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Old 08-07-2008, 06:40 AM   #1

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Default Why didn't Jesus save himself?
jesus is indeed the son of god and he came incarnated as the son of man. though being the son of god, he didn't save himself but depended completely on his father, god. what does that mean?

although i still don't believe in reincarnation suppose it's real and we are all actually the angels that fell from "heaven" and created this illusion called the physical world. lol what does it mean to depend on god? is it to be one in love with the cosmos? is our father merely an impersonal cosmic force and a union of all that is in love? i really would like to understand your concept of god our father.


sorry, the title of the post isn't actually my question..i don;'t know where i came up with that lol jesus didn't come to be saved, he came to save lol silly me....lol
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Old 09-06-2008, 03:09 PM   #2

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i will try to keep this short as i know it will offend some. this info comes from the bible and the dead sea scrolls. jesus came here not to save us, but to save lillith. ( lillith was the first 'woman', not eve) we have access to the same 'grace' or salvation because of this. lillith is the 'holy spirit' and the only way to separate them (jesus & lillith) was through christ's ascension. jesus stated very clearly that this was why he had to 'go'. the other truth is that christ didn't die on the cross. he was a being of a higher density that ascended. the gospel itself proves this. dead things don't bleed. also john never says he died, rather he 'gave up the ghost'. read some of the gospels that were banned from the bible, it is a real eye opener. the really wild thing is that using this premise all the other things that don't make sense suddenly do. i have been studying this a long time, it is not very popular thinking so i rarely mention it. it seemed to be important here. jesus christ didn't save himself because there was nothing to save himself from. he came here to do what he did. he saved lillith. had he not ascended he would not have allowed her to rejoin the light. the story of lillith can be found in "the other bible", a collection of ancient scripture. there are many other sources, seek and ye shall find.
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Old 09-06-2008, 06:26 PM   #3

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kilork, thanks for the insights. i appreciate this level of deep study and pointing the way for others to read/study.

just 1st thought, is lillith the other mary? or is this the higher self of jesus?

when i think of jesus's death, i think of the ultimate sacrifice of giving up his "free will" for thy will to be done. becoming one with our creator.

jesus's story is our path, our own journey, he shows the way. i would like to relate it to today's thinking and actions..... and put it as simple as possible.

your thoughts and others, much appreciated...
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Old 09-06-2008, 08:00 PM   #4

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actually what i meant to ask is that why jesus never claimed he was god...why did he say that he can't actually do anything of himself except what he sees his father do?

i was also asking who is god the father
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Old 09-06-2008, 08:29 PM   #5

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i've heard many stories about jesus, some just the other day from a guy whne i was camping on on "paradisland", but this one was totally new!!!short synchronicity...just came home and checked ned and old e-mails....i had contact with an astrologer that interprets lilith in the chart, and the thougth crossed my head "should i contact her again?" read somewhere that "liliane" derives from lilith..hmmm...looking forward to more input in this thread..

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Old 09-06-2008, 08:35 PM   #6

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jesus didn't need to "save himself" from anything because he "knew" that he was already "saved" and that regardless of what was to happen to him (which he knew) that in the "bigger" picture that he would continue just as he has and we will. it's the same with you and me - we don't need to place our "faith" in anyone/anything to be "saved." if you believe in such a thing that's the "teaching" or should i say "coercion" of those who say that they "know" the way to god.

you and others may think that you've "found" the "word" of god in a book...and that's ok, but then again you/they can look and look and wonder...

for what you're going to find in the "end" is the word of other men...

"the answers you seek are within..."

and how many times have they been wrong? and that is why you/others ask the questions.

"if you have the faith of a mustard seed you can move mountains..."

be well.


the the-uncertain smile
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Old 09-06-2008, 09:00 PM   #7

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well said light eye. that is precisely what the ancient scripture and gospel teach. it is the truth of creation and the explanation of how our thoughts create our world. logos, or god, thought everything into being. we are a manifestation of this thought. we being part of the all are also all and can create with our thought our reality religion teaches control and fear, neither of these are from the light. truth allows, accepts and just is with no need to prove itself. i think all of those that receive this truth are compelled to share it, hence the ancient writings that are so far from what mainstream wants you to believe.
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Old 09-06-2008, 09:08 PM   #8

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lillith was created as was adam, both male and female, immortal, equal. lillith refused to be 'submissive' to adam and in effect ran away. the legends, ancient tales state that she was the mother of demon spawn. she is said to be what the serpent symbol represents in the fall of man. there is a wonderful book, [please email for book name]. i am not so certain of the author, but the message is powerful.
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Old 09-07-2008, 12:28 AM   #9

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okay thanks for your answers lol even though this technically wasn't the question i meant to ask...
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Old 09-07-2008, 02:13 AM   #10

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rockyojas88, good, deep question. i personnally had not thought or seek for this answer. this is what i found from are

5. (q) please explain how we may distinguish between the terms, especially pronouns, referring to the personality jesus and god as used in this information, and how we may clarify this in terms we use in our lessons.

