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#1 |
introduction to ego and the process of "salvation"
when in ego, we demand love but don't accept it completely because it demands us to recognize our mistakes and to forgive others. when we deny our ego and accept that god eternally loves and forgives us though in fact we don't deserve it, then we can truthfully accept forgiveness. it isn't that god can't forgive us, but our ego prevents us from even feeling the need of any, so it rejects it. ego rejects forgiveness because it will not recognize it's wrongs. ego must be rejected for one to accept forgiveness. when god's eternal forgiveness is accepted, we can truely forgive theirselves and others. true forgiveness acknowledges and confesses there were mistakes and yet holds no guilt. forgiveness continues on to repentance, which means that you learned from you mistakes and turned away from them. after this process of god imputing his righteousness, we are to impart his righteousness. improving spirituality ("sanctification") often proceeds this. those who have truely been saved from ego will no longer follow their old mistaken ways in presumption that they deserve to be loved and forgiven. god's love keep us from ego (and the fears it gives us of ourselves). salvation is basically the choice to let go of self and letting god live in us. it's like trying to stay calm and float on water when you have a morbid fear of drowning. the only way to float is to be still and let the water carry you. ego sure has made a physical illusion to distort our view of god, but ego has also made a spiritual illusion as well. it's true that we aren't merely physical beings, but we aren't merely spiritual beings either. we are mental beings composed and sustained by both the physical and the spiritual as one entity. in this illusion we think we can change ourselves but don't realize that egoistic influences in both the physical and spiritual hinder our true evolution, metamorphasis, conversion, etc. evolution implies there is imperfection in our nature and it's only in beholding something perfect that we can all be perfect and in unity. this something is a personal being called god, who is the source of every pure vibration of spirit and knows every part of our soul. when apart from god the only thing we see is ego and it's ruins and pretend it won't consume us. what we call nature implies that there is a subject behind it and creation suggests a creator. the cosmos is god's nature in physical form. god's creatures reflect the character of god in spiritual form. ego has distorted god's nature which in essence is an attack on life and love (because god is life and he is love). we have to be careful not to play god. let not there be a god created in the image of self (ego), but let god create us in the image of love. god's word of love through the spirit not only creates (and recreates if a creature falls in ego). god also sustains his creation with love. it's god's word of love that grants us life and sustains it and of course it has principles that go contrary to ego. the fact that it goes contrary to ego is why it may be difficult to accept the fact that life is unmerited gift of god, not inherently of ourselves. ego traps us into thinking we have to work our way to salvation, but then assumes that there is no work of service once you are saved. this is settled once we realize we don't do good to be saved, we do good after we become saved. saved from what? egoism. when saved from ego, good works and good character comes naturally from god's love imputed in us. salvation implies there is a savior to cooperate with. we aren't alone in salvation, god is who we cooperate with to be saved. we are all either servants of god or of ego. when a servant sold to their ego you may view the servants of love as slaves (and visa versa). that's how you know people are really decieved by ego's illusions. we are either influenced by unhealthy spirit of ego (carried by negtive entities) or by the pure spirit of god's love (carried by positive entities). it's possible for an influence to appear to have a healthy spirit, but may just be a cunning way to lead to the service of ego. god cannot force you to be free from ego because love cannot be forced (or it would cease to be love). if a perfect god of love were actually role playing in every single individual's lives (humans, angels, aliens, etc) then ego couldn't exist, but since we are free-willed creatures with responsability for our own actions, have the right to apart from god's love (thus entering ego). i have a few question do we not have the god-given power of choice to either let god save us from ego or to let ego detroy us physically and spiritually? if ego doesn't really destroy us and it were merely an illusion (meaning it doesn't exist) then why would we have to be saved from it? salvation assumes there is danger of something, but if it doesn't exist, how can ego even harm us? doesn't ego begin in the mind before it physically manifest? are not there unhealthy spiritual entities, beings, persons, etc (carrying unhealthy spirit) and that need to be spiritually nurished with the spirit? doesn't the spirit come from a source in it's purest original form? are demons figments of our imagination? if so, wouldn't that also make angels, gods, and even our own souls figments of our imagination? my psyche hursts trying to make sense of everything. ![]() ![]() grr my mind still hurts..... ![]() |
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#2 |
[rockyrojas88 -i have a few question
