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Old 09-04-2007, 12:49 PM   #1

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Default Negative Entities Massing for attack on City of Angels!
hey david! hello group!

thanks for yet another wonderful blog; your easter message: "divine cosmos site under attack" has caused me to "burst into print," as eddy would say. when i finished reading it, i walked into the back tv room, and the atomic clock read 11:11pm, and the outside temperature was 33.3 degrees- so, i went upstairs to have a nap, and nurse a headache.

so glad that your site is back up and running again. i check out various forums semi-daily to get a well-rounded feel for what's up, and yours would truely be missed. after a few days, i began to wonder if california had finally got the big one, but i fought the urge to turn on the telly, or buy a newspaper; has anyone ever conducted a scientific investigation into whether these occurances happen more frequently in southern california, compared to other places? i know that julia, who last lived in fullerton, had to finally leave the area to get relief from similar anomolies, which she can much better explain than i.

also, syncronystically speaking, the "cosmic internet" is perhaps finally beginning to work a little better these days- just sat., we were talking about when 2012ists first began to appear, and you answered that magnificently with your 4-6 blog posting, which of course i couldn't access until sun. night!

also, also, is there a way for your site provider to, when these sort of problems occur, to display some type of "we're having technical difficulties, please try back latter" message? that would be more comforting, and people need more comforting these days to keep the wolves away.

in closing, let me simply say: hello eddy & jeanette, i finally did it, and hope you're seeing better; janet, this too shall pass; nelson, think about a battery back-up system, man, and david, blog on, dude!

may the horse be with you!
dserbokim is offline

Old 09-04-2007, 06:19 PM   #2

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in this case, no... there was no way they could leave us a message. the whole computer itself went down. the only way they could have left a message would be to change the dns number, and then once the site went back online it'd be another 24 hours before everyone could link to it again.

this seriously is not going to be an ongoing issue. most servers are very stable. we had problems in the initial configurations, getting the site to a functional level, and had some bad equipment in the machine... but i don't anticipate anything more like this for a long time to come.

if it did happen again, they'll be on it very fast. the reason why it took so long, in part, was that it was a holiday weekend, with obviously fewer staff ready to respond to a problem.

- david
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Old 09-04-2007, 07:37 PM   #3

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i bet if i had been david and co and had my server go down at such a critical time, i doubt i could have been cool about it like he was. i would be bald from pulling my hair out! however, it was incredibly funny to read the post telling of his 3 day ordeal after i had been wondering if he had been taken in the "rapture" or something for 3 days the site was down. i was lol in the middle of the night at the computer while reading that post (probably waking my family up to wonder if i was losing my mind.) i'm so glad i found david and co because after reading several of the "ra - law of one" chapters and so many of the free articles on the divine cosmos site, i'm sure i've finally found my place in this world where i can learn and understand who i am, why i'm here, and how to cope with being a wanderer with courage, patience, and a sense of humor. now i have to twist my husband's arm to get him to use paypal to buy the science cds! i'm hearing-impaired. i can't use the cds, but others in my family can. jax in co
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Old 09-04-2007, 08:41 PM   #4

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hey bob,

your "horse" or force must have been lost without you for a few days there! i knew it would come back to you when your atomic clock was reset. all i did was just get "beamed up" without a battery pack. i knew there difficulties and the site would be back up though. you did mention a good point about the dependancy most have to the site including myself. not being able to access good spiritual medicine on a daily basis, can make you get back to basics quick. in that case you must go within i say. but in reality you consider ok, well one day your not going to have a computer, a phone, a car etc..

so i came up with an idea of a free web site for david on back up that would allow for minimum info (so as not to be stolen) but a place where the group could get info on when and where to go. better yet without the risk of sounding dire, how a few folks could always get together if **** and chaos came to a head. we could always get together somewhere. outside of a temporary web site a few cell phone #'s could be exchanged between a few friends like us. just an idea.
but like i have always told everyone in my life : "you are never alone in being alone"!

glad to know the horse is back with you. p.s. gotta go my atomic clock is reading 3:40, and my battery pack is low!


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Old 09-05-2007, 03:20 AM   #5

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i didn't know whether to laugh or cry when i read about the "attack of the negs". i could so totally relate. its like when murphy's law hits it really hits and you are at the mercy of the gods. but it is a cycle...as all things are. isn't that what we have learned from astrology?

i believe it was a stephen king book that made into a tv show that i saw where in the one final scene as darkness has fallen on this village...the mummy like creatures are going for the voluptuous heroine...and she is climbing to the highest rooftop to get the first rays of light as dawn approaches...and just when you think the mummies will destroy her....the light peaks out over the rooftop and you hear someone say "get out of the darkness and into the light". and at that moment the mummies fall by the wayside and the voluptious heroine is saved.

way to go david and larry! that was some story. you saw it through now reap the rewards

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Old 10-04-2007, 02:30 PM   #6

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... 'it felt good to be out from the rain!' - america
... david, very awsome post, i'm glad you connected the dots on this one and the dns issue is definitely a strange one, i'm glad your back,

robert, i like the 11:11 and horse quote, nice touch. i see the 11:11 all the time and feel very greatful for it.

peace to all

dave v., "just turned 40!" (04/08/67) yee-whooo!.

