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Old 01-09-2008, 06:58 PM   #1

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wow again...... now an old friend from 15 years ago has recontacted me, and my long lost birth sister (we were both adopted, and now there is another sister i never met yet) has found me again.

i knew there was a block, and now i can pinpoint when i first put up with someone elses abuse or crap, thinking i was responsible to fix their life. it was when i first went to religion, and they taught that to me and i ran with it....i allways knew that was the time when a major block went up, but couldn't quite figure it out....it is gone and already some of my greatest yearnings are comming out right in front of me. also my house sold and they upped the closing date so i can buy my yurt now for mt shasta, and a bunch of little things, plus that happy butterfly is back in my stomach that was suppressed from years of depression.....i had a feeling for a while now that this time would be opening up great change for me, and now i am re-locating so far away and getting away from another abuser as well who has given up on trying to control me etc, etc, etc...... yay!!!
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Old 01-10-2008, 03:44 AM   #2

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being honest and expressing your truth even if it slaps someone in the face is not necessarily always an infringement, there's a grey area here i'm sure.
i like to tell people the truth about things, especially when they are asking, but a lot of times i feel myself just not saying anything b/c i don't want to infringe on their life and their decisions. but then again, it makes me sad to see someone i care about going down a path that is almost certain to turn out negative. many times, i have already been down that same path, and was lucky enough to get out and learn from it and become positive. i feel like not telling them the warnings is depriving them of insight they might need to "see the light..." causing me to be not a good friend.

but then again, my own experience of feeling lost and confused was cured only by my own intuition, soul search, listening to my emotions and prayers for the right guidance to steer me a long the right path. nobody could tell me anything before that..others telling me how i should think and act just made me want to do what i wanted even more! i hope i'm making sense lol.

so i guess i just agreed with the fact that it is best for people to learn their own way..b/c many people are stubborn..at least i know i was and still can be :d
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Old 08-30-2008, 01:00 AM   #3

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Default Why is it so hard for STO to do the right thing?
i have been through this one lesson sooooooo many times now, and sometimes with the same people, over and over again, that i just need to smarten up, but it is soooo hard!

the lesson is for me to stop being an enabler, and for me to stop trying to sheild people from the consequences of their own actions.

could it be wrong for me to keep doing this? is this indirectly going against someones free will to keep trying to protect people from their own actions because i could in fact be slowing down their lessons???

help, i need to smarten up and just accept it i guess?????

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Old 08-30-2008, 03:10 AM   #4

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um ... what exactly is "this?"
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Old 08-30-2008, 03:52 AM   #5

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um ... what exactly is "this?"
"this" would refur to sheilding people from the consequences of their own actions...... this is probly not loving on my part because then they probly are delayed in learning because of being sheilded.
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Old 08-30-2008, 05:48 AM   #6

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i am of the belief that if someone wants your help they will usually let you know. you know how once you reach a certain age you get tired of your parents always protecting you? if you are getting involved in someone elses situation without their consent/request then there is a good possibility you are interfering more than assisting.

when everything is going smoothly you tend not to learn as much as rapidly as when everything goes to hell... as a matter of fact that is the whole reason soul evolution in 3d is faster than any other plane, because we can go through dramatic and choatic changes. if you are acting as a shield from the winds of life then the person behind you is never facing the elements. i know my major lessons usually come at the cost of experiencing major catalyst....

continue spiraling ever upwards,
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Old 08-30-2008, 09:01 AM   #7

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if i understand what you're saying here, is that you scoop people up before they can feel the repercussion of their actions.

i've read quite a few of your posts since i joined and i know you're acting out of all kinds of love; not wanting to see anything bad happen to others.
this is my third revision of this post to you because of this knowledge, but i think being frank would be the most effective way to convey my opinion.

you ask if repeatedly shielding people who are making the same mistakes from the consequences is bad?

in my opinion, yes you are wrong to do so.

why? firstly, you are interrupting their learning. you are fiddling with their lesson plan, stretching out how long it takes to learn this portion of their larger syllabus, and inhibiting their developmental time frame.
secondly, you are creating a dependence. enabling others to be dependent upon you is synonymous with holding an ounce of control over them.

i'm not saying its wrong to stop a baby from falling down a set of stairs or grab a friend back from walking out into traffic, but you do have to distance yourself from another's crisis that is forever appearing and ask if you are doing more harm then help.
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Old 08-30-2008, 10:42 AM   #8

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could it be wrong for me to keep doing this? is this indirectly going against someones free will to keep trying to protect people from their own actions because i could in fact be slowing down their lessons???
hi melissa ... you have come to the correct conclusion on your own. yes, it is wrong because while it enables, it also slows down the process of learning the inevitable lesson.

i have been through this one lesson sooooooo many times now, and sometimes with the same people, over and over again, that i just need to smarten up, but it is soooo hard
sounds like this is one of your life lessons...maintaining healthy boundaries and loving yourself enough to refuse to continue to accept bad behavior. when you do firm up your boundaries and love yourself enough, you will find that you are not required to repeat the lesson anymore.

