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Old 03-08-2007, 12:32 AM   #1

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how ever or what ever entities from so many possible dimensions which are capable of measuring and monitoring these positive vibs will be able to take a baseline of the best we got. through only this one link and the word of mouth. make that the net. viewed and tapped into by so many uncalculatable worlds. later readings of our positive consciousness will be taken at intervals and see just how well we are improving towards a mind of oneness filled with love.

so i think if we as a whole continue to maintain at least as much positive energy throughout the day as we did in that one hour of concentrated effort. we can make a difference as we are viewed as the human entity of earth in the 3d.

regardless, keep positive thought and smiles in full supply. because thought tranforming matter at will, is certainly something to be happy about and a cause for celebration. happy independance day to all!!
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Old 05-08-2007, 12:01 AM   #2

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hello group,

i thought it was a good idea to let you know that we are also firing the grid on 8/10-12 in mackinac. there are several conscious components to tha oneness of the shift. perhaps you will join us (as i wil join those on 7/17) in recognizing the spiritual awareness that shall take place. we are sorry david could not be there, for he is one of us. we should all join in! but he will be there in consciousness.

love, nelson
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Old 06-25-2007, 06:59 PM   #3

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Default 07-07-07
hey all -

if the moderators will permit, i was wondering if anyone out there wants to share info or thoughts about 07-07-07, with a loo perspective. as i alluded to in another post, i have seen the 07-07-07 (and 777) several times in the past weeks, with increasing frequency.

today i was checking the link to "when our solar system was arranged, part 1 (hunbatz men)" and noticed the 777 again. clicked on the link, checked it out and was definitely intrigued... upon further contemplation, i observed syncs (11:11 just after clicking on it, odometer read 61616 while thinking about it an hour later, etc.). syncs are our "guides", right? so, for me, my higher self is telling me to pay attention, correct?

my main concern is that there is "limited info" about 07-07-07. in other words, i prefer to analyze different perspectives, opinions, ideas, etc., and make my own choices, usually merging "concepts" to form my own views. it seems that with the lack of info, i have little to choose from. fortunately though, the material does resonate with my way 'o thinking...

looking forward to hearing whatcha have to say 'bout this! :d
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Old 06-26-2007, 12:10 AM   #4

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dear art, how ya doin? i wonder could it be that you are possibly getting 7/17/07..? i was just about to put this link up here as all day i have been getting all the possible 11 combinations everytime i look, and 17 has also always been a number for me, as well as a few friends of mine, and this is what kept coming to my mind, that maybe it is indeed about this event. i found out about this a year ago, and had remembered that day, and how important it was for me to be a part of this. since then i guess so many have become aware of this now, really big event..., and i am really starting to believe that this is indeed something we are all being asked inwardly to be a part of. i am thinking there is alot of reasons why we are literally being brought together, and well, i'm gonna give it all i got.

here it is:

oh, and also i know of the day 7/7/07 when thousands will gather around the world to show their commitment for enviromental change.

much peace,
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Old 06-26-2007, 06:32 AM   #5

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i was thinking of posting a link to that site as well. the science of peace talks about the powerful effects of focused consciousness and group prayer. here is an opportunity to participate in the light.

may peace prevail
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Old 06-26-2007, 09:01 PM   #6

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hello smikejam, yes, may peace prevail, thanks. i just wanted to say that i noticed on the links here, that this 7/17/07 site has already been provided. thats great.., and looking forward to all of us sharing in that day!!!

peace and love,
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Old 06-26-2007, 11:53 PM   #7

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thanks for the responses guys!

i am always a little apprehensive to post such a query as this. we all know there is alot of (mis)information out there, and upon open-minded contemplation, we will utlimately make the correct determination of value.

for me, the "power" of the "syncs" were what compelled me to post about this. i don't look for them (check receipts, etc.), but when i do observe them, its by surprise (which i would translate to "meaningful" observation of "syncs"). my intention is not to offend anyone here, but to provide a "background". if you do check receipts, great - i'm not trying to put ya down.

i checked the link out and "wow!". hey, i can "experience" for an hour on 7/17, looking forward to it in fact! i think alot of great things have been, are, and will continue to happen. and, stories like this, and "events" like this are things i want to "be in the know".

