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Old 09-17-2008, 09:06 AM   #1

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Default The Spiritual Closet

i was wondering how do you deal with or what do you do in situations where other people (maybe not wanderers) you interact with are not at the same spiritual level as you are?

i personally feel like kind of being in the closet so to speak with these things i have learned and loo-thoughts. now i have quite strong beliefs and knowings of how things really are in the world and if i blurb these thoughts to people who are not aware of these things they may become confused and want to stick to their materialistic world of pain.

of course i don't want to force anyone because it is their own decision if they want or not to grow spiritually. i only tell my thoughts if i am being asked.

but still it feels like i'm kind of isolated from other people because maybe i don't have such "trivial" or materialistic problems and interests as they have... does any of you feel the same?

also i would like to know if you have people who are close to you like partners, friends and family members... do you speak to them about these loo-thoughts and how do they react to all of this?

i don't know if this makes any sense to you but i would appreciate your answers. thank you!
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Old 09-17-2008, 04:35 PM   #2

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i can relate to this, as all of my current friends are not so into the spiritual side of life (i.e meditation & devotion). my suggestion is that you try to speak only to whom you can trust 100% about this issues. in any other case you might get humilated or laughed at. try with close family first. but anyways, you do not need to share everything with everyone. share your thoughts with your higher self or write them down.

don´t think so much, is maybe the best suggestion i can give you.

just try to be in your space and behave normally, give love and pray that more likeminded people will enter your life.

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Old 09-17-2008, 04:52 PM   #3

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hi wanderer,

it's good to hear from you again. you've hit on a topic that i'm sure we all deal with daily. i'll be glad to share you my thoughts and approach.

first, i try to interact with other people as though my life were like theirs. i do occasionally find that people are drawn to spiritual conversations when they are around me. i believe that this is due to their picking up on my orientation.

i take each such discussion as a unique situation, and i try to approach it a little like ra did in his sessions. i listen to their questions, and attempt to answer them truthfully, but only on a level that they can understand, and that does not run the risk of infringing on their free will. clearly, since i cannot read their past lives, current missions, aura, or mind like ra could, i tend to err on the side of withholding information until and if i see them demonstrate an understanding of what i've said already. sort of like ra waiting for don to penetrate the outer meaning of some of his statements before providing more detail.

i am blessed with a spouse that shares my spiritual beliefs and we have had many discussions about these things throughout our 20 years together. although i found the law of one first, i shared knowledge of it with her immediately. it took her over a year to choose to start reading the books though, and during the interim, i chose not to discuss what i had gleened from them, at least until she chose to ask about them.

i think this forum is a great tool to allow those like us to converse without worrying about how we will be received. i do still try to make sure that i don't infringe other's free will here as well, though. this is ever a possibility.

i hope that helps some,

3d sunset
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Old 09-17-2008, 05:15 PM   #4

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hi wanderer

wow - i have been "chewing" on this line of thought for so long...

just this morning as i was getting ready for work, i was mentally trying to organize my beliefs and how i would present my "change in perspective" to family & friends - if or when they might ask.
my situation is that of one coming out of a very conservative religion. i feel as if i have "reawaken" to truths i set aside 25 years when my husband decided for both of us that this religion was the way to go. about 4 years ago, i began to feel the pull of the truths i'd set aside, and i know that i have been directed to the loo series, among other wonderful, insightful, amazing information as i reawakened.

as for what to do with it...
i agree with you in that i don't want to infringe on anyone's free will by sharing information they may not be ready to hear, so i don't share it - even tho i am filled with such joy and love because of what i know! it's hard and yes i did feel pretty isolated until i began reading the discussions on this site. that has helped tremendously - to realize that you are not alone in this journey.

as for my family, i have shared some things with one of my sons - from the moment he was born we have shared a connection that is eternal. from a plr (past life regression) i learned that we have incarnated many times together in different relationships. this i shared with him and he was interested, but not convinced. i have shared bits and pieces of the things i have learned - but only when i sense that the time is right, or the conversation drifts in that direction. i have been open about reincarnation with my daughter also. over the past couple of years she has become a believer in reincarnation, but nothing else.
i have not shared what i believe with anyone else in my family, as they are either totally immersed in the conservative religion, or make jokes about beliefs that are out of the main stream.

as i have removed myself from the religion, i have slowly distanced myself from the friends who are still involved. this is my choice, as i do not want to share what i believe because i know that they will pretty much freak out and think that i am "lost" or want to "save" me. it is not easy, but for now i feel it is the best solution. they will not want to hear anything that i have to say, and will try to change my mind. ( so much for free will!)

as for my husband, we have a mutual non-discussion agreement. it has taken many years, but i have stood my ground and informed him that i do not intend to continue any involvement in his church. he has agreed, but does not want to know what i am involved in.

