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Old 12-06-2011, 07:15 AM   #1

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Default When Governments Go Rogue - Oathkeepers. December 1, 2011
That's right lefties, the one with the most toys wins!

When Governments Go Rogue

December 01, 2011
By Brandon Smith of Alt-Market.com
There are those today who would claim that the lifeblood of a nation is dependent upon the graces of its government. That government is the focal point of cultural growth, and that we as citizens should respect it as such. I would be more inclined to agree if the public did not so easily confuse the ideals of leadership with the actions of criminals. That is to say, regardless of what we wish our government to be, bureaucracies rarely, if ever, embody the spirit of the common man (a necessity for any system that purports to defend the citizenry). Instead, bureaucracies almost inevitably deteriorate into vehicles for the perpetuation of tyranny driven by the very worst of all stewards; elitist minorities with delusions of godhood.

Unfortunately, despite this fact, the masses often treat these industrious vermin and the plagues of society that they build with the same reverence as they would a sincere and honorable body politic.

Government is not nor has it ever been a foregone conclusion. Government is not concrete. It is not tangible. It is not the foundation of society. Instead, government is an abstraction; a fantastic dream of collectivist paternity in the face of individual hardship. Those who fear to wander the world on their own courage, strength, and merit, seek to elevate and empower “decision makers” to provide the comfort of limited liability. Through this process, governments are created out of thin air. All governmental authority is, thus, HANDED to those in positions of leadership. What makes one man a “king” and another man a “peasant”? Only the people of a country, and where they choose to place their personal control; in their own hands, or the hands of others.

To put it simply, there is no power over us but that which we give away, and no freedom lost, that cannot be regained.
Until this reality is understood, consecutive generations of human beings will be left to wonder astonished at the endless atrocities of governments they thought they could trust. The truth is, no government, no matter how seemingly noble, deserves our full faith. All governments must be treated like storehouses of aging dynamite; with extreme vigilance, care, and suspicion, because, it is in the very nature of centralized power to sink towards destabilization and disaster.

The American dynamic was meant to be different. For the first time in history, a group of people organized an administrative body which was predicated upon the will of the general populace and not the will of the incorporated elite. The Constitution was the first legal document designed to LIMIT the power of government, not endlessly exonerate it. Though many in our modern age have become completely ignorant of its original intent, the Constitution and its written protections allowed for the first decentralized government of the Western world, if not the entire world. A government which was specifically tasked with shielding the rights of the individual beyond the desires of the mindless “majority”, or the normally influential aristocracy.

Obviously, we have strayed far and away beyond the schematics set forth by the founding fathers.

Let us finally be honest with ourselves and say it out loud; our government is not Constitutional! It has become a mutation. A monstrosity. A malformed creature given birth by the oozing genetic material of mad social scientists hell bent on dominating the building blocks of our political life. It is a thing to be abhorred, not admired, and certainly not to be trusted.

The statement above may be confusing to those who have relegated their concerns to the immediate. If one is free to walk about the streets, keep a job, have a drink, and settle in front of his television for hours on end, then what is there to be worried about? If he is not directly affected by the ill notions of men in far off banks and capitols, then why care at all? If the pain of government criminality only strikes people from “other” cultures, or other walks of life, why be concerned? For those who actually suffer from this brand of idiocy, I can only relate the unwarranted role that our government has assumed within our society and hope that they begin to realize how extraordinarily unsafe they really are.

The injustices visited upon the few are invariably visited upon the many in time, especially where a rogue government resides.

The kind of intrusion by government allowed by the American people today is utterly astounding. Bank records, medical records, political viewpoints, phone conversations, emails, child rearing practices, food eating habits, health pursuits, social networking habits, biometric data, travel; nothing is safe from the prying eyes of government anymore.

At what point did we as a nation decide that the government’s opinion of the domestic ideal should become the precedent? At what point did we decide that a faceless bureaucracy knows better than we do what is best for us? When did our lives become an open book to be read at the government’s leisure?

