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#1 |
the following ideas are like seeds that i hope will fall onto fertile ground in this forum. i believe they are an expression of the law of one and crucial to the process of raising consciousness and getting ready for harvesting time.
along my path, i have come to the awareness of how important good questions really are in the process of searching for the truth. although illumination seems to be a unique process for each seeker, i am sure there are some questions that are more important than others. starting out with the most important questions can save a lot of time and effort, not to mention a lot of blind dead ends. the obvious reason for the total mess that is summary of third density life is due to the fact that the nature of consciousness has never satisfactorily been defined - not by science or by religion. since the answer, or belief systems we might have about the nature of consciousness shape our mental maps which regulate our perceptions of: mission, identity, values, boarders, responsibility, possibility, capability, morals, behavior and the structure of our relationships with the rest of the world and the universe as a whole. - thats an important issue. i am sure most will agree on that. today it is possible to answer that question for anyone that is seriously looking for quality answers. this forum is, of course, one of those centers where a lot of answers are to be found. another question began to circulate in my mind after i had personally worked on the answer to the first. that question was one i had not realized was so important before the last couple of months. "how in the world is it possible for our greater society to keep the answer to the question about the nature of consciousness hidden for so many thousands of years? - 75,000 years according to ra. by perceiving the mechanism behind it all, we can much easily discern where we must have our focus of attention for the future. in third density, all truth has been "fragmented". it has been ripped apart, taken out of context, disguised, hidden from view and substituted by lies. the interesting part of all this is the processes that have been used. religion, science and society as a greater influence on the individual are all greatly responsible for the fragmentation process. religion and science are the two institutions for the truth. therefore it is necessary for them to be adept at fragmentation through one sidedness in: materialism, rationalism, reductionism, specialization, capitalism, segregation, nationalism, patriotism, emotionalism, focus on closed systems, competition, curing only symptoms while ignoring principle causes - and more. each of these items seem to be reasonable, useful and even desirable in their own right. at the same time they do immense damage to "the law of one" or holistic thinking and the perception of how every thing is connected. by fragmentation of the truth science can produce wonderful materialistic technology and still keep mankind in the dark about him/her self. this also means that much of our technology is in conflict with nature and mankind's best interests. as has happened before, we have now come to the point where technology is able to end our existence at the press of a button. this is also the reason that the sts part of duality has the kind of grip that it has on the uninformed part of the world masses - "because they can!" technology makes this possible. like einstein said, the level of thinking that creates a problem is not the level of thinking that will provide a solution. what is the solution? we need to defragment - educate our selves to think in new ways - the law of one is of course a good start. this breaks down to a number of methods that enhance our ability to understand and put the truth together more efficiently. here are some suggestions - david is using them in his series of books that support the ra material. other people are also using them. support looking for the big perspectives instead of reductionism. use meta consciousness to research consciousness - "meta" is about taking things to a higher level of thinking. thinking about thinking, learning about learning, awareness about awareness, etc. nlp - neuro-linguistic programming - embraces this principle. learn to work with systems thinking principles - that takes work - i suggest looking at the theory of constraints model (toc) - it has a wonderful way of helping to discover higher level solutions instead of just curing symptoms. using the principle of hermetic philosophy - the macro cosmos must reflect the micro cosmos. the micro cosmos must reflect the macro cosmos. (this makes our universe undeniable fractal) approach all systems as open systems and not closed. (this means a new physics and a new science) (also means a new source of energy) get rid of the restriction in science that says that only material evidence is legitimate for research. (understanding the existence of the spiritual world) replacing competition with cooperation getting rid of capitalism - can only be done by raising consciousness accepting and using the principles of integration as a spiritual law. (right/left brain, emotions and intellect, masculine and feminine, expansion and contraction.) this is just a start. do you see how much has to change? can you understand what one of the greatest leverages might be to create that change? get the masses to understand the process of fragmentation and show how that it is self destructive, and get them to embrace a new way of thinking. this is what i have called the consciousness revolution. i know others are using the same label to front parts of the same message which is still essentially fragmented. what would happen if more and more people understood that perhaps fragmentation is the greatest contributer to the illusions within negative polarization. therefore defragmentation must be one of the greatest tools that positive polarization can use to influence the masses through the use of free will. i hope this makes sense to a majority of readers. ![]() |
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#2 |
all great topics and questions. i think the first step toward de-fragging is to disconnect from the main stream media combined with consistent meditation. how long it will take for an idividual to experience a smooth daily consciousness by doing this will vary greatly from person to person.
