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Old 12-17-2008, 05:10 PM   #1

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Default Here for a purpose- does it resonate with you?
do you think we are here for a reason?

does this realm serve a purpose?

i know that the law of one explains that we are, and it does....i just would like to know how you guys feel about this.

i personally have mixed feelings.....like the other day i was reading the power of now by ekhart tolle when i stopped and wrote down some questions about the meaning of life that the book didn't seem to have the answers to. suddenly it all made sense, and i thought about the last lines of the lord's prayer- i don't know it off by heart but i remember the words "kingdom come, it shall be done, on earth as it is in heaven". and everything seemed to make sense. teachers such as tolle and wilcock are helping to guide people and show them the way.

however, a part of me still wonders whether this reality ever needed to become as "dense" as it is. this world is definitely a form of spirit prison, i feel.

i know that the soul group known as ra who are said to have evolved on venus until they vibrated off into a higher dimension....they apparently had a much more harmonious existence (which made them kind of naive in a way, in the past).

somehow i just keep looking at the world and thinking to myself that it doesn't have to be this way.

i appreciate any thoughts you folks have.

lots of love and light....yes.....i'm fluffy and "new-agey" in my heart and proud of it too....love, love, love.....all you need is love. :d :d
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Old 12-18-2008, 01:12 AM   #2

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"thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven"
i don't have any solutions to your puzzlement. i find myself drawn to the writings but i admit i don't know that i either understand or believe them.

nancy in oregon
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Old 12-18-2008, 03:00 AM   #3

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do you think we are here for a reason?

does this realm serve a purpose?
i think that we are here for a reason. i think that this realm does serve a purpose.

the reason that we are here and the purpose that this realm serves are one in the same: to show me who i am. that goes for everyone, whether you are sts or sto, or still asleep. we are all a part of the creator, so all reasons and purposes serve to help the creator know itself.

however, a part of me still wonders whether this reality ever needed to become as "dense" as it is. this world is definitely a form of spirit prison, i feel. this place is a spirit prison? well, according to the law of one, you (with the council of your higher-self and possibly other spiritual beings) made the choice to come here, even if you can't remember that now. so the question is, why would you come to such a place?

the phone rings and it's your father. he tells you how much he loves you and how proud he is of you and you repeat the same back. you look into your lovers eyes and kiss their lips and your heart beats wildly to the tune of love. you watch your son or daughter smiling as they take their first steps and you vow to serve, protect, and teach that little person until your time has come. strangely, you still dont remember why you came here, but that doesnt seem to matter anymore...all you know is that there is no other place that you would rather be than right here, right now. then you realize that it is your presence that makes a paradise out of the prison.

lots of love and light....yes.....i'm fluffy and "new-agey" in my heart and proud of it too....love, love, love.....all you need is love. :d :d love, love,love....yes. you will always be love, because that is the essence of all things. but if you had never entered the super dense illusion of seperation that we call earth, then you would not have the opportunity to live love to the extent that you can here.

be well,

out of curiousity, what questions about the meaning of life could ekhart tolle's book not answer?
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Old 12-18-2008, 03:47 AM   #4

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do you think we are here for a reason?

does this realm serve a purpose?
hi amelie,

astrology has given me a lot of insight into my purpose here. i can tell you that my purpose is humble, behind the scenes and doesn't pay :-). as i always say...my best work is unpaid. other than that, it comes very naturally and makes me feel energized.

sometimes affecting a few people in a major way is better than affecting a lot of people in a minor way.

other than that, it can be argued that up until now, the earth experience rewards antisocial, lying, cheaters and you have to dig deep in order to live a "service to other" existence. i believe that's why we are here...to prove ourselves when we believe that no one is paying attention. when actually we will be faced with all of our actions, good and bad, at the end of our lives.

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Old 12-18-2008, 04:16 AM   #5

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i think a great deal or pre-determinism is overshadowed so that we don't feel trapped, and therefore give up thinking that we do not need to do what needs to be done along our path. (i.e. the will of survival as a positive pressure mechanism).

but essentially, we are on some sort of learning curve, and that a lot of life is guided.
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Old 12-18-2008, 06:06 PM   #6

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it doesn't have to be like this and yet it is.... the eternal dilema

the reason for being here is to be here... and to always be here. does this realm serve a purpose? perhaps... perhaps it's to keep one from going insane!

love & light,

one 66
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Old 12-18-2008, 06:41 PM   #7

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i see this realm as a form of prison because suffering is something which we have to put up with here. all feelings are transient- everything changes, a constant cycle. a tapestry of pain and pleasure.

how can we get beyond such laws of this dimension and find peace?

perhaps there are dimensions far more harmonious than this one, which do not contain nearly as much suffering as there is here.

yes, suffering might be a necessary part of our evolution for a while, but are such extremities really necessary? does a child chose to get sexually abused? is there a good reason for all the suffering and pain caused by war? and every day, millions of animal suffer in auschwitz type conditions.

sorry to be so depressing, but it is in my nature to look at things and understand them, not turn a blind eye.

