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Old 04-11-2006, 11:19 AM   #1

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Default Project awareness not conciousness
I grew up without access to reference guides to any 'extra-normal' stuff so I had to develop it on my own.

In my own 'dimensional' travel system, I do not project consiousness, but rather just awareness (senses). This of course causes dual awareness streams in the physical brain system. I can do it while awake or asleep and do not have remembering problems.

Much of the experience is like RB describes (i.e. trance helps, energy build up to start, sudden falling sensation at beginning, traveling as maliable point, movement by intent)

Has anyone else done projection this way?

This methods has allowed me to 'visit' many places none of which I have seen described anywhere.

I am espcially interested if you were able to reach RTZ or Astral via this approach. (I have never visited either via either method...yet)
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Old 04-11-2006, 02:17 PM   #2

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I've had conscious OBE's before, at school. And a few premonitions, strangely. It's very strange because when it ends it's as if time hasn't elapsed. I was shocked by how my teacher nor peers noticed that i was off, lol.
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Old 04-11-2006, 04:09 PM   #3

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It sounds like you are referring to mental projection, rather than full body split (astral projection). In both of these cases consciousness does leave the body (if for the purpose of this thread consciousness = where focus is).

Btw wstein, my response to the comparative studies on consciousness thread will be delayed since I am leaving for a short break tomorrow, just letting you know.
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Old 04-11-2006, 06:23 PM   #4

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It sounds like you are referring to mental projection, rather than full body split (astral projection). In both of these cases consciousness does leave the body (if for the purpose of this thread consciousness = where focus is).
There are forms of focusing into a nonphysical area that doesn't involve creating a body double and leaving the physical body. For instance if you develop transparent eyelids while in sleep paralysis you can peer into a nonphysical version of your bedroom while also being fully aware of your physical body.

A lot of mental projections (like you mentioned) start out for me while I'm still fully within my phsyical body. Bruce Moen's style of nonphysical exploration is to stay in that state and never create a body double at all. He's awake while he does this which allows him to speak into a tape recorder while he's looking around

Here's an article he wrote on his method:


It sounds to me like he's using a sense that's like OBE radar and allows you to be aware of things very precisely but without actually seeing anything
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Old 04-11-2006, 06:24 PM   #5

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I grew up without access to reference guides to any 'extra-normal' stuff so I had to develop it on my own.

In my own 'dimensional' travel system, I do not project consiousness, but rather just awareness (senses). This of course causes dual awareness streams in the physical brain system. I can do it while awake or asleep and do not have remembering problems.

Much of the experience is like RB describes (i.e. trance helps, energy build up to start, sudden falling sensation at beginning, traveling as maliable point, movement by intent)

Has anyone else done projection this way?

This methods has allowed me to 'visit' many places none of which I have seen described anywhere.

I am espcially interested if you were able to reach RTZ or Astral via this approach. (I have never visited either via either method...yet)
Can you give some more details on the exact steps you use to get into that state?

Here's a page I have on what it sometimes looks like when I enter a mental projection and shows what the imagery can be like before I transition into using a nonphysical body

http://www.saltcube.com/out-of-body/cha ... exit-paths
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Old 04-11-2006, 09:12 PM   #6

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Originally Posted by sash It sounds like you are referring to mental projection, rather than full body split (astral projection). In both of these cases consciousness does leave the body (if for the purpose of this thread consciousness = where focus is).
There are forms of focusing into a nonphysical area that doesn't involve creating a body double and leaving the physical body. For instance if you develop transparent eyelids while in sleep paralysis you can peer into a nonphysical version of your bedroom while also being fully aware of your physical body.

A lot of mental projections (like you mentioned) start out for me while I'm still fully within my phsyical body. Bruce Moen's style of nonphysical exploration is to stay in that state and never create a body double at all. He's awake while he does this which allows him to speak into a tape recorder while he's looking around

Here's an article he wrote on his method:


It sounds to me like he's using a sense that's like OBE radar and allows you to be aware of things very precisely but without actually seeing anything Isn't this phasing?
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Old 04-11-2006, 09:48 PM   #7

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Originally Posted by Matt Originally Posted by sash It sounds like you are referring to mental projection, rather than full body split (astral projection). In both of these cases consciousness does leave the body (if for the purpose of this thread consciousness = where focus is).
There are forms of focusing into a nonphysical area that doesn't involve creating a body double and leaving the physical body. For instance if you develop transparent eyelids while in sleep paralysis you can peer into a nonphysical version of your bedroom while also being fully aware of your physical body.