people will have to first start being honest with them selves. almost all of the people that i meet that are foraging with the heard have gotten so good and lying to themselves that they have no clue that they are even doing it any more. |
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#3 |
the other night i had a dream where all of the answers that i have been seeking for all of my life were shown to me and that they were embedded into something that we look at everyday in our lives. it was like a sheet with sticky dots that you can peel and place on something. i can't remember all of it, but i remember the overwhelming feeling of relief, and the bewilderment of knowing that it was right there in front of me all along.
i posted this because i think it fits right in with the fragmented theory. i am a firm believer that once we realize where the information is, it will be very overwhelming and information will be released at a very fast pace. we will be setting our sights higher than ever though possible before and the evolution of consciousness will make a major leap into a whole new plane of thought and understanding. i also feel that this was one of those *get ready dreams* allowing me to prepare for what is about to happen. when i have dreams like this, i pay close attention to what is happening around me knowing it will happen. |
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#5 |
i enthusiastically agree with your post, metamike. i also personally think that the first place to start defragmenting is within ourselves, and as more people become whole within themselves, embracing their own dark side and loving it into light, we will soon have more “whole” people than fragmented people. these well-integrated people will shift society, business and everything we think of as “solid infrastructure” to a higher level of operation and cooperation.
in fact, defragmenting is pretty much my life’s purpose as i see it at this time, and the more i return to wholeness, the better i am able to help others do the same. love & wholeness, cameron |
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#6 |
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#7 |
wow, what wonderful words, metamike. you've come across like david does, reading my mind, expressing concepts i feel but am unable to verbalize. i've been getting discouraged lately for myself and also feeling like it's almost impossible for this knowledge to take hold for the majority, those imprisoned in that fragmented world.
knowing what i had to go through, and how long it took me, and how far i still have to go to even be slightly conscious, makes me wonder how it will ever happen for those on earth at this time. you're right about the lying to the self, that's one of the biggest hurdles. i catch myself in constant self deceit. but i want to stay positive. david's latest radio interview was very positive in the light of all that's happening. i love his phrase "chicken littles". it's so easy to get carried away into the end of the world scenario. someone on this forum said that the latest xfiles movie didn't seem to have any message. i found one, it was "don't give up" ..... |
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#8 |
hey, mm and all,
fascinating beginnings on a fun thread. allow me to toss my two cents in the pond of your perusing here. now i know that any argument by analogy is, by it's very nature imperfect, but let's use the example of a mountain to represent conscious for a bit. the highest levels of consciousness/awareness would of course be at the top. all life, and conscious humanity can be found somewhere on this mountain. if one conducts their life with only the thought of reaching the top of the mountain, that would be described as their purpose; their mission. we all have our missions, now, don't we? although the top defines the goal, it is the rest of the mountain, sides, and bottom, that maintain and sustain all life. there may be those who have been living in a "cloudy day" for so long, they may not even know of the mountaintop. as we are the eternal beings that we are, is it not possible that we've climbed a few mountains in the past? or will again in the future? and what does all this mountian climping have to do with our mission; our purpose? nothing, really; it's just an analogy... ok then, on to the meat of the matter. there seems to be a lot of concern here over this ascension issue. will i make it? can i keep my guitar? etc. if, as taught by the ra, in the law of one, that there is already a fairly decent percentage of 4th, 5th, and 6th density beings embedded in the ground crew here on planet earth, then these entities have already done the ascension thingy. you may be one of them. so, one might ask: why are all these ascended masters, angels, light-workers, and light-masters risking it all, to live out a life here- on a little ol' 3d planet, that really needs a good spanking? why does one risk their life to save a drowning puppy? because, it's the right thing to do. it's also been passed around, that "all is one." are those just words, or what? actually, it's the way it really is. and, those vast numbers, living in their televised reality at the bottom of the mountain, have as much right to stand on the top as you, or i, or anyone. and that, my friends, is the mission. when this all plays out in the coming years, and all the angels and others head back home, won't it be nice to have a lot of company? bob |
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#9 |
nice stuff ev-body!!!
can't comment on everyone so just gonna take it where robert left off. i'm inspiried. i like the analogy. maybe, infinately speaking we're living in a whole range of mountains. hills, valley, plateaus, everests... and some of us look out over to the next mountain and all those people up on the peak and think, oh if only... but if only we could just show those people, help them to part the clouds of their mt. so they can see that they are already so close to the peak. its amazing the obstacles we put before ourselves. love, trust, faith can all part the clouds. we can all live togethere on the peak, theres enough room up there for everyone!!! the mission will also be to help people learn that they deserve and are worthy enough to be king/queen of the hill, even you spud, couch potato. we are all one and we do attract what we envision. we can choose to make things a stumbling block or a hurdle. dan |
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