ra asked us to disregard anything which did not resonate.

so i am thinking for myself and not accepting the law of one as another type of religious dogma.

let is question everything and use our own discernment.

words are limited, and it might be that we need to examine teachings in more depth to achieve a deeper understanding.

so i am not saying that i don't agree with ra- i am simply asking us to examine this much more deeply to fully understand why things are the way that they are in this world.

i personally feel that free will only exists in the extent to which we are awakened and able to see again. when we can't remember who we truly are, then we are blind. this way of looking at things helps me to have love and compassion for absolutely everybody; i avoid judging others and cannot hate.

i simply feel for all the creatures and beings of the world that suffer so much and and is my deepest desire that one day we can all be free.
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Old 12-18-2008, 06:45 PM   #8

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out of curiousity, what questions about the meaning of life could ekhart tolle's book not answer?
hi there, the book i have been reading (started to read) is called "the power of now" and does not (as far as i could tell) go into the meaning of life, but is about how to find inner peace.
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Old 12-18-2008, 06:47 PM   #9

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i think a great deal or pre-determinism is overshadowed so that we don't feel trapped, and therefore give up thinking that we do not need to do what needs to be done along our path. (i.e. the will of survival as a positive pressure mechanism).

but essentially, we are on some sort of learning curve, and that a lot of life is guided.
nassim haramein's lecture at the rogue valley library of metaphysics is absolutely fascinating....his discoveries show us that the nature of the universe is both determined and undetermined
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Old 12-19-2008, 08:22 AM   #10

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hi there, the book i have been reading (started to read) is called "the power of now" and does not (as far as i could tell) go into the meaning of life, but is about how to find inner peace.
i have read that book a few times, as well as a few of his other works. it is a good introduction into concentration (what he refers to as stillness i call concentration). it is interesting that you would say that it is not about the meaning of life. from my perspective it seems to be all about the meaning of life. i think one 66 said it best, the reason for being here is to be here and to always be here, which is the only thing that tolle ever talks about in all his books.

i see this realm as a form of prison because suffering is something which we have to put up with here. all feelings are transient- everything changes, a constant cycle. a tapestry of pain and pleasure.
how can we get beyond such laws of this dimension and find peace?
if the tapestry of pain and pleasure did not exist, neither would the peace. it only comes by transcending pain and pleasure, which means that they must exist. there is a peace that exists below the level of pleasure and pain, but that is peace that exists without self-awareness (i.e. 2nd density). anyway, as to the "how", that's a good question. i think there are lots of books out there with different methods of transcending pleasure and pain (in fact you are reading one now), but ultimately you will have to find the way that works best for you. there are as many different paths as there are entities.

i personally feel that free will only exists in the extent to which we are awakened and able to see again. when we can't remember who we truly are, then we are blind. this way of looking at things helps me to have love and compassion for absolutely everybody; i avoid judging others and cannot hate.
free will exists only to the extent in which we are aware, whether we are awakened or not. the term "awakened" only denotes a certain level of awareness, which is a bit different from a remembering. this is why those of ra say that a wanderer can be those who have come back to this density from the 4th,5th,or 6th, or those who have achieved that level of awareness in 3rd density for the first time. the level of awareness that we have achieved may be considered blind compared to those who are more aware of things, but it can also be seen as almost mystical compared to those who are aware of very little. the blindness is relative rather than definitive to our remembering.

to avoid judging others can be extremely difficult, especially when your primary language is english. this language is quite deceptive and seems to have judgement built into its fabric. for example, take the word "suffering." when you view something as suffering, you have already judged it. why is it suffering? because it is "bad" or "wrong." anything that is"bad" or "wrong" is "unacceptable." they are all judgements and rejections of what is. there are extremes of children being sexually abused, animals being mistreated, and attrocities commited in the name of war, but what matters more than all of those things is your reaction/response to them. i think that this is part of the reason why ra says that the only one that needs to change, is you. there is a technical explanation behind that (mandelbrotset, fractal nature of the universe, what have you....), but i dont think that it is necessary to understand it in those terms.

i am in no way trying to justify suffering, only to show you a different perspective that may be of assistance. if it doesnt help, just forget about it. you are right, it is very important to think for yourself and take in only that which speaks truth to you. sorry if i come off as someone spouting ra at every turn. a lot of what they say resonates with me, but they are just thoughts that can be discarded should i realize a truth that eclipses them. anyway, breath easy and know that eventually we will all get there.

be well,
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Old 12-19-2008, 09:25 AM   #11

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hello everybody

the dalai lama states in the book "happiness" where he is interviewed by a western psychotherapist, that among many other things suffering has to be accepted as a part of life in order to reach true happiness.

true happines is not about being happy all the time, but f.i acknowlege the right for everybody to be happy, including yourself. interesting is that there is no word for self-hate in buddism.

liliane the transit
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Old 12-19-2008, 02:38 PM   #12

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thank you for your thoughts, guys.

