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Old 04-15-2007, 12:57 AM   #1

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Default My first exit/s (input would be lovely)
(I am now currently practicing the art of writing short posts with a lot of information in them, instead of doing the opposite which I have a habit of doing a lot. sorry)

Ok, it's soon my 4th week of the MAP program. In addition to it, I have some sound files that much like the BWG and hemi-sync (I think), are produced to alter the states of consciousness through sound. I know you shouldn't project in these early stages of the program, but I feel like I have done it so many times without knowing it, and nothing bad can actually happen. Please correct me if I am wrong, and I will practise some discipline.

0. All those weird sensations, probably not exits but still worth mentioning.

When I first ran the sound file I have, let's call it OBEF (obe-file), I immediately had some results. My legs started vibrating a lot and my heart started racing and beating fast, and since I was very new to all this, the heart thing freaked me out and I aborted. I mean. I hadn't even opened the MAP...

Other sensations I can "induce" pretty effortlessly, are the sensations of first realizing my hands and feet are completely paralyzed, and then that my hands, especially my right hand, for some reason slowly turns inside of my body, the physical hand is lying with palm down, the etheral/astral one is turned with palm facing upwards. It's a very strange feeling indeed. Then the feet and hands start "drifting" upwards, a friend of mine described it as if there were hooks in them, and pulled them upwards, but I feel it more like they loose the pull of gravity, and start to "float" upwards slowly.

I can easily get completely random images running through my mind, usually just before I fall asleep at night, before I used to joke and say just before I fell asleep "I hope Today's Image is something nice". These images seem very symbolic in nature, it could be a chest of treasures, a basket or other objects, but usually it's faces, as described by CFTraveler, palapatine looking ones. Once I saw this red "devil" looking face with yellow eyes, just floating in the air (I saw it in my mind, not IRL). I sort of laughed at it since it looked so atypical of a cartoon-demon, and then it disappeared. when I and alhaalim tried listening to the obef at the same time, I saw a nosferatu-looking head which had the ability to sort of extend it's eyes out like small white cones or like in the movie the Mask + several cartoons, they could extend in a slow and ghostly matter and zoom onto me. I just said, "I don't fear you, just go away". So the head turns and starts moving it's extended eyes to alhaalim, as if asking "what about him, will he fear me?", and I just said "no, go away now", and it disappeared. Since these "images" come pretty early, prior to the other symptoms, I personally think they are coming from my mind, being bored because it's so quite, so it starts to dig up some fantasies and puts them into life. But I don't know, maybe they are astral beings taking a closer look.

After all situations like this, when I "return" to conscious life, I feel sort of "out of my limbs". I can see my hands and feet move, but I really don't feel them. Also I feel a bit cold.

1. The moment of glory - my first conscious exit (yes, I am sure).

Ok, I'll just stick to the facts:

It was late in the evening, I had been doing like two hours of energy work, and the energy raising was very very strong, I felt like a walking sun or something like that. I hadn't eaten in at least five hours. For the first time prior to listening to the obef, I prayed very intently to the sources I usually pray to, asking angels and especially my higher self (which I believe is a huge owl) to come down and lift me up. I had my incenses "Astral Magic Zodiac Sign" burning, and a little candle as the only light source in the room. My mind was very quiet since I had been doing mind taming exercises for at least 40 minutes. And also, for the first time, I said in my mind "Astral" while inhaling and "Projection" when exhaling, I think this greatly improved my ability to stay calm during the whole experience.

