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Old 12-20-2007, 09:59 PM   #1

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Default Souless Aliens?
do you think it is possible by any chance that there are souless ets? i was reading an article on redice creations and it was pretty interesting. i mean i guess not all ets are our friends of course...i hope this doesn't turn out like star wars soon...lol
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Old 12-21-2007, 01:58 AM   #2

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from what i've researched so far there are definately souless aliens. from what i understand the grays are exactly that. i don't know if all of them are souless but some are. they are actually from what i understand basically androids, created by et's.
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Old 12-21-2007, 03:22 AM   #3

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are we 'soulless' when we work for a corporation or join a military? think more we need to engage 'ets' as simply 'other' in the sense that indians and settlers were 'other' to each other.
i have had a number of et encounters. (see my response below on et thread.
we are to a sense 'soulless' when we are stuck in our egos.
again here is carol rosen's quote of warner von braun (many years ago) in regard to 'secret government':
"...first they will use the cold war. when that no longer works they will use the 'terrorist threat'. when that no longer works they will play the last card..., the very last card...: the 'alien threat'.
"they" have started that process with movies like independence day and signs. our job is to stay above the 'duel' and 'duality'.
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Old 12-21-2007, 07:29 AM   #4

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i would love to hear about some of your encounters. were they positive? what species were they? i believe there are good and bad just like we have bad and good humans.
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Old 12-21-2007, 06:51 PM   #5

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some of the gnostic texts have an interesting take on this, some interesting quotes from this as well.

"they sought to overpower humanity in its psychological and perceptual functions... although they saw that human thinking was superior to theirs... for indeed their delight is bitter and their beauty is depraved. and their triumph is in deception (apaton), leading astray, for their own structure is without divinity."

the passage is tight with ideas:

* some group attempted to overpower humanity.
* the field of attack was psychological and perceptual.
* human thinking was superior to theirs.
* something about their pleasure and beauty is off.
* they succeed, but only through deception because...
* ...there is such a thing as "divinity."
* ...it is implied that we have it.
* ...they lack it.
this stuff is from a mr. lash's site:

* the gnostics were seers, initiates, and shamans. they practiced many psychic arts and developed them to a very high degree. they developed "siddhis". they were remote viewers.
* they were "qualified to see and correctly evaluate other worlds".
* they were stargazers and cosmologists. their history of the solar system matches modern understanding in remarkable ways.
* they obtained their picture through direct observation.
* a massive and deliberate destruction of their documents, including the burning of the library at alexandria, took place from 150 ce to the middle ages. only the nag hammadi library documents survive.
* these were discovered in december 1945.
* they knew the structure of the galaxy (the "pleroma") and the position of our solar system within it.
* there is an infinite plenitude of other galaxies.
* occasionally, the galactic core emits plasmatic surges.
* the energy of these surges produces certain configurations in the galaxy.
* there are "tunnels" within our galaxy. he says that astronomers discovered these in 2003.
* the surges can give rise to certain forms of life.
* from their perspective, before the earth became a living environment, the solar system surrounded it like a crust.
* early in the life of our solar system, a galactic surge produced a wave that created inorganic forms.
* the earth is "captured" within the solar system.
* the solar system is "inorganic". only the earth within it is "organic".
* the picture corresponds to today's gaia hypothesis (lovelock and margulis) in which the earth is the only planet with a biologically alive atmosphere.
* other solar systems have biospheres similar to the earth.
* the gnostics were specifically concerned with "alien" intrusions.
* they described two types of aliens: reptilian and the "embryo" type that can be equated to modern "greys".
* they called the aliens "archons" (greek: authorities).
* these are equivalent to the "watchers" described in the book of enoch.
* archons were formed in the early stage of the solar system. therefore they are inorganic beings.
* archons cannot and do not live on this planet with us.
* the gnostics concluded that the archons are bullies. a predatory species.
* according to the "first apocalypse of james" (from the nag hammadi texts), "they will take away souls by theft." we would use the term "abduction".
* the archons are still with us.
* they are neither more powerful nor more evolved than we are.
* they lack our evolutionary drive. they are like cyborgs; a robotic race that can imitate but not innovate.
* from the "second apocalypse of james": "they are not over you but they are in the solar system with you and you must take account of that."
* they must be kept in their place. they don't observe their correct boundaries. life on earth depends on observing boundaries. they intrude.
* they envy us. they intrude into our reality and try to be like us. they envy our ability to innovate. that we are driven, goal-oriented. they are robotic. they lack what we have.
* they operate only by imitation and by taking orders. they do not have our "intention".
* there was no description of their hardware. the gnostics believed we needed to know about the "software" side.
* they describe the archons as engineers and mechanics who live in the solar system and maintain it.
* the archons are delusional and those who are associated with them become delusional.
* the most important thing about them is the way they intrude into our minds.
* their technique of intrusion and mind control makes use of simulation. the coptic word for this is "hal".
* the intrusion probably plays a great role in mental illness.
* they make something appear to happen that does not actually happen. they can induce a virtual reality experience.
* some mentally-ill people have perceived the archons but cannot deal with the experience. gnostics taught how to deal with them.
* certain religious beliefs such as divine redeemer / messiah are injected delusions.
* they observe our emotions as if they could absorb them and use them as their own.
* they feed on our fear. it's an energy that "gives them a kick" like a drug.
* the word for "terror" occurs frequently. it is connected with "error".
* what they are attempting is absurd. they can't succeed, but they are driven to do it anyway.
* jacques vallee: "the way to a man's belief is through absurdity."
* they can't overpower us but we can abdicate.

