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Old 02-22-2008, 10:49 PM   #1

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Default Life Purpose
other than to share your divine light, do you have an inkling of what your life purpose is?

i mean by that, why here, why now, why the family you chose to be born to, what challenges etc? how will you change the world do you think?

i'm finding more and more that i seem to be intuitively grasping and understanding other people's life experiences, seeing patterns and why choices were made, and i seem to be able to be quite elequent in helping them see their path, but for my own life i am less clear.

just wondered what everyone else thought about their current incarnation :d
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Old 02-23-2008, 01:32 AM   #2

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i personally am not sure about my life purpose yet. i often think that thinking back to things i enjoyed as a child to try and get an idea of what my natural talents are. my hobbies as a young child were rather unusual- i used to draw create and draw maps of imaginary countries and cities and i also used to love drawing different types of road signs. i also had an obsession for a while with electricity pylons and their different shapes. i would study maps of the uk and the world for hours on end to familiarise myself with the location of places. by the time i was about 9 or 10 i knew probably 80% of the capital cities in the world, people could say an obscure country and i would often come out with the answer instantly!

i have trouble seeing how i could apply these natural interests to my adult life, in terms of a career etc. my interests have changed over time but i feel that as a child we are at our most naturally creative so i think that thinking back to your childhood maybe a good way of uncovering your natural talents. i have no idea why i was born to my own parents but i certainly feel a deep love towards them and miss them a lot while i am away from home. i feel like i may have been born in a large city in the uk because in my opinion, cities are where progress can be made the fastest due to the large numbers of people of different polarities living in close proximity and obviously there are endless opportunities to help others due to the sheer numbers of souls. cities are often the catalyst for change so there is a lot of potential for spiritual growth, both individually and collectively.

i often wonder if those of us who frequent the divine cosmos forums are sharing our ideas now so that we will be able to provide reassurance for others who are not aware of what is going to happen in the next few years. as changes occur, people who are not expecting it are likely to panic so i feel that we all will have a role to play in helping others adapt to their changing circumstances. so many people i know don't believe in anything beyond this physical existence but you would certainly think that in the lead up to 2012 things will be revealed that are beyond people's imaginations.
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Old 02-23-2008, 02:53 AM   #3

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i have known my purpose for perhaps 4 or 5 years now. not a day goes by that i don't think of it, and yet i am not doing it.

my purpose must have been to have my soul brought to life, since when it happened i felt my life was complete, the rest frosting on the cake.

my purpose was no doubt to bring my children, all of whom are astonishing, into this world and support their spiritual path.

it seems almost certain that my son and i have a past life history. the life purpose i truly wonder about is his. who is he? where did he come from? he is no ordinary person.

he seems to have been born to uplift humanity.

when i pondered how i managed to incarnate into my birth family at first i was stumped. fully half are certifiably schizophrenic or similar disorders. i looked at my family when i was five and said to myself, if i am going to learn how to be in this world, i will have to learn from other people. trust me when i say my parents are thoroughly -but oh so uniquely insane. there was lots of sadness, some poverty, mild neglect and a good dose of fear growing up. my mother regularly threatened to kill us all.

however, there were saving graces. one, they are two of the most honest and ethical people i have known, two they are intellectual and serious, three they think for themselves, four, they granted us almost unheard of freedom on every level - physical, mental, spiritual.

my father was a reader of wilhelm reich and decided not to continue the legacy of sexual/emotional repression. my mother brought us into the russian orthodox church, a thing of great beauty with an air of holiness.
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Old 02-23-2008, 02:43 PM   #4

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back in '83, i was in a car accident and had a rib broken 1/2" from my backbone. they thought i had broken my back and i was taken to the hospital on a backboard.

when i found out how close i was to being paralyzed for the rest of my life, i lay in my hospital bed and asked the powers that be, "why me? why was i spared a life of handicap?" the answer i got took me by surprise!

the next day, i had several people call and tell me they were so glad i was okay. it seems that without me to talk to, they wouldn't know how to get through the day. one guy i worked with told me that if it hadn't been for me talking to him the day i met him, he had planned on committing suicide that night after he got off work. that was a real eye-opener, as i had no idea he had felt that way at the time!

