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Old 02-04-2008, 12:35 AM   #1

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Default Reality meltdown, help for a friend.
let me tell you a little story about what transgressed at my home this last saturday.

i work 2nd shift, so its not unusual for me to be up at about 3 in the morning, just about that time an old friend of mine comes knocking at the door. jack is an old friend of mine, has been since i was a teenager. he was the father of my long time buddy in high school. he helped me out of a few jams and i've helped him. he's always been lucid, clear headed but a bit of a dreamer. it might also help to point out that there is a history of mental illness in his family, but it had never shown up in him, i'd never seen him act strangely at all, so i thought nothing of letting him into my home and offering him anything he needed.

the first thing he did was begin to ramble a bit, talking about people hunting him down, him 'risking his life' etc. at first it seems all a little weird, as he's never been in trouble that i can remember, but i think nothing of it. he asks me if he can look at my eyes and begins to remove my glasses. again i think nothing of it. he begins to tell me a story about all this stuff thats happened to him, how i need to watch out for people who's irises have opened all the way, leaving no color in their eyes. he tells me he's figured out that the universe is imploding and our reality has been canceled out and that he's been sent back to the future to save it some how. i'm simplifying the story a bit only to help speed it up, but bit by bit he tells me about how he was in jail and then was taken to another strange place with strange bands on his arms. people were being exterminated there, he said, he watched flashes and smoke as people exploded in the rooms next to him. he fears demons are taking people over who don't stay safely on the light side, otherwise the demons can come from neutrino hell and take them over, expanding their power.

this man spun his own story, so fantastic that i didn't realize what was happening till the next day. when i awoke, he had been wondering our house , going into my wifes office, which has all her anise stuff in it. he was overwhelmed to the point of crying, claiming that a great amount of chi was there, overwhelming him. he tells me he didn't realize, didn't realize who my wife was. he goes on and on about how overwhelming it is and continues crying. about this time, i begin to get really worried. i got to call his son, but unfortunately i can't get a hold of him, i leave him a few messages and wait.

as the story progresses, he seems to think he's some sort of robot, receiving messages like an antenna, he hears people crying out from hell, trying to warn us. as it turns out he's been sent back to try and find the person responsible for canceling our reality, though some technology that he designed. the story goes on, he becomes increasingly more and more emotion and comes to the conclusion that i am that person! i did this, only i sent him back to find me so that it could be prevented. at this point he seems to think that i and my wife are such powerful beings that he cannot stand to be too close to us, he must adjust, acclimate to our chi (life force) as the reprogramming takes place. then we need to all leave, taking our weapons and anything of value with us.

me and my wife are concerned at this point, we realize he's not living on earth any more as far as consensus reality is concerned. he begins building a small fort in my back yard so he can acclimates there, i'm still waiting on his son to call me back and i continue to leave messages, now which are going strait to voice mail. it turns out later his cell phone had died and he couldn't get it running till he got home again, after being out all day.

jack is rambling now, talking and muttering, cursing and swearing in religious banter (he's christian, so this is all coming out, verses, scriptures, all that) and hes making a scene in my back yard. i think i hear the neighbors arguing with him and i go out to try and calm him down, but he still cant be close to me, the very sight of me sens him running away. he's calling me and my wife, master and goddess, saying he'll serve us etc. now he's extremely agitated and as i try to calm him a last time he blows up, telling me i'm going to kill him, my servant, and i'm not listening and etc etc. he's cussing and cursing throwing things around as he leave the back yard through the fence. i'm way too rattled to even follow him, and at this point i'm not sure what to do. at that point i was still unable to get a hold of his son, and i'm leary to call the cops due to the fact he thinks they are all evil, etc etc. i also don't think that medication is what will help him.


please, hold this man in your prayers and send him loving healing energy. this man was a life long friend and i feel there are no accidents. he tuned into the wrong channel i think and now were not sure if he's coming back. no one knows where he is and i should have called for help, but i was unsure of how to help.

it is strange to see some one plug in like this and pull all this information down from the aether. i have no doubt thats whats happened, there are many consistencies with his story and those of the negative elite. in a way he made me doubt my own reality, my own self concept for a while, it was really a strange feeling to see how easily some one could take our subjective reality and literally spin their own story. it was a creative work of art, only much scarier as it became his reality. he took bits of the various vibrations floating around, gathered bits of odd information and plugged them into his own story and now he's lost for a bit. i find it fascinating in on sense, on the other i am deeply concerned for a man i dearly love. please help.
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Old 03-03-2008, 10:19 PM   #2

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joining bill in meditation i just lit a candle for your friend. that was a very touching heart felt story. from the sounds of it you probably did the right thing.

peace to you
papa t
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Old 03-04-2008, 01:27 AM   #3

