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#1 |
hello everyone. i'm new here. i would just like to say, after watching the videos here i felt totally blown away/ amazed!
now, my intuition tells me that david wilcock is a good person. the things he talks about in the interview offer a lot of synchronicity with everything i have been experiencing and researching over the past few months. this has been a funny year for me and my perspective has changed dramatically. i have always been obsessed by searching for answers and meaning in life. even as a small child, i thought very deeply about things; seem to have a naturally philosophical mind. at an early age, i suffered religious disillusionment from a certain church. this was very tough for me. it made me very skeptical about everything, but despite this kind of dark night of the soul, i have always been determined to keep searching. so here i am, searching. ![]() now, david wilcock's teachings/ channellings have blown me away. but now i must find out more. i feel the need to find keys which may unlock the doors to my intuition and help me decide whether this information is a really trustworthy source, or yet again just another very clever illusion of the matrix. ![]() so, if anyone is able to help me, i would like to begin by asking this question. i was wondering, when david can tell a person their life story when he first meets them, how exactly does he access this information? does he do it through channeling the information through another entity or just by connecting intuitively to this person's soul? [moderator note: since amelie is new, i thought some of you can come back and help her with this question. if i don't see any members answering, i will post a reply. chris] |
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#2 |
dear amelie,
we have a policy where members ask questions to the group, not to me personally. otherwise there would be no discussion. however, in this one rare exception, no one else knows what i do well enough to speak on my behalf. i have never channeled entities. i connect with myself, millions of years in the future -- the higher self. the way i do the "life story" thing is by putting myself into a state where i have quieted down the ego / personality self to a point of stillness. then, we know everyone has the same core issue, which i call the "original wound" -- namely the feeling that god has abandoned them, and they are separate and alone. early in the process i explore how the original wound played itself out in their lives. the father relates to issues with masculine energy, and the mother with the feminine. as soon as you get the first 'hit,' the person has a great emotional surge of recognition that someone hears them. the clamp they've put around their heart suddenly and spontaneously loosens. thoughtforms fly into your mind as this happens, with very specific data and imagery. the key is to let your mind drift to the most poignant ones and verbalize them. that in turn triggers the next explosion of thoughtforms, and again you take the most poignant. in this way you download someone's most poignant experiences in life, often with shockingly specific detail. always with their permission. if they get freaked out i back off completely. peace be with you - - david |
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#3 |
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#4 |
dear amelie, |
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#6 |
how can i learn to do this ? could it be said that the state you have to achieve (which grows easier with practice from my experience) is similar to paul's (saul's) "prayer without ceasing"? |
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#7 |
yes! i as well would love some more clarification, but i understand why david wouldn't want to expound too much on it. the sts pride "high" can be very tempting, for both him as a teacher, and us as pupils of the next stage of human evolution. |
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#8 |
it isn't easy.. i've had many good teachers. one of them was a full blown psychic aura reader/karma doctor who had worked closely with people for about 20 years so he was very able to accurately point out what was going on in people. i've seen him perform small miracles. one time he told a friend of ours that he had a huge blockage in expression. that friend didn't believe it though the rest of us laughed at his denial because it was so obvious you didn't need to be a psychic. so the healer asked if he could temporarily remove the blockage tho show the guy the difference..
i've never seen anyone change so much in so little time. and it was like the whole energetic atmosphere around the man "loosened up". the effect was temporary. but the guy liked it so much that he spent about a year loosening himself up afterwards. successfully because he knew when he hit "the vibe"... it was really amazing especially the feeling that not only does the guy say he feels changed not only do you see he changed but his presence feels changed as well. i'm a psychologist, give me 20 years of working with someone and i might be able to reproduce the effect. this was big and i was academically trained to recognize it. i'm a sensitive myself. i've read people quite accurately in the past. but being consistently and reliably able to read people.. well i can't do it. and neither could this healer, he was good, but not all the time ![]() ![]() still my biggest observation in the area is that you should just assume that your thoughts do not originate in your brain. if you go to a public place or experience something that many people experienced before you or with you, then it becomes more likely that you think the same thing others thought or are thinking or will think. when thoughts are shared you think them like they're your own. it's hard to see the difference, certainly at first. some of that can be explained by just common sense, knowing that it is the most likely thing people think about a subject or situation. but sometimes you have access to information that others had that you don't because you share the thought. emotions are much easier to pick up. to me they always show as physical feelings in my body. when i have a knot in my stomach but no reason to be upset then i look around to see if someone near me looks as if they have a knot in the stomach. and usually i can find them. if those people are friendly then you can usually verify the feeling. i would not recommend trying to verify the feeling with strangers. people tend to hide those emotions and their responses are either denial or getting freaked out over it. both are not worth your efforts. so try it at your own risk ![]() i'm told others sometimes experience this differently but on the whole i'm supposedly pretty average. if you want to develop it, you should know that your own opinions, your own monkey mind makes rash assumptions that are only sometimes completely right. and those ideas are going to be all over the place. try to make no assumptions and don't try to do telepathy. in my experience focusing and meditating helps only a little. just being perceptive (with the intent to perceive) and empty of opinion about what you are going to perceive helps a lot. just be empty, and accept whatever thing comes, big or small. sometimes you don't need to save the world, you just get to have a glimpse behind the veil of a little thing. that's good too, right? my soul is your soul. |
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#9 |
some very good points, ali quadir.