interestingly, some of the things discussed on this forum have been happening to some of my family members. (waking at 3am, seeing thru the political situation) when i mentioned that i had been reading about those very things on this site, i was met with some teasing and comments about et's trying to take over.

so, wanderer, i know that you see that the path we have chosen is not an easy one. especially when we have such a different perspective of what is going on in 3rd density than our loved ones. i try to send only love to my family and friends. i try to remember to understand that they are learning and growing at their own pace, just as i am. but it can be lonely sometimes...

again, that's why i am so grateful for this site and those who share their thoughts with us.

hope this helps you.

love & light

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Old 09-18-2008, 01:44 AM   #5

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i have this problem as well.

i have addressed it quite effectively by learning to see myself as superior, banding together with similarly like-minded individuals, forming a secret society, and then manipulating the "unawakened" for profit and personal gain.

the important thing is to learn how to mimic their primitive beliefs and customs and present yourself as even more fervent than they. then you don't arouse suspicion.

it is rather satisfying.

hee hee hee.
just kidding.

i live in a culture where religion is a complete non-issue, so it doesn't come up.

i feel for the people that have to deal with religious folk on a regular basis though. you can either hide it and play along, or be open and expose yourself to the conformity enforcement mechanisms that have been built into the faith: ridicule, social isolation, physical violence, even murder.

i can understand why some people start secret societies.
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Old 09-18-2008, 06:58 AM   #6

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i was wondering how do you deal with or what do you do in situations where other people (maybe not wanderers) you interact with are not at the same spiritual level as you are?
it would all depend on the situation i suppose. though i believe the thrust of your question is "how do you go about sharing your spirituality with people who aren't attuned to such things"

for many years i shouted it from the rooftops, informing all i came across about the wonders and the mystery. i noticed very defined reactions to the information during this period of time.

some would be intrigued and request more information, even to the point where we would have group meditative sessions working with the rooting of rarified energy into the planetary grid.

others reacted with disgust, outrage, mocking and even violence. these people have a valid reason for reacting in the way they do and i never felt any ill will against them. the information of progression is not for everyone, it is for those who are near the end of their path.

to a newly graduated 3d soul through about midway there is no use for such information and all it serves to do is complicate their progress. at the early stages of 3d realization the purpose is simply to experience and digest the learn/teachings that come from simple "human" interaction and emotional exchanges. as one becomes more adept so to does their seeking and spiraling become more directed.

if you are worried about looking foolish for having such beliefs, perhaps you should do some introspective work as to the root of these feelings. feelings of fear or embarrassment are feelings attached to the ego self trying to protect the physical self. one should never feel awkward or silly because of what they believe... if they truly believe it.

now the loo:

questioner: what is the greatest service that our population on this planet
could perform individually?

ra: i am ra. there is but one service. the law is one. the offering of self
to creator is the greatest service, the unity, the fountainhead. the entity
who seeks the one creator is with infinite intelligence. from this seeking,
from this offering, a great multiplicity of opportunities will evolve
depending upon the mind/body/spirit complexes’ distortions with regard to
the various illusory aspects or energy centers of the various complexes of
your illusion.

from the seeking emerges the opportunity to better be of service via self/other self. these people/events/contacts will present themselves in due time. do you have contacts like that? do you have a group of trusted souls with which to learn/teach teach/learn?

questioner: if an entity wants to be of service to others rather than service
to self while he is in this third density, are there “best ways” of being of
service to others, or is any way just as good as any other way?

ra: i am ra. the best way to be of service to others has been explicitly
covered in previous material. we will iterate briefly.

the best way of service to others is the constant attempt to seek to share
the love of the creator as it is known to the inner self. this involves self
knowledge and the ability to open the self to the other-self without
hesitation. this involves, shall we say, radiating that which is the essence or
the heart of the mind/body/spirit complex.

speaking to the intention of your question, the best way for each seeker in
third density to be of service to others is unique to that mind/body/spirit
complex. this means that the mind/body/spirit complex must then seek
within itself the intelligence of its own discernment as to the way it may
best serve other-selves. this will be different for each. there is no best.
there is no generalization. nothing is known.

for each interaction is a choice for catalyst presented to you. there is no right way for the interaction to transpire. you must listen to your center and decide if sharing words/knowledge is the correct action that is best suited to all parties involved. but words are not the best method with which to share the loo in an sto catalytic environment.

questioner: is it possible by the use of some technique or other to help an
entity to reach fourth-density level in these last days?

ra: i am ra. it is impossible to help another being directly. it is only
possible to make catalyst available in whatever form, the most important
being the radiation of realization of oneness with the creator from the self,
less important being information such as we share with you.