do we not have the god-given power of choice to either let god save us from ego or to let ego detroy us physically and spiritually? if ego doesn't really destroy us and it were merely an illusion (meaning it doesn't exist) then why would we have to be saved from it? salvation assumes there is danger of something, but if it doesn't exist, how can ego even harm us? doesn't ego begin in the mind before it physically manifest? are not there unhealthy spiritual entities, beings, persons, etc (carrying unhealthy spirit) and that need to be spiritually nurished with the spirit? doesn't the spirit come from a source in it's purest original form? are demons figments of our imagination? if so, wouldn't that also make angels, gods, and even our own souls figments of our imagination? my psyche hursts trying to make sense of everything. perhaps everything is actually a figment of god's imagination lol basically i'm asking if the realm of ego will ever self-destruct....hmm.... the dilema i find in pantheism is that it sugests god is made in our image, and since no one is perfect, it suggests an imperfect god.] i for one realize perfection is all around me. it is when i think it may be something other than what it is that i start to create an illusion of it being what it is not. if you think something other than you is going to save you, be patient because you have a long journey ahead of you. eventually, it'll all come back to... well, you! ![]() one 66 grr my mind still hurts..... |
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#3 |
introduction to ego and the process of "salvation" its like, if i dislike something, the last thing i would like to do is to deny it.. i cant deny it because its present and all in my face.. instead, lets understand the ego's demands and say "i know you are there and i respect that, but now its time to respect my own wishes and i wont let you make my own choises".. i have my own troubles understanding my ego which indeed is there. if my ego is telling me "do this and feel that" i would rather find an alternative path to the goal the ego is wanting.. that way i satisfy myself and not the ego, and when we start living by that, the ego kinda looses its purpose, therefore it dissapears itself, instead of forcing it away.. i think forcing or denying the ego is beeing an ego. if i want to deny my ego, im an ego just because of the fact that i want something done for myself, unregardless what the go wants.. its almost like denying a person and its wishes, almost as if the ego is a person itself.. sorry for my bad english =) |
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#4 |
my psyche hursts trying to make sense of everything. i feel it is well within our capabilities to thank our ego for a job well done, slowly wean off it's dependence on our attention and let it take it's rightfull place at our side as just another aspect of our-selves, nothing more. mind you the ego might see this as self-destruction, that is the whole purpose of spiritual growth, to ease along the ego's eventual demise ( as far as identity goes ).......................sylvain................... .... |
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#5 |
you have a point. a perfect god is all around us and is trying to live in us. we are the ones who create this seperation called ego. ego perhaps is when we try to judge and find fault with god (all that's perfect) and it's how we seem to "separate" ourselves. if it's me who blinds myself from god, all i have to do is open my eyes and let him show himself to me. so in summary, egoism would be solved if we focused on the perfect love of god, which is all that really exists.
i have a dilema does life not have principles of love that sustain it? can one consume one's own life away in ego (defying the life's principles) and cause death? if there is life, shouldn't death also exist? if ego doesn't degrade and destroy a person's life, then what can be wrong with it? if wrongs are an illusion then what moral reason do we have to take care of it? are life's principles also an illusion, and thus life an illusion? if death is an illusion, life also must be one because it's the opposite of death. if i have many lives to live, why should i care about care about nature? am i god who will not surley die if i defy the principles of life because i'll open my eyes and see that i define what's good and evil (thus i define life principles)? i'm asking in all honesty |
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#6 |
the answer is actually quite simple.
![]() the ego is what gives one a "sense of self". each one of us are a small portion of the creator. ![]() we have been given the gift of our ego, or sense of self, so that we are able to have "individual" experiences, while, at the same time, sharing in our experiences with the creator. without a sense of self, we couldn't do that. being egotistical, that is, having an inflated sense of ones self over others, is something to be overcome. likewise, having a deflated, unworthy view of ones self is also detrimental and out of balance. all are loved equally by our creator god. i love the mayan greeting that says, "you are another me". it is so true. :d peace, (:-deeze |
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#7 |
i have a dilema ![]() |
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#8 |
this is perhaps one of the deepest misconception ever imagined. what is the opposite of death? ( it is not life ) it is birth. we have been conditioned from the very first egoic thought that life was something we posessed and that it can be taken away, nothing can be further from the truth. life is. before birth, after death and everywhere in-between. there is no opposite to life. we do not have life, life has us. jmho but what if birth is something thats supposed to happen not only once in one lifetime? im not talking about the physical birth of the body, but the mind? kinda to elevate the soul to new levels? |
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#9 |
[but what if birth is something thats supposed to happen not only once in one lifetime? im not talking about the physical birth of the body, but the mind? kinda to elevate the soul to new levels?]