i then realized that my purpose was to just "be there" for other people, to help them cope with this thing called life. i looked back on my life and realized that people came into my life at a low point in theirs, and when they no longer needed my help, they moved on, hopefully better than when i met them. i've let my higher self guide me to the people and places i need to be to help those that need my help. and i can tell when someone doesn't require my "services" any more.

why now? i think i came back for the big event coming up. i sometimes wonder why i should have been born in this era, when there are times in the past that i feel close to, such as ancient egypt. i feel that i have wrapped up my karma pretty well, and that this life may have been partly for the purpose of finalizing bad relationships with other souls from past lives.

why the family i was born into? i asked that question when i was about 5 or 6. i distinctly remember asking my dad if i was adopted, since i was so different from the rest of my family. he laughed and said no, i was theirs by birth, and showed me my birth certificate and that his and my mother's names were indeed on there as my birth mother and father.

however, i found out years later, when i was a teen, that my mom grew up in the spiritualist church, and believed in spirit guides. her family had a picture of them with their guides around them. my dad went to a photographer and had him take their family picture and superimpose other faces on it to show mom how that stuff is fake. it caused quite a rift, i guess, and shortly after i was born, dad had mom committed to a mental institution. i spent my first year of life with my grandparents. so i guess i bonded with them instead of my "real" family.

but even though i was brought up in a christian church with christian ideals, i knew something wasn't right there. mom believes in reincarnation, and talks i've had with her throughout my life have helped me to reach the point i'm at now, believing that we keep coming back "till we get it right", as she says.

so i think the reason i was born into this family was so i could see "both sides", so to speak. the christian religious side and the spiritual side. certain parts of the bible resonate, like the teachings of jesus, and certain parts don't. so i try to live by the parts that do.

a couple of years ago, i felt that i had taken care of the latest person to need my kind of help, and was waiting for the next one to enter my life. usually, there's very little time between broken souls. but there wasn't a new person entering my life, and i was trying to figure out if i needed to move to a different place to find the next one. it suddenly occurred to me, that the next one was me. i needed to make my life complete in some way.

after coming here, and reading the law of one, i now feel that i need to prepare myself for what's coming ahead. so i have been concentrating on making sure i am spritually prepared, and those souls i meet along the way, whether standing in line at the checkout counter or in the parking lot, are the ones i try to lighten the day's loads for. (i've always done this, but i feel that now it's much more important.)

i've had a sense of urgency for about the last year, that there's not as much time as people think there is. granted, that could easily mean that there's not as much time for me. but a friend of mine has had the same feeling, and we've been concentrating on trying to help another friend get her act together and see the light. like the first friend says, "she's a load!"
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Old 02-24-2008, 02:02 AM   #5

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great question butterfriends. i thought i knew the answer to this, but as i sit here right now, the words just aren't coming.

awhile back, i told myself that the purpose to life was to spread kindness and love; to have a positive influence on the people around you the short time we're here.

however, the purpose of my life is a little more difficult to describe. i do know this - i am fulfilling one of my purposes - teaching (mathematics specifically). while that certainly does not define me, the change in careers has brought me much more satisfaction than when i was a corporate robot, and now i am making a tangible difference in people's lives.

another purpose is what i am doing at the present moment, learning together with all of you! - so that we may serve in times of need; acting as a beacon of light for those willing to see; charging into the future, leading by example, and creating peace and harmony prior to "the shift"...

in a way, i'd like to think that my purpose will ultimately be defined and redefined through these next years. all i can truly focus on is the day at hand though... continuing to "whittle down" the inner work; being a conduit for energy to flow through me; observing and participating in the world around me in a positive way.

it seems the more i try to be definitive, the harder the description becomes...

another forum member, kris, posted in a different thread service comes from the heart, not the mind a seemingly simple statement, but when put into practice, you'll find that you can't really define service or plan for it, per se; its just who you are...naturally. :d

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Old 02-24-2008, 04:52 PM   #6

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i'm still clueless. to me, it's like what purpose does a bird have...or road kill.

but that's quite a note about the chance encounter with a suicide plan. and i have been wondering if certain folks are just meant "to be there".
but i do wonder how that suicidal is doing today.

i suspect my ego is at play in this. the problem is that we are all different...and know it.

as for my youth, all i wanted to do was play army and smash things! gee what an indicator.