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Old 12-19-2008, 05:15 PM   #13

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i think that this is part of the reason why ra says that the only one that needs to change, is you.
you have a lot of good points kensanwa, however, i dont remember the above quote being in the ra material? it doesnt sound like something ra would say, that anyone needs to change.

amielie jolie i think what may be helpful for you is to not try to take on all the worlds misery and suffering. remember that at the roots there are just individual people dealing with issues they chose to face. no one could bear to take on all the suffering that has ever existed within the context of one incarnate experience in 3d. i dont believe any single entity within our illusion is given more than they can handle or choose to handle in one life. also remember the nature of all distortions is the limit of our viewpoint. you need to understand that what we percieve as suffering here within our illusion actually equate to very powerful spiritual gifts and experience.

think of the person who has been pampered, sheltered and spoiled all of their lives, do they end up happy, balanced caring people generally speaking? now think of the type of people who have endured much adversity and hardship, to come into a better place, do they not have so much more wisdom and peace of mind? by failing to see the gifts that negative energy brings as well as positive you will forever be denying an aspect of yourself, and stunting your own growth. negativity is here on this place, can you love anyway? what would really be learned, if we were all oblivious of it? would the lesson of true love really be learned?
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Old 12-24-2008, 06:36 PM   #14

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i see this realm as a form of prison because suffering is something which we have to put up with here. all feelings are transient- everything changes, a constant cycle. a tapestry of pain and pleasure.

how can we get beyond such laws of this dimension and find peace?

perhaps there are dimensions far more harmonious than this one, which do not contain nearly as much suffering as there is here.

yes, suffering might be a necessary part of our evolution for a while, but are such extremities really necessary? does a child chose to get sexually abused? is there a good reason for all the suffering and pain caused by war? and every day, millions of animal suffer in auschwitz type conditions.

sorry to be so depressing, but it is in my nature to look at things and understand them, not turn a blind eye.
my roommate and i have been butting heads about this a lot lately. he sees everything as suffering and i see it as potentially joyous as full of suffering. in any moment, the deepest part of you is in ecstasy by simply experiencing. by tapping into this experience of experiencing a moment without value judgments, suffering can be overcome.

does the child choose to be abused? yes. why? it is an opportunity to balance the entity through understanding or by experience. this does not diminish the nature of suffering. i was abused in many ways (mild--i was not traumatized from these experiences) as a child and at this point in my life i can value those experiences because they have brought me to this point now. if we only look at one page in the book it might seem like a horrible story, but with the entire book in our hands, we may end up growing as a result of the whole story.

i'm not sure if it's faith or imagination, but i tend to focus on an unpleasant or downright horrible experience and see if i can figure out possible reasons for it to be the way it was, and usually it comes down to the unharmable, immortal nature of the soul. people become actors in the movies of their lives and this reality becomes a metareality. it can be seen as merciless suffering, or it can be seen as a benevolent allowance of our freedom. i would rather have the chance to suffer than have my experiences as a being limited. that being said, i haven't undergone tremendous suffering and agony. my perspective would probably be otherwise if i had.

i do, however, have an unshaken belief in the infinite, eternal nature of our being.
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Old 01-17-2009, 08:43 PM   #15

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i see this realm as a form of prison because suffering is something which we have to put up with here.
dc: i agree. this ain't no rose garden.

yes, suffering might be a necessary part of our evolution for a while, but are such extremities really necessary? does a child chose to get sexually abused? is there a good reason for all the suffering and pain caused by war? and every day, millions of animal suffer in auschwitz type conditions.
dc: all true.

sorry to be so depressing, but it is in my nature to look at things and understand them, not turn a blind eye.
dc: that is my nature too. i have always believed that spiritual viewpoints that pretend such suffering does not exist, or is "illusion," are just not worth my time and attention.

ra asked us to disregard anything which did not resonate. so i am thinking for myself and not accepting the law of one as another type of religious dogma.
dc: i do the same.

so i am not saying that i don't agree with ra- i am simply asking us to examine this much more deeply to fully understand why things are the way that they are in this world.
dc: sounds perfectly reasonable.

i simply feel for all the creatures and beings of the world that suffer so much and and is my deepest desire that one day we can all be free.
amelie, i won't pretend to offer an answer for you, but i can comment on my own experience in facing and dealing with similar questions. i spent a career in social work trying to do something about the problems of suffering. eventually i discovered the hard way that much of my own deep involvement in the suffering of others had roots in a forgotten incident of my own early childhood, in which i was badly injured by another person. to use language from my own field, i was had a serious case of post traumatic stress disorder. mainstream mental health sources lack much in the way of tools for treating it, but a spiritually awakened individual with some tools for healing can resolve it in a fairly short period of time without the agony of lingering in it for decades. the long and the short of it, for me, is that i am still very aware of the suffering on the planet, but it no longer tortures me, and i no longer contribute my own addded pain into those cycles of suffering. i'll state for the record: yes, it is possible to face up to those hideous realities and still have peace of mind. that's just my story. if it does not resonate with you, let it fly. if it does resonate, feel free to pm me. as ra emphasizes, one thing does not change: you are loved.

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