tough love in action is not easy, but is well worth the effort...for you and for your loved one.

lots of love, light and hugs coming your way ((((()))))
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Old 08-30-2008, 05:26 PM   #9

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thanks everyone. tough love is hard. i guess they do have to come to their own understanding.

mabey in a way i was also trying to sheild myself from their resentment when i let go?

i'm still gonna cry some alligator tears for them, but this lesson for me has come up too many times......

funny though, this time around, now that i have followed through with cutting that chord, it is somewhat liberating i guess........ it seems almost like a lack of faith in the universe too. i know very well that everything will be taken care of as it should, so i will let go and let god so to speak.
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Old 08-30-2008, 05:35 PM   #10

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hi mellisamouse, this a tough one, i can feel your reluctance to "live what you preach". i suspect this is a lot more serious than any one of us can comprehend fully at this time and i too have a hard time wrapping my head around it. let's give it a try shall we?

i have always looked at someones evolutionary path with "what ifs". what if i save this poor guy/gal some time, hard-ake, misery and perhaps pain by whispering part of the answer in her/his ear? what if this will allow an acceleration or progression in evolution that will ultimately make the difference in harvestability? what if a small change can make all the difference in the world? what if all we need is that small change?

that is quite a responsibility to carry around and immerse ourself in. is it right? is it wrong? who's to say where an entity should draw the line and allow nature to take it's course even if you somehow know the entity has a below average chance to awaken in time for the shift. what if we are infringing on a level that will be accepted in the moments before the shift but is frowned upon at this time, accepted later simply because the shift will accelerate too fast for some folks.

i feel there are many ways of looking at your query and there is no easy answer.

being honest and expressing your truth even if it slaps someone in the face is not necessarily always an infringement, there's a grey area here i'm sure. every situation is different, everyones karma is unique and to an adept, using discernment and mastery, there might be instances where both free will and karma are respected and nurtured. so my advice is if this is something that touches your heart so deep that you cannot help but notice every possible outcome of someones spiritual progression then it might be your duty or "purpose" to dive deep into the subject and extract some kind of blueprint that will honor both yours and others dignity, divinity and free will..........................sylvain................. .........
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Old 08-30-2008, 09:18 PM   #11

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holy crap! removing blocks is amaizing! good crap happens fast! as soon as i "got it"....well, i felt all these loving family beings around me, (still here) and then a few minutes ago i accidentally met who must be my twin soul or something.

i sent her a message and she knew who i was too. feeling sooo alone for so long, then meeting all of you, has been like comming home in a sense, but now i feel like my immediate real family is right here.....my reality has shifted today profoundly.

it started with a dream last night, then the dream manifested itself today. wow!
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Old 08-31-2008, 02:18 PM   #12

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here's a long continuous quote from carla's book "a wanderer's handbook". i have removed page headings and highlighted some of the text. although the message is somewhat oriented around christianity, using discernment we can extract a valuable lesson.