check you birth chart. tho for some this can be rather discouraging. i've got nine squares. so imo, i just need to go in the woods and be still, until next time around.

i guess it's do whatever turns you on the most - as long as it does'nt mess with others will. but even here, according to your aspects, some folks are literally all over the place. they simply can't settle on something.

i read too much.
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Old 02-24-2008, 07:32 PM   #7

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great topic! why here, why now, why this family, what challenges? these are all issues i've reflected on since learning the law of one and accepting the process of reincarnation.

for me, there is such relief in knowing the answer to these questions is simply that there was much karma to be satisfied and it is now pretty much taken care of.

what challenges? my family roots were truly dysfunctional. there was the drunken mother, the absent father, the lecherous stepfather, and the distant sister. i played the role of helper and fixer. in the end, each one of them rejected and abandoned me. and that was only the beginning... next came marriage, and that's another story in itself.

i think of the lessons each of these catalysts allowed me to learn and have come to appreciate the opportunities i have been given to learn to have inner strength, to deal with abandonment, and ultimately to forgive and to love unconditionally.

i am sure that there was lots of karma that i had to work out in this lifetime in order to be "harvestable" this time around. my family group certainly gave me every opportunity to get it accomplished, and for that i must be thankful.

in the countdown to 2012, it seems my purpose is to share love and light. being a type a personality, i sometimes wish i could do more healing and loving than i seem to be doing on a daily basis. but, i reflect on david's words in 'the science of peace' and remind myself that it really isn't necessary to drop everything and make major life changes to do this 'work'...
it's more about being the love and the light wherever we are and whatever we may be doing.

thanks again for presenting this topic, butterfriends. it is good to reflect on these things and to reaffirm them.

sharing love and light,
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Old 02-24-2008, 09:05 PM   #8

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i like to think that our purpose should have something to do with healing the earth continuously throughout "time" and that we might all have a small part to play as individuals. i'm content with imagining myself huging the earth in my mind and simply loving it. this might be my pupose here in the dense reality, or in another reality my purpose might be as my given name suggest, which is something "associated with forest and uncultivated land", who knows.

as sources indicate when you truly find "love" within yourself, you first don't want to leave, in fear of never finding the path again. when i realise that it is a place that is reachable at "will" i immediately want to show someone i love, or bring them to that place. but i realise that the path involves free will as individuals.

just "being" there makes me want to stay there forever. a possible definition of ones purpose might be what would lead an entity to return from such an existance. because upon every return i find myself having an urge to express my "love" of earth and all it's content.

live well !! be well !!

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Old 02-25-2008, 12:03 AM   #9

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one thing i have been rather stressed about recently is thinking about my future career. i am at the age (20) where i need to be thinking about what i will do when i leave university. others have suggested that i would make a good classroom teacher and i think that the role would suit me. i would love to help children and teach them new things. but then i can't help but think that i would have to teach within guidelines issued by the government and i would not like to think that i was in some way aiding their 'agenda', whatever that may be. it's this thought of teaching things within a curriculum that is making me doubt becoming a teacher. as i am arts orientated it's likely that i would be teaching an arts subject of some description and i've been thinking recently that these are the subjects that might be subject to the most censorship and could possibly be used to brainwash young people. i feel that this is less the case with areas like mathematics where there is always and right and wrong answer. does anyone have any advice about this? i keep ruling out certain career paths due to the thought of it not being morally right, for example working for a big corporation in some capacity.
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Old 02-26-2008, 04:19 AM   #10

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perhaps my purpose is to honorably serrender to i by disidentifying with any trace of self or separateness, therefore radiating awakening into the
collective concsiousness (mind).

live well !! be well !!

