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Old 10-11-2007, 04:17 PM   #1

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Default Your views on Intention...
I've heard and read a lot of things dealing with AP, OBE, and Magic, that INTENTION is one of the key factors. That you need to intend to accomplish whatever you wish to do.

I would like for whoever is knolegable in this to go in depth into what exactly intention is and how it is properly utilized.

I seem to be having a problem with this because I cant see how you can intend something almost non physical. I see intention as the moment you decide or commit in your mind to do some form of physical action and then do that action.

The definition of Intention describes it as more of a concept. Where as when dealing in this field of discussion Intention seems to be viewed as a driving force to manifest an outcome. You can see why I am very confused.

Is it just telling yourself in your mind "I intend to have and OBE"? Or is it a desire for it to happen? Whatever it is how do you properly utilize it?

I would appreciate some help

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Old 10-11-2007, 06:14 PM   #2

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Intention and manifestation are interlinked.

Intention is the act of willing something to be a certain way.

Manifestation is something becoming existant because of someone's intention.

It gets a bit more complicated beyond that.

Intention must be formulated in an unambiguous way in order to have an effect. The nature of our minds is an obstacle to this - you can virtually be of two (or more) minds about something. You can have conflicting intentions - because you want to will something you may be subconsciously afraid of. So you think "I want to OBE" but you may also think next "I am afraid of the unknown", thereby weakening your intention.

Creating focused attention by overcoming your fears, instituting positive thinking habits, and all kinds of self-development stuff is therefore an empowering act that helps you develop powers of manifestation (= creation).

When you combine intent with visualisation (the clear and unambiguous act of creating a picture in your conscious mind to send a message to your subsconscious mind) you begin manifesting. When your heart truly desires a thing, you super-charge this manifestation and become a creator. Thinking, feeling, visualising are the tools of manifestation.

So in order for example to improve your OBE skills with intent, you would repeat unambiguous, positive affirmations to program you for success. Like Robert's "flight training" in MAP you would do "dry runs" in the physical to simulate an OBE exit to stimulate yourself in visualisation-like exercise for success and better recall. You could meditate about your fears that block your intent to OBE and learn to abolish them.

All of these techniques are embodiments of intent and acts of focusing intent, and this will help manifesting the success you want.

I hope this was helpful for you.

Good success and take good care,
CedssypeEdids is offline

Old 10-11-2007, 06:31 PM   #3

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I will simplify Korpo's answer:
Is it just telling yourself in your mind "I intend to have and OBE"? Or is it a desire for it to happen?
A desire.

Whatever it is how do you properly utilize it? By turning desire into 'knowing'. And following through.
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Old 10-11-2007, 06:36 PM   #4

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PS -

I forgot something about what I posted. If you want to learn more about it you could read Sonia Choquette's "Soul Lessons and Soul Purpose" - the first few of the lessons are all about intent, creation and manifestation. Highly recommended!

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Old 10-14-2007, 03:19 PM   #5

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I've heard and read ...that INTENTION is one of the key factors. That you need to intend to accomplish whatever you wish to do. I would like for whoever is knolegable in this to go in depth into what exactly intention is and how it is properly utilized.
You got some good answers already . I would like to add that intention becomes more powerful as the magician develops the energy body and raises the vibration . Franz Bardon writes about joining will , focus and visualisation with intention in order to manifest . Doing these together in meditative trance is most effective .
Sit in dim light in a throne position
Open in protection
Deep Cleanse Breathe Crown to Toes
Raise Energy Toes to Crown
Close the physical eyes
enter meditative trance
focus on the now
visualise the perfect outcome
will this to manifest and send energy from the brow centre into the visualisation
focus and intend this to come to you
do not ask or want say instead thank you for having it now
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Old 10-15-2007, 03:49 AM   #6

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Who would you recommend is the best source to learn how to get into a meditative trance? Ive been reading a number of books and they all seem different.

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Old 10-15-2007, 08:00 AM   #7

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The best literary assistance I have ever used for learning meditation was The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying by Sogyal Rinpoche. It is called Dzogchen meditation in the book but this strange name serves as a strange label for what one intuitively expects meditation to be, in other words: the basics.

The main redeeming aspect of this book is that it is carefully and compassionately written for the beginner, because it is a book which was written expressly for the entire world to read.

