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Old 11-13-2007, 03:29 AM   #1

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First off, I'm new, i've been reading on the subject for little over 5 months.. About 3 months ago i gained the courage to make an effort to actually do it, and not just read about it, a month after this, i purchased Astral Dynamics, Reading is great and fun, and i love hearing the story's i have read from other peoples 'Adventures' on the subject.... But i want to experience it myself, As i'm sure allot of you wanted when you first put your mind to the task. And thus leading to the part where i am currently at now.

Well here is where i am going to try and use the horrible tool call 'words'...

So lets get straight to the point...After i get into the Trace state, and start to Gather my energy's...i start to feel my chakra in my foot, giving it the sensation to twitch, this twitch slowly accumulates into almost my whole foot twitching, at different time, I then start to channel it up through my body, storing it near my stomach area. Slowly i can feel a girggle/bubbling in that general area...I have gotten past the odd sensation being felt, and start to focus my whole body into storing energy....I then feel this, strange 'aura' slowly wrap my whole body starting at the feet and working its way up, as if it is outlining my whole body. and i can feel my whole body almost pulsate... I then try my exit "Rope" and i start to feel the climb,

All of this goes on at the same time My whole body beings to shake, But its more like a convulseand i start to feel what seems like tension, so i try to relax(Should i be relaxing at this point, of going for the ride).....And the i start to hear nosies, not loud or annoying or scary, more like the sounds of a something softly cracking in the walls or general area around me"

, My head starts to feel like its spinning, the colors behind my eyelids are like a white flowing clouds with other assorted colors thrown in on the outsides........And i can start to 'see' the room around me, as if my astral head had popped out of my body to give a little peak around......And then i lose it....And my become aware that i am back in my body with nothing around me going on, So i try the swirl around the room to become aware of my astral body again, and slowly get the feel for it again.....And i keep trying this over and over, till eventually i give up due to becoming to induced with sleepiness, roll over and go to sleep....Now these arn't just 15 min attempts, i sit there and try for 2 sometimes 3 hours, being fully consious

Now each time i have encountered something thus far, i have gone to read about it and overcome it, and/or experience it the way it should be felt instead of just 'thinking' i'm feeling it......A huge step i had to overcome in early meditation attempts, since i suffer from Attention defect hyper activity disorder, and i lack focus, and easily get distract, But during meditations i have come to overcome my 'non-stop-thinking' mind and give it peace while i focus......

I feel as if i am sooo Close, but for some reason I cant get the last step, Any advise to help me would be greatly appreciated...



I should have also mentioned when i start moving my chakra i use my awarenesss hands to, i want to say poke, my secondary chakra's with a finger ti stimulate them
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Old 11-13-2007, 03:40 AM   #2

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After i get into the Trance state, and start to Gather my energy's...i start to feel my chakra in my foot, giving it the sensation to twitch, this twitch slowly accumulates into almost my whole foot twitching, at different time, I then start to channel it up through my body, storing it near my stomach area. Slowly i can feel a girggle/bubbling in that general area...I have gotten past the odd sensation being felt, and start to focus my whole body into storing energy....I then feel this, strange 'aura' slowly wrap my whole body starting at the feet and working its way up, as if it is outlining my whole body. and i can feel my whole body almost pulsate... I then try my exit "Rope" and i start to feel the climb,
I'm trying to get something clear- Are you getting in trance before you raise energy, or after? (I know there's no 'law' about which one to do first, I'm just gathering information at this point)

All of this goes on at the same time My whole body beings to shake, But its more like a convulseand i start to feel what seems like tension, so i try to relax(Should i be relaxing at this point, of going for the ride).....And the i start to hear nosies, not loud or annoying or scary, more like the sounds of a something softly cracking in the walls or general area around me" These are classic hypnagogics, or exit sensations.
My head starts to feel like its spinning, the colors behind my eyelids are like a white flowing clouds with other assorted colors thrown in on the outsides........And i can start to 'see' the room around me, as if my astral head had popped out of my body to give a little peak around......And then i lose it....And my become aware that i am back in my body with nothing around me going on, So i try the swirl around the room to become aware of my astral body again, and slowly get the feel for it again.....And i keep trying this over and over, till eventually i give up due to becoming to induced with sleepiness, roll over and go to sleep....Now these arn't just 15 min attempts, i sit there and try for 2 sometimes 3 hours, being fully consious I think what's happening is that you're 'clicking out' and losing consciousness when you exit and don't realize it. I actually think you're getting out and coming right back and then waking up again.

Now each time i have encountered something thus far, i have gone to read about it and overcome it, and/or experience it the way it should be felt instead of just 'thinking' i'm feeling it......A huge step i had to overcome in early meditation attempts, since i suffer from Attention defect hyper activity disorder, and i lack focus, and easily get distract, But during meditations i have come to overcome my 'non-stop-thinking' mind and give it peace while i focus...... Good for you-mind taming is one of the biggest hurdles most people face.

I feel as if i am sooo Close, but for some reason I cant get the last step, Any advise to help me would be greatly appreciated...