I say “we decided”, because we must bear a large part of the blame. From the institution of the Patriot Acts, to the utilization of the FISA domestic spying bill, to the latest monitoring and cataloging by the DHS and the Federal Reserve of private internet activity, we have stood by and done little to nothing in response.

The argument put forth by establishment proponents has always been that the government’s task is to keep us safe. In order to do this, they say, there can be nowhere for “evil doers” to hide. Therefore, the privacy of every individual must be sacrificed for the greater good of the greater number. This argument is unabashed nonsense.

Governments do not keep people safe. Governments are historically predisposed to ending far more lives than they protect, especially when they have strayed from their original mandates. When a government goes rogue, or has been honed as a tool for control rather than defense, its directives lean towards self preservation, not the preservation of the public. That is to say, the government and those who directly benefit from its manipulation set policies that ensure their own safety, and no one else’s.

Without a doubt, all the anti-4th Amendment legislation that has been passed over the course of last decade is focused not on some sinister force, foreign or domestic. Instead, it has been focused on average American citizens, because, whether we want to admit it or not, the government sees US as their greatest enemy.
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Old 12-06-2011, 08:39 AM   #2

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The American dynamic was meant to be different. For the first time in history, a group of people organized an administrative body which was predicated upon the will of the general populace and not the will of the incorporated elite. Only white landed men???
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Old 12-06-2011, 08:49 AM   #3

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Only white landed men???
Welcome to 2011, Slavery is over, didn't you get the memo?

We are all "black" now.

Why would you turn this into a racial post, I don't get it.

You know who the president is, right?

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Old 12-06-2011, 08:56 AM   #4

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Not racial........ I am pointing out that those words don't mean much, @ least to me....... They were the elite....... The elite has always ran this country w/ few exceptions............

For the vast majority of ppl living here, the deal was the same, they merely had new masters..........

There was free land to be had or real real cheap........... The ppl already living on it had no say.........
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Old 12-06-2011, 09:06 AM   #5

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Not racial........ I am pointing out that those words don't mean much, @ least to me....... They were the elite....... The elite has always ran this country w/ few exceptions............

For the vast majority of ppl living here, the deal was the same, they merely had new masters..........

There was free land to be had or real real cheap........... The ppl already living on it had no say.........
I still don't know what you are trying to say as it pertains to this post?

Are you anti-Constitution?

The American "experiment" is 235 old, it's always changing, and we have a written document to assure that the power SHOULD be kept in the hands of the people, not the elite, we agree that this isnt the case now, but what to do?

Restore the constitution (Rule of law) would be a good start, do you not agree with that?

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence,[note 1] promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
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Old 12-06-2011, 09:50 AM   #6

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That is another issue........ I don't wanna discuss that @ the moment........

My point, is simply about what I quoted- I believe that is simply bull shit.......

The American dynamic was meant to be different. For the first time in history, a group of people organized an administrative body which was predicated upon the will of the general populace and not the will of the incorporated elite. It was not predicated on the will of the general populace, about 1/3 did not want to rebel............

Once the landed gentlemen were able to bribe & fire up the ppl they got some participation but many of them felt betrayed when it was all said & done... & I repeat, this was not a mass movement & after their services they couldn't even vote...........

Those that organized the rebellion & had the most to gain were the elites, the landed aristocracy...
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Old 12-06-2011, 10:12 AM   #7

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That is another issue........ I don't wanna discuss that @ the moment........

My point, is simply about what I quoted- I believe that is simply bull shit.......

It was not predicated on the will of the general populace, about 1/3 did not want to rebel............

Once the landed gentlemen were able to bribe & fire up the ppl they got some participation but many of them felt betrayed when it was all said & done... & I repeat, this was not a mass movement & after their services they couldn't even vote...........

Those that organized the rebellion & had the most to gain were the elites, the landed aristocracy...
Funny I was in Williamsburg Va. during the Thanksgiving holiday and my wife was reading at one of the historical locations how women & slaves did not have a vote & ONLY 'White property owners' where given rights during the formation of this nation.

I was quietly bemused & said interesting isn't it....
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Old 12-06-2011, 10:15 AM   #8

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Now the thing I'm interested in is where the fuck where the Oath keepers during the crack down on people having redress against the economic/political system as it stands today.

