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Old 08-07-2006, 03:52 PM   #1

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Default Clairaudience ?
Hello everybody !

I have been experiencing a strange phenomenon lately. About 10 days ago, I was in my bed deeply relaxed late at night. I was doing some energy work, feeling and increasing consciously a line of energy beteween my throat chakra and my 2nd chakra with a bouncing action, when in a quite deep transe state, I started to hear a very faint note. I mean hear physically with my ear.

I listened more and heard that it was in fact a kind of oscillating frequency, like when a whale sing you know. But only one note/frequency at first, though very musical and relaxing. I listened even more, and started to notice another frequency over it, and another one. After a few minutes, I was hearing totally physically a faint but very noticable music, a bit like a hemi-sync but much more musical, it was a beautiful little melody of oscillating frequencies, like a choir of whales, repeating in a loop endlessly.

I was listening so hard that my ears were tingling with energy. It had a real 3D effect to it, although I tried to put my ears in my pillow but I still heard the music physically and not an imaginary tune.

After about 8-10 minutes, I started to heard a very faint voice on top of the melodic frequencies, repeating every 2-3 seconds. I sharpened my ear and heard a voice saying : "Lake Waaaabe ... Lake Waaaabe ... Lake Waaaabe ..." etc. in rhythm with the "music". It was very clear.

I did a little google search the next day and found that a lake Wabe does exist in Australia (I am sure not to have ever heard this name before) and a lake Wabi in the USA (I live in France).

I tried again to hear the music the next days and now I can hear it at will if I relax a bit. I was told it might be some kind of clairaudience, what do you think about that ? Taking in account that what I hear is perfectly physical but does not come from any physical source nevertheless. What could I do with it in any case ?

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Old 08-08-2006, 02:42 PM   #2

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Dear Kalonek,

I have heard some psychics talk about hearing voices at very high frequency. I cannot remember the one psychics name...it is not John Edwards...but Painterhypnogirl would know who it is. I think she has been to one of his seminars. I know that psychic says all his communication occurs at very high frequency.

My experience with clairaudience has been very different from some psychics. I actually hear outloud in that person's voice what they are thinking in their head. It is rare mind you. It has only happened about 50 times in my whole life. But when this happens it is really freaky. I have a few bizarre and amusing stories where I answered the person (and I could have sworn they said it outloud) but they very obviously had not said it outloud. This can result in some very scary reactions. One man went ashen and said to me, you don't want to go up there. It is a mess up there pointing to his head. (Finally I realized what I had done. I am a bit slow.) It was a rather bizarre question to ask so I should have caught on. Thank god they do not burn us at the stake anymore. My psychic friends handle it much better. I argue with them insisting they said it outloud but nope. I am sure it is different for different people and in different states of consciousness. I have a different form of clairaudience in deep trance state where I only hear their voice in my head but fortunately these conversations occur between me and people I know who are also in trance state so I can confirm many of the conversations.

For your experience, time will tell. All you can do is just test it yourself and see if more comes out of it. Now that you know how to tune in you can likely do this again, work with it and see what happens. Hopefully there are other people here who have had the high frequency type experience and can be of more help.

Very Best Wishes,
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Old 08-08-2006, 05:42 PM   #3

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Violetsky is clearly the one to advise you (fascinating) but can I add my suggestion? Start saving for that overseas trip, perhaps.
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Old 08-08-2006, 06:33 PM   #4

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Hello violetsky,

your experiences with clairaudience are fascinating ! I will follow your advice and try to develop it and see what comes out. Now that I can tune in easily, it won't be too difficult I guess. Clairaudience is still not very well-known (unlike clairvoyance which seems more "attractive" I guess) so if anyone has some ideas to develop it or boost the "signal", please share, it would be great.

Thanks for your message

Beekeeper => Indeed But which way : US or Australia ? haha
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Old 08-08-2006, 11:17 PM   #5

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Dear Kalonek,

I wrote my post late last night and want quickly clarify something. When in deep trance clairaudience does not come through in the person's exact voice as if they had said it outloud. (For me that is true in my other cases of clairadience.) But what is true is that everyone has a fairly unique way or style of speaking. They will use particular words more than others or pause after certain words. It is their style of speach that comes through strongly so you know who is talking. That is how it happens for me at least.

I am sure there are people much more experienced with clairaudience than me. I tend not to get too overly interested in this. I sort of see it as something that happens along the way that is interesting but I guess I take sort of an east Indian philosophy to it and see it as something not to focus on too much. In east Indian philosophy they say that if you stop and focus on a talent and develop and fine tune it that this takes time away from your deeper spiritual evolution. But of course this is a matter of opinion. Who is to say it is not part of it. Robert is a very good clairaudient but he uses clairaudience with living people and tends to avoid communication with the non-living - ignoring these occurances unless they are like the type he had with the Catch Basket incident. But this is understandable since Robert knows that this can be used against you and you can lose your shirt so to speak... if you get talking to the wrong sort....just as in everyday life when dealing with everyday people. But how do we differentiate good from bad? That I cannot say and would be a matter for a much more experienced psychic to say.