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hmmm .... interesting. one one hand, he may genuine and know something. on the other hand, he himself may be possessed by negatives. yet, it could be a bit of both.
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Old 03-04-2008, 02:09 AM   #4

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wow. i'll say a prayer for him tonight. sorry for the delay in response.

not sure what to think - is this something that we'll see more of as energy levels increase, i.e., people unable to process and "losing it"...

i'll echo what bill said - it takes a really strong character to handle a situation like this. we can all learn from your patience and compassion. if you would, please keep us informed - if in fact this is something that could happen more frequently we'll all need to be aware and prepared to deal as best we can... and, its not going to be strangers, but those close to us that we'll have to be there for...

oh - and i'll keep you in my thoughts also. it can definitely be very taxing seeing a dear friend go through that. hang in there!


p.s. - sorry for sounding "fearful", but this story did shake me a little. i try not envision chaos as i strongly believe that we can prevent anything - the near future doesn't have to be catastrophic! a sense of urgency is in order...
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Old 03-04-2008, 02:57 AM   #5

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i felt lame not responding yesterday but there doesn't seem to be much to say. your friend seems to be having a paranoid episode. it is a hard puzzle about schizophrenic ideations - they may be open to mental inputs from negative entities. it may not all be made up out of their own heads, but the negative entities lie.

i do think that there has been a heightened emotionality among the people i know, and i have the feeling that at this time we are seeing a purification process. our issues arising up in all their hideous glory for us to deal with...
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Old 03-04-2008, 03:51 AM   #6

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vibrations sent.

let us know if his condition improves.
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Old 03-04-2008, 05:43 AM   #7

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this is very sad, i will definitely send him love and light. if you could give us his first name, it would give us something to focus our healing energy on.
not sure what to think - is this something that we'll see more of as energy levels increase, i.e., people unable to process and "losing it"...
unfortunately there is that potential. i have urged everybody here before, to really get in touch with their inner reality, because as these energies intensify, i promise you that we will all go thru times when the outside world will seemingly collapse all around us. at such times it's very important to remember, there is much more to us than this fading 3d world.

sending love and blessings,
peace, light and healing.

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Old 03-04-2008, 06:37 AM   #8

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i will keep you all informed on what the outcome is, and any updates.

thank you all dearly.

on another note, i will say that as i believe there are no accidents, there were syncronicities all this weekend while this was happening. i believe this was meant to happen to me. i've been dealing with becoming emotional, negative etc lately and letting the world get to me. this kind of showed me what may be waiting for me should i not care for myself and take the time to work on my path like i know i should. since all reality is subjective, at least on this plane, it really made me think for a moment just how thin our grasp on 'real' could be. it made me realize it wouldn't take much to spin your own version of the truth.

his name is jack for those of you who asked.

when he first showed up and began to talk, i felt my lower chakra open up, i discounted that at first, now i'm simply thinking i picked up on the spirit of fear he was operating in. we all must remember to continue to operate in a spirit of love and compassion.

love and light all of you!
blessings abound in a loving heart!
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Old 04-03-2008, 05:04 PM   #9

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this case brings up the case for people as you said ewhaz who tune into something they are not habituated to. the only difference between a psychic/clairvoyant/shaman and your average nut job or schizophrenic is that first can tune in and out at will and are in control somewhat whereas the other lot are subject to control from negative entities and they are in no position to discrimate between positive and negative. by the sounds of it your friend seems a bit manic. maybe some psychic investigation is called for, i put the suggestion across that you seek help from someone who is psychically equiped to give a reliable diagnosis.

as supermanny pointed out, a lot of people are going through episodes like these and it will probably intensify up until 2012. the veil has been thinning albeit at a gradual rate over the past hundreds of years. the universe is a crazy arse place and maybe your friend is talking the truth only he's misinterpretating the information he's receiving or because of the panic he's a little incoherent.

"we are watching and experiencing a society turning to chaos. that is the essence of change, that outward forces demolish so that the inner idea, the spiritual power, shall be released to re-form. this is the adventure of soul metamorphosis. as we awaken to the truth that we are eternal spiritual beings who can dedicate ourselves to the service of the world as conscious instruments through which the higher worlds can channel themselves, so we expand in consciousness and move into levels of light... this is the challenge and destiny of our time." -sir george trevelyan
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Old 04-03-2008, 07:33 PM   #10

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i will say a prayer for jack and send as much positive energy as i can. i hope he comes out of this soon.
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Old 04-03-2008, 08:52 PM   #11

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unfortunately there is that potential. i have urged everybody here before, to really get in touch with their inner reality, because as these energies intensify, i promise you that we will all go thru times when the outside world will seemingly collapse all around us. at such times it's very important to remember, there is much more to us than this fading 3d world.
if i may make an amendment to this manny...

