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Old 04-11-2008, 08:44 AM   #1

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Default An exercise
hello all,

i have an exercise i would like to ask you to take part in. i am asking that everyone make a list of the changes that they would like to see in the world. from changes in our own country, our government, the earth, all other nations, religion and the world with all its members, man, plant and animal, as a whole.

i would like for you to delve deep within yourself and define what a utopian world would mean to you. how it would operate, what morals and lifestyles people would adopt, the changes for third world and first world nations.

i ask that you make this list, with ideas as "realistic" or "unrealistic" as you wish.

flying cars? go for it.

an end to hunger? damn straight

unified existence between all races, religions, creeds and peoples? i don't see why not.

be as specific or as vague as you feel motivated to be.

over the next 9 days work on this list. as thoughts come to you add them to it. on november 13th translate the list from your computer to a piece of paper. take time and care when translating it from an electric to a material medium. think of the things deeply as you are re-writing them.

when you have your paper list thumb over it for a bit, imagine all these things taking place, see the different peoples and nations experiencing the joy of this world you have created for them. then, on the evening of the 13th go outside in the evening and give the list to the earth.

but how do i do that you may ask

you can burn it, you can bury it, you can shred it and use it as fertilizer. do whatever feels right to you but on that day take your ideas, hopes and dreams and return them symbolically to the planet we are all lucky enough to inhabit.

i will be posting this message all over the net, in many different circles, so that we have have a unified release of dreams for humanity as a whole.

if you wish to share your list i would be happy to hear it, if you would like to share this exercise with others you care about it can't do any harm.

dream on my friends, dream on. and remember

continue spiraling ever upwards,
rionetrozasa is offline

Old 05-11-2008, 06:04 PM   #2

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there are already nearly 100 people who have told me they will be taking part in this, i am happy to see how quickly the response has culminated.

i will share my list to start, it is a work in progress but i have some days yet

my wish list

the united states becomes a symbol of hope and freedom, a symbol of purity of intent and positivity.

third world countries attain an elevated state of living, wherein all opportunity is provided for a healthy life free from disease, fear of starvation and violence.

china opens to a happier less oppressive government state wherein the citizens are free to voice their individuality.

the eu exists as a proud, positive and united beacon of prosperity and love.

russia brings forth the knowledge and understanding of metaphysical principals that are long overdue.

the middle east finally sees an end to religious fanaticism and they can unify in their beautiful and prosperous lands. returning to a state of scientific and philosophical understandings wherein they will gain great abundance not by producing oil, but by sharing their great wisdom with the rest of the world.

australia becomes more habitable for human populations while simultaneously retaining the integrity of the native fauna and flora.

south america rises as a spiritual anchor once again, with their rich culture and heritage shared with the rest of the world.

mexico sees an end to corruption in government and the nation, with all of its beautiful and friendly inhabitants, is able to become prosperous and united as a whole.

africa finally sees an end to civil conflict and un-elected un-wanted dictatorships and the people are finally allowed to arise from the subdigation they have suffered for hundreds of years.

religion ceases to be a boiling point of opposition and becomes a unified belief in something greater than oneself, effectively unifying humanity as a whole in the knowledge that something more is out there... and in here.

animals and plants flourish happily, co-existing alongside mankind in a positive and mutually beneficial nature.

new energy and green living are embraced and cherished, not only as a means to an end, but as a honored and cherished way of life. giving happiness and joy to all who practice such methods of cohesive, non invasive existence.

the great quantum leap of mankind as a whole is achieved peacefully and seamlessly, a happy, unified transition into the next stage of our place in the galaxy.
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Old 05-12-2008, 03:29 AM   #3

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new energy and green living are embraced and cherished, not only as a means to an end, but as a honored and cherished way of life. giving happiness and joy to all who practice such methods of cohesive, non invasive existence.
great work enkidu, just wanted to add "free energy introduced, embraced & cherished" instead of "new energy".

