher self can be in intimate connection with an animals higher self and by that way communication can transpire. if animals can sense a disturbance from cell phone technology, in the sense of their being guided by a inter dimensional higher self, than couldn't humans also? for example, could david channel as effectively near a cell phone tower as he could as far removed from one? |
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#39 |
i think you guys should see this article i found in jeff rense's website... seems beekeepers that dont give antibiotics or pesticides to their bees have been unnaffected. javier |
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#40 |
found this today... thought i would share:
i'm on an organic beekeeping list of about 1,000 people, mostly americans, and no one in the organic beekeeping world, including commercial beekeepers, is reporting colony collapse on this list. the problem with the big commercial guys is that they put pesticides in their hives to fumigate for varroa mites, and they feed antibiotics to the bees. they also haul the hives by truck all over the place to make more money with pollination services, which stresses the colonies. [url/[/url] enjoy! |
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