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Old 02-11-2012, 07:49 AM   #1

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Default What are you using for computer audio?
With Bill's wildly popular "what ya'll listening to now" thread, I am curious as to what audio components people here are using with their computers.

Even though much of YouTube's quality sucks, there are a couple of free music site links below that offer really decent sound quality and great content.



I am using a ASUS STX sound card (review linked below) with an NAD 320BEE amp driving vintage Spendor LS3/5a speakers. A REL T5 subwoofer is also used to augment the low end.


Maybe this thread belongs in the science and technology area though I thought it might get better exposure here.
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Old 02-11-2012, 07:58 AM   #2

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With Bill's wildly popular "what ya'll listening to now" thread, I am curious as to what audio components people here are using with their computers.

Even though much of YouTube's quality sucks, there are a couple of free music site links below that offer really decent sound quality and great content.



I am using a ASUS STX sound card (review linked below) with an NAD 320BEE amp driving vintage Spendor LS3/5a speakers. A REL T5 subwoofer is also used to augment the low end.


Maybe this thread belongs in the science and technology area though I thought it might get better exposure here.
Depends, mostly I'll listen to YouTube's with the speakers that're built in to either my laptop, the speakers that came with my desktop, or the speakers that're embedded into my iPad...

When I do listen to music, I have a Cerwin Vega tower plus subwoofer that has an iPhone/iTouch/iPad adapter that's pretty good quality...
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Old 02-11-2012, 08:05 AM   #3

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I have a realtech POS sound card but I have amplified Boston Acoustics speakers which I really like.

Never been much about the audio card itself, but I do care about the amplifier and speakers.
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Old 02-11-2012, 08:23 AM   #4

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I'm on a Mac. Mostly, I listen to Pandora through a 100 watt Kenwood with Bose near field monitors an Acoustic subwoofer. I have a whole bunch of nerdy audio software. I'm in the biz.
I like Pandora, my only gripe with it is it'll play the less than stellar songs more often than the good stuff. Either way, it's still a great medium to find out about other artists or groups that you may not have ever heard of, I've got hip to entire other genres of music because of Pandora...I admit that I ended up paying for the subscription service just so I could skip past the songs I don't like more often though.
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Old 02-11-2012, 09:06 AM   #5

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Yeah, I ended up paying as well. At less than ¢10 a day, I felt it was worth it to get spendy. I've heard so much stuff I would not have heard otherwise. It's an educational tool for me.
It's been a process, with each new advent I like to think I've adapted, the most extensive adjustment was the ability to download entire discographies, couple that with Pandora and it's a sublime listening experience...The difficulty I face now is either genres or even some artists or groups tend to get played out faster than they ought to, for instance, The Black Keys, they've got a decent discography, about a hundred and thirty plus recorded songs, throw in some stuff that fits with it and you'd think it'd last longer than a week...it's just not happening, that's what makes Pandora great, in no time, something will come up that'll easily replace what's been played out.
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Old 02-11-2012, 10:44 AM   #6

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I'm on a Mac. Mostly, I listen to Pandora through a 100 watt Kenwood with Bose near field monitors an Acoustic subwoofer. I have a whole bunch of nerdy audio software. I'm in the biz.
I figured that you might have something beyond the standard kit hooked up to your computer. In relation to Pandora, have you checked out the links I posted? They might be a great alternative as Grooveshark lets you create and save extensive playlists once you register (for free), and We7 streams genre specific playlists that other members have created.
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Old 02-11-2012, 10:50 AM   #7

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I have a realtech POS sound card but I have amplified Boston Acoustics speakers which I really like.

Never been much about the audio card itself, but I do care about the amplifier and speakers.
I agree Bosco as even with expensive electronics it's most web site's bit rate that limits the final sound quality, though with a good amp and speakers it does help mitigate this issue.
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Old 02-11-2012, 10:57 AM   #8

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Does anybody here have their music collection stored on a hard drive which they play through their computer? It seems that many folks like Villifier use their ipods at home also hooked up through a stereo.
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Old 02-11-2012, 02:29 PM   #9

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I run my CPU audio out jack, thry my home amp. I do have cheap desktops that come out the back of my CPU" audio out"

There is also a miniplug on the front, I use that to run acroos the room to my amp inputs (adaptor to RCA jacks.)
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Old 02-11-2012, 04:27 PM   #10

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I run my CPU audio out jack, thry my home amp. I do have cheap desktops that come out the back of my CPU" audio out"

There is also a miniplug on the front, I use that to run acroos the room to my amp inputs (adaptor to RCA jacks.)
What do you listen to most the desktop speakers or through the amp?
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Old 02-11-2012, 05:19 PM   #11

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What do you listen to most the desktop speakers or through the amp?
the desktop has a 7 watt(RMS) per channel digital plug in amp.
It's pretty decent, i have a PC and it fits right besides the PC.

