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Old 03-08-2007, 05:56 AM   #1

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greetings to all who come here!!!

now that the first half of 2007 is behind us, let us commit to expand this year of awakening from sea to shining sea. yeah, that's right, you sleeping beauties, living in the former land of the free, and the home of the brave...

there is no better group than the citizens of these here united states to lead a world wide awakening- talk about a sleeping giant- we're the ones who started the freedom train rolling on this planet, back in 1776, remember?

throw those dumb newspapers away, turn off the idiot box, and remember what you signed up for, on this planet, at this time. and the time is coming upon us- ya wanna live on a planet inhabited be six and a half billion gods in human form? well, then, get busy, and make it so...

oh, and happy independence day!

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Old 04-07-2007, 05:35 PM   #2

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i'm right with ya bob and nelson.

to connect with others and to disconnect with the things that hold us back (like tv, some newspapers, etc.) is one of the key ingredients to getting us all back on track...to be able to think for ourselves. the elites would like us to believe that there is terror at every corner. there is not. there is a lot of love out there. if there is terror it is because they are creating it...and trying to convince you that it is all pervading and everywhere. there are many wars being fought between powerful groups of people. people that are running the dollar down, people that are going for profits no matter what, people that are harming others on a whim, and people who are even now trying to attack and destroy astrologers in pa due to some law on the local books there.

yes, our borders are under attack....but i would say that it is because of the negative elite mainly. they could stop things at the border but choose not to because they are trying to unite mexico, the us, and canada into one big economy and they are, in fact, building a super highway that runs up and down the middle of the us like the mississippi river. they could stop crime at the border but don't because they are involved in it and profit from it. with such an uncaring and deliberately ineffective bunch, it makes sense to me that the us will likely break up into smaller localities like dw was saying in his coast to coast presentation. the negative elite are, in effect, destroying themselves.

no matter what circumstances we find ourselves under, we need to hold the faith...that there really will be an ascension...that god loves us more than we can imagine...that we were meant to grow with the creator and be happy....so happy in fact that we have the grandest party as we graduate to 4d!!!

happy independence day!!!

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Old 05-07-2007, 09:29 AM   #3

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here's some thoughts on our freedom, from those who've laid down their lives to preserve it...

http://rense.com/general77/indpe.htm ....
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Old 05-07-2007, 05:08 PM   #4

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dear rob, rock on !
" not by power or might but by my spirit!"says the lord of hosts and he shall bring forth the headstone there of with shoutings ,crying , grace, grace unto it."zechariah 4:6
i am reminded of this scripture by your energy, the lioght, the spirit. it shines like a beacon and it is like the rock. the headstone. i am charged by your rallying cry "rock on' it is a shouting of the spirit.
waking up is grace because "it" is here now. we are in it and walking in it . i want to rock our world with the spirit power to accept and love . jesus accpeted the cross. will i accept the crisis in disguise of what i experience? will i keep my eyes steady on the one who is ? i want to.
let us rock on!
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Old 08-06-2007, 03:13 PM   #5

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Default The Toledo Address...Revisited...
eleven score, and eleven years ago, our founding fathers created upon this continent, the ultimate engine for human evolution: the united states of america! conceived in liberty,and dedicated to the proposition that we are all one in the eyes of god.

today we find this engine in serious dis-repair. powerful forces, acting both within our borders, and abroad, are acting to dis-band our union, as they have already done, or are doing to the remaining nation-states left on this planet. the mega-international energy, food, media, medical, and retailing cartels have completely obliterated our borders and have taken over control of our many institutions, and are using them against us. our education system, our land, our businesses, portions of our military, even our own governments, both local, and at the federal level, have been taken from us, and are being used against us. freedom, that basic principle upon which this nation was founded, is becoming an illusion. slavery is back! it has many new forms, and generally pays minimally sustainable wages.

my friends, make no mistake about this fact: we are at war! although no formal declaration has ever been made, the threat to our continued existence as a free people is very real. our common enemy is those forces of darkness and ignorance who wish to de-volute this planet to the pre-revolutionary days of kingdoms and serfdoms, with all power and control in the hands of a few materialistically powerful classes and groupings of individuals who feel it is their birthright to do this. we are at a crossroads in our history- what transpires in the next few years, will determine our future for a long time to come.