'what a beautiful life this can be',; david, i'm glad your back...:d


hey david! hello group!

thanks for yet another wonderful blog; your easter message: "divine cosmos site under attack" has caused me to "burst into print," as eddy would say. when i finished reading it, i walked into the back tv room, and the atomic clock read 11:11pm, and the outside temperature was 33.3 degrees- so, i went upstairs to have a nap, and nurse a headache.

so glad that your site is back up and running again. i check out various forums semi-daily to get a well-rounded feel for what's up, and yours would truely be missed. after a few days, i began to wonder if california had finally got the big one, but i fought the urge to turn on the telly, or buy a newspaper; has anyone ever conducted a scientific investigation into whether these occurances happen more frequently in southern california, compared to other places? i know that julia, who last lived in fullerton, had to finally leave the area to get relief from similar anomolies, which she can much better explain than i.

also, syncronystically speaking, the "cosmic internet" is perhaps finally beginning to work a little better these days- just sat., we were talking about when 2012ists first began to appear, and you answered that magnificently with your 4-6 blog posting, which of course i couldn't access until sun. night!

also, also, is there a way for your site provider to, when these sort of problems occur, to display some type of "we're having technical difficulties, please try back latter" message? that would be more comforting, and people need more comforting these days to keep the wolves away.

in closing, let me simply say: hello eddy & jeanette, i finally did it, and hope you're seeing better; janet, this too shall pass; nelson, think about a battery back-up system, man, and david, blog on, dude!

may the horse be with you!
ErubTiereedig is offline

Old 10-04-2007, 07:26 PM   #7

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alright, already- nelson- quit horsing around, bro! the hourse, of course, is not meant to be a literal application to anything in particular, merely a play with words thing. substitute source, for horse, if you wish- it's probably all just a matter of conditioning, and perspective i suppose. in another amazingly syncronistic moment; at the exact second that i was having the thought to post this, one of my other computers which was running in screen-saver mode, with the picture-show feature on, displayed the shot i took of you and allen, the mayor, standing in front of rudy's bar, and the clock above it was displaying 1:11 pm! strange days, indeed! in fact, i believe that particular shot was taken an hour and 11 minutes after i had my reading from david that day on tortola, but i may be wrong about that. but, it is a true story- because ya know what happens to ya if you tell a lie, right?
charran, thanks for your thoughts on the post- just remember, that we must all learn to embrace the negative within us, because when you do, it looses its' power over you- and that's the only way we are ever going to get out of this trap that "they" have so wonderfully laid out for us! and, as john lennon used to say; "time wounds all heals."

dserbokim is offline

Old 10-05-2007, 01:58 AM   #8

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my dear buddy, bob
thankyou, for your call yesterday - call back and leave your number so that i can write in my book (that knowing me will be lost in the heavens, yet i will retreive it in memory). i let all things go and then one day i find them out of heart!. don't worry i will get it and return your call somehow. now, as for the interesting topic regarding the literal versus the figurative, this i would say: as i always play on words as you, i would tell you that the horse (a metaphor) for both the force (as in the star wars series) and in the souce , are all one in the same. let's take for example that you had only a horse to guide you, and let us suppose that you had no horse and then just a force to guide you, let us further suppose that you a had source behind the horse that was you guiding it! aha! that may entail that indirectly guided the horse that had the force, from the source that you created.

sound a bit confusing? well it should, for that is the mystery of faith, which is spirit, which then guides us. it does not mean a horse is ofcouse a horse a horse, it simply means you are the "force" that guides it through darkness and spirit. thus, may horse be with you!

i am glad were are not horse"n around any more!

love you,
SkatrySkith is offline

Old 10-05-2007, 03:59 AM   #9

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what exactly is the nature of evil?

my tendency is to believe that evil is the shadow side of oneself, the part of oneself that one denies... which indeed loses its power if you accept it. i suppose a part of ascension is to diminish it.

however, experiences of several of my friends suggests that evil goes beyond that... i've had people with some very serious experiences with powerful negative entities, and i feel that evil may be a real, powerful, force that may be involved with 2012.

btw, don't do drugs, it makes it much easier for them to attach to you

btw, maybe i should turn this into a seperate post?
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Old 11-04-2007, 02:08 PM   #10

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what exactly is the nature of evil?

my tendency is to believe that evil is the shadow side of oneself, the part of oneself that one denies... which indeed loses its power if you accept it. i suppose a part of ascension is to diminish it.

however, experiences of several of my friends suggests that evil goes beyond that... i've had people with some very serious experiences with powerful negative entities, and i feel that evil may be a real, powerful, force that may be involved with 2012.

btw, don't do drugs, it makes it much easier for them to attach to you

btw, maybe i should turn this into a seperate post?
dear jivatman,

right one target, my man! yes indeedy, that is precisely how one deals with the negative, and absolutely, there are several issues here that you could turn into a seperate post. by all means, go for it! also, you bring up a major point about the drugs, or at least most over the "counter/corner " varieties, except if they contain dmt, and the scientific community/jury is still debating that one, to which i would also add alcohol in any form, as this certainly also opens the door for negative arttachments. have you ever just sat and observed someone drinking, and noticed the radical personality/mood changes occur? it's really fascinating to watch.
wouldn't ya just love to see a beer commercial on that topic; a bunch of blokes and blokesses sitting around getting blasted on bud, with all these little gremlins jumping up and down on their shoulders? that would be a super bowl contender! or at least a great you-tube'er!

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Old 11-04-2007, 05:22 PM   #11

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so i came up with an idea of a free web site for david on back up that would allow for minimum info (so as not to be stolen) but a place where the group could get info on when and where to go. better yet without the risk of sounding dire, how a few folks could always get together if **** and chaos came to a head. we could always get together somewhere. outside of a temporary web site a few cell phone #'s could be exchanged between a few friends like us. just an idea.
just a note: you might look into geocities/yahoo for an alternate website place to go to when the negs are greeting. it was free the last time i was there. they have a section called area51 which may be appropriate. heh heh no kidding. i still have my very old website over there (now way forgotten) just sitting there at http://www.geocities.com/area51/corridor/7702/index.htm i can sign it over to you if you want. it's way way out there back in the boonies area of geocities. let me know. jax
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