Hakii Hi Hakii- I think you are getting out briefly but losing consciousness. Are you doing this in the morning or at night? Another question would be if you are using affirmations to supplement your practice?
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Old 11-13-2007, 03:57 AM   #3

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I first go into trance, then Chakra building, I cant focus until i am in the 'mindset' (My lack of thoughts just feelings/awareness)

Well that last sencerio i just gave was this afternoons attempt around 12:30- lasted until 2:35....I haven't really tried different times of the day(busy schedule, should i be)? And i have attempted a few early morning, right after i get up, But i lack the focus.....

But i think you are right about going unconsciousnesses, Because that is exactly what it feels like, and then SNAP its me again, just like that....Almost as if i get so overwhelmed with sensations, that i float off and then realize im floating off, when i should be focusing, and try to bring myself back to focus, thus when i lose it

*Edit* Dont know if this will help, But i lay on my bed, with my head faceing north and my feet facing south, 2 pillows behind me for support(my best attempt at a 37 degree angle) I've yet to try the sitting/reclined position as i lack good furnatuire with head support
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Old 11-13-2007, 05:48 AM   #4

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ATM the only thing that occurs to me is that you could also try using affirmations like "I remember my projections" and do them every time you wake up and every time you go to bed. And keep doing what you're doing.
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Old 11-13-2007, 05:53 AM   #5

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Okie dokie, Ill give that a shot and go from there, Thanks for taking the time to reply ^.^, It was helpful, very
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Old 11-13-2007, 06:51 AM   #6

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hakii... I think that I have something to offer here... I am new to energy work, but NOT new to OBE... I project spontaneously/without control... meaning i have NEVER induced the experience from fully waking state... The Energy Body Sensations and Vibrations are clear and distinct... not to be confused with slight 'tingling' or barely distinguishable 'waves' of energy... when I raise energy, I definately feel the fruits of my labor, and i fell the 'tingling' and 'waves'... but, It is my understanding that these are Preliminary sensations... The Energy Body Sensations that you are looking for are VERY intense, and will take on a life of their own when properly stumulated... I have a technique i call 'Waking/Drifting' or w/d... where i allow myself to go to sleep slightly, then 'snap' to awake... over and over again, drifting more and more until finally i 'snap' aware, and am in the middle of very strong exit sensations vibrations, etc... (energy that I do not recall 'raising') of course this technique is flawed... as i usually just fall asleep... My goal is to safely induce the experience... i have my own thoughts on energy raising but i will stick with NEW... as i am very impressed...
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Old 11-13-2007, 10:50 AM   #7

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Hmmm, When i start to feel those sensations, as im about to exit, to me they feel very agressive, and i sometimes feel as if im incredibly tense and i can feel my back and feel slowly grab grip, and my center start to raise of the bed forming a sort of arch action in my body with the base's being my head and heels, and by reaction i remind myself not to get tense.....At this point is it just tension i feel or could it just be energy pressure, and i should instead allow it to come, and not release from it?

I ask this because when i release from that tension, I notice a slow downfall before i completely lose it, i would say an average of 10 mins i can hold on....Before i have to rework all my energy, and get them flowing again
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Old 11-13-2007, 06:13 PM   #8

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Hakki, do you use body loosening techniques? If not, I suggest you experiment spending a lot of time with body loosening techniques. Peddal your legs, move your imaginary arms . Twist your hips. Roll your body. Imagine your face projecting out and rotating around the walls. Do whatever feels right and creates energy sensations. Climb imaginary steps with your hands on the rails so legs and arms are working. Maintain focus. You may find this makes all the difference to your experience.

You may also find it effective to get six hours of sleep and then try your projection techniques.
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Old 11-13-2007, 11:15 PM   #9

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Thank you for this advice its is all very helpful, And every time someone replies, there is something new to learn or be aware of, Which helps me archive my final goal, Conscious projecting.....

My Current body loosing technique is, i first start with being aware of what is at the bottom of my feet and then at the crown of my head. I then start to feel, the areas in between... Once i feel i have a firm grip on those areas, I start the swirl around the room, and i continue that for what feels like 2-4 minutes(I've noticed my sense of 'time' during all this is flawed from the physical worlds time....I also know to expect this feeling, its rather amazing if one were to ask me lol)....And then i can feel me leg and arms sometimes pop out, And i am laying there like a dog on his/her back doing the doggy paddle, Silently smirking inside because it amazing....

I have never tried the whole body 'squiggle'(Or so it is going to be called in my head) method, that you mentioned Beekeeper, Next time this afternoon when i attempt i'll have to give it a go, and see if i can loosen me up more then the normal state i put myself in before i attempt my exit....

AFter reading many "Topics" on this forum board, i notice alot of people make there attempts around 4AM-7AM, Previously I was trying after i had already woken up and started the day, I tended to enjoy attempting during the day time(Less scary/ seemingly more easy and exciting)

Well Last night i woke up at 4AM to take my dog misty outside....Grab a quick yawn, and slowly strolled my way back to my bed......I laid there for about 5 mins before i started to drift off to sleep, I remember feeling my body heat slowly raise, i got this clammy feeling in my whole body, I thought this was rather odd, since i am normally incredibly cold and never hot......And then for the rest of the night(This is going to be hard to explain) I Felt i was sleeping / but i wasn't, Or was i? It felt as if i was in this limbo state where i knew i was sleeping, but i was aware that i was not sleeping, and just aware that my body was sweating, No other thoughts came to mind aside from "Are you sleeping or are you awake" occasionally switching body positions then going right back into that same state a few mins later....I continued to do this for the next 3 hours while sleeping, being in this constant limbo state, or so it felt like, never fully awake but being aware i was sleeping.....

