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Old 