All I saw/heard where crickets.
I find it soooo interesting they make a statement AFTER the crackdown on freedom of expression.

Really puts a light on their partisan bullshit. IMHO.
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Old 12-06-2011, 12:40 PM   #9

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That's right lefties, the one with the most toys wins!

When Governments Go Rogue

Oath keepers??? You have to be kidding,

THE .50 CALIBER Bushmaster bolt action rifle is a serious weapon. The model that Pvt. 1st Class Lee Pray is saving up for has a 2,500-yard range and comes with a Mark IV scope and an easy-load magazine. When the 25-year-old drove me to a mall in Watertown, New York, near the Fort Drum Army base, he brought me to see it in its glass case—he visits it periodically, like a kid coveting something at the toy store. It'll take plenty of military paychecks to cover the $5,600 price tag, but he considers the Bushmaster essential in his preparations to take on the US government when it declares martial law.

His belief that that day is imminent has led Pray to a group called Oath Keepers, one of the fastest-growing "patriot" organizations on the right. Founded last April by Yale-educated lawyer and ex-Ron Paul aide Stewart Rhodes, the group has established itself as a hub in the sprawling anti-Obama movement that includes Tea Partiers, Birthers, and 912ers. Glenn Beck, Lou Dobbs, and Pat Buchanan have all sung its praises, and in December, a grassroots summit it helped organize drew such prominent guests as representatives Phil Gingrey and Paul Broun, both Georgia Republicans.

There are scores of patriot groups, but what makes Oath Keepers unique is that its core membership consists of men and women in uniform, including soldiers, police, and veterans. At regular ceremonies in every state, members reaffirm their official oaths of service, pledging to protect the Constitution—but then they go a step further, vowing to disobey "unconstitutional" orders from what they view as an increasingly tyrannical government.

Pray (who asked me to use his middle name rather than his first) and five fellow soldiers based at Fort Drum take this directive very seriously. In the belief that the government is already turning on its citizens, they are recruiting military buddies, stashing weapons, running drills, and outlining a plan of action. For years, they say, police and military have trained side by side in local anti-terrorism exercises around the nation. In September 2008, the Army began training the 3rd Infantry's 1st Brigade Combat Team to provide humanitarian aid following a domestic disaster or terror attack—and to help with crowd control and civil unrest if need be. (The ACLU has expressed concern about this deployment.) And some of Pray's comrades were guinea pigs for military-grade sonic weapons, only to see them used by Pittsburgh police against protesters last fall.

Most of the men's gripes revolve around policies that began under President Bush but didn't scare them so much at the time. "Too many conservatives relied on Bush's character and didn't pay attention," founder Rhodes told me. "Only now, with Obama, do they worry and see what has been done. Maybe you said, I trusted Bush to only go after the terrorists.* But what do you think can happen down the road when they say, 'I think you are a threat to the nation?'"
http://motherjones.com/politics/2010/03/oath-keepers This coupled with your support of crazy uncle Ron Paul outs you as another radical fringe member. This groups was at many Tea Bagger gatherings where they brought their weapons to show how tough they are. As far as I'm concerned these jerks are a terrorist organization dressed up as patriots.

Way to go.

I have to wonder if you're aware that the oath keepers are part of the seven mountains mandate of the dominionists...radical plans for a 'christ centered' america...a theocracy,
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Old 12-06-2011, 03:40 PM   #10

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Where in the early Constitution does it outline who has the right to vote?

The Constitution guaranteed rights to the common man in the Bill of Rights. States decided who voted, and at least four of them gave voting rights to free black men. Most States only allowed property owners to vote because those were the men with a truly vested interest in seeing the country succeed, not just vagabonds or transients. But by the 1850's, all white men had the right to vote, and by the 1870's, black men had the Constitutional right to vote.

The Constitution presented a path to freedom. Freedom for all could not be achieved instantaneously. It had to start with freedom from the King and monarchial dictatorship. You may call the FF's elitists, but in their time, they were the middleclass, not royalty. They were "commoners" ... something that liberal elitists abhor.


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