expanding on that last point, lash writes:

in their attempt to intrude upon humanity, which has been ongoing for millennia, the archons use a lot of bluff and bravado. they affect our minds to get us to believe they can do far more than they can actually do, but in so believing, we unwittingly surrender our power to them — the result is, they get their way with us, because we have betrayed our own capacities. hence the archons claim to rule over humanity, and even pretend to have been our creators, as is recounted in the sumerian cunieform record of the annunaki, accepted as true by zecharia sitchin and many other sincere investigators. the dead sea scrolls, discovered in 1947 at the very moment the nag hammadi texts were initially recognized to be rare gnostic materials, contain explicit accounts of direct threats posed by reptilians.
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Old 12-21-2007, 09:46 PM   #6

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i think you may have mis-enterpreted the purpose of this site, the basic premise of which is that all intelligence, and all matter, for that matter,...(pun intended)) is part of some greater consciousness.

there is an additional problem that there are certain words that mean a multitude of different things to different people, the words soul and god being foremost amongst them.

if, in place of soulless you mean 'of evil (or what we would perceive as evil) intent', then maybe so.
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Old 12-22-2007, 06:39 AM   #7

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first, i agree with avocet . was replying in terms used.

but replying to quackenheimer:


your question was, “i would love to hear about some of your encounters. were they positive? what species were they? i believe there are good and bad just like we have bad and good humans.” thanks for response. agree but trying to avoid emphases on duality.

repeat of reply with some added notes:

for many years i did not believe in ufos. i was into "serious metaphysical studies'. once after an interrogation by the navy i was asked what connection i had with ufos. "none," i said. about five years later i had my first abduction. this was very scary. i was so scared that after (i am not exaggerating) i wept for two solid weeks! almost non stop. once when i thought i could cry no more i went out for ice cream. i had to leave for home when i started weeping in public. physically i felt wonderful. it was as if even my fingernails were experiencing the after-glow of sex times a thousand. but also for a period (of months) i lost all fear.
this was very much like a motion picture called 'fearless' about a man who survived an airplane crash. seven years prior in the 'gov' talk i heard the expression 'sea/air correlation' in regard to ufos. stated that at the same time ufos are seen in air there are underwater sightings as well. only the military could have such underwater sightings. even a grand banks trawler fitted out with normal sonar could not see this. later i talked to a guy who worked in the darkroom of the uss roosevelt. here one room had combined sonar/radar etc for the entire battle group. he stated that at times things would do figure eights under the group at unheard of speeds. supervisors told him to ignore and shut up about it.
at first i was upset and confused about the 'alien abduction' (and scared).
i was caught between many points of view. i had a wonderful friend in the now defunct national security alumni out of silver springs, md. she said this was not ufos but a government op with mind control. then i had two israelis from boston who tried to get me involved with one of the bud hopkins 'abduction' groups. hopkins is one who thinks aliens are evil. the guy who led the group pulled me aside and said that if i so much as hinted to others that i thought government might be involved he would "...call me nuts and make it stick..." i got out of there and wrote a complaint to hopkins who wrote back an apology.
finally after a few years i connected to other abductees on the internet. the media plays this down, misinforms. there is even a ploy that it is just some sort of 'sleep disorder'. there was a non bleeding hole in my leg at least seven millimeters round and seven millimeters deep. in other words way past skin and way into the meat. strange burns etc. sure was not a sleep disorder.
over time i began to feel the experience good, not evil. nor do i feel that i am suffering from any type of 'stockholm syndrome'. (there is a vast 'et' interest that we take a better view of geometry. know hawkins proof of diatonic ratios in crop circles part of this).
i do believe we have many sorts of 'guides', 'angels' or whatever trying to help us. as for all the ets i think we need to view the situation much as chief samoset. he was a chief here when this area was very dangerous. learned many languages, dutch, french, english as well as all local indian dialects. at one point he sailed on a sailing ship to london. he refused to wear anything in london but his indian garb. we may need to treat ets in the same manner as the settlers and indians had to view each other. there are good and bad in both camps and the idea is to use love to make the best of it.
now i am in contact with a being that i feel connected by the abduction by short gray beings. however, this contact is (only????) in imagination. he is a giant praying mantis. i keep this contact. have heard that large mantis beings are using 'grays' as sort of 'drones'. mantis also interested in our rethinking geometry.
over time i feel the first order of business always is to bypass the ego. for this reason i go every week to a course in miracles group. there are certainly 'evil' aspects to a secret international government. but that is also 'ego' - just a group ego.
though i feel it is more important to work on ourselves rather than being caught in a duality i still 'speak up' about bad aspects of international government when opportunity arises. but feel more important to go forth with personal contact...., even if 'just' imagination. love the quote from eisenhower, "you can't push a string. you can only pull it."
i find i 'know' less and less. but more and more able to trust my feelings.
at any rate for years this subject was not just theory for me. it was very real.
understand that if we are wrongly made afraid of 'aliens' at the same time it makes us afraid of our inner natures! if that idea gets promoted think of how many will be afraid to contact their own super-conscious which is parts of themselves.

note that users of a certain psychoactive drug almost always encounter very large insects, often mantises. [reference to specific drug deleted]
i don’t do drugs. why is this the same? thrust of mantis talking states we have deliberately watered down cosmology so that we would put off advancing in science until now. not to make same mistake we made in atlantis. let our emotions catch up. states that ‘dark ages’ seen in retrospect will be seen as wise decision.

greatly admire david w. reading his works over and over. got books on crystallography. now i have met other local abductees in person. one a minister who had problems working this into 'accepted belief' of his 'profession'. another is a woman. all three of us have scars in the same location, over the tibia.

thanks again, quackenheimer, for replying.

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Old 12-22-2007, 04:42 PM   #8

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dunno what some may think about this, but i have been lead to believe that these greys/reptilians/etc are actually soulless/ai beings created not by aliens but buy our shadowy government and used on our people in abductions etc to create a fear of aliens. just an idea for people to entertain. thanks!
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Old 12-23-2007, 02:23 AM   #9

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i did consider possibility of gov. op. and i believe some are. the great fear was mostly because of the extreme oddity. the 'needles' hurt less than novalcaine.(excuse spelling). the encounters, particularly with the mantis seem highly productive.
in fact the 'force' seems decidedly anti secret government.

during this period i was had major problems with government. naval intrrogation (prior to experience) was concerning a new math that went into soviet union from czechoslovakia. (1984) when gov brought up "ufos' i believed then in nothing of the sort. i was given direct guidance that helped me out of gov problems.

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