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Old 10-14-2005, 06:00 AM   #1

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If you're feeling low on energy, pause and induce the feeling you get when about to perform some demanding physical task. Give yourself an adrenaline kick.
If you don't know what I'm talking about, say so and I'll explain further.
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Old 10-14-2005, 07:26 AM   #2

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"So"; yes, I'd like to hear more. I appreciate any and all help with this.
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Old 10-14-2005, 07:24 PM   #3

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When APing I often find myself unable to progress more than a meter or so from my bed. At this point I as if start getting pulled back by some immense force.
I find that if I pause my attempts at getting free and 'charge up' with energy and resolve I can break through this barrier with some ease.

If you have ever stood on some platform with deep water below and decided to jump, and really did jump, you know what the feeling you need to induce is. You can of course get the feeling from many different things, and they're adrenaline kicks all the same.

Standing at this barrier you know you need to break through it, and you know it isn't easy. So what you need is to gather the strength and the determination to do it.
While inducing this feeling of an adrenaline kick I often try to feel/imagine energy from my physical body flowing towards me, charging me up. This is usually sufficient for breaking out.
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Old 10-16-2005, 04:35 AM   #4

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Meat inhibits ability to project. It's not essential to become a vegetarian (I sure as heck am not) but it helps.

You physical body tries to pull you back once you exit the "normal" zone that your subconscious is used to you going at sleep; that's why you feel the "immense force" pulling you back.

The reason you could not exit through your bedroom window is simple: you needed to be at a higher frequency and could not yet pass through solid objects (just will yourself to be a higher frequency) much less such a paradigmally symbolic substance such as glass.
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Old 10-16-2005, 08:28 AM   #5

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Well, that makes sense to me. But to reach a higher frequency, do I visualize myself going through walls, or changing like I was on a transporter pad, or work on raising my vibrations? I just thought of something- we just had 8 days of rain. Can lack of sunlight lower your vibrations?
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Old 10-16-2005, 10:18 AM   #6

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On the contrary, it's your vibrational STATE you're supposed to raise; the vibrations themselves are a distracting. Visualize and try to feel them pulsing in unisona nd then slowly fading once you are out.

Raising your vibrational state can be as much as willing yourself to get a higher frequency. Visualisation is nothing; one day you must overcome your material ties and realize that you are only tricking yourself into doing certain things. It is your will and only your will that you will need. This is not to say that visualisations aren't necessary, but you don't need them for everything, and they can be hard and time-consuming.

Sunlight may have something to do with it, but not enough to make a significant difference unless you've got Noah's flood all over again. In fact, lots of rain is great because running water is extremely hard for negs to handle, so you'll have a risk-free time.

Best regards,

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Old 10-16-2005, 10:28 AM   #7

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I'll go ahead and work on this a while and let you know how it went.
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Old 10-17-2005, 02:20 AM   #8

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Huh... I've never had any problems passing through things. And I have never, ever, encountered anything like something being on a frequency or something in the astral. For me talk about frequency is a huge warning-sign to doubt everything the speaker says.
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Old 10-17-2005, 02:24 AM   #9

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You probably project naturally at a higher frequency than Esotericus, Ceriel. Just think about it;

Distance in the astral can be overcome without trouble. Quantum leap has been achieved once in the physical in a scientific lab. Distance has been proved wrong. The only viable explanation is that things vibrate on a different frequency and create an illusion.

Plus, one ALWAYS needs to be in a higher vibrational state before they project, whether or not one feels the vibrations. It's just that some people either just barely make it or are more loosely tethered to thier physical and require less of such a state.

Ever wonder why Robert Bruce goes on about astral wildlife not being able to experience higher frequency emotions?

E=MC2 proves that matter and light and energy are all the same things, essentially, but it can be proven that physical matter has a very different vibrational state than, say, electricity.
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Old 10-17-2005, 03:36 AM   #10

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No it isn't the only viable explanation. It could easily be a epiphenomena of our conceptual associations. And saying that your example has got anything to do with vibrations is a leap of faith. You have no path of logic from point A to point B.

