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Old 01-11-2008, 08:59 PM   #1

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hi all:

there are other advanced souls discussing 24-strand dna who have been discussing it already for quite some time.

you may want to try google and see if that helps. i can't post who here even though it's a non-profit organization.

it is occurring. i am seeing someone tomorrow who is considered the feminine counterpart to his holiness dalai lama on the planet and i will ask her if the opportunity presents itself.

love and light,

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Old 03-11-2008, 08:34 AM   #2

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hi, y'all,

e.j. wrote:

"as many of you know, the q'uo are channeled by carla, who channeled ra in the early 1980's. the q'uo are fully positive beings who are members of the confederation."

i had assumed that carla was still channeling from some of david's references, but i was blown away by the clarity of the current messages through her compared to the original ra material. all of my spare time the last 24 hours or so have been spent reading much of the other ll material that i hadn't known existed, with already what are probably life-changing results for me.

"what are your thoughts on this? what does it mean to "create four then eight then twelve up to 24 spirals of dna?" dna is made up of four amino acids which line up in distinct patterns as the rungs of one helix/spiral ladder. what could four spirals of dna mean?"

my assumption, from my primitive knowledge of genetic biology, is that each cell, except the sperm and ova, contains two strands of dna for each chromosome within the nucleus. with 24 strands for each of 46 chromosomes, things could get pretty crowded in there (the stretched out, or "open" spirals, if i remember correctly, are several feet long), but the action would probably be multiplied manyfold, though in what way the party would swing (or boogie) would have to be experienced, one supposes.

peace, philip
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Old 03-11-2008, 08:04 PM   #3

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i do have some knowledge of molecular biology and this multiple strand thing causes me to raise an eyebrow. are these truly physical multiple dna strands being spoken of? i need to look into it i guess.

i gab w/ someone on another forum who is a wanderer and is an astral traveling pro. she says the word on the "astral grapevine" (who knew!) is that higher level beings have more dna bases in their genome than the four we do. she's not a molec. biol. but this is how she understood it.

there was a crop circle showing a dna strand and there were more bases per turn of the helix in that crop circle strand than we would find in us at the moment. that is, if we interpreted the crop circle correctly! i'm beginning to realize there are a lot and quite varied forms of life out there. i'm looking forward to more comments by dw on dna in the future.
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Old 03-11-2008, 09:00 PM   #4

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i've also seen information of this via crop circles. i cant remember where this information was given to me, but i think it was some sort of talk on evolution. the crop circle intricately showed dna with 24 strands.
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Old 03-11-2008, 09:47 PM   #5

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i think its good to throw in that if we are living in a different density than we are now, the laws of physics are just so different. i mean, from what i've learned, the speed of light even changes because of the density vibration being at a different frequency. and thats a pretty big "earth constant."

changing density changes some of the physics. im sure it all operates the same way at the foundation, but different in my aspects branching from those foundations. just as an earthly "ghost" does not abide by the same laws we do, so will we transform and have different abilities than we do here in the 3rd density.

maybe the dna change is just an example of a 3rd density mind trying to explain a 4th density physical manifestation? just playing "devil's advocate" here. we can probably try to put into our own words and wrap our minds around whats physically going to happen, but its just that the physics will be operating differently and we will only understand it better once we make it to the "new age."

...just wanted to slap that sticky note in here.
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Old 03-11-2008, 11:33 PM   #6

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i thought that whole quantum mechanics thing was telling us that physics is physics, no matter which dimension! but i am not a physicist.

tigermoff, i'm going to have to try to find a picture of this crop circle you mention. sounds interesting.
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Old 03-12-2008, 01:51 AM   #7

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hi there,

i'm quite new here, i"d like to know how could you "upgrade" yr dna ?
or is it upgraded automatically when you ascend to 4th dimension?

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Old 03-12-2008, 05:41 AM   #8

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i thought that whole quantum mechanics thing was telling us that physics is physics, no matter which dimension! but i am not a physicist..
im not a physicst either and i dont claim to be. i do believe that "physics is physics."

im pretty sure ive heard david say that the speed of light is different in the next dimension up. also david's research states that when we pop through dimensions, we can live in a state of 3 dimension of time and 1 dimension of space, as opposed to our "earthly" 3 dimensions of space and 1 dimension of time or space-time. time-space is a plane that evidently our higher-selves and or guides can operate fully and even "higher" density beings can use. i know we do have limited access to some of that due to technology but theres more than just that.

i'd like to reiterate what i was getting at. the core physics are probably the same, but in this density, i dont think we have whole, free access to it like we do in the next density. can we change the speed of light here? can we use 3 dimensions of time here? we cannot unless we are able to tap into the physics of another density. im not saying the whole concepts arent the same in all densities, but there logically seems to be limitations depending on where you are.

from the researching ive done, and from reading david's shift of ages, i dont have to be a physicist to know that there are some things that we just plain dont have access to due to our density level. if we meditate into our "spirit form" or whatever, then sure, but our physical vehicles and laws here do not allow for some things.