So if someone posts a You Tubd, and I just want to sample it, i use that.

If I go to Utube, and want to play like a LOUD version, i have the jacks running under my carpet, up to the front of my CPU.

I just insert the mini plug, the other end is hooked up to the amp input ( think I got it on AUX 2 )- turn on the Amp, and the CPU plays directly thru my home amp.

EX. I LOVE Clapton, have a bunch of CD's ( my collection since i'm an old rock and roller) but dont own 461 Ocean Blvd( title of the disc.

So when I want to hear it, i just go to UTube ( i used to go to Rhapsody, but all they have is samples now), and look for HD videos.

You know. UTube is "hit or miss" on sound quality.

I usually start my day with Mainline Florida, and a few other songs.

But having the flexability to use the desktop, or use the amp works fine, i don't even bother downloading to my Mp3 player anymore.
Since I'm preety much listen to "classic rock" I got most of the discs I want -but thers some new music, or live versions on Utube i don't.

works out OK -freetunes, and I can choose the wattage, as my home amp is Quad with Infinity speakers / COMPOSITE RESIN cones -not paper.
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Old 02-11-2012, 05:55 PM   #12

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Does anybody here have their music collection stored on a hard drive which they play through their computer? It seems that many folks like Villifier use their ipods at home also hooked up through a stereo.
I started to digitize my collection, but quite honestly most of it is already out on the net, so sometimes I just download it and add it to my hard drive. I've got a 500gb internal drive for both videos and music, and 1TB external drive that I keep everything backed up to, including data as as well as the entertainment stuff.

I have a similar setup as t what Villfiier and CR was describing. I run my audio out to a Yamaha pre-amp, which is driven by the Amp. It then runs to to some Klipsch and Infinity speakers. but sometimes i just listen to the stuff from the computer, and I have some JVC speakers and sub woofer hooked up. The sound isn't bad on the computer unless i want to start cranking it up, but if I'm in the mood for that, I usually turn on the Amp and pre-amp.
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Old 02-11-2012, 06:29 PM   #13

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Thanks for all the replies as it is very interesting how consumer music and for that matter all media is listened to/viewed these days. I used to have an ever expanding CD/vinyl collection played through vacuum tube equipment when I had more disposable income and my hearing was better. Now all my listening is done with my computer as the source.

Now with the internet and just a few clicks almost every song and movie is just a file server or bit torrent away. Although IMO music quality has suffered as a result and I do miss those days when one could spend hours browsing through aisles of LP's. Such as with many things in life now it's convenience over quality.
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Old 02-11-2012, 06:58 PM   #14

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Thanks for all the replies as it is very interesting how consumer music and for that matter all media is listened to/viewed these days. I used to have an ever expanding CD/vinyl collection played through vacuum tube equipment when I had more disposable income and my hearing was better. Now all my listening is done with my computer as the source.

Now with the internet and just a few clicks almost every song and movie is just a file server or bit torrent away. Although IMO music quality has suffered as a result and I do miss those days when one could spend hours browsing through aisles of LP's. Such as with many things in life now it's convenience over quality.
missed the first page -will have to check out those sites.

There are some audiophiles that SWEAR by analog (LP's) frankly I can't hear any difference, and my hearing is surpringly good for a guy close to 60 ( I was SMART -always took ear plugs to rock shows, 1/2 my friends can't hear a damn thing cuz they were so LOUD),
I still got a shitload of LP's -some good stuff, but frankly trying to find replacement stylus (needle ) and cartriges are damn near impossible.

I recorded a bunch to cassetes back in the late 80's and still have a decent collection of those
( THANK GOD I USED METAL TAPES, with Dolby "C" noise suppression )- so if I want to hear -say and old Creme LP,
i got most of them on cassette.
My turntable is mothballed - it's too primitive, even for me.
Cassettes are a PIA, though, you gotta demagnetize the heads, and clean them with denatured alcohol.

I rarely use them. Not point in me digitizing, i really don't walk around listening to tunes. I prefer the ambient sounds, even on the city streets.

I gotta be in the mood for tunes, right now I dug out MOJO, a Tom Petty disk I barely played. Since I'm going to the Petty concert in May,
I've already "GoneGator" ( Petty's production company- back in the daze)
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Old 02-11-2012, 08:14 PM   #15

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missed the first page -will have to check out those sites.

There are some audiophiles that SWEAR by analog (LP's) frankly I can't hear any difference, and my hearing is surpringly good for a guy close to 60 ( I was SMART -always took ear plugs to rock shows, 1/2 my friends can't hear a damn thing cuz they were so LOUD),
I still got a shitload of LP's -some good stuff, but frankly trying to find replacement stylus (needle ) and cartriges are damn near impossible.