What you call vibrations in your following paragraph could easily be substituted with something else. Here you appear to simply be using the concept of frequency as an analogy for something else.

And no, I haven't wondered why Robert Bruce goes on about that. I concider astral wildlife to be on the level of egregores, and most likely lacking a will of their own. They're programs following their charter. Saying that egregores which can experience 'higher' emotions aren't astral wildlife seems arbitrary at best.

Electricity doesn't have a vibrational state. You vary a magnetic field rythmically and say that the voltage has a specific frequency, but electrcity is a term used to describe electromagnetic charge.

So thus far my warning signs are justified. It makes it really difficult for me to infer that you know what you're talking about when there are huge gaps in your arguments like the ones I've pointed out. Mind you, I'm not saying you're wrong. I'm saying you need to analyze your logic and convey it in a reasonable manner.
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Old 10-17-2005, 12:15 PM   #11

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I have not always had difficulty passing through walls. In fact, I will quote from oobe #11 in my online oobe journal at my website.

Astral Puerto Rico 02-13-2005 2:49am

I visited my parents in Puerto Rico in the astral. I projected into my room, then up through the roof, out to the sky. I saw a new city, not the NY skyline, then dove at the river. I rolled around on top of the water and then reclined a moment. I decided to go to Puerto Rico. My mom was on the porch when I got there. I tried to speak to her but she could not see me. The house was dark green, old, unlike the description of their new place.

Normally, I get to places instantly upon thinking of them, and move by thought as in this one:

Oobe #12 Oobe to the Office 7/7/2005 3:43 PM
...I decided to try moving with my mind and travelled across the floor for what looked like 10 feet, judging by the surroundings. I was afraid of trying too hard and waking up, so the subtlety paid off. There was a bit of tingling and motion blur as I moved. My manager’s office was open with the light on and I tried to enter, but my body pulled me home.

In the first one, I accomplished movement through walls. In the second one, I consciously and intentionally chose to move by the power of thought. The address at which my journal is posted, for any and all interested, is:


And that is where the full versions of these are, among others. I am working on my vibrations/vibration state, energy, etc. for now and I wonder what Robert Bruce's perspective on all this is. Sir, are you there? I would love to hear from you, I really do not want to let this thread drag on too long. It's already at 4 printed pages, possibly 5 with the latest post plus my reply.
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Old 02-13-2006, 08:00 AM   #12

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Default Roast Chicken Projection 9/20/2005 8:17 PM
*I'm halfway through Astral Dynamics, I also have Mastering Astral Projection, it's next on my list I'm working on NEW at the moment. My deepest thanks to Robert Bruce, these are such wonderful helpful books.

Roast Chicken Projection 9/20/2005 8:17 PM

I had a difficult projection tonight. I lay down to nap, knowing that having eaten half a chicken and some Italian bread could be an issue if I tried to project. It most likely was. I managed to separate and get out but with difficulty. There was some movement beyond my bedroom early on but it soon got quiet. The air in my room was somewhat warm at 81° with 53% humidity. I decided to take advantage of the peace and quiet and soon entered a hypnogogic state. I soon found myself very light, feeling vibrations, and chose to exit. I took a few attempts, and I did not have my sight. I could, however, see dim light through the window blinds and tried to reorient myself.

I turned upright, but had trouble moving away from my physical body. I kept trying to move further but I ran out of ideas and energy and woke up. It felt great, however, to be out of body even if I was upside down like an astronaut half the time. I also heard a strange audio anomaly. It sounded as if my breathing were electronically sampled and played in an endless loop. It sounded as if a machine kept trying to boot up and run but kept fizzling out. I memorized it and recorded it by imitating it with my breath. I suppose then, that chickens can’t fly, and you’ll have a hard time getting off the ground if you eat that much beforehand. I did have a great nap, though (grin).

[Note: this was my second most recent obe. my other one was a short and confusing projection to the bedroom window. I could not leave the room and I also had a head cold that night.]
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