It would be an excellent question to ask Robert in the "Ask Robert Bruce" sections of these forums.

Very Best Wishes,
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Old 08-08-2006, 11:59 PM   #6

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I agree with you violetsky, I think hindus call these talents the siddhis and say that they can corrupt one's path if they become a goal and not a mean along it.

I am just curious with this particular thing happening to me, as I am not a good psychic at all. I am quite bad at every clair-thing in fact, even at seeing auras Only thing in which I am rather confident is OBE/projection of consciousness and energy work. But I like to broaden my horizons, understand and have some control over things happening to me, like this experience.

I don't want to become a channel or even follow in utter confidence what I hear (I am overly cautious with any "help" from other dimensions), I just want to know a bit more the dynamics and use of such a capacity, as it might be useful some time maybe

Thanks for your answer violetsky
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Old 08-09-2006, 01:23 AM   #7

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Thanks for the advices Painterhypnogirl I think you're right too.
But don't worry, I am a very grounded person in my own spiritual development, and as I said extremely cautious regarding "higher" helps. Some might think that I have even missed some opportunities of real help, but I am not the confident-type with external intrusion form entities, be there good or bad, as you never know for sure.

I just believe that nothing happens without a reason, and I think it's the case too with this new experience happening although I have done nothing to develop this. I am just curious to see where it could bring and what it means. I am not planning to let it take a big place in my life, as I haven't tried it again more than a few minutes to see if I can "tune in" easily, which is the case now. I only hear the music, nothing very interesting.

It would be interesting though to see if I could go a step further to know what exactly is this music for example, and where it comes from, as well as controlling maybe the "input", like being able to shut it down completely or "changing the channel" you know
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Old 08-09-2006, 04:17 AM   #8

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Dear Patty,

YES! James Van Praagh. I knew you would know. Thanks Patty. Am home for lunch eating my yogurt and bird seed.
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Old 08-11-2006, 01:37 AM   #9

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I actually hear outloud in that person's voice what they are thinking in their head.
This is very interesting.

Sometimes I hear in very clear voice somebody calling my name, but when I ask my family about it, it seems nobody called my name. To me this has always happened early morning when its time for me to wake up. It seems very real and I always wake up. And its always a feminine voice.

I have always heared faint low note sound in my ears and as soon as I sit in a relaxed state low note buzz/tone is there. So it seems kind of weird that someone is thinking about me all the time. But what do I know
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Old 08-12-2006, 10:44 AM   #10

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I've had a few specific experiences with it too. Obviously, there's the astral noise, which I don't consider too much.

Also when I was little, I'd hear my mother call and run inside. She'd usually say she was about to call me. This also happened with my brother and sister at times.

There was also a time when a very quiet voice at the back of my head told me something. It was a three word sentence but with it came a whole lot of knowing about how a situation that was extremely important to my whole family would turn out. It was completely accurate and the advance knowledge made all the difference.

I find the abilities (be they clairvoyance, clairaudience or psychokinesis) emerge in times of real need.
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Old 12-08-2006, 06:12 PM   #11

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Hi everyone,

I just thought I should keep you updated about this.

I had a very strange experience about this this morning. I was dreaming of eating some honey, and some of it dropped on my chin. I woke up soon after but was still not very conscious, I mean that I thought that my dream was true, although I knew I was in my bed.

I felt a faint presence behind my bed.

"Hey ... Come check if I have some honey on my chin please"
The presence moved on my left to check and moved back to its own business.
"Ok, thanks".

Suddenly I woke up entirely and realized what was going on. Hey, I was just talking to an entity and ... I could still felt her very clearly behind my bed. I opened my eyes. The entity seemed suddenly more interested into me, maybe because I was conscious now. I felt a hand on my crown chakra. I stood still a few seconds, but eventually use my astral hand to check what it was. A solid hand indeed, on my head.

"Errr ... Hi ?"
"Hi. We need to talk"

The voice was entirely physical although with a strange "muted" aspect, enough volume to be heard perfectly but like with absolutely no echo, the words were "sharp" and straight. My eyes were wide open. I used my other astral arm to make a circular motion in her direction, as I would prefer to have her in front of me rather than behind.

"Come here please, come". I held my hand in the air, and although I saw nothing, a hand shook mine.
"We need to talk. I have important things to say to you."
I was a bit doubtful.
"Ok, go on then, but be quick because I'm not sure this situation will last very long".
"Hey, I don't give a f**k about that, ok?"
I was VERY doubtful on the nature of this encounter.
"Hey, watch the language!" I said.
"I ... N ..."