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Old 02-26-2008, 04:58 AM   #11

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one thing i have been rather stressed about recently is thinking about my future career. i am at the age (20) where i need to be thinking about what i will do when i leave university. others have suggested that i would make a good classroom teacher and i think that the role would suit me. i would love to help children and teach them new things. but then i can't help but think that i would have to teach within guidelines issued by the government and i would not like to think that i was in some way aiding their 'agenda', whatever that may be. it's this thought of teaching things within a curriculum that is making me doubt becoming a teacher. as i am arts orientated it's likely that i would be teaching an arts subject of some description and i've been thinking recently that these are the subjects that might be subject to the most censorship and could possibly be used to brainwash young people. i feel that this is less the case with areas like mathematics where there is always and right and wrong answer. does anyone have any advice about this? i keep ruling out certain career paths due to the thought of it not being morally right, for example working for a big corporation in some capacity.
very conscientious thoughts, liam!

in regards to your potential of being a teacher, it seems to me that your students couldn't wish for a teacher better suited to aid them, as opposed to someone content to merely parrot the party line.

perhaps here is where strategic wisdom may come into play, as a truly compassionate, caring and aware teacher may find countless ways to feed love between the lines of status quo educational fare!

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Old 02-26-2008, 06:53 AM   #12

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one thing i have been rather stressed about recently is thinking about my future career. i am at the age (20) where i need to be thinking about what i will do when i leave university.
funny. i feel like i just got to that age. and i'm ten years older than you are!
i think that if you don't know what you want to do already, and haven't spent the last two years getting ready for it, you might want to look into taking a year off from university (as long as you are confident you can return, of course) to dip your toes into the real world. get an apartment, go job-hunting, work in two or three companies if you want. none of it has to go on your resume when you get out of school. but your purpose, besides getting an advance screening of what life will be like in two years, will be to try out whatever you want to do and see if it's something you want to devote the next two years and possibly the rest of your life to.

sure you will graduate a year late, but you will also graduate 3 years wiser than everybody else. think about it. i wish i had been able to do it when i was in school. just be sure you don't get sucked into not finishing your degree. ;-)
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Old 02-26-2008, 05:48 PM   #13

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hey liam,
i'm the same age and in a pretty similar situation. all i can say is that opportunities will come to you and it's up to you to decide how you follow through with them. pick the path that really moves you, hang around with the people that make you feel really alive, who excite and inspire you. i've declined a significant opportunity recently because i had dreamed of the scenario before, and perceived it leading me towards a significantly negatively polarized future. so now i'm left pretty well much just doing my thing, going to class, hanging out with a core group of awesome, thoughtful people, and the usual studying, writing and working.
opportunities always arise and sources of inspiration are all around us. i found the other day that as one becomes more attuned with 1) yourself, the spirit-mind-body complex 2) others of the same, even plants, rocks as in honestly listening to your and others dialogue, the intuitive kicks in when the rigidity of the mind gives way to a more receptive (though ethical and highly conscientious) state of being. i think that's a pretty important thing to garner, because so much of fulfilling your life's purpose is beyond the left-brain orientation which seeks to define and master. your purpose cannot be defined, your mission is beyond comprehension, but it will reveal itself when you allow yourself to follow your heart.
most of all, follow it without fear. i found the only way i can raise a question in a lecture hall is to just formulate an idea and raise my hand, which usually blanks out my mind. it's easy to become afraid of this, but i find doing the opposite (over-thinking a question, going it over and over in my mind, thinking about raising my hand, then feeling that all too common surge of nervousness and deciding otherwise) to be far worse than the uncertainty of just following your spirit. most of the time, i articulate the right words, convey the right idea that i was thinking and it seems to come together.
have you heard of [please email for name] schools? i was researching them a couple of months back (randomly? i think not ), but yesterday after raising a question in class regarding alternative methods of education, one of my classmates mentioned it. so i think they're could be something there...and demonstrates that inspiration is all around you when you live from the heart and without fear, and that opportunities will sometimes only come when you have chosen not to embark upon less savoury paths and instead remaining on the path, forging ahead.
my intuition has told me this year is going to be crucial in solidifying the nature of my future and perhaps even humanity on the level of mass consciousness...and how the events surrounding 2012 will be shaped by the psychological shifts we make right now.
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Old 02-27-2008, 04:17 AM   #14

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thank you all for your great responses. this is what i just love about this site- any time you ask for advice you always get it and it's always loving and honest. i think the best thing is probably not to think too hard about what i should be doing as a career. i guess i have plenty of time to work out what to do and for now i should just go with the flow and follow what feels right. on the subject of teaching, i perhaps should have mentioned that my mother is a headteacher (principal) of a primary school and despite the government guidelines she has to follow in her running of the school you can't help but notice a very warm and loving atmosphere as soon as you walk into the school, which is certainly very reassuring.
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