in my opinion, most of us here won't have to worry too much about this - an awakened soul is quickly learning the power of discernment and the amazing discoveries that we have all been privvy to. however, you are absolutely 100% correct. i really don't know what to expect. i'd like to think that since i'm "preparing", as the illusion collapses around me it will be one of ecstatic beauty, not horror...

this story is multilayered. one on hand, we all feel empathy and compassion for jack. his experience (relayed via ewhaz) is serving as a harsh reminder of the "dangers" that lie ahead for those "still asleep". in a sense, this could create some fear. however, we know better than to get too fearful.

i guess what i am trying to get at is this:

if you have awakened to your inner self calling you, then you have likely also developed your ability to discern - what resonates with your intuition, etc. so, i'd say again, this isn't something we need to be fearful of.

the terms "beacon of light" and "lightworker" are pretty popular here, as they should be. so, aside from protecting yourself with your spiritual growth, we all will serve as "stable foundations" or "rocks" for those, like jack, who are simply overwhelmed at the moment. this is our duty as servants during this time. not just to grow ourselves, but to be compassionate guides for others to follow.

in the end, aside from offering a little positive energy to a friend of a friend, this experience will go down as a preparatory one for me as well. again, ewhaz has served as a fine example of how we should react when we're confronted with similar situations. not to say this is going to happen - i still wholeheartedly believe that we can raise the level of awareness, tilt the mass consciousness towards love of one another and oneness, instead of love of one's self...

just some thoughts.

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Old 05-03-2008, 07:13 PM   #12

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just wanted you to know, we are currently going through an experience here very similar to what you are with jack. seems there is a time to be there walking alongside another, and then comes the appropriate time to pull out for one's own safety (and others) as well as allowing the other a safe space where he can harm no others and hopefully discover his own path and awakening.

just wanted to thank you for posting your experience.

so much love, light and life--
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Old 05-03-2008, 08:24 PM   #13

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alright, it seems he's safe at home and has stopped acting strangely. i don't have many details other than it seems he's been improving steadily over the last few days. thank you all for your help!

blessings abound in the giving heart!
you are all love and light and i love you all!
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Old 05-03-2008, 09:17 PM   #14

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thanks for letting us know that jack is doing better, ewhaz. that's really good to hear.
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Old 05-04-2008, 07:40 AM   #15

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as the title says "i will hold jack in prayer. you should make him feel empowered or something that can help in take control of himself. show him something that will make him feel like he has the power within himself to change and found out the real reason behind this so called episode. who knows, maybe, he'll come out wiser, and you'll look back at it with some wisdom, and as a learning experience for your spiritual growth.

take care
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Old 06-03-2008, 05:00 PM   #16

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..you should make him feel empowered or something that can help in take control of himself. show him something that will make him feel like he has the power within himself to change and found out the real reason behind this so called episode.
hi nabeel, i'm sure you mean well with your suggestion, but i'm not so sure that's a wise course of action. i've had some experiences with a loved one going thru similar situations, and i don't think you should be encouraging "yang" type action. i've had more success with encouraging "yin" type actions, like observing, allowing, discerning, and simply relaxing into the peace of god, until the episode passed. most importantly just let them know they are loved and being cared for.

what we need to realize is that what they are seeing and experiencing is often every bit as real as our 3d reality, we just think they're 'crazy' because we aren't seeing it. there's a process that keeps us from seeing parallel dimensions and past and future realities, and this process occasionally malfunctions. in my (loved one's) experience it was mostly with past and future realities, other times i couldn't tell where it was coming from.

it's usually harmless, but you do need to be alert if you think this may occur. for instance it happened once when we were in the car, and she had an 'episode' suddenly while she was driving, and she started seeing cars and stuff that wasn't in our reality. luckily i was alert enough to grab the wheel, and we pulled over and i drove the rest of the way home.
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Old 06-03-2008, 07:47 PM   #17

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i will keep you all informed on what the outcome is, and any updates.

thank you all dearly.

on another note, i will say that as i believe there are no accidents, there were syncronicities all this weekend while this was happening. i believe this was meant to happen to me. i've been dealing with becoming emotional, negative etc lately and letting the world get to me. this kind of showed me what may be waiting for me should i not care for myself and take the time to work on my path like i know i should. since all reality is subjective, at least on this plane, it really made me think for a moment just how thin our grasp on 'real' could be. it made me realize it wouldn't take much to spin your own version of the truth.

his name is jack for those of you who asked.

when he first showed up and began to talk, i felt my lower chakra open up, i discounted that at first, now i'm simply thinking i picked up on the spirit of fear he was operating in. we all must remember to continue to operate in a spirit of love and compassion.

love and light all of you!
blessings abound in a loving heart!
man, that story shook me up a bit. i have felt close to insanity myself, at times, but i never want to experience something like what your friend did first hand.

i think what you said about the lower shakra is very pertinent. i agree with you that it is necessary to have that basic survival instinct alive and well.

sending my love,
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