Thinking to myself once i woke up, I related this sensation to the mind split that occurs, Yet i was unable to do anything about it.....

Im so excited,everyday i feel i am getting closer and closer, I will pervail, but like others, I gotta put in the grunt work first sometimes in preparing for the inevitable
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Old 11-14-2007, 12:18 AM   #10

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Most all (85%+) of my projections occur at about that time of the morning... and/or after periods of sleep... and upon waking up... i rarely have a full event unless i have already slept... I do not try moving until i have some pretty intense energy body sensations/vibrations... for me, trying to 'hard' to move or 'rushing it' causes some exit sensations that are not pleasant... fear/panic reflex is strong with me... the best times ive had out of body, were in the afternoon, after a nap...
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Old 11-15-2007, 02:08 AM   #11

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Well after waking up this morning i and recalling a very vivid dream i had, I decided to write it down, and ponder through my thoughts, as to what happened. and surf through the forums to see if anyone else had similar reactions or similar sensations...After following several links bouncing me around the forums, i came across the M.A.P Section board.

Previously i had blown off browsing that section do the the fact it said Mastering in the title. figuring it was a transition form beginners to more advanced OBE experiences. Upon looking at this section i noticed the BWgen thread....Having read about hemi-sync techniques before i decided to entertain the idea of using this as a tool.....So i downloaded the program, stuck some earphones in and practiced Rising energy....

After some time i noticed my mind my mind, thinking clearer instead of the incessant thinking process i normally have(If this makes any sense) I noticed a much Calmer thinking process instead of a 'nagging'(Refer to Example) Instead of actually thinking about it, i noticed it and just let it happen, instead of thinking about it...Which was amazing....after some time i noticed myself slowly drifting to sleep, My ears started to hurt from the headphones at this point, so i removed them rolled over....and BAM i was in a lucid dream....to which i remember very clearly, well the actions of the dream, not the conversations that went on, i have a rough idea but thats all i have, more like i got feelings instead verbal stimulation....I could see the area i was in, it was almost a foggy environment ....Which happened to be in my Girlfriends dorm room about 45 miles away, i was there for what seemed like only a few minutes when her neighbor across the hall came out, said some gibberish, which then made my girlfriend get really mad and (the really mad was only a feeling i got from it)leave the room, Interested in what was going to happen next i followed her out to the hallway, where i clearly remember myself saying to her, your forgot to lock your door, please go back and lock it....I then walk back shut the door....After shutting the door, I came too in my own body.....

Though i was unable to control the actions in the dream, i distinctly remember being there as if it were real......

Im wondering currently if going out and purchasing the Book Mastering Astral Projection 90 Day guide, would be beneficial to me, Since hearing the noise in my ear kinda shut up my brain and allowed it to focus more on my tasks at hand....Maybe a step by step guide on meditation practices would help me focus on whats going on instead of what i think/want to go on, Darn Brain wont shut up sometimes and i have this nagging feeling i get snapped out of anything because my brain is think/getting excited

Example: "Ok Patrick, now start to move your energy, and feel it in your body move up slowly....No, no, no wait dont forget the sponge, bring the sponge up through your legs and into the stomach area" All of this is what i sometimes think when i feel certain things and notice things.......
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Old 11-15-2007, 02:31 AM   #12

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keep at it... definately keep a journal, there are many advantages in the long run... I haven't experimented with hemi-sync or BWGen, so I wont try to give advise there... but the BWGen is only an optional part of M.A.P. I just skipped over the BWGen part. If you find Roberts approach to OBE on Astral Dynamics appealing enough then M.A.P. is an obvious companion... I noticed a much Calmer thinking process instead of a 'nagging'(Refer to Example) Instead of actually thinking about it, i noticed it and just let it happen, instead of thinking about it... That is fascinating... it is taking me some time to learn to approach meditation/energy work, without using words to think... I find myself fighting/myself... kinda... very hard to get rid of the 'monkey chatter' in my brain... is that what you are talking about???
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Old 11-15-2007, 02:43 AM   #13

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If you find Roberts approach to OBE on Astral Dynamics appealing enough then M.A.P. is an obvious companion...

I love his book astral dynamics, One of the best well thought books with very clear descriptions instead of just vague and unexplained thoughts....

And yes the darn chatter that happens, When i notice something others notice, or a feeling similar to those described.....my brain wont shut up talking about the next thing to focus on/the next step, Almost as if i notice it and get over excited for the next step to come...Almost as if when it happens or i feel these things, my brain is so overexcited about me accomplishing the next step or archiving a step i have yet to accomplish....and shouts....YESSSSSSSSSS
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