those things which aid in connecting the faith deep within to the
conscious mind include first of all the regular meditation, for in the
silence of meditation connections from within the deep mind are being
made and information is flowing. also, we suggest the encouragement
within the self of praise and thanksgiving for all, large and small, of the
ephemeral world that may meet the senses. prayer, praise and thanksgiving
are three resources that add and strengthen the connection to
as we think of faith in regard to polarity, we must reckon with the fact that
faith aids polarity; polarity is what we came here to work on in terms of our
own learning, and it is our responsibility to act:
in this system and density of logos’ design, extremes in polarity are the
reality. consider: we have bodies here in the third density for a reason:
to interact with physical reality. since the infinite creator gives us a
wonderful toolbox of senses and abilities in these bodies, doesn’t it make
sense to know how to use the tools of body/mind/spirit in harmony?
we are going to need all the help we can get to stay focused during the
“inconveniences.” wake up!!!! we are on the other side of the bell curve,
folks! i have every intention of being in service all the way out, and my
path is action.88
heikki does know how to get a point across! our path is action, and yet we
need to be extremely conscious of the law of free will: our rights end at the
tip of our nose. we are doing well to work upon ourselves. we are fools to
set out to alter, change or improve others
. those of ra say:
the law of confusion or free will is utterly paramount in the workings
of the infinite creation. that which is intended has as much
intensity of attraction to the polar opposite as the intensity of the
intention or desire. thus those whose desires are shallow or transitory
experience only ephemeral configurations of what might be called the
magical circumstance. there is a turning point, a fulcrum which swings
as a mind/body/spirit complex tunes its will to service. if this will and
desire is for service to others, the corresponding polarity will be
activated. we may note that such a configuration of free will, one pointed
in service to others, also has the potential for the alerting of a
great mass of light strength. this positive light strength, however,
operates also under free will and must be invoked. we could not speak
to this and shall not guide you, for the nature of this contact is such
that the purity of your free will must, above all things, be preserved.
thus you wend your way through experiences discovering those biases
which may be helpful.89
think of ourselves as seed sowers, johnny appleseeds of the spirit. offer a
thought when the time seems right, then drop the subject and move on
with equanimity. a person will hear us when it is her time to awaken, not
before. trust the alarm clock each of us has set. we are all on schedule. we
can choose to accelerate that schedule, but only for ourselves. it is important
not to worry about the negative polarity as we work on our positive
would that we could guide you to one writing which made all things
clear, one set of symbols in which there was no doubt of clear meaning,
no confusion as to extraneous detail. we cannot, for there is no
construction made of words and concepts which is not also a group of
symbols, and in the end that which you know of good and evil abide
not in symbols but in essences. essences are felt by the deepest heart
and mind of an entity so that there is recognition and knowingness of
that which is, shall we say, morally pleasing and morally distasteful. as
you gaze upon this age which many find full of lies and therefore evil,
look upon the essences of people, relationships and the stewardship of
that which is seemingly evil, money, and find within yourself the
positive truth-affirming, life-affirming characteristics and attributes of
people, relationships and stewardship which can be brought to bear
upon each and every situation. for this is not an age. this, my
children, is your age, and no mark of any beast can shape the rhythm
of your own creation. we have no desire to play down the loyal opposition
which challenges us and makes us learn to be strong. we wish only
to correct any tendency towards feeling that one is in the grip of evil or
in any way limited or governed by the apparent world view. to many
this is indeed the age of the beast. we find this among the peoples, this
attitude of many greatly disturbed, greatly in pain, but accepting many
symbols as essences. knowing that love created all and that the great
original thought of love forms the heart of all that there is, we ask you
to be satisfied only with the essences of things. thus may you find
sunshine in dark places, and thus may your discrimination steer you
from unexpected shadows which others may not see. it is your experience,
your creation, your living. we ask you to join with us in seeking
the creator, without fear and with an ever-mounting desire to touch
again and again the wonderful light-filled mystery of consciousness.90
the message is just to let the world wag as it will, and work on ourselves.
of course, we wish to be of service. but in terms of polarity, our arena is
self, not others. those who try to work on others’ polarity for their own
good are actually service-to-self in orientation, though their desire to serve
may be genuine:
questioner: many so-called evangelists which we have in our society
at present have great desire and very great will, and possibly great
polarity, but it seems to me that in many cases that there is a lack of
awareness that creates a less than effective working in the magical sense.
am i correct in this analysis?
ra: i am ra. you are partially correct. in examining the polarity of a
service-to-others working, the free will must be seen as paramount.
those entities of which you speak are attempting to generate positive
changes in consciousness while abridging free will. this causes the
blockage of the magical nature of the working except in those cases
wherein an entity freely desires to accept the working of the evangelist,
as you have called it.91
there are always those attracted by service-to-self charisma, and willing to
follow the leader. how to guarantee free will? deny any proof! one thing i
have come to believe wholeheartedly is that there will never be any substantive proof in third density for any spiritual realization, concept or understanding.
we must choose quite freely:
questioner: what was the orientation with respect to this type of
communication for the one known as jesus of nazareth?
ra: i am ra. you may have read some of this entity’s workings. it
offered itself as teacher to those mind/body/spirit complexes which
gathered to hear and even then spoke as through a veil so as to leave
room for those not wishing to hear. when this entity was asked to heal,
it oft times did so, always ending the working with two admonitions:
firstly, that the entity healed had been healed by its faith, that is, its
ability to allow and accept changes through the violet-ray into the
gateway of intelligent energy; secondly, saying always, “tell no one.”
these are the workings which attempt the maximal quality of free will
while maintaining fidelity to the positive purity of the working.92
and in this process of realization, the purity of our desire for being of more
service to others, that polarity which we have already acquired, is most
there are two elements at work when you are working upon polarity.
one is faith. one is desire. look to your desire that it may be of the
highest and the best that you know. look to the true and the good and
the beautiful and hew as best you can to the high road, keeping in mind
always that it is intention, not manifestation, that is important in the
metaphysical universe of time/space.93 ......................sylvain..................... .......
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Old 08-31-2008, 06:39 PM   #13

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wow, sylvain, thanks. good read. it is sooo true that others imposing unwanted help can be urksome.

this was a weird one though, because they would say that they "wanted" help, but then do everything under the sun to self sabatage themselves. that is why this recent situation was such a hard one for me to deal with.

these people moved in downstairs, and know that they are not aloud to smoke in the house, and that we have a young child living with us. right away they started smoking, and so we gave them a warning, then they smoked again ( a lot) and we gave them a notice to move out, but they couldn't find a place in time (because they never even looked) so i gave them another chance. as soon as we signed the agreement that they could stay for one more month as long as there was no smoking, they had a bunch of smokers over and smoked us right out.

instead of putting up with it at all, since they so blatently did it to themselves (plus the boyfriend was being quite threatening) i phoned the police this time, and the police said they invalidated the agreement and have to be out in 3 days.....i felt so sorry for them, but am in no way going to bail them out this time.

now that i have typed it all out it seems silly that i would even have struggled with this. it seems pretty clear cut this time, lol.
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