What I'm saying here is that it is a great beginner's tool because of the lead-you-by-the-hand approach of the Dzogchen part of the book, written by a person whose life has been imbued by the most disciplined and thorough meditative practice, as the history of his culture has been.
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Old 10-15-2007, 08:20 AM   #8

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I think Castaneda would be the best source to learn about intention. You likely wouldn't have heard that work associated with these subjects without his books.

And just as important as Intention, is Attention, or more specifically awareness.
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Old 10-15-2007, 08:40 AM   #9

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Another key factor in projection(besides all the NEW practice and meditation you gotta do)is feel that you can/have already done it. You know, somewhere, that you can do it. In theory, we all astral project in our sleep. Now, all we have to do is keep them in our consciousness. Simply put, the power of positive thinking! I know it sounds lame, but it does help more than you think.

Many Blessings!

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Old 11-06-2007, 02:25 AM   #10

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I would like for whoever is knolegable in this to go in depth into what exactly intention is and how it is properly utilized. One thing that is missing in this thread is a treatment of negative thought patterns which may lead to ineffective or imperfect intention.

When one reaches a certain momentum with their practice and raises their base vibration even semi-permanently, a pre-conditioned negative response will create a larger 'reality wave' than it did before. For example, one gets stuck in traffic, at the same light they always do. At the moment where one would normally smack the steering wheel and let a few choice words fly, one who has greater realization would be wise to take a deep breath this time, relax and just accept it. Its only fair universally, because you are probably the only one at this light today that has figured out HOW to change your baseline vibration. Besides, if you do this every day for two weeks, the light will probably stop catching you!

The thing is that if the normal, negative reaction is not nipped in the bud, it will cause a more powerful magnetized negative ripple that will eventually draw other such mental events to it, thereby reinforcing each other, finally making one's life just an exercise in polarized extremes (getting caught by a train AND the same light TWICE tomorrow, when you're supposed to be meeting your dream mate you attracted with your intent but you're really late and hopelessly frustrated to boot!) instead of an exercise in balanced baseline transformation.

The most interesting thing I've experienced with this is that once most of the negative reactions are noticed and neutralized from within, and acceptance has become second nature, one finds that their power to create with intention was never meant to be used on the things that first impelled one to desire to recreate circumstances...because these circumstances have been dealt with in a much simpler way TO make room for intent. The conflict disappears and intent becomes a sacred pristine power again that one knows one must be careful with because you CAN actually manifest what you want, and what you don't!

It's a yin/yang thing. Though you want to create with yang, you cannot forget that you need the yin to take an appropriate form to catch your yang creation without compromising it. In everyday terms, it's not smart, or standard practice for that matter, to beef up a car engine without beefing up the brake system as well.

In short, cease making any negative thoughts or allowing superficial negative emotional patterns (bad habits) WHILE taking all of the good advice that has been offered in this thread. They will reinforce each other exponentially. I guess that once you discover that you can accept pretty much anything, you may decide that you don't want to manifest what you thought you did and thus must reconcentrate on the deeper Self to find a more worthy goal to work toward with this freed power, which is often not the same intention you held before raising the baseline vibration.

Still, if you weed your garden (mind) often, your plants (intentions) will grow much better whether you use fertilizer (positive affirmations/visualization) or not!

P.S. I realize that you have probably already figured this out but it never hurts to focus on the fundamentals again.

Love and Light
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Old 11-06-2007, 02:54 AM   #11

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While I agree that you have to be careful with negative thought, and ultimately have to overcome it, and also agree that what we find at the end of the search is often not what our small minds set out to search for, I disagree with the "negative wave" idea.

I have used intention to create, but what you described came not to pass. True, negative thought can erect barriers, but this will not automatically happen or manifest as negative events necessarily. It will just make things a bit harder, especially in our minds.

You will not miss the mate of your dreams, however within your mind you might be afraid of being with her or him. This does not manifest so much in negative events but more in a state of inner blockedness, fear and so on.

Also - the true mate made for you, not just now, but also tomorrow, will have more than one chance in your life. And if you "blow a chance" someone who has the potential to become your loving partner will give you another. Panicking over the consequences of negative thoughts is also a negative thought, actually a true cascade of them. This is easy to stop - do not take negative thoughts seriously. They are not as bad as they are made to be, just not useful and a habit to shed over time.

I found negative thoughts do by far not so strongly manifest as positive ones, else the world would actually be a lot worse. Exponentially. Even small positive thoughts can blossom, as the positive carries enormous creative power, while negative does not.

Just my perceptions.

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