hello metaphysics, that is quite accurate in my eyes. one analogy that i have at this time is that when we become our higher self which then becomes the self, a new higher self is born to fill the void and your old self withers away allowing the cycle of rebirth to continue, as you suggest "to elevate the soul to new levels, kinda".........................sylvain............ .......... |
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#10 |
so it's not so much of denying self's demands but surrendering it to the demand. i think the story of the prodigal son explains it best. self (ego) isn't a problem until it one pets it too much with exaltation (look at me!) and pity (why me!). when self is apparently denied through service to others, wanting rather to give gratitude and compassion to others then to demand it for one's self, it goes around and comes around. we don't really love ourselves when we don't love others. what defines love? where does it come from? we may like to call it god who through eternally always sustains our life and doesn't demand love in return. why perhaps is it even impossible for god in us to even truly "demand" love? if we already have love to begin with, then how can we demand it? perhaps egoism is best defined be not seeing the love that all ready is around us (god). when we accept that love is all there is, then the fears one's self doing wrong against life's principles is gone. i believe that every time we remember love, it's like being spiritually regenerated or reborn.
is evil (fear in disguise), and death just an illusion which shouldn't exist because goodness, love, and life is all there is? well i can agree that fear and death shouldn't even exist in the sight of god and anyone in it would also look like souls disappear into the non existence of this illusion. souls can make illusions, but can they become one? the problem with this "illusion" theory is that if egoistic-fear and death doesn't really exist, then why should i care about love, life, and new birth? what moral right would i even have to have to love and care for life if i can abuse it all i want and demand love and life (when in irony, i don't really want it)? there are atheists that are honest enough to admit that they would be miserable in "heaven" because they wouldn't be able to inflict fear and death. they cannot see a perfect universe in which death (ceasing to exist) isn't an option. they know that if the vibration of the particles in an atom were to cease moving, they would cease to exist. energy makes things exist, but even for energy to exist, there must be a source from which there is always movement. ironically, this contradicts the idea of a "big bang" happening if there was no energy to cause it in the first place. it breaks the law of inertia. life is defined by energy, motion, vibrations etc. death would be the opposite when there is no life. it only appears to not exist because there is no vibration to prove its existence...but that's the point, there aren't any. real death means there wouldn't be any signs of energy. i find it very ironic that one can say that our minds create reality and then go head and say that it can also make illusions that aren't reality. if the mind creates reality, then even the "illusions" we think that don't exist are realities too. if this weren't so, then why should i be responsible for my thoughts and actions? how do we know that we aren't actually trapped in a fatal delusion created by our illusions? someone once has said, the greatest trick ever pulled by evil is that it doesn't exist. how do we know we aren't leading our own paths to non existence? how do we know that our souls aren't being impersonates by spirits in us after we die? in the spirit i believe is the record of our life's memories, thoughts, and feelings. it's easy for an entity to send messages from our spirit and claim to be us. they could even come in physical form with our resemblance. i've heard many cases of this happening and it was often to infect others with any unhealthy spirits another person may have had. it doesn't even have to be the spirit of a "dead person". it could be an unhealthy spirit entity that was rejected by a live individual and then roams around like some doppelganger trying to come back in or bother other people. what is all this madness? are spirit entities a creation of ours or are these entities trying to shape us (influence) with their spirit? i believe that spirit is what creates, influences, and sustains the soul's existence. an unhealthy spirit would then basically make the soul sick. when the spirit finally runs out, wouldn't the soul sleep and need a new spirit to wake up? wouldn't it be a rebirth if it received spirit from the very source of spirit of life in it's purest original form? |
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