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Old 10-28-2007, 11:57 PM   #1

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Default How to see Aura's?
Can someone teach me how to see aura's?

I have been to some sites that teach you but most of the exercises you need both eyes to cross, I only have vision in one eye which makes that kinda hard..

Do you see it in your mind? or your actual vision?

I would really appreciate it if someone could teach me
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Old 10-29-2007, 03:07 AM   #2

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yeah id quite like to get into this too. according to RB auric sight is where the eyes and the brow chakra are working together, Clairvoyant visions come directly from the brow chakra.
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Old 10-29-2007, 03:09 AM   #3

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Most "aura sight" tutorials teach you how to strain your eyes so you can see white outlines around dark objects... Staring at something static for long enough will make patches of neon-yellow appear; our eyes react to contrasts, so when you look at something that doesn't move for long enough, the brain won't be getting any sensory information back...

"True" astral sight is done in a state of trance, preferably with closed eyes in a pitch dark room so that there is minimal interference with your actual eyes. Like OBEs, it starts with hypnogogic hallucinations.

You know how thinking of something will usually make its picture appear in the back of your head? Well, hypnogogia is when these background pictures come to the foreground, a bit as though the brain was temporarily rewired to treat your visual memory as your actual physical sight. Chain reactions will appear, where trains of thought will make images appear, and the images themselves will cause reactions within you that cause more images to appear... If you're deep enough in trance, this will create a dream.

So far, I'm not sure how to control whether you'll be seeing a subjective dream or whether you'll be seeing the environment around you, with auras and spirits overlayed... It seems much easier to actually exit the body and look than to control it from still within your body.

Many things hint at the idea that you must raise energy to gain the ability; i.e. your energy field must be large enough for you to be able to reach what you want to be looking at. Under a certain arbitrary treshold of an arbitrary quantity of incalculable energy, you'll be astrally blind.
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Old 10-29-2007, 03:42 AM   #4

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thankyou for the detailed reply bonga.

I just found that article Boris was talking about and there is a program to practice with.. fortunately RB's technique doesn't require two eyes and i was able to an aura for the first time! yay!

Bonga, i meditate very regularly and I know what your talking about.. I also am a very experienced lucid dreamer
But I heard from someone before that when you are in a deep meditative state and you see patterns that are similar to HI, its actually electrical discharge happening in the brain due to increased oxygen or something like that. I'm not quite sure how accurate that is but it came from someone who wrote a very detailed report on qigong meditation.

The other night though I was doing a meditation where i focused on my dantein and the breath, and i started to see these patterns (call it electrical discharge, HI, woteva) but the patterns weren't random.. it was like a yin/yang flowing in a circle.. and the breath is supposed to flow in a circle like this so I think this may have been astral sight.
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Old 10-29-2007, 05:06 AM   #5

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Many things hint at the idea that you must raise energy to gain the ability; i.e. your energy field must be large enough for you to be able to reach what you want to be looking at. Under a certain arbitrary treshold of an arbitrary quantity of incalculable energy, you'll be astrally blind. You know I'll be quoting you for years, don't you?
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Old 10-31-2007, 07:00 AM   #6

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But I heard from someone before that when you are in a deep meditative state and you see patterns that are similar to HI, its actually electrical discharge happening in the brain due to increased oxygen or something like that. I'm not quite sure how accurate that is but it came from someone who wrote a very detailed report on qigong meditation.
Yeah, "phosphenes" ; like watching the clouds and seeing bunnies, the flashes of light get interpreted into something else... But farther down the line, you start seeing much more vivid, less random stuff...

CFTraveler: Do you have a little quote book with all my quotes in it?
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Old 10-31-2007, 07:17 AM   #7

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Yada yada
No, but I'll be starting one right now- You and Alex are a fountain of exceptionally descriptive phrases.
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Old 11-01-2007, 10:20 AM   #8

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Some say auras are best seen on white background and some suggest dark black background .Why not experiment with both ?

I have read about seeing auras best on white backgrounds too . But I don't feel this helps me at all . We see Christmas Trees and Fireworks best at night . I see auras best in dim light against a dark background .

I prefer to read energy ie auric energy or hermetic colouring of the energy body limbs etc in this manner ;

* Prepare the room with dim light a comfortable arm chair for sitter and reader .

* Prep the sitter as you prep yourself that is ask them to raise energy also

* Open in protection as you will

* Deep cleanse breathe

* Power up raising energy

* Achieve a light meditative trance

* Close physical eyes

* Look through third eye

For auras I look to the left shoulder noting the colours and then to the crown and down the right shoulder noting the differences in these three areas .The right side has to do with males and the left side with females ie an area of olive green on the right side may indicate a health issue that has to deal with male issues ie father , bf . partner etc.

I interpret the colours in this manner ;
http://au.msnusers.com/AuntClairsParlor ... msetc.msnw

But you will want to consider what the colours mean to you , your guide and the sitter .Finally in answer to the background question . I find any dark colour in a dimly lit room helps the colours of the auric energy to stand out . I prefer dark solid blue or black but see what works best for your own sight . An A3 square of card or large poster board could be used I find that the colours leap out in waves and spikes and clouds and come away from the head about 15 cm on most people .

The aura extends around the entire body but the head is easiest to view . But you can also read your own hands and have sitters stand sideways and view their heart aura too . Once you get good at this it is possible to look at the energy of the skin and within the energy body . I do not see the colour of the skin but the hermetic colouring of the energy on and through the energy limbs .
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Old 11-01-2007, 01:57 PM   #9

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Hello Akorah,

There is a tutorial on auras in the main site of this forum: http://www.astraldynamics.com/tutorials/?BoardID=9

Robert said several years ago that he was writing a book on auras called “Romancing the Eye.” It was about 90 percent finished. He was going to finish it and publish it, but hasn’t yet. Keep in mind that the above tutorial is only for seeing auras which Robert defines as being different from clairvoyance. The book, if it ever becomes a book, will cover clairvoyance, future sight, remote viewing etc.

I hope you find the tutorial helpful Akorah.

PS – you don’t have to cross your eyes on this tutorial.
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Old 11-01-2007, 03:37 PM   #10

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I just found that article Boris was talking about and there is a program to practice with.. fortunately RB's technique doesn't require two eyes and i was able to an aura for the first time! yay!
Thanks for the help everyone.. i can see aura's now

I would like to develop my clairaudience too, can someone direct me to a good link? thanks.
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Old 11-02-2007, 06:49 AM   #11

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Staring at an object with physical sight until you see the opposite colour everywhere as you turn your gaze is caused by retinal staining . Looking at your fingers or around the head and shoulders of another in dim light through the brow centre is clairvoyance .

Here is a link to develop clairvoyance ;
http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewto ... highlight=
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