I recorded a bunch to cassetes back in the late 80's and still have a decent collection of those
( THANK GOD I USED METAL TAPES, with Dolby "C" noise suppression )- so if I want to hear -say and old Creme LP,
i got most of them on cassette.
My turntable is mothballed - it's too primitive, even for me.
Cassettes are a PIA, though, you gotta demagnetize the heads, and clean them with denatured alcohol.

I rarely use them. Not point in me digitizing, i really don't walk around listening to tunes. I prefer the ambient sounds, even on the city streets.

I gotta be in the mood for tunes, right now I dug out MOJO, a Tom Petty disk I barely played. Since I'm going to the Petty concert in May,
I've already "GoneGator" ( Petty's production company- back in the daze)
I use Grooveshark regularly as they appear to use a decent bit rate to stream the songs. WE7 is perfect when you want background music.

People wear sunglasses to protect their eyes but don't wear earplugs for loud noises. My younger brother plays bass in a band and I have recommended that he wear ear plugs. Hopefully he fairs better than Pete Townsend who's hearing was destroyed by stage monitors.

Cassettes can sound very nice especially when using metal with Dolby C. I'm not sure what you mean in saying needles and cartridges are hard to find. Vinyl and it's playback equipment are still very much alive and in demand amongst avid music lovers. Check out the site linked below and browse their amazing catalog of both music and equipment (they even manufacture their own records in house!).

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Old 02-11-2012, 08:26 PM   #16

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I use Grooveshark regularly as they appear to use a decent bit rate to stream the songs. WE7 is perfect when you want background music.

People wear sunglasses to protect their eyes but don't wear earplugs for loud noises. My younger brother plays bass in a band and I have recommended that he wear ear plugs. Hopefully he fairs better than Pete Townsend who's hearing was destroyed by stage monitors.

Cassettes can sound very nice especially when using metal with Dolby C. I'm not sure what you mean in saying needles and cartridges are hard to find. Vinyl and it's playback equipment are still very much alive and in demand amongst avid music lovers. Check out the site linked below and browse their amazing catalog of both music and equipment (they even manufacture their own records in house!).

thanks for the tip, i really don't use vinyl, it's just too much of a PIAss, but i ought to get a new cartridge. I got a few LP's I'd like to listen too, maybe they're didgitized, I'll check out Grooveshark.

Your brother needs da plugs, i wold no more play in a rock band -or like you said about Pete without plugs,, then stand on an airport runway, and "listen to" jet engines.

When I wss young I was immortal, then I found out i wasn't. LOL
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Old 02-11-2012, 08:30 PM   #17

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With Bill's wildly popular "what ya'll listening to now" thread, I am curious as to what audio components people here are using with their computers.

Even though much of YouTube's quality sucks, there are a couple of free music site links below that offer really decent sound quality and great content.



I am using a ASUS STX sound card (review linked below) with an NAD 320BEE amp driving vintage Spendor LS3/5a speakers. A REL T5 subwoofer is also used to augment the low end.


Maybe this thread belongs in the science and technology area though I thought it might get better exposure here.
I Use Sony Headphones.
I Could Hook My PC To My Stereo, Theatre (And Telescope)
But I'm Just So Lazy Anymore
And As Far As 'Sound Quality', I'll Still Listen To Records (Vinyl) That I Bought As Far Back As A Teenager
Every Scratch Recalls A Memory Of Times And Friends Gone By....

Thanks For The Tips Though
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Old 02-11-2012, 08:42 PM   #18

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What do you listen to most the desktop speakers or through the amp?
Back When I Had EVERYthing Hooked Up
I Ran It All Through 'Pioneer' & JBL's
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Old 02-12-2012, 08:02 PM   #19

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With Bill's wildly popular "what ya'll listening to now" thread, I am curious as to what audio components people here are using with their computers.
Interesting timing.

My most recent hobby has been converting everything to an HTPC. The means that I'm putting over 500 CDs, and about 500 videos on hard drives and replacing my Adcom/B&O components with a single PC and Active Speakers.

Listening to Fattburger FLACs right now on a pair of Audioengine A2s (The reference speakers used in the article about your sound card) These are my new PC speakers.

On Friday I finished my auditioning and decided to go with the Audioengine A5+ for my living room rig. While I tested everything with the S8 subwoofer it's just not needed. The A5s put out plenty of bass although it's a little muddy.

I spent a lot of time listening to:
B&W 685 (my favorites but I need to keep my AMP and Preamp)
Cambridge Sound Works (good for movies but not for music)
Adams A3x (studio monitors so they're nearfield)

I found that what works well for music is not always what I want for TV/Movies. The A5s were the best compromise for the living room.

Now I need to figure out a sound card or DAC.
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Old 02-12-2012, 08:39 PM   #20

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Let me know what sound card you end up with Moby, I would like to transfer my all my video and sound onto something a little more practical.

My collection is huge, I have over 1000 DVD's and about the same with CD music. I have moved most of my CD's out of the cases into suitcases but still very cumbersome.

Sounds like a good project to start.
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