This is what happened. I will describe each symptom in a chronological order:

*I lay down, and press play on the obef
*Immediately, my arms start vibrating, more like pulsating, and I feel activity in my 3rd brow. the vibration spreads to my legs.
*the vibration gets stronger, and I start hearing strange noises, clicking sides especially at my right ear, and a low pitch musical tone very close to my left ear, as if someone held an electric bass speaker to my ear and "boiiiinnnnng" hit a low string to show off in a very "rock and roll" fashion
*I start twisting and turning within my body, sort of without intent turning my head down to the right, and spinning/floating around my right shoulder inside my body (sort of like when you're moving under water, if you have ever been diving, you know, when you are trying to control buoyancy or to find your air-supply tube PADI style - lean over and let the tube float in front of you)
*this is where I really have to struggle with the "astral"... "projection"... mantra in my mind, because a lot of things start to happen at the same time. I get very very warm in my chest area, my heart starts racing and I feel energy within my body, getting very "excited"
*I feel it as if my entire body is rocking from side to side, pretty violently but still in a very, uhm, "controlled" way, as if I am in a huge crib, rocking from side to side
*somewhere here, something really strange happens, I feel it as if the entire perception of my body (like, ok, my foot is over there, I can feel it, my hand is over there, there is my head etc) instantly shifts / shrinks into this big sphere of energy / perception that is located on my chest / face, as if "I" as a body, am this "ball" of energy that exists between just under where my heart is, and up to where my third brow is, a very cool feeling indeed, I also feel like this ball / cone of energy and perception is a bit above me, in front of me
*this is where the coolest thing happens, as the energy has been fuelling up and building up, it is now "ready for take-off" and WHAM, I just blast off, straight up in the air! This feeling was one of the most wonderful I've felt ever. I have imagined how it would feel to lift from your body, and I have felt my hands and feet lift, but the idea I head of how it should feel to lift off, was NOTHING compared to this. I felt soooo incredibly light. I was pure energy, if even that. I was loosened, I had no flesh, no skeleton, I was lighter than air itself. And also, it didn't really feel like I "lifted", it felt more like my body and my bed and the entire room just "dropped" and fell down behind me, while I, the "ball" stayed in place. It was fast too, as if you have tied a balloon filled with air at the bottom of a pool, and then you just suddenly cut the rope, and the balloon raced quickly to the surface. That feeling.
*At this point, I couldn't control myself anymore. I bursted with joy and though, almost heard myself say "I HAVE TO CALL ALHAALIM AND TELL HIM ABOUT THIS!!!" and "What will I write in the post? ". That made me snap back and I opened my physical eyes and immediately though of putting out the incense and the flame, since it had been burning for quite some time. As I went up to put it out, I felt that odd out-of-my-limbs feeling, also I was shivering, almost shaking because I was so cold (the room itself was very warm). After I drank some water and "shook" around some, my perception of my body was normal again.

I have waited almost a week to write about this experience, and I really don't know why. I think I was afraid that you would go "stupid, you shouldn't attempt exit before you are in week 6 of the program!!" but I don't really care now . What's done is done.

What was so cool about this is that I felt no fear, no negativity at all, which I was pretty prepared for, I just felt utter bliss and light and peace and excited joy.

2. The pre-exit time
Two days later I tried again, but this time I was just energy raising, and then I felt the vibrations. This time I think I projected, but my conscious mind didn't follow into the astral body. This is what happened:

*the entire experience was very mild, compared to the other one
*I started feeling small vibrations in the legs, and then I felt myself loose consciousness, so I did some active thinking to stay awake. "Astral... Projection..." was hard to do as my mind wandered away.
*As I drifted off into sleep / projection, I heard astral noise for the 2nd time in my life. I heard this roaring wind and also, I heard my mother's voice, far away to my left side, saying first my name, then something I couldn't make out, but I could clearly hear her say something. It was pretty random, something like "X, I heard in the news today that... what do you think of that? I think that..." or similar. Perhaps it sounded like she gave me some information. *My mother was not in the house at the time, nor was anyone else*
*Here I think I fall asleep, because what happened later was that an alarm clock I had set up for the energy raising practice, 10 minutes, woke me up and I felt pretty weird.

No big deal about that one, but I felt like writing it here.