now is the time to engage the enemy, and decidedly prove once again, and perhaps for all time to come, that there is no power on earth, or in the heavens, that can separate a man from his desire to be free. now is the time, for all truely free americans, regardless of there race, or place of national origin, to unite, proclaim our birthrights, and shine the light of god upon the dark forces allied against us. it is both right, and proper that we do this now!

these are truely evolutionary times. and, this evolution will not be televised! we affirm, once again, that this nation, and indeed this entire planet, under god, shall experience a new birth of freedom- and those principles which define a government of the people, by the people, and for the people shall not perish from this earth- not now, ,not ever...

robert f. riedel

grand hotel
mackinac island, michigan
june 8th, 2007
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Old 08-06-2007, 05:02 PM   #6

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i am going to definitly post my reading from david, it dovetails perfectly with this topic. let me get the ok first.

you see it exactly how i do. but what we are going to see is the resolve in dealing with this war. we have to fight this battle through consciousness and non violent tactics just like ghandi etc. also, in this war we have to unite in group consciousness, that is macinac in august is a must for everyone, including david, william henry, red elk and whoever else, with dr. greer pulling the flank from toronto canada at the same time we are there. you see, in this battle it is important to send a huge blast postive loving energy into the universe from planet earth, forgiving the dark neg elites. i mean deeply focused unified energy of one conscious thought at the same time we can create amazing healing and light entry into this entity known as earth and humanity. remember what david has said 100 people or so could have saved wwii from happening.

if would like to see the results of group's work then i will try to pinpont the spot on the earth where the energy gets released phisically at the equal and opposite point from where we are. just like tesla, and the russian forest phenom in the early 20th century.

these can and do happen. but we will use fusion love energy, we don't do fission where i come from.

any way let me fet started. great post

love nelson

(quote from ra in my reading 10/15/04: "for they are dutifully doing their job "for you" in mirroring humanity's shadow unto itself, and thus allowing each entity to make that leap into faith", further: "we mean this literally without joking humanity hugs away and loves away its problems").
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Old 09-06-2007, 05:30 PM   #7

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oh, yes! my brother!

these are the times we have been anticipating for a long, long time. now is the time to take our masks off, shine-up them dancin' shoes, and begin to really enjoy the rest of eternity. no more cowhering in fear- no more worrying/crying in our beer- no more playing silly mind/virtual-reality games-
just eyes wide open, full speed ahead, throttle to the wall, pickin' up passingers at every stop along the way. such is the nature of evolution...


let's rock this world!!!
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Old 09-06-2007, 08:04 PM   #8

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our energies are energizing change in the now...i feel it all over : )

i have been sharing on a daily basis why it is so important for us to take conscious action and express to others that are listening that we can and must change the things in front of us that are not right, right now...every good/unselfish/loving action we take to express to others in the now that the only way we are to be free of wrong doings is to spout out freedom and right doings in the now...now!

just posted this at another forum i visit regularly prior to reading here:

just about everything the powers that be do underhanded and dastardly from here on in will backfire! it is all coming to an end with a new beginning around the corner! most anything they now orchestrate will be instantly mirrored at them by them and to them if they do not change!
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Old 09-07-2007, 12:18 AM   #9

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the basics are best that you find yourself within, acknowledge indifference and let go. you do not have to fight agaisnt anyting, if you are attacked you recieve and overcome it: then you must forgive it. that is 4th density positive. believe me you reflect the mirror upon the attacker. if you are looking to win, look within you first. you have already won prior to any battle. please believe me, i fight them everyday and i let them go. let them think that are right, know the difference. at the end of the day you will find it is about acceptance, that enables you to win any "battle"!

i am nelson

love to all
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Old 09-17-2007, 01:24 PM   #10

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hey charles-

may one assume by your dis-clamer, that our tax-dollars are making it possible for you to chime-in here again? if so, i feel that i'm finally getting my money's worth. i've been off-line myself since the mack conference- learning again to drive a stick-shift (6-speed), attending some other conferences, and generally getting my "house" in order, in more ways than one.

and kenneth, you and your fellow "maple leafers" bring a wonderful energy yourselves to this arena- keep up the good work.

this thread began with a rather preachy piece on my part, and experienced a surge during the forum high-point which occured around the 4th of july, and i've always felt it needed it's own dis-claimer, so here goes.