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Old 06-11-2008, 03:48 PM   #4

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the only thing that influences all that i wish for the world can be quite summarised:
no secrets.
it will promote compassion and to solve conflicts, emanating into a world of harmony and peace and love.
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Old 06-11-2008, 06:39 PM   #5

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how exciting,

we are actually nearing the 200 mark now. i don't know how many people who have read it on here will be taking part since there have been few comments but there is lots of enthusiasm other places.

the idea is, since this is not guided, everyone will be choosing their dreams and meditations based on their own free will, not on what they were told to do.

the fact that each are freely choosing their dreams for the future will, i imagine, lend more strength to the energy coming forth from each individual as they are choosing what they want, not being directed to guam or wherever.

i also assume that many of the ideas will be repeatedly chosen by people freely, and those will be multiplied time and time again. it is the same principal expressed in the loo when ra is discussing the squaring of a call and how it reaches an apex point.

continue spiraling ever upwards,
rionetrozasa is offline

Old 06-11-2008, 06:51 PM   #6

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im working on this, too...
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Old 06-11-2008, 07:19 PM   #7

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wonderful kass!

i am glad to hear it :d
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Old 06-11-2008, 07:38 PM   #8

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i'm in. i think i'll make up my own white magic ritual about it. just cause it feels right. (nothing too conspicuous though!)
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Old 06-11-2008, 09:44 PM   #9

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love the idea, just can't fit it in this week. i'm going on holidays for a week starting saturday, but may do it the week after. great idea.

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Old 06-11-2008, 09:51 PM   #10

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i prefer not to wish for anything too specific, as i do
not feel i have the proper perspective to take all
considerations into account at this time.

so, i daily pray for divine will, and divine justice,
and the highest good of this planet and it's

in doing so, i put my trust in the many et's, angels,
and other stewards of the universe that have a much
greater chance for a better overall perspective
and what is best for us all.

sometimes what we want isn't what we need.
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Old 06-12-2008, 12:24 AM   #11

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agreed fiiish, and a pertinent message for all.

if it feels right, do it. if it doesn't feel right, don't do it :d

simple as pie and twice as good. all my musings and "prayers" are laced with that nice little piece of intention (only assist in this working if the purpose is for the highest good of all involved)

weeds out the possibilities/probabilities that may not be so nice, at least from my experience it does....

continue spiraling,
rionetrozasa is offline

Old 08-12-2008, 07:42 AM   #12

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great idea, got me thinking. still, as you made the point earlier, there is a tendency to go from visualizing specific things to projecting intent only. i have found from my own rather varied experience that what i wished for was not really what i wanted after all, and like it or not, most of us come from a disfunctional basis, so how do we know that what we are wishing for is the best for all concerned?

i came to the conclusion that to ask for feelings rather than things was more to the point. like, we will all experience peace and happiness and joy in whatever form that takes. but how about those who want to stay in the old energies? surely their desires need to be respected.

or how about just let everyone have whatever they really want? but maybe what they want is not in the best interest of all. aaargh!!!

how about just being in the moment and appreciating it for what it is.
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Old 09-12-2008, 01:06 AM   #13

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from the dreamer in me to you austin and all.. i love your thoughts and this fun exercise.

i have an exercise i would like to ask you to take part in. i am asking that everyone make a list of the changes that they would like to see in the world. from changes in our own country, our government, the earth, all other nations, religion and the world with all its members, man, plant and animal, as a whole.

i ask that you make this list, with ideas as "realistic" or "unrealistic" as you wish.

if you wish to share your list i would be happy to hear it, if you would like to share this exercise with others you care about it can't do any harm.