3. dream - Lucid - jump - exit - memory lapse - astral / dream?
This happened when I fell asleep in the morning, I woke up at 6am at first, then when everything was over, I woke up again around 8am.

I will not go into the details of the dream before this one, but it was a typical school-dream (although I didn't recognize the school building). In the dream, I am on a bus, on my way home from the school. It's early morning, like 5am and I am on a buss with other, very tired passengers. Two guys, typical "dudes" as in teenage movies, sit in front of me, and I can see an old tired man sit in the back, to the left of me, and I know there's other passengers on the bus but I didn't think of looking at them. The two dudes are constantly commenting everything they see. "Omg, look at that f*--er, he looks like an idiot" etc. This goes on for a while, we drive by a parking lot next to a graveyard and a church (?), and there's a father and his two children playing with small four-wheel driven jeep cars, red ones, and the dudes go "hah, silly cars, they should rename them to be called 'silly-wheelers'". I'm really getting annoyed by these guys since I just want to fall asleep on the bus. This is where the dream changes character.

The road exits the town, suburb part of town, and then it's high up on a mountain all of a sudden. Now I am only an observer. To the left of there's a forest on the steep mountain, and down to the right there's a meadow shadowed by huge trees. In the field, there's a lot of youngsters kicking a footballs, passing and showing off. This is where the dream gets a commercial-ish character, one of the guys accidentally shoot the his football up to the road, and there stands this soccer-star David Beckham-style only that it's a guy I know IRL, a conductor in one of my choirs. This guys playfully kicks back the football and you can tell that the boys are very excited to see their idol star being there, so they rush up to the road, and everyone starts kicking footballs around, having a good time.

This is where I get back into the story again. I run into the "kicking"-fest and kick around a ball myself, and the two "dudes" are always in the background, commenting and laughing at people who miss their footballs. Now we have moved further down the road, and we are high up in a Himalaya-like environment, steep falls with ice and snow on them to the right, and a sharp climb of a mountain wall to the left. Below the steep slope to the right there's cyan coloured glaciers / waters. The sun is shining and I can't really experience any cold or heat, no temperature at all. Anyway, the football-pro gets another ball shot in his direction, and while two boys run to him, to catch the ball, he playfully fires it away weary off out of sight, and now *this is where I start to get lucid in the dream* a tibetan / Mongolian looking young girl, age 7-12 walks out from behind a big stone / ice-pile and she looks really sad, because the ball that was kicked a way was actually hers. I recognize this little girl very well, possibly from a picture I took of a girl and her mother on TianMen's square in Beijing last year. I feel sorry for her, and sit down to rest a bit on the right side of the road, on some ice, together with other tired guys. We start sliding downhill though, and a friend of mine comes out of nowhere and screams "GUYS! You're gonna fall, watch out!" and everyone, including me start grasping and holding on to whatever we can hold on to, but we're sliding down towards the edge of the ice. Here I realize "this can't be happening, I'm dreaming", and as soon as I realize this, I just stand up, and dive off the cliff, realizing the guys who are struggling to hold on, are just illusions created by my mind, and I am so proud of myself that I jumped and dived down.

This is where it gets weird. Instead of falling for some time, or even hitting a surface, I feel like I land in some kind of jelly / thick fluid, and I spin and float around inside of this warm substance, with random outbursts of vibration here and there in my body. I realize I must be either inside my physical body trying to exit (in this part of the dream it's not really a dream anymore), or that I've exited and am in some sort of strange dimension. Just to be safe, I try several times to "roll" out of my body and onto the floor, I manage to do this like three times for some reason, each time feeling very strange and unfamiliar. I remember I couldn't really see, but I felt both violet and black "void" / energy all around me, I felt at home and I felt safe, sort of like in my mother's womb kind of feeling. When I come to think about it, I imagine it felt a lot like Neo felt in the pool of the matrix, I was floating around in some violet goo in a pitch black environment. Cool.