the original "address", from my perspective, occured on feb. 22nd, 1997.
at that time, it was the closest i've probably ever come to an "automatic writing" experience", on a computer that was little more than a glorified word-processor; in fact, i had to copy it to floppy disk, and take it to work, just to get a hard copy. there, a secretary liked it, and did some editing magic, and it was published in two newspapers, and a magazine at the time.

the second revision occured right after returning from the "healing the atlantean wound" cruise, in 2004, on the suggestion of a gal from tucson, and so this version, re-visited, is actually the third re-vision.

what i've always noticed about it, is that it actually is a sort of "tool". i suppose all budding writers have their tools in their portfolios, and this one seems to have the ability to bring out, or reveal ones awareness, depending on how they respond, or not respond to it. no where yet, has the response been as enthusiastic as here, but i suppose that's to be expected, given this crowd.

a little voice in my head promted my posting of it that morning up at the big hotel, and it's been a pleasure to share it with y'all.

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Old 09-18-2007, 05:29 PM   #11

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i have enjoyed the intense beam of light from your source , the energy is as a laser beam and is that purity of intention. it is th beam of light to the eye that can fell the giant that instills the fear in us ,who steals what is gift to all " freedom". be, i am to those who dare steal the gift .

keep the beam on , one rock at a time and thank you for acknowleging the north gate and the healing maple leaf healing for all.
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Old 10-09-2007, 10:10 PM   #12

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[quote=robert riedel;22175]greetings to all who come here!!!

""there is no better group than the citizens of these here united states to lead a world wide awakening- talk about a sleeping giant- we're the ones who started the freedom train rolling on this planet, back in 1776, remember?""

dear human, there is patriotic fervor in your words, probably you have contributed to this country's freedom in more then one existence. may i however, with all empathy and respect remind you, that the fourth dimension is a world of globalization, where strong patriotic feelings regarding one single nation cannot dominate in power, or importance over another. there is no such thing as a particular nation being chosen to lead world awareness, or being better for that then other countries. awakening is happening simultaneously, globally, all over the world, by the efforts of workers of all nationalities and cultures. the goal is global unity and equilibrium.
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Old 11-09-2007, 04:06 PM   #13

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greetings from ghana. the last three months have been a rollercoaster going through peace corps training etc. but now that i'm at site at my school i've had a chance to begin to catch up on the various postings here. let me say: the previous poster is correct that any move toward greater freedom is necessarily a world-wide effort. but this does not imply that the concept of globalization is innocent. it has been seen as a tool to further follow the path of control by those who desire to go that direction. personally i don't fault them; their divide-and-conquer approaches are falling apart so they're seizing the only real opportunities they have left. kudos to them for their efforts. but be careful. shine your light and love, and accept their differences, but don't allow yourself to fall into the traps of separation. they are other-selves just as you are to them; the distinction on the path of love is that we would wish to feel a unity as opposed to a separation -- we are willing to love the other self where they would choose to control it. let's not fall "victim" to the us-and-them philosophy of their path to control.

that said, i'll hold the fort out here :d
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Old 05-31-2008, 06:48 AM   #14

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greetings, fellow forumites!

the planetary liberation organization, (plo), is just another one of those endearing terms used to describe yet another aspect of the "ground crew"-
those who are finally discovering their true reason for being here, and are beginning to form-up ranks- hang-out together- share information-remembering...

"the plo—definition and purpose
regardless of your specific tasks, you are all members of the plo (planetary liberation organization). this is a spiritual organization and is not to be confused with the political, earth-based plo that is constantly in the newspapers. that group, like most human political movements, is fear-based and hate-driven and, as such, has nothing to do with us or what we are doing.

do not mistake this statement for mission control’s stance on the near east. mission control has no political stance on anything. we have a spiritual stance that views your plo with the same weariness that it views everything else on this planet—as yet another manifestation of a world separated from its source, itself, and each other. we use the plo only by way of example and because its members are using our acronym.

the real plo’s purpose is to assist in truly liberating the planet. this plo is here to see that the last chapter of history is written. rome is to fall for the final time, and history is to fall with it. that is what is meant by the prediction that the world is destined to come to an end.