as for 07/07/07, i'm just gonna wait and see. "play it" like anyother "day". my real name is art and one of my close friends makes comments from time to time, "art imitating life". :d taking this "concept" and the "concept of now", no other day is any less important than another. conversely then, no other "day" would be more important than any other. each is a gift, and the opportunities on any given day are there. while it is true that some days hold more "opportunities" than others (shortcuts?), days like "this" only strengthen the "growth" through "proactive experience" rather than "reactive experience".

in other words, are you going to "make your future" or "react to your future"?

awareness of "dates" like "07/07/07" are great, but i don't put much "stock" into them, unless backed up by overwhelming "scientific evidence". so, in regards to the link, the event on 07/17/07 is one we should all participate in. but, to assume that something extraordinary will occur on 07/07/07 is probably going to be a let down from a "reactive" standpoint. on a "proactive" standpoint, no. on this standpoint, it may "set the tone" for 07/17/07...

ahh... i've gone off tangent again. again, thanks for the link michelle and smikejam. one day, every second of every moment will be spent "together". as we "do" this more and more, i feel we will move towards "social memory complex"... :d
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Old 06-27-2007, 07:28 PM   #8

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for some interesting information, go to the mayan calendar ring portal link from calleman dot com. it's on the upper right.

once you're there, input the dates of 7/7/7 and 7/17/7 into the "daily sacred calendar" area and compare.

7/7/7, according to that in short short form, is basically "darkness before the dawn."

it will be interesting to see how the rest of this summer will go.

there are other new rumors in the exopolitic communities about a "disclosure" and events of the et kind to occur late july and august. reading material on this can be found at exopolitics dot org dated 6/24/07.

maybe all this is related, maybe it's not.

i'm pragmatic about all this "news" and will just see what happens. interesting times!
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Old 06-27-2007, 08:49 PM   #9

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great posting.

i am in for sure, going to the beach at 7am for warm-ups and might even carry my cooper tube with the quartz crystal on the end that goes straight to heavens. it's an added antenna aside from my dna i use.

i be there!

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Old 06-30-2007, 12:32 AM   #10

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greetings campers!

ya just got to love a good awakening... it's been a long time comin', and it seems someones can't wait for the scheduled time, five years from now.

i've watched all the you-tubes, (thanks! janet), and i've only got one question to put on the table here- just who's behind that "voice" she's following; it's certainly not ra-like, and doesn't this constitute some kind of violation of the "prime-directive?" in which case, i say: "rules are made to be broken- we've got a sick planet on our hands, we're out-numbered, 5 to 10 thousand to six billion; bring on the cavalry!"

personally i suspect the hathors, just like in egypt, long ago. let's git-er done, you 4th and 5th d er's. welcome to our party!


hey nelson- careful with that power wand, man-you'll poke your eye out.
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Old 06-30-2007, 04:52 AM   #11

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personally the number seven is very significant in my life. i associate 7 to saturn with a glyph that resembles a scythe. saturn as planet of structure offers transits which allow a person to cut away that which is not needed such that their "dreams can become reality." part of making peace with saturn is recognizing the power of seven - symbolically the antakarana speaks to me in relation to 7/7/7 - as this symbol resembles three "seven" glyphs tied at their base at the center. in searching for meaning of the antakarana symbol, i consider the tibetan phurba, which resembles a three sided "tent stake" that has ritual significance in ideas related to grounding and anchoring, as in a way which allows one to better enjoy the good things in life, the antakarana known as a powerfully benevolent symbol...
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Old 07-07-2007, 08:39 AM   #12

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...in searching for meaning of the antakarana symbol, i consider the tibetan phurba, which resembles a three sided "tent stake" that has ritual significance in ideas related to grounding and anchoring...
the tip of a phurba in a way resembles a more basic shape, the tetrahedron, known as one of the most stable of shapes - its edges can be formed by a combination of three "7"s. this gets back to saturn being a planet of structure.

of course there are many marriages planned for 7/7/7, so here again saturn a planet of rings relates. one of my favorite references about rings is the penguin book of symbols. in some way i consider the wedding ring as a form of a more primitive hole stone - or holy stone, or "whole" stone - a circle as a simple symbol of unity.

another connection may be aleister crowley's work "777 and other qabalistic writings", though i can't speak personally of ever reading that work. the stable structure of the "tree of life" likely relates to embedded tetrahedral geometries.
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Old 07-07-2007, 05:51 PM   #13