Anyhow, this is where I have a short memory lapse. But the dream / astral projection is very cool, so I will highlight in indigo just to make sure everyone reads at least that part.

I am standing up in my room. It's evening and I feel very at home in this environment, even though it seems totally new. I look around my room and I see that there are some things that are just not right, for instance, there's another bed at lower end of my bed, standing in a 90 degrees angle from my bed, and also, if I look out the window I think it was snowing (it's springtime with a lot of sun here atm), and also, my room was on the street-level of the house, in real life it's on the 2nd level. I believe these are all so called reality fluctuations. Outside my window, there are two Asian / Egyptian looking females, young, who are smiling and seem to be very very excited and interested in me for some reason, they're knocking on the glass and wondering if they can come in. I get sort of mad, or more like I feel they are intruding, so I waved them off. I remember thinking my mother had probably sent them to see me, because she was so proud of me (for some reason), and she wanted to show me off to all kinds of people. I remember hearing a lot of activity going on downstairs, I heard my mom's voice, and she talked in a very calm, harmonic but also "royal" way, you could tell there was a lot of authority, wisdom and humble-ness (lol) in her voice and persona. I heard people coming and going, either to get some advice and guidance from her, or to just sit back and have a relaxing chat with her. I remember I was very shy and felt very "new" to this environment, it was as if I was 5 years old and had snuck out at night when the grown-ups are hanging out. Mother called me down several times, I couldn't really hear words but I felt it like "Come down now son, don't be so shy, there are a lot of people here interested in meeting you, we are all very proud of you, and of (what I supposedly had achieved, whatever it was)" - but I wanted to keep to myself, so I went back to the room and I noticed this huge painting / dried animal leather skin hanging on my wall (that wall is empty in real life, except for a small mirror), with big and black hieroglyphs on it, not like in tombs and temples, many small and such, no, they were pretty big, almost like you would expect them to be in learning books, the information given out was very simple. As I "read" them I either heard a female voice, or remembered one telling me (as if I had just been to a lesson and I was repeating the teacher's voice inside of my head, replaying it from my memory) that "The Vu people were an ancient tribe, an ancient primitive people that lived in the area of Egypt, before Egypt became a unified kingdom. They worshipped the reproductive organs, the wrists and ivory bones".

When this "information" was given to me, I woke up, remembering everything crystal clear, which resulted in 6 whole pages in my dream journal. I haven't looked into the Vu-people (perhaps Ve-people), but I will do that soon. And also, I said a lot of mantras I've found on the net, just before I fell asleep the evening before that. This experience, when I am in my room but it's not really my room, felt so vivid, I could move around and I was in full control of myself, but in almost no control of the surroundings. And oh I remember I was thinking "what time is it anyway?" and each time I looked at the digital clock beside my bed (that I removed from there like two years ago lol), it showed a different time, I think they were like 13:25 - 20:00 - 22:00 - 2:00, and this really made me puzzled in the dream, because the day/nightlight and the "time" didn't seem to move at all.

I hope at least someonemanaged to read all the way through this gigantic post.

So, do You think the Egypt-part was OBE or just a very weird dream? I really enjoyed this experience, which happened the night Thursday - Friday.


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Old 04-15-2007, 01:31 AM   #2

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Ah-hah!! I did it, I read through it!

Sweet experiences, I already knew about them all, which may have made the reading easier but still, it's good of you to post it so that people more experienced than me (how could that be!? *sarcasm*) can post about it. I'm interested to see the responses, and I'm happy that you have gotten so much success thus far.
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Old 04-15-2007, 01:47 AM   #3

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(I am now currently practicing the art of writing short posts with a lot of information in them, instead of doing the opposite which I have a habit of doing a lot. sorry) A habit I have. *sigh*
I know you shouldn't project in these early stages of the program, but I feel like I have done it so many times without knowing it, and nothing bad can actually happen. Please correct me if I am wrong, and I will practise some discipline. There are no hard and fast rules about when you should project- I did on day 30 of the program, but I had been doing it spontanously all my life, so it's all good. Good job, btw.