(a) as their activities and personalities are one, in the activities of men often the pronoun used becomes confusing. follow rather closely in that which has been given. it is used the same as he gave. him refers to the father, he to the son. in the preparation of the lessons these may in the general be referred to in that manner; for, as it is generally understood by the critics - or those that would prefer good english, him is rather inclusive while he is definite or the one son.

5. (q) please explain how we may distinguish between the terms, especially pronouns, referring to the personality jesus and god as used in this information, and how we may clarify this in terms we use in our lessons.
(a) as their activities and personalities are one, in the activities of men often the pronoun used becomes confusing. follow rather closely in that which has been given. it is used the same as he gave. him refers to the father, he to the son. in the preparation of the lessons these may in the general be referred to in that manner; for, as it is generally understood by the critics - or those that would prefer good english, him is rather inclusive while he is definite or the one son.

actually what i meant to ask is that why jesus never claimed he was god...why did he say that he can't actually do anything of himself except what he sees his father do?

i was also asking who is god the father
we, the children of god.

the only question i have now, is were is mother god. i have felt that mother earth is the heart of us all. when our hearts bleed, mother earth also bleeds. when we love one another, she is blissed and happy.

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Old 10-06-2008, 07:37 AM   #11

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hi kilork

the symbolims/story of lilith i know very well, but not the fact that jesus should have come to save her. anyway, on "paradisland" where i've been cleaning the shores from litter, i just red an article about snakes witha picture also. my dogs foot got swollen and i feared he was bit by a snake but luckily he recovered.

well rockyrojas...the female principle will not be saved by anyone else but ourselves, within ourselves...the creative marsprinciple and the nurturing venusprinciple are totally out of balance...as a symbolism for that venus light is incredibly strong now..i thought it was an aeroplane when she emerged in the sky over the sea on paradisland...also venus has not been very much explored compared to mars, but coming home yesterday there was a radioprogram about the global warming on venus and also on space.com there was an article about the resemblance btw mars and venus, even if one is cool and the other hot and just recently astronomers have become interested in venus....outer reflection of the collective need to restore this balance..

so thanks for the "wrongput" question that led to an interesting topic.


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Old 10-06-2008, 09:26 AM   #12

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one idea would be; if he saved himself, he wouldnt have prooven a good point and you wouldnt have asked this question.

you ask the question, and that means people are thinking about it, and trying to understand.. if he saved him self, we could only bring that up as a statement, and not a question..

my question would be, why did he die on the cross?.. sorry, my real question would be, did he even die on the cross?
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Old 10-06-2008, 11:06 AM   #13

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hi kilork

so thanks for the "wrongput" question that led to an interesting topic.


hey perhaps god wanted me to ask and perhaps for others who may actually have this question hehehe
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Old 10-06-2008, 01:23 PM   #14

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interesting, this is the "thought of the day" at are


jesus is the man--the activity, the mind, the relationships that he bore to others. yea, he was mindful of friends, he was sociable, he was loving, he was kind, he was gentle. he grew faint, he grew weak--and yet gained that strength that he has promised, in becoming the christ, by fulfilling and overcoming the world! ye are made strong--in body, in mind, in soul and purpose--by that power in christ. the power, then, is in the christ. the pattern is in jesus.

so fitting for this discussion....
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Old 10-06-2008, 04:28 PM   #15

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the lillith tale is fascinating to me. the ancient scrolls tell about the spirit 'joining' with jesus when he was a child. it explains so much imo. perhaps private email is a better place for this discussion. i would be happy to share what i have found with whomever is interested.

other interesting things; psalm 119 is the hebrew alphabet, and the tarot major arcana.(imo, not a commonly taught belief) in these ancient scripture jesus is young and questioning his teacher about the meaning of the 'letter' alpha. he seems to say that each letter is iconic for some meaning and can stand alone. the use of a collection of letters to create a word is a way of layering or deepening the subtle nuances of its meaning. it would follow that as we read scripture without a full grasp of this we are perhaps missing much???? this has been a focus of my research for more than 3 years now.
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