the plo—its historic position
your world views history as a record of everything important that has ever happened. nothing could be further from the truth. history is little more than the distorted chronicling of endless human ego posturing whose sole purpose has been to reinforce the state of denial. since the planet has decided that “no” is no longer an acceptable answer, historic times have no choice but to come to an end.

unless you are an awakened member of the plo, this concept may be difficult to swallow. for the benefit of those who are not yet fully awake, mission control offers some examples of history’s inherent flaws that are leading to its timely termination. these examples will probably be equally difficult to swallow.

exhibit a: you have no doubt noticed that this planet’s civilizations rise and fall with remarkable regularity. historical accounts of these events invariably explain the reason for the decline. in the case of the demise of rome, historians point to such contributing factors as moral decadence and a rather unfortunate epidemic of lead poisoning. however, these were merely the symptoms, not the cause, of rome’s ruin.

the true reason for the nauseating up-and-down motion of all human civilizations, rome included, is that their ideologies, political systems, and social structures have failed to liberate anybody—especially themselves—from the vicelike grip of fear. civilizations fall for one reason only: they are all built on fear and denial. their subjects subsequently lose themselves in orgies or wine and dine themselves on lead to either distract themselves from that horrible fact or to get themselves out of it as fast as they can. and, because the real issue is never faced, human bondage continues uninterrupted from one civilization to the next, ensuring the ultimate collapse of each one in turn. history isn’t exactly repeating itself—it is stuttering over an issue it hasn’t addressed.

americans are another excellent example of this repeated dysfunctional descent into slavery and collapse. duped by their declaration of independence, they fancy themselves to be free. but having a choice in where the next nuclear plant will be built instead of whether it should be built, being able to eat anything they wish from a totally infected food chain, and having the inalienable right to file for an extension on paying the taxes that are being used to kill them are not exactly the freedoms that the authors of their constitution had in mind.

the fact that their personal prisons may be expensive, tastefully decorated, and equipped with a stereo, a tv, and a vcr does not make their confines any less a cell. trading life for economic survival is not liberty; liberty is freedom from both fear and survival. that was the freedom that was originally intended to flourish in the united states. in truth, the author behind the authors of the american constitution was spirit—not the bank of america, the federal reserve, or the irs. america, by acting out of fear, is busily turning its back on its own destiny and facing an impending crash. however, it is in good company, because the rest of the world is doing the same.

the planetary liberation organization is a manifestation of spirit, and it is here to see that america and all the countries of this world turn and face their spiritual future instead of culturally caving in under the weight of denial. the plo is here to liberate the earth from its dysfunctional historic repetition of destruction and decline.

exhibit b: the historic period has done little but propagate lies. even if an historic account is accurate (which it usually isn’t), the event that it chooses to describe is nothing more than the acting out of a fundamental lie. consequently, whatever truth the situation may have held is invariably missed.

an example of this can be seen in american history’s rendition of its bloody conquest of the west. every account will tell you that the white man won his war against the heathen and savage indians. not only are these reports unabashedly biased (and the lie of separation that fueled the event carefully hidden), but the fact that the allegedly defeated indian nation was the true victor is never acknowledged at all.

you read that sentence correctly. the indians won their war with the white man. that war was a struggle for spiritual ascendancy, not a battle to determine who would subjugate the land. the indian peoples, who are fifth-dimensional representatives, sacrificed themselves with their very blood to assure that this nation would become the spiritual giant it was meant to be. history books are incapable of recording that fact because their function is to meticulously gather material in support of the fear-filled national egos they represent. because they serve human self-deception, historic accounts totally ignore the grander and deeper movement of spirit that is always the only truth behind any fact.

the planetary liberation organization is here to assure that the fifth-dimensional victory the indian nation actually won is finally demonstrated, and that the third-dimensional wounds sustained in that battle are fully healed. america will then assume its true spiritual identity and discover what “manifest destiny” really means.

note: for those of you who are having trouble digesting the truth about this statement, let us point out another historic example. if you believe that japan lost world war ii, we would like you to take a look in your driveways."

(quoted from et 101)

so, as the awakening of humanity continues, we are now moving into another phase, that of the "great reveiling",- where we, if approached with mind and ears open/mouth shut- are gonna learn some really cool stuff- but- it won't be coming at us through the main-stream media...

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