I hope Today's Image is something nice". These images seem very symbolic in nature, it could be a chest of treasures, a basket or other objects, but usually it's faces, as described by CFTraveler, palapatine looking ones. Once I saw this red "devil" looking face with yellow eyes, just floating in the air (I saw it in my mind, not IRL). I sort of laughed at it since it looked so atypical of a cartoon-demon, and then it disappeared. when I and alhaalim tried listening to the obef at the same time, I saw a nosferatu-looking head which had the ability to sort of extend it's eyes out like small white cones or like in the movie the Mask + several cartoons, they could extend in a slow and ghostly matter and zoom onto me. I just said, "I don't fear you, just go away". So the head turns and starts moving it's extended eyes to alhaalim, as if asking "what about him, will he fear me?", and I just said "no, go away now", and it disappeared. Since these "images" come pretty early, prior to the other symptoms, I personally think they are coming from my mind, being bored because it's so quite, so it starts to dig up some fantasies and puts them into life. But I don't know, maybe they are astral beings taking a closer look. Too many scary movies, lol.
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Old 04-15-2007, 01:57 AM   #4

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It's possible that you stepped into a different reality (not so much 'going back in time' but an alternate timestream)- the possibilities are endless. Past lives, dream (symbolic of what?) or bleedthough, it was very interesting.
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Old 04-15-2007, 02:13 AM   #5

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Um, hasalameth? Could you please redirect me to where you found this hemi-sync audio?
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Old 04-15-2007, 03:20 AM   #6

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DarkIntellect - I'll PM it. Actually I bought it off a site which is pretty suspiscious, but I trusted it and payed and the file is very useful.

CFTraveler - I am longing for the expert-judgement here, did I exit that first time?I know the dream one and the other simple one don't have to be exits, but I am like 99% sure the other one is. that 1% is accepting that I am a beginner and might have misunderstood stuff, but it's highly unlikly.

It's possible that you stepped into a different reality (not so much 'going back in time' but an alternate timestream)- the possibilities are endless. Past lives, dream (symbolic of what?) or bleedthough, it was very interesting.
I will search "bleedthrough" just after posting this, but I would love if you could just tell me what you mean. So that dream (violet part) that happened just after I sort of lucid-dream exited (I think), what did you make of that? Did it sound like a typical astral experience or something else?

thanks for reading and responding!
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Old 04-15-2007, 05:02 AM   #7

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CFTraveler - I am longing for the expert-judgement here, did I exit that first time?
I believe so. It has elements that remind me of one of my projections. Ps. expert? No, just experienced. But not expert.

I will search "bleedthrough" just after posting this, but I would love if you could just tell me what you mean. Well, my beliefs in 'past lives' and such run more into the 'parallel lives', or alternate timestreams and possiblilities happening all at once. Some realities would be closer to this one, and others farther (let's say you made a radical decision at an early age that changed your life- your life now would be a lot different, as opposed to yesterday you had peanut butter instead of pizza for lunch, the alternate timestream would be much closer to this timestream) So two very close alternate timestreams would be easier to access than one that is very different and removed from this one, and they might even overlap in 'places', causing a 'bleedthrough', such as you having a memory of something that 'never' happened but is really inconsequential in your life. I hope this was comprehensible.
How's that for short and sweet?
Anyway, if you're still with me, I think that it's possible that some of the work we're supposed to do here with consciousness is try to integrate all of those versions of 'us' that put together constitute the 'higher self, oversoul, [put in your favorite term here] and that is why this type of exploration is useful, not just for the 'this is cool' aspect of it, or the 'bettering the ego' part of it that is also important, IMO.
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Old 04-15-2007, 05:49 AM   #8

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How's that for short and sweet?
It was great! Maybe we should create a support group for people who have the same habit, writing too long posts

I totally follow you, and that's one of my ideas too, so it's familiar to my mind, altough the term "bleedthrough" wasn't. There's a chance this is why we have déjÃÂ♥ vu's. Our other versions go "remember guy, this is the moment where you could have handled this situation way smoother, do it!".