so my theory, then, is maybe these dna changes just wont happen here in 3d. maybe our dna must change in order to operate on another frequency level. our current phsics model just do not cater to the things we propose are going to happen. im not claiming to know, im just stepping back and trying to be logical. there are things, as we know, that our 3d minds have a hard time wrapping themselves around. maybe this super strandy dna is just one of them. maybe its a physical manifestation of how our "vehicle" changes when we shift into a new age.
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Old 10-29-2008, 04:33 AM   #9

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Default Growing into 4th Density - DNA Changes

as i was searching through the l/l research transcripts, i came across this fascinating response by the q'uo to a question regarding the ability of dna to change.

you spoke about dna. in terms of spiritual principles we say to you that the dna for third density is as it is. and yet you may change your dna, as some of you are quite sure and aware at this time, by the way you think and by the way you manifest your thoughts so that you bring forth into third density higher densities of awareness.

those of you who wish to live into fourth density positive upon this planet, which shall soon completely be descended, not only interpenetrating third density but taking over third density completely, may live as though you were in fourth density now. it is as simple and as nearly impossible as that. but you can penetrate that mystery of love. you can change your dna so that you create four and then eight and then twelve and then up to twenty-four spirals of dna. and eventually, as you do create the differences in every cell of your body, you shall, more and more, walk the universe freely. http://www.llresearch.org/transcript...2007_0812.aspx

the q'uo fully affirm david's theory on dna being an antenna for consciousness! they discuss a fantastic opportunity for us to spiritually grow, as they mention how we can change our own dna to 4th density "quality." how about the comment on the growth of dna being in multiples of four?? additionally, they further assert their stance on the upcoming shift, discussed at length and debated in the "3rd density non-physical" thread, when they say: "[fourth density] shall soon completely be descended...interpenetrating third density completely."

as many of you know, the q'uo are channeled by carla, who channeled ra in the early 1980's. the q'uo are fully positive beings who are members of the confederation.

what are your thoughts on this? what does it mean to "create four then eight then twelve up to 24 spirals of dna?" dna is made up of four amino acids which line up in distinct patterns as the rungs of one helix/spiral ladder. what could four spirals of dna mean?

possibly david would be interested in researching this further for us.

peace and love in the light,
Petrushkaukrop is offline

Old 10-29-2008, 04:46 PM   #10

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what are your thoughts on this? what does it mean to "create four then eight then twelve up to 24 spirals of dna?" dna is made up of four amino acids which line up in distinct patterns as the rungs of one helix/spiral ladder. what could four spirals of dna mean? what comes to mind is, instead of a double helix with 2, a quadruple helix with 4, and on, and on. i wonder then how phi would fit into this "new" structure?

as a side note, had i not watched a show on nova last night about fractal geometry, i wouldn't have the "inspiration" to reply to your message.

in the show, it had a section about how a guy, who was a ham-radio operator, made his own antenna for his apartment (his landlord wouldn't allow him to have a huge antenna). what he discovered was that he could build a smaller antenna using fractal geometry. additionally, this antenna was able to receive different frequencies. this was the basis for the antennas in our modern cell phones.

when i was reading your post, this is what intially popped into my mind.

i do believe our dna is an antenna, a receptor for universal consciousness and the "processor" of information that makes us human. for third density then, perhaps two strands of dna allow us to "tap" in to the frequency of third density consciousness. the sequence is what makes us human.

more stands could allow us to tap into different, higher frequencies of the higher densities. i assume the sequence would change as well...

thanks for posting this. i've had these thoughts before, but never tied it together in this manner. and, i guess you could say this was a bit of synchronicity, with the show last night and your post today... :d

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Old 10-29-2008, 08:38 PM   #11

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awesome stuff. i remember it being said that in the mystery school traditions, the key to unlocking ones gifts or spiritual abilities lies in the opening of the heart chakra or through the awareness of love. i see this as being synonymous with the activation of ones dna, which can greatly be accelerated through the embracement of that transcendant vibe and the connections with those you meet.
personally, i've experienced extremely refined degrees of intuition when speaking with a person who i loved, whether it was a family member, a friend or someone in need of some support. i think most people, however, don't feel comfortable enough to feel love or to really "connect" with another person, even if it's those who presumuably would be closest to them. and thus the energy flow is stopped there, instead of flowing up towards the higher chakras.
i feel it helps, especially during meditation, to open yourself up to the universe. the feeling of complete safety and acceptance, the kind you feel with those you completely trust in your purest state. let that feeling flow through you as you feel the energy of the universe.
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Old 10-30-2008, 04:27 AM   #12

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that is fantastic synchronicity, i'm glad that we could assist each other.

