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Old 01-10-2007, 04:39 PM   #1

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great post, ewhaz!!!

i used to struggle with the sto meaning and often wondered if i could do more (my ego talking). my aha moment came from this forum and other discussions of what this term means. what i have learned is this: if we live our truth and mirror to the world our own light, we can be of much service to others. we do not have to visit soup kitchens, or lecture, or write a best-selling spiritual novel that moves millions. just living our truth and living in light will have an equally profound affect and be of significant sto.

much love
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Old 02-11-2007, 02:32 AM   #2

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ewhaz --

i am humbled by the quality of your articulation of this most basic, inexhaustible theme. it is quite something to find in another's voice a quality of reflectiive intellect and love that i strive for in myself. beautiful stuff. thank you.

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Old 02-11-2007, 04:16 AM   #3

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thank you for the insight that when i look at others i see "my self" . for a long time i saw my father as the alcoholic who robbed me of my happiness. i never saw the alcoholism in me. it was outside of me.it was in him. in the last week i have admitted i am an alcoholic, more ill than my dad. it is this truth that humbles me. i never wanted to admitt that i am that which i see in my father. it is too much and pride chooses to hide the truth. i am his son and therefore as him. my relationship has changed dramticially in the last few weeks as i repair the damage that false pride created in me. i did not want to see my father in me. this was overcome with my own admission and writing out all the great achievements that my dad accomplished in his life in caring for me and as i did all the negative things i reherased for so long melted away and i was left with self love and appreciation of the truest sense. this is humility, facing the truth of who i am. thank you for the simplicity of honesty versus pride. honesty admits self admission pride seems to announce a projection away from self on others and at that is maybe easier to spot!
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Old 03-11-2007, 04:46 AM   #4

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st . francis feast day is oct. 4 .we see the pictures of francis talking to birds and creation and addressing everything with love.francis was a true playboy of his generation and an exceptionmal leader of all the young elite of assisi. by his example they all turned to a higher goal of humility where others were better then themselves . these rich young men of assisi gave away, did not sell their possessions, or put them on ebay for cash . they literally gave them away, all that was the pride of their luxury, beauty and wealth. image that happening today for others in our beloved hollywood the catpital of status, beauty , prestige and wealth for our world! imagine it happening for love of another!
i remember the example of one who has more than all, being the prince of peace who gives it all up to be with us one of us, no more and no less. the beloved of the father , i suppose the wonderful man with the whitebeard that david speaks of. his beloved! image such great love and that is the same love we have , our love! such humility is displayed to us and offered to us and yet we feign doubt or unbelief? are we blind?
catherine doherty the foundress of madonna house spoke about the humility of the women and men who cleaned the corporate offices of toronto at night perhaps praying as they did so . she spoke of humility as honesty , she spoke of it as the cross, crisis point and that is freightening to us. we don't want the kiss of pain. yet that is that what it is. awareness can be a pain for a moment but then the bitter becomes sweet as promised somehow the bittersweet pain is absorbed and humbly knitted into a new truth for us to see.
precious humility the sister of pride. which do i choose most often? turht or the appearence of truth? pride often wins out i am sorry to say.admission to any thing has never been a strong aspect of my character. except now the energy is changing it is more intense and the light vibration can't stand the old and the old is braking up into peices taht are actually melting inot the light. the golden ones sent me back to help the little abadoned boy , who was unloved and unoticed. they were with me many who were caring for the abandonned ones the little ones no one remembers the children, of the poor. the inner child of each one of us the little unkept soul betrayed for the momentary pleasures of desires. enough i love st. francis for being a lover of all things a rtrue model of oneness except he was from that old time or is time coming back in a circle and we are now there again.?
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Old 09-30-2007, 06:57 PM   #5

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Default Thoughts on Humility
there is something to be said about humility. often times while i respond or browse the forums, or even have an ‘ahh ha!’ moment, its easy to become inflated just a bit. the ego is a fragile thing, constantly looking for the advantage where ever it can. it needs the advantage to survive in this now modern jungle. where survival needed to depend on hunting skills and strength, now it needs to rely on social standing weather real or illusory.

i find these inklings in myself and i have to take a step back. i have to disarm the ego lest it get the better of me. i want and desire to be appreciated and looked up to, but if that means i have to look down to see others then i’ve lost my way. i have to remember that when i look at others, i am looking at myself. in the bigger picture, i am god observing aspects of my own conscious flow. i have to see other people, as ra states, as other selves. they are the other parts of the whole of which i am a part.

we go on stating that we are god, that we are part of the infinite. the ego can identify with being god, but it has a hard time accepting that others are god on the same level. as intrinsic as it is, survival must now take the role of surviving in the spirit as well as in the flesh. we must account for our spiritual connection to one another, looking for sameness and wholeness where at first survival demanded we see others as separate so we could bring resources to those that matter (me myself and i, and associated supporting other selves).

now ‘i’ must include ‘we’ and even ‘we’ still hints at the separateness within a group. ‘i’ must come to include other selves, other parts of the whole. eventually we must break down the barrier of separateness that we see in ourselves, the individual focus, to include other selves. humility becomes necessary, so that no distortion of division or separateness exists. humility is humbling the ego so that it understands that other ego’s are and can be in the same ‘i am’. if the ego perceives itself to be on some other level than other selves, there is a separation or divide.

the ego, thinking it is god, may see service to others as god helping it’s lower and separate parts. but this isn’t service to others, is it? this is a service to self, an aggrandizement of the ego to the point of self perceived greatness. the service to self is the ego playing into it’s own greatness. it helps others not because it sees them as itself, but rather as the role of ‘god’ to it’s ‘people’. humility keeps us all on the same level, no matter how high we get. it is our right to be called ‘god’ because that is what we are. that right gives us many rights and responsibilities. for the service to others, we must realize that even that is a misnomer. service to ‘others’ in, our language, means that the others are separate. it means that we must amend that statement to always include ‘service to other selves’.

so in humbleness and humility, i look to serve other selves even now. may we all be one god in light and love. blessed be.
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