As for the Vu-people, the more I look into the whole thing, the more confused I am. I really really want to contact my guides / higher self somehow and have this sorted out...
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Old 04-17-2007, 06:28 AM   #9

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Ok, I'm going to try to get through your little post, one paragraph at a time, and I'll try to express some thoughts on a few things. Keep in mind that I'm no expert, and can only pull from my own experiences and some things I've read.

the physical hand is lying with palm down, the etheral/astral one is turned with palm facing upwards. It's a very strange feeling indeed. Then the feet and hands start "drifting" upwards, a friend of mine described it as if there were hooks in them, and pulled them upwards, but I feel it more like they loose the pull of gravity, and start to "float" upwards slowly. Energy body separation. The backwards thing...wait until you have the experience of coming back into your body sideways...that'll really freak you out.
Once I saw this red "devil" looking face with yellow eyes Have you read about the "Dweller on the Threshold" phenomenom?

Since these "images" come pretty early, prior to the other symptoms, I personally think they are coming from my mind, being bored because it's so quite, so it starts to dig up some fantasies and puts them into life. Now this was a biggie for me. After years of having experiences, mostly through hypnotherapy and past life regressions, I came to the conclusion that there is no such thing as "coming from my mind". Personally, I think that anything that happens consciously is a real, valid experience. That includes sub-conscious things. The astral is merely a shift in consciousness to another vibration (reality, dimension, whatever you want to call it). When we are talking about parallel lives, I don't think we can even begin to comprehend the vast number of possibilities. Everything you think, every teeny tiny little thought begins a whole new existence. And, every one of those existences that have a tiny thought creates another existence. It would be like trying to calculate how far you could go by adding one to every other number in existence. It just keeps going, with no finite end. The whole point of this is that you can day dream your way into the astral. Imagination is not just imagining...it is creating new existences. Putting your "fantasies into life" is more correct than you imagined.

I have waited almost a week to write about this experience, and I really don't know why. I think I was afraid that you would go "stupid, you shouldn't attempt exit before you are in week 6 of the program!!" I think Robert writes somewhere in the beginning of MAP, telling you of what to expect just in case you have an experience before MAP gets you there. It's been awhile since I read the book, and I never really followed the protocol, 'cause I was already having experiences. I'd say to go for any experience that you get, because they aren't all that easy to have. In my experience, the more you practice NEW and meditation, the more experiences you have. Slacking off of those, slacks off my experiences.

When you are talking about your lucid dream? (#3) and you switch from observing to participating, that's pretty common. The mind-split effect can have you experiencing both those things at once, as well as also feeling things happening with your physical body. If your body is in danger (cold, limb going to sleep, etc.), you will automatically snap back to your body as a form of protection. The rest of that experience can be typical of astral experiences. Popping from one place to another, encountering people who react to you, ssome won't react to you, scenes change, tactile feelings change...the astral is one big, strange place, that's for sure. I had one experience where everyone was human, and the central figure to the story, that had the most importance to me, was a cartoon. That was freaky. I tried to change it, because I knew who it was, but it refused to change into a human. I think it's because it's someone I love dearly and couldn't accept the fact that they "killed" me in that experience. The big question for me is, how many of the "people" that I encounter are other astral projectioners, and how many are thought forms I've created. Hmmmmmm.....

I think your "Egypt" story was a combination of an OBE and a past life experience. And, dream? Well, what's the difference?
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Old 04-17-2007, 01:43 PM   #10

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thanks for yet another insightful reply, now I have to catch my bus or else I can start dreaming of another job
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