dream on my friends, dream on. and remember continue spiraling ever upwards, austin
* that all wishes and dreams come true
* fear is no longer a feeling or response, it does not exist
* everyone see's clearly all that they need to see
* love is visablity seen in each person aura and light
* our own abilities are limitness
* we can fly, beam ourself to a new location, send thoughts like a phone call
* happiness and joy is the way of life for all
* that life no longer depends on other life to live
* that life is self sustain, no more hunger for any
* all life, animals, humans, plants, insects etc live in harmany
* we began to learn from one another
* that earth is heal completely to the core
* that the real true colors of earth be seen
* that the air is so fresh and pure that each persons breath sparkles
* the water is pure, cool or warm and available immediately
* for as long as each person wants, every day is a picnic
* each of us contribute, but it is driven from our own passion
* our passion is our driving force, not the wage or role
* each person is paid equal
* each item brought or sold are a dollar
* profit does not drive the business, people or results
* gains / loses do not exist, balance does
* only the caring, kindness of each is measured

i have posted these and will expland as my wishful thoughts expand . peace everyone !
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Old 09-12-2008, 05:59 AM   #14

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i do not wish anything specific. i just want a happy planet, with happy and harmonious life, animals and humans, plants and earth, filled with positivity, health, glory, evolution, unity... everything good that could be wished.

i really wish our world was not as it is right now, but through bad things, we get back together and help ourselves.

i love you all, and wish you a wonderful life, physically and mentally and spiritually.
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Old 11-14-2008, 05:24 PM   #15

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last night, the 13th, i took my list out under the wonderful full moon, meditated briefly on the list i had been compiling for the last several days, and lit it with love and fire and watched the intentions rise on the wisps of smoke into the universe to join all of the others who were sending their intentions.

there is a ritual called the burning bowl which is much like this. it has always given my a sense of connectedness with all that is.
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Old 11-15-2008, 06:17 AM   #16

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i am pleased that so many people from all over the world took part in this exercise. i myself walked deep into the desert and dug a pit with my hands in the earth. after recounting and meditating on my list i burned it and buried the ashes in my hand dug pit.

i noticed, as i walked into the desert, i had no fear.... at all. which is a strange and possibly unhealthy feeling while walking in the desert with no flashlight in the dark... hahaha it was very pleasant though.

the evening could not have been more perfect and i felt a connection sitting there... not only with the others taking part but with everyone and everything, the sky seemed to breathe a breath of life into me. then... in an instant... i was struck with a feeling...

i cannot explain it in words, but it stripped away much of what i have learned during my decade long quest of soul searching. so much of the new age movement, so much of the teachings... are really unnecessary and have been leading people away from the truth.... they served in their catalyst for the initial purpose of assisting seekers in turning inwards, but they have become a focus away from the real essence of what is at hand, it occurred to me they are actually drawing away from where we should be focusing our light.

once again, it is hard for me to phrase it in words, exactly what the emotion was... but it was powerful and somewhat saddening, if only for a moment. to feel all of these things drain from me, to feel all of this stockpiled information cease to have any validity and have only a small fragment left...

when i am more able to put it into words i will try, but for now i am still putting together the remaining pieces. just since that evening i have gotten a new job, had an old friend drive 130 miles to see me out of nowhere to talk about life and our views on it (and i had a mouthful to share i can assure you) and i have been blessed with the honor to be of service with l/l research in the transcribing of a new channeling intensive that will be released... well... when the transcribing is done

its funny.. when i was helping to organize this i didn't even realize it fell right on the dawn of the 6th day of the mayan calendar until after the fact, just another in a series of beautiful alignments.

my blessing and love to all of you, i await the day that we all meet and walk the path of light together.

continue spiraling ever upwards,
rionetrozasa is offline

Old 12-12-2008, 05:44 AM   #17

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today is the day,

the 13th has arrived. for all who have chosen to take part in the dreams of ascension excercise i thank you. today put the final touches on your lists, carry the energy of these changes with you throughout the day.

alone we are a single voice, yet alone one persons dream can change the world, for better or for worse. so let us not stand alone on this day, let us stand together with a unified voice, a voice calling for positive changes in our world. let our calling be heard to the central sun and beyond. one call, chosen with free will, has all the power of creation behind it. many voices calling for a similar dream, all chosen with free will, are squared exponentially and carry a greater light and a greater love.

my thanks to all who will be taking part in this, know always that you are not alone, and you are loved and cared for more than you could ever possibly imagine.

continue spiraling ever upwards,
rionetrozasa is offline

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