here is some more fascinating discussion from the q'uo on our inquiries. mongoose, they also talk about exactly what you were saying with regard to love:

in general
[dna is], indeed, the heart of the penetration into the illusion of the structure of the spiritually or energetically formed world. the changes that will allow entities within third density to welcome fourth density life are bound up in the further strands of dna that are formed with the full consciousness of unconditional love. in depth
the dna was carefully adjusted not to move beyond third density by those entities of the first adjustment of the great ape vehicle which was found upon your planet at the end of second density. this adjustment was in its own way a safety precaution, as in a tamper-proof lighter or a child-proof bottle cap, for it was felt that such entities as these great ape beings had been would not be able to withstand the pressure of ethical decisions or knowledge of right actions.

however, the structure of dna is not limited by these manipulations which may be done by your men and women of science. these spirals of light that cohere for the formation and continuation of [life] are born from states of consciousness or matrices of perception rather than being limited by
the current instructions of the current dna. the energies of unity and unconditional love once welcomed into the heart and worked with in a
persistent and conscientious manner begin to lend to the mind of the meditator and seeker of silence access to a state of consciousness in which there are no limitations. in this state of consciousness infinite energies flowing in infinite supply at all times and there is ample energy to fuel any state of consciousness to which the focus, the desire, the purity and the process of an entity has brought him. and finally our specific question... as if we had asked...
is it easy to attain a state of consciousness that builds new strands of dna? for a very few it is relatively easy. however, for most it is a great challenge. the hope of the various populations of your sphere, then, may be based upon that hope that springs forever from the heart. that hope to seek and find, to open up that source of magic that makes the impossible possible. this work of connecting dna strands through alterations in consciousness is work that is as accessible as the next moment, that moment when one ceases speaking and enters the silence with a full heart. this moment is as far away as the nearest star. it is the kind of choice that entities may look at from the worldly point of view and say, what a nice structure, what a pleasant fantasy, that fantasy of creating the self anew and transforming the self into an entirely different kind of person. however, from the standpoint of faith there is available another point of view. that point of view is inscribed within what this instrument would call the magical personality...

this is that which we were speaking of when we were mentioning that empowerment of dna. indeed, more and more entities among your people are able to share in a charismatic sense a good deal of that state of consciousness for a limited amount of time, it being a yellow-ray sharing rather than that which comes from the truly unified heart. within this influence it is entirely possible that many would find it maximally potentially doable to lift themselves into a state of mind which indeed is true freedom, that state of mind which no longer is connected to fear, is no longer connected to the desire to defend, but is free to love, to radiate, to embrace. http://www.llresearch.org/transcript.../2003_0206.pdf

wonderful words. i think david would be quite fascinated with this info. he could really expand on this. does he read each post??

peace and love in the light,
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Old 10-30-2008, 04:15 PM   #13

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hi all,

i sincerely doubt david has time to read all these posts which is why he has mods.

had this fantastic insight over the past couple of weeks. i ran into david's work through pc, so, thank you to project camelot for being there. there is another site that has interviews which the mods can allow me to post or delete here: http://consciousmedianetwork.com which would be a great place for david to be interviewed.

apologies for the segue.

anyway, david's work rings of truth for me, as i'm sure it does for most of you, or neither of us would be here, right?

this fourth dimension ascension is like when we visit a place like shambala in our minds.

and, what i realized is, that it's already there. these higher dimensions already exist or we wouldn't be able to vision them.

so, the dimensions exist it's simply a matter of raising our vibrations through meditation so that we attain conscious awareness of them.

isn't that cool? i was so serene with this insight ... it was rather like a "duh," aha. lol.

l & l

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Old 10-30-2008, 04:50 PM   #14

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thanks for sharing. usually i don't check in on llresearch's website for q'uo transcripts, although each time i do (or when someone shares on the dc forum), i tend to get that inspiration or "aha". and, given the "sync" moment, all the better.

i think david would be quite fascinated with this info. he could really expand on this. i can't speak for david, but from what i gather, he had already gone in depth into dna transformation, etc., in the convergence series (three e-books), and various blogs. in the series he discusses some of his own research and insights into this. and, if i recall correctly, he discussed dna transformation from 2 to 3 strands in a blog earlier this year.

does he read each post? additionally, (again not speaking for him) david's focus right now is getting "the message" out on a large scale (the convergence movie, interviews, etc). so, we rarely see him posting on the forum like before and do miss his presence, but thats ok; his service is on a larger scale, so that he may inspire more people to serve and inspire on the smaller, local scale...

thanks again for sharing these quotes; they are valuable to the forum.


edited: after this was posted and i read it, i thought "geez, that kinda sounded a little crappy of me!" sent with good intentions, sorry if taken the wrong way!
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Old 11-01-2008, 05:51 AM   #15

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art and alixandra-
i agree about david, but i thought he might find the multiplication of dna strands (4-24) to be something he was unfamiliar with, since it doesn't appear in the ra material. i'm looking for some more 4th density info from the q'uo for a new post. hope to discuss it more with you soon.

peace and love in the light,

p.s. no affront taken art!
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