if you want to develop it, you should know that your own opinions, your own monkey mind makes rash assumptions that are only sometimes completely right. and those ideas are going to be all over the place. try to make no assumptions and don't try to do telepathy. in my experience focusing and meditating helps only a little. just being perceptive (with the intent to perceive) and empty of opinion about what you are going to perceive helps a lot. just be empty, and accept whatever thing comes, big or small. sometimes you don't need to save the world, you just get to have a glimpse behind the veil of a little thing. that's good too, right? i visit my local spiritualist church sometimes, and i think this is what sometimes happens with messages from various mediums. some get it more accurate than others. and after doing some thinking and soul searching, i came up with the same things that you have written about here. so there must be something in it. ![]() i have absolutely no doubt that some people do have genuine psychic gifts- this makes far more sense than the narrow-minded viewpoint that all there is to the world is what we can perceive with our eyes. |
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#10 |
i enjoyed what you said, ali quadir, you expressed what i have learned over the years myself. letting go of all bs (belief systems) is the way to go, but it's not as easy as it sounds. it means going into unknown space, and that can be scary. when you're telepathic, you're just plugging into someone else's belief system, and why would that be desirable? i guess if you're working with a client and you're getting paid to tell them what's up with them that's understandable, but if a person is working on uncovering source, then the conditioned stuff has got to go.
i like that david says he's chanelling his own higher self, even a future higher self. that means no giving away of power. i had a close connection with a trance chaneller at one time, and i would see him suddenly taken over by entities without his permission, and they would do stuff and he would come back into his body and wonder what they had done. not the way to go, i don't think. but he made a good living by being a chaneller, people would pay a lot just to see these entities come through and tell them what's what. like just because they weren't embodied, they had more wisdom or something, and from where i was sitting, they were just manipulating and being manipulated by who knows what. why do humans need an external authority? whether it's genetic manipulation or centuries of conditioning, people just don't realize they don't need to go anywhere to find the "truth" whatever it may be. after years and years of doing this work, i'm still peeling away the layers, and amazed at how thick it is. working on oneself is automatic connection with others, since we all come from the same place, after all. |
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#11 |
thank you for your responses. amelie, it is my opinion that we all have the gifts required. it is intrinsic to what we are. it's just a little hard to see effects when the world around you is in constant motion. what is true one minute isn't true the next...
larissa, i also liked david's statement that he channels himself from the future. in sufism they have a mantra "toward the one, the perfection of love, harmony, and beauty, the only being, united with all the illuminated souls, who form the embodiment of the master, the spirit of guidance." so they're very much in tune with the statement. if our actions will eventually lead us to become a being that holds the infinite universe in its consciousness. and that being is timeless. then i guess it is unavoidable for that being to be here, now. i'd personally stay clear of the type of entities you describe myself. i believe in ra terms it's mostly third density entities who are as confused about how it's supposed to work as we are. i do agree with your idea that it's our conditioning that causes us to search our guidance in this game of the blind leading the blind. |
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#12 |
i think that one has to use discrimination also when they go to these spiritualist churches. a spirit entity could pretend to be anybody it wishes in order to manipulate people by giving them slightly inaccurate information which could be harmful. i had an experience recently where i was told something which, even if it were true, i did not need to know at this present time, and left me feeling a little confused and much more insecure. i decided afterward that it was either disinformation from a mischievous entity, or thoughts coming from the medium's own imagination, who is probably more gifted at empathy than clairvoyance.
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#13 |
or thoughts coming from the medium's own imagination, who is probably more gifted at empathy than clairvoyance. ![]() ![]() discernment is essential... i see so many regrettable situations because people do not discern between the real and the imaginary. you are absolutely right and it's very important. what do you think is a good way to discern between the real and imagined? |
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