we, ourselves, do not feel an urgency for this information to be widely
disseminated. it is enough that we have made it available to three, four, or
five. this is extremely ample reward, for if one of these obtains fourthdensity
understanding due to this catalyst then we shall have fulfilled the
law of one in the distortion of service.

we encourage a dispassionate attempt to share information without
concern for numbers or quick growth among others. that you attempt to
make this information available is, in your terms, your service. the attempt,
if it reaches one, reaches all.

we cannot offer shortcuts to enlightenment. enlightenment is, of the
moment, an opening to intelligent infinity. it can only be accomplished by
the self, for the self. another self cannot teach/learn enlightenment, but
only teach/learn information, inspiration, or a sharing of love, of mystery,
of the unknown that makes the other-self reach out and begin the seeking
process that ends in a moment, but who can know when an entity will open
the gate to the present?

this section, i feel, is the most important to your seeking. it re-iterates the transient importance of the information itself. it is the energy that we radiate, or own personal knowledge of the creator, and the loving energy that we resonate towards others with every word/thought/interaction.

from my experience/wisdom i have learned that when it comes to the sharing of information, share with those that seek. when you resonate light people will naturally be drawn to ask. they will seek that which spirals ever upwards from you, as the natural path of all things is to twist ever upwards towards the universal lightsource. when you live your life full of joy and light then the opportunity will present itself over and over for you to share information to your hearts content.... just as i am doing now :d

be ever mindful of the thoughts and feelings of others, are they truly seeking the information? or are you, in a kind hearted attempt to serve, actually forcing information on them? not an accusation by any means, just something to ponder while you meditate.

continue spiraling ever upwards,
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Old 09-18-2008, 11:24 AM   #7

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i thought this might help,if not, its a good read it has helped me. its a link to storys told by other wanderers, going through what we are going through and even more.


and this ones from llr which is the wanderes handbook


all the best
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Old 09-18-2008, 10:13 PM   #8

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but still it feels like i'm kind of isolated from other people because maybe i don't have such "trivial" or materialistic problems and interests as they have... does any of you feel the same?

also i would like to know if you have people who are close to you like partners, friends and family members... do you speak to them about these loo-thoughts and how do they react to all of this?

i don't know if this makes any sense to you but i would appreciate your answers. thank you!
hi wanderer,

sometimes isolation is not such a bad thing if it means that you are isolated from the pain of living a materialistic existence.

as a wanderer you are obviously more sensitive to other people's feelings and energy. most of us were not born into families that appreciated our sensitivities so it is an ongoing process to realize what benefits that being sensitive has. i spent (and still do spend) a lot of time by myself because i soak up people's energy and i feel i need to shake it off to come back to my center. but in order to do this, i had to learn to like and even fall deeply in love with myself. especially, growing up with a negative spin on being sensitive. for example, the difficult relationships i have in my family stem from me speaking up when i thought others were being bullied. the bullies chalked it up to the fact that i was just difficult instead of owning up to their own actions.

but after living forty-one years, i now have a family and friends that understand the benefits of my sensitivity. my husband knows all about my interests including david wilcock and other esoteric subjects. and if i see something that might be of particular interest to him, i'll show it to him. in fact, on a recent road trip, my husband and i and our two teenaged-sons listened to science of peace as well as the three most current audio blogs by dw.

my husband also makes sure that i meet anyone that he (or we) wants to do a project with because he wants to get my "feel" for them.

as far as friends and associates go, some of them know that i believe in et's but a lot of the time my husband and i joke about it if it comes up, or joke about finding an off-grid retreat and see who's interested.

i believe it's very important to be able to be yourself around people you love. but, from my own experience, i can quickly weed out those people who won't appreciate my loving kindness.

another situation that arises, and is rarely talked about in the context of being a wanderer is that sometimes you just stumble onto a real a**hole. maybe at a social gathering or even in the supermarket, at a movie or whatever. it's usually in the context of a manager treating an employee badly, or a mother to her child, spouse to spouse etc. i cannot help myself and have to stand up for the victim. i feel like it's happening around me for a reason. i try to do it in the least confrontational way as possible. especially if it's a mother. in that case i might just say, "it seems like you are having a really bad day."

from listening to the recent "we all are one" blogs, it makes it seem that if we are loving and kind that we won't come across these a**holes. but the fact is we are put here on this earth at a time when people/wanderers or whoever needs to step up to the plate and go to bat.

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Old 09-19-2008, 03:38 AM   #9

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i have developed the habbit of masking my philosophies which are driven by my spiritual beliefs by giving people anologies that are congruent with thier particular reference point. you can plant seeds that will help these people and they never need to know where the information came from.
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