The "connection" was cut and I stood there, fixing my gaze in the air. I saw my astral hand gently coming back on my torso where my physical hand was, but I kept my eyes wide open for about 20 seconds to be sure I had not dreamt this. But I was fully awake. My hand was still tingling with energy and my brow chakra was very sensible to even mild stimulation. I then heard the music I was speaking about in the first message of this topic in august until I got back to sleep 30 minutes later.
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Old 12-08-2006, 08:39 PM   #12

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Wow Kalonek- your post is freaking me out a little bit- I have had at least three visitations in the hypnopompic stage, where there is a man on the left side of my bed. I can touch him, feel his muscles, but I can't see him. It is as if he's invisible. The last time I 'saw' him he was actually carrying me away, I was in his arms, he was very gentle. I struggled to keep my lucidity but lost it and passed out as we were going through the back door of my house. This is very different than the 'astral abductions' that I used to get. Yet I have asked my higher self what this means and have got no response. Your post is the first indication I've had that this kind of thing happens to others.
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Old 12-08-2006, 09:11 PM   #13

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I'm not the only one neither then Strange thing than these "encounters". I already had a few ones but this one was the first where I was fully awake, physical eyes wide opened and able to move my body (head mostly as I was using my astral arms to interact with the entity). It is a very strange feeling.

I must say that I was feeling a bit worried during this exchange. I felt no evil from the entity, but I did'nt feel it was a real "friend" neither though, as I felt an underlying faint agressivity in the language.
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Old 12-10-2006, 01:56 AM   #14

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I had strange event 2-3 weeks ago. I was at University cafeteria having cup of coffee with some friends. I suddenly heard a female voice calling my name quite loud and it was coming above us near the roof. I asked about it that if my friends heard something but they didn't.
One of my friends had same event in Finland few hours earlier that day.She was walking with dogs in the woods near her house and she heard a voice calling her name but she didn't see anything. Then sometimes when doing energy work I can hear someone whispering in to my ear but I don't understand a word... Sounds familiar?
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Old 12-10-2006, 02:09 AM   #15

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It sounds like you're developing clariaudience. I used to have episodes of it when the shower was on, or a fan was on. I could hear voices just out of my reach. I would have thought I was turning schizophrenic but it didn't happen again (and I was too old for that).
The whispery-low voices when you do your practice are (I don't want to say common, because someone will step up and say it hasn't happened to them) something that will happen when you enter the trance state. They can be faint, close and crisp, sometimes metallic (like what you hear over a walkie-talkie), sometimes more than one, like a conversation, etc. It is my belief that anyone that gets deep enough in it will hear them. They can be scary or startling, but I treat them as if I was listening to the radio; listen but don't think it's about me.

I think (My Opinion, lol) that everyone goes through the 'someone calling their name' thing at least once in their life. I had it happen as a child, and I think that most people have it happen as children also.
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Old 12-10-2006, 02:23 AM   #16

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Hmm. This appeared after I started really clean and open chakras,meditation etc. I didn't have anything like this before. It has been only last few weeks or 2-3 weeks when these sort of events have happened.
One friend of mine who's dealing with these sort of things told me that I have started to get "the channels" open with unseen world?
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Old 12-11-2006, 06:31 AM   #17

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interesting stuff.

ive had the name calling happen to me a few times too, and it was also in the morning when i was still sleeping, woke me up and got me quite scared every time. it was my mother twice and my grandmother once, maybe they were just thinking of me or something?

also, a few years ago i used to hear conversations between random people as i was drifting off to sleep. they all spoke differently, it sort of sounded like i was listening in to the world's conversations. i used to think it was just my mind entertaining itself or processing stuff from during the day, but not so sure now... theyve stopped happening, i may have asked them to cause it was getting distracting at times!
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Old 12-13-2006, 02:33 AM   #18

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I'm not sure who was calling me. I just heard it once and thats all.I think CF Traveler is right. I'm somehow developing clairaudience, I don't know which one comes faster or in which order. Clairaudience or Clairvoyance. (Read seein spirits or so)
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Old 12-28-2006, 09:40 AM   #19

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I experience a ringing in my head pretty much 24/7. If I concentrate on it, I can make it louder, softer, or make music with it. I kind of think of it as a sort of "energy sonar." Sometimes the ringing will come out of no where and I try and find the first thing that comes to my head. Sometimes it is a person, sometimes it is an energy in the room. I have never heard voices with it though, unless i'm on the verge of sleep. In my experience, I have been able to "tune in" that vibration effect to whatever I want whether it be a person, object, idea, or somthing more vast.

Has anyone ever made music with these sounds? Sometimes before I go to sleep I make 3D music with the sound. Like, the sound will bounce all over the room and have location as well as tones and rythms. Or there will be two songs that i'm hearing / making overlapped over each other. Has anyone experienced anything similar? I have done this with another person one time too, we made crazy drum and bass music.. I wish there was some way to record haha.
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