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i finally download all of the ra material books. since they are an adobe reading file, i let my connection to the net, read them to me in all of their divine frequencies, causing ripples to fine tune my vibrational state. as per usual i leave it up to being at the right place at the right moment sort of existence. i decide to open at random any one of the five books and start the reading at any random page. sure enough it began to read a session from just before the date of 7/7/82 and then to the next which was of tomorrow's date, removed or advanced 15 years. just so synchronistic that the first words i heard were in concern for the explaination of the first three sevens. there certainly is something in the air. so take a long slow breath and hold the memories of the past as they are about to change into the now. a mile marker and sign post of realitiies to become concrete.

one might say:
"you have just past the signpost which leads to the twilight zone."

as a baby is born and the entity in charge spanks it to life at birth. well i beleive that we who will take part in this evoulution will see it as the father and the mother earth, terra is about to give birth and on this day that child will give a cry to be of its first breath drawn by the one inhabiting this entity.

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Old 07-08-2007, 03:52 AM   #14

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awesome day for a birth-day, is it not?

welcome to all of those born today in and of the new spirit that we are here to help create/usher in.

no matter the date. the earth needs our help. the people need help. we all hear the gears in our hearts turning. my prayers are that we keep all of the love we have today in our hearts, and we share it. i think it is wonderful that many are going to be coming together on the 17th, as i will be. i hope things that happened today spill over into the rest of my life as i have felt love unknown to me before. i know it will only get better. i can see beyond the dark. thanks to you. all of you. it is a thankless job sometimes, but worthwhile. we are all looking for the meaning. time to start the unification.

when we get together, anything is possible. like the boss says, "you can't start a fire without a spark".

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Old 07-15-2007, 01:14 PM   #15

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so, i see a bit of negative polarity has been cast into the mix. of course it would, it's attracted to us. knew it would happen, somebody let out our little secret. can't imagine how the sleepers got wind of our little event and efforts. found myself attracting little negative polarities, as i pondered, "will less effort by many have much of a lowering of the frequencies"?

well, i am preparing to be in full vibratory mode at the assigned time, to make up for others who may fall prey to efforts to minimize this event.

here's to you sleepers!!!
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Old 07-18-2007, 02:55 AM   #16

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july 07 was a very interesting day for me, and on that day, i didn't realize it was 07/07/07 until after it was just about over. special days usually come and go for me with nary a blip on the radar. i have waited years for signs of my path, but they are few and far between. however, july 07 was definitely a marker day for me.

approx 17 - 18 years ago i experienced what i consider to be full blown ascension, and to make a long story short, i couldn't bear it. as a result, i have spent most of the time since then trying to 'return' there. or at the very least, be more prepared to handle it should my path lead back to that. july 07 renewed my direction and gave me a slight course correction with very deep insights into a couple of things.

this is my first time coming to this website as i just heard david wilcock's coast to coast am june appearance for the first time.
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Old 08-01-2008, 11:33 AM   #17

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conflict=wars=dead=destruction,but the question is;; do you like good or do you like evil..by the way there are rules for each of them..if you like pain,destrucction,conflict=evil..if you like to be happy,no wars,,free logical help,one language,one culture,one power(god) ,more union=equality creates faster mind progress =good+.forget about all religions,and instead, focus on remembering the truth,what matters in life the most. you were created at some point.i thank god for giving me a chance/to live/to see life/taste,smell.+all ,of what i know so far.

cause+effect=action.some people really think that there are multiple god-s,,,if you ask me, ,thats insane,,god is one and only ,he does not need anybody else.power is nothing to me,why?because at the end of the line,i and you and the universe and the big bang had to be created..by a god,,,,who had to be good,you reading this right?.but there had to be a reason for creation..maybe to test our faith,maybe if we have faith till the end, we will pass and once we've passed ,, maybe pain becomes wisdom and love becomes eternal.and friends i really want to get there,yes that place is called= paradise..i'm trying to make it here ,in earth, ,i'm just one person..and thats enough for me,,if you change, thats only you and not the whole world,,,if you like evil thats all you, i respect that,but then again don't cry later in life,or don't start pointing fingers when something goes wrong,,you know whats good and you also know whats bad,because we posses logic,,to decite...what is best for us...

[moderator: we invite josh to read this site, which has many positive ideas to offer him]
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