A lot of mental projections (like you mentioned) start out for me while I'm still fully within my phsyical body. Bruce Moen's style of nonphysical exploration is to stay in that state and never create a body double at all. He's awake while he does this which allows him to speak into a tape recorder while he's looking around

Here's an article he wrote on his method:


It sounds to me like he's using a sense that's like OBE radar and allows you to be aware of things very precisely but without actually seeing anything Isn't this phasing? I've always taken phasing to be moving from body awarness to OBE awarness. I also see the 'classical' obe appoach, with vibrations and rolling out of body as phasing too ie you don't really leave your body (because you are not in truely in one - ie the body is a stimulus created perception) but you phase to a point where you percieve yourself to leave your body. Vibrations are felt during the phasing process.
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Old 04-12-2006, 09:39 AM   #8

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This term is associated with the works of the late Robert Monroe who
attributed a higher vibrational level to the access of higher realms . These have been called focus levels . Here is a partial continuum ;

12Universal Mind Focus 34-35 locale having group consciousness
---Devic Chambers
---Human made spirit homes Focus 27: Afterlife free will plane
---Ashrams of other worlds ie Reptilians beyond the trajectory Ursa Major
11Window on Edge of Universe
---Entrance to Hells for Students of the Occult
----Plane of Heavens Focus 24 -26: Belief Territories of Afterlifers
---Human and Spirit cooperative Manifestations of Metaphysical Colleges
---Temples of Wisdom
---Gates of Death Focus 23: "stuck" confused unaware ghosts
10 Plane of Elementals , Devas ,Thrones , the Vortex , Elohim Council
---Human Manifestations ie ashrams of live humans
---Called the Pleaides lies on a trajectory off that star group in Taurus
---Called Sirius trajectory off star Focus 21:edge of time/space -
9 Blue Lodge of what is called the Arcturians of Sirius
8 Group Monadic Soul - Meeting Higher Self
--Temple of Zodiac and Great Clock Focus 15: State of no time
7 Logoic -Shamballah --Temples of Light
---Ashrams of Chohans Great Pyramid
6 Golden Chamber of Melchiezedek
5 Monadic- work with guides , mahatma , chohans and archangels
-- Astral Hall of Learning – Spiritual King’s Chamber over Luxor
-- Focus 12: A state of expanded awareness
4 Astral Lower Focus 10: Mind Awake/Body Asleep
3 Physical Focus 3: increased mental coherency and balance
2 Totem Earth Wisdom
1 Lower Plane of Chaos and “Hell on Earth ”

More here;
http://www.astralsociety.com/as/Forum/i ... 70.20.html

2.Basic Projections
The two primary ways to project are MP which is the projection of the mental body or a projection of consciousness which typically exudes from the crown or female tan tien , and AP which is the Astral Projection of an etheric double and typically vibes out from the lower male tan tien . The MP from the crown appears uv to chartreuse green irregardless of gender in projection clairvoyantly . The etheric AP male is indigo to cobalt blue becoming more radiant in progression . The etheric AP of the female is pale pink , rose or uv rose , also becoming brighter in progression .

3.Advanced Projection Techniques;
Rarely a live person will project with skin colours clairvoyantly visible to the RTZ . Spirits do project in full skin colour as do higher selves but etheric projections are typically a monochromatic silhouette of pink or blue .In Astral Planes , the full colour spectrum is typically viewed .

The Higher Self is more difficult to project and will emerge into and out of the vortex of spheres manifested by a magician or will spin out of the heart of a greater magician appearing as a uv yellow angelic self . A spontaneous projection of Higher Self viewed in a clairvoyant reading will often take on skin colours and appear like a prime state of health being fit original hair colour and 28 to 38 years of age . In the newly published Gospel of Judas ,
http://www9.nationalgeographic.com/lost ... fJudas.pdf
I believe this is what Christ expects his apostles to do to project their higher self and follow him to the realm Judas called Barbelo . Christ demonstrates by projecting his higher self and 4 elemental splits . This is an advanced Gnostic 5th aeon projection .

Barbelo calls on the invisible Spirit (a typical anthropomorphism, confusing the Divine with the human; a Divine emanation does not have to request or pray to the higher Godhead in order to attain something) to actualise four of her attributes as separate hypostases: Foreknowledge, Indestructability, Eternal Life, and Truth. Each of these came forth in turn. But still they are not some-thing separate from her, but rather part of a single whole, the "five-aeon", of which she is the core.
http://www.kheper.net/topics/Gnosticism ... ation.html The Lower Self must constantly be loved transmuted and raised in vibration . It does not become an equal with one Alchemical Work . It can be projected from the rear orange tan tien to be evaluated . It will appear in a variety of manners ie an inner child which climbs to the left shoulder or walks to the front and is rose or blue according to gender . If this Lower Self projects as an adult in equal size to the Higher Self this is a temporary state . It is desirable but elusive and continued work on Lower Self must be done . The LS may also project as an orange monkey which climbs the back and hangs onto the neck ,a orange lizard a guardian demon which is bat winged and tempts and attaches the self . This type may be impossible to exorcise as it is the magician who has gone awry and not taken consideration to balance . I believe this form must be transmuted or it controls the magician and leads to their doom.I feel this is what happened to Crowley and others who start out promising with marvellous breakthroughs but descend quickly on a downward spiralling self destructive path . Crowley was a prolific author and talented magician who became a hedonistic heroin user . Dark Tantra was one of his practices as well as blood magick .

There are are numerous ways to project from the body when it is not AP or MP then it is loosely called OBE or out of body experience . The AP is limited to RTZ which is real time zone , physical plane and the Astral Plane . The higher realms are reached in a variety of other methods and cannot be accessed in AP . Each tan tien provides a different experience or quality ;
http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewto ... highlight=

Silver;Moon.project down inside spinal pillar -Middle Pillar Path MP
Lavender; Water.cosmic self .up above crown -Cosmic Self MP
Violet;Water.mage self . rear brow centre ;assists to Manifest & Morph MP
Indigo;Water.Water self. slide out left side -split elemental self . EP
Blue ;Water. male etherical self. -vibe out front of body peeling off AP
Aqua ; Air .vocal self . falls out and down like waterfall . influence VP
Green ;Air. air self. from back of heart as Emerald Emperess EP
Chartreuse green; Air. mental self.slip out crown. project conscious MP
Yellow ;Fire.higher self.spiral out heart or manifest vortex w/spheres HS
Amber ;Fire .lower self . spiral out from back to raise and love up ! LS
Orange ;Fire. fire self . slide out from right side -split elemental self EP
Red ;Earth.earth self. down.Red Emperor- Lower Realm Projection
Rose ;Earth. female etherical self.back of body peeling off
Gold ;Sun .project up inside spinal pillar
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Old 04-12-2006, 09:51 AM   #9

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This is my method for 'dimensional travel'. I hope I can find words for this stuff as my internal process is NOT based in language. Also I developed it independently as so have little reference. Note that I have traveled both alone and with a single companion. I once tried with two passengers but was unsuccessful.

As far as I can tell any mistakes will simply terminate the traveling awareness leaving the physical and original energies as the were at start of travel. The only danger I know of is that one can travel to 'far' places very different than the material. This can cause shock if you are not psychologically ready to deal with radical alternate possibilities.

Travel for one:
1. (preliminary helpful but not required)
-space, protected from obvious distractions to aid focus
-space, big enough so can build an unobstructed energy bubble 8 feet in diameter
-lighting, mid to low levels
2. Build a static (spherical) energy bubble big enough to entirely encompass your physical form. I can create the bubble directly but simply supercharging your aura will work. Any smooth energy seems to work. If you are not covered, it will be a very short trip (see 9. not dangerous).
3. Align bubble and physical body to make physical form is entirely covered by the energy bubble. I find the a straight body posture makes it easier (standing or laying on back).
4. For best results bring your awareness present.
5. Jostle the energy bubble sharply to dislodge (unglue) your energy body from your physical body. More than one attempt may be required if your energy body has not extended beyond your physical form for a long time (years), OBE travelers should have no problem.
6. Stiffen your physical body and raise your soft palette (back of mouth) as if about to sneeze (mouth closed). A momentary falling sensation towards the back of your head will be felt upon successful take-off.
7. Use intent to initiate traveling to a destination. Once you start moving, your sensory awareness from your physical body will remain and a second stream of awareness of travel will start. The traveling awareness is based on the energy bubble you built (as far as I can tell, its what actually travels). As such, your physical senses do not travel. Sensory overlays are to be expected for some to all senses. Be aware that extreme velocities are to be expected (can transverse this universe in a couple of minutes). I often perceive a network of luminous filaments during this phase. Brighter spots are generally more interesting. Note that you can travel in any axis of reality, not merely within dimensions.
8. For the fun part stop anywhere you wish. Any energy based skills you possess can be used at your location provided they are possible in that location (note that extremely 'far' places may not be made of energy). Note that the energy from the bubble can not be used to power your activity so you must supply additional energy from your physical form. The traveler naturally appears as a point of consciousness and tiny spot of energy which can be detected and interacted with by life forms with the appropriate skills. If you have the energy skills, your traveler can morph in a form for improved interaction. Note that perceived time is much slower that physical (20 minutes of travel will take ~90 minutes by the clock). The Physical (and associated bodies) can do all the normal things provided they stay within and do not disrupt the bubble see 9.
9. To stop traveling, simply focus on your physical form's awareness and slowly dissipate (re-absorb) the energy bubble. The traveling stream of awareness will fade. Returning/reintegrating is not necessary.

Travel for two (adjustments to above).
1a. (preliminary helpful but not required)
-space, big enough so can build and unobstructed energy bubble 8 feet in diameter for each traveler.
2a. Build a static energy bubble big enough to entirely encompass all traveler's physical form. Note that each traveler can create their own bubble and merge them by contacting the bubble with the other person's physical form. The bubbles usually merge automatically (combined need not be spherical).
3a. Align bubble and physical bodies to make sure all physical forms are entirely covered by the energy bubble but physical forms do not touch each other. If physical forms touch, it tend to dissipate the bubble cause travel to fade and stop as per 9.
4a. Freeing more energy bodies is more difficult than for only one.
5a. 6a. 7a. I have always have been the sole 'engine' for transport. I have not encountered any others with dimensional traveling capabilities and do not know what would happen with two transporters. The group stays together but can rearrange and move within the size of the bubble (tricky to know as scale is not persevered across dimensions).
8a. Each passenger is free to use their own energy skills. Each passenger will perceive the same location and general movement at the same time. What each perceives is be based on their individual energetic development. Raw beginners will likely only see fleeting images. Each traveler can perceive the others nearby if they have the energy skills. Physical communication is possible between the physical forms.
9a. In theory, single travelers can stop individually by moving their physical form out of the bubble.
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Old 04-12-2006, 09:58 AM   #10

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I've looked at the other methods of travel mentioned above. Its clear that the mechanics are much different. Its not clear if the effect is the same or not.

With my 'dimensional travel' I have never (knowingly) visited the Astral planes, then again I had not reason to know that they were there. I'm sure there are an infinite number of other places I have not been.

The main reason for coming to this forum is that RB's descriptions seemed somewhat similar to my experiences in general.
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Old 04-12-2006, 10:23 AM   #11

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Wstein what you seem to be describing in your method is a bubble of protection formed from psi energy and a bi location of consciousness . Robert Bruce has written about quieting the mind and entering a meditative trance to project consciousness and remain aware . In this manner one can fully recall their OBE . This is a form of MP of consciousness . I would love to read about the realms you have visited . Won't you please consider posting these in the spiritual development forum ? Some of my own experiences are posted there and in a journal at Astral Society http://www.astralsociety.com/Forums/

The energy bubble you describe can be improved in energy vibration through the manifestation of a higher merkabah . The late Dr. Joshua Stone wrote about this . All of us are born with a merkabah but the primary stage is a monochromatic simple shaped tetrahedron and the more sophisticated ones are rainbow coloured multifaceted crystals .
links http://au.msnusers.com/AuntClairsParlor ... ation.msnw
http://au.msnusers.com/AuntClairsParlor ... page2.msnw
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Old 04-12-2006, 03:56 PM   #12

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In my own 'dimensional' travel system, I do not project consiousness, but rather just awareness (senses). This of course causes dual awareness streams in the physical brain system. I can do it while awake or asleep and do not have remembering problems.
It sounds a bit like what the shamans call "journeying". For them the dual awarenss stream is also usual and gives them the abilitiy to report what they see while it happens rather than afterwards by memory.

I never read about your places, though. But I am no expert. I just went to the "lower world" via shamanic journeying twice and have no idea how the "upper world" might look like. Both times I was fully aware of both the journey and the physical plane the whole time.
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Old 04-12-2006, 04:00 PM   #13

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Interesting stuff, Aunt Clair, thank you. Especially for the link to the Gospel of Judas

Is it just me or does Barbelo sound a bit like Babylon? Well, it is probably just me, lol. Babylon means literally "Gate of God(s)".

Will keep reading...
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Old 04-13-2006, 02:13 PM   #14

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Judas [said] to him, “I know who you are and where you have come from. You are from the immortal realm of Barbelo. And I am not worthy to utter the name of the one who has sent you Funny , 'reminds me of Babylon ' is what Jodie said too ! She is my best friend and fellow alchemist . I don't think there is any relation to the terms etiologically but that remains to be seen . The first time I had ever heard Barbelo was when The Gospel of Judas was released this week by National Geographic . I feel a lot of people globally will be asking about Barbelo too for a while . This is what I can find right now ;

1.In the Apocryphon of John, Barbelo is described as "The first power, the glory, Barbelo, the perfect glory in the aeons, the glory of the revelation
2."This is the First Thought, His Image; She became the womb of everything for She is prior to them all, the Mother-Father, the First Man [Anthropos], the Holy Spirit, the Thrice-Male, the Thrice-Powerful, the Thrice-named Androgynous One, and the Eternal Aeon among the Invisible Ones, and the first to come forth."
3.This is the Five-Aeon of the Father which is the First Man [Anthropos], the Image of the Invisible Spirit; it is the Pronoia [Providence] which is Barbelo, the Thought and the Foreknowledge and the Indestructability and the Eternal Life and the Truth. This is the androgynous Five-Aeon, which is the Ten-Aeon [because each of the five principles is androgynous], which is the Father." [p.102]
http://www.kheper.net/topics/Gnosticism ... ation.html 1.Barbelo is from the Greek, meaning forethought. (She is also referred to as Ennoia, intention) The Barbelo is the first thought (ennoia), or emanation of the Supreme being in Gnostic creation stories, the mother of the Aeons.
She is the emanation of the First Cause, the creative principle who in turn creates (or causes to be created) the entire manifest world. In a sense, she also contains the universe within her; she is sometimes referred to as the womb of the world.
Simon Magus equated the Ennoia with Sophia, the co-creatrix who descended through the levels of material existence and became entrapped; it is the action of the father manifesting through the sun who redeems her. Although in this case, Simon was referring to himself, Christian Gnostics put Jesus in this role.
In some texts, she is identified with the Holy Spirit, immediate and present in all things.
In kabbalah, Barbelo is equivalent to the manifestation of Kether; in Thelemic philosophy, she equates to Nuit.
http://altreligion.about.com/library/gl ... arbelo.htm The Gnostic term Barbēlo refers to the first emanation of God in the various Sethian gnostic cosmogonies. This figure is also variously referred to as 'Mother-Father' (a moniker that hints at her apparent androgyny), 'First Human Being', 'The Triple Androgynous Name', or 'Eternal Aeon'.-http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barbelo http://essenes.net/32pentad.html
Babylon is the Greek variant of Akkadian Babilu, an ancient city in Mesopotamia (modern Al Hillah, Iraq). It was the "holy city" of Babylonia from around 2300 BC, and the seat of the Neo-Babylonian empire from 612 BC. In the Hebrew Bible, the name appears as בבל (Babel), interpreted by Genesis 11:9 to mean "confusion", from the verb balal, "to confuse". In Akkadian, bāb-ilû means "Gateway of the god", translating Sumerian Kadingirra.The Hanging Gardens of Babylon were one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World....The city itself was built upon the Euphrates, and divided in equal parts along its left and right banks, with steep embankments to contain the river's seasonal floods....It has been estimated that Babylon was the largest city in the world from c. 1770 to 1670 BC, and again between c. 612 and 320 BC.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Babylon Whore of Babylon as an evil and decadent government
A metaphor for the oppressive rule of Roman over Judea
In the Book of Revelation, the city of Babylon seems to be the symbol of every kind of evil. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Babylon_%2 ... stament%29 Still looking but can't find a relationship in the two words yet . I am curious about the naming of the place Babylon and wonder if it might have been derived from Barbelo . What does the realm of Barbelo really mean anyway if Barbelo is the Goddess before the alpha the great grandmother Goddess where is the realm named for her ? Is there an implied reference to Babylon ?
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Old 04-13-2006, 05:44 PM   #15

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Hello Aunt Clair,

no, I cannot see and relationship either, lol.

I do not see how Babylon in the scripture can refer to "confuse", either. In the OT Babylon is also called "virgin daughter", just as Jerusalem (literally "City of Peace"). IMO these two describe two places or spiritual states and I do not see how "confusion" can be a virgin daughter to begin with. Also John (Revelation) describes *surprise* when seeing the whore Babylon, and I do not think there would have been any surprise if it was confusion on the mountain, right? Thus I take "Gate of God" as the correct translation of Babylon.

"Forethought. (She is also referred to as Ennoia, intention) The Barbelo is the first thought (ennoia), or emanation of the Supreme being in Gnostic creation stories, the mother of the Aeons."

Yes, this makes sense to me. Judas recognized Jesus as Son of God being the first intention. The "descending one" (avatar) always has divine intention and divine will, IMO.

Well, personally I do not understand how Judas could have seen this without being in Barbelo himself.

The "mother-father" is also a state of Clear Light (voidness) mentioned in the Tibetan Book of the Dead, btw. This is when you recognize the female (shakti/energy) and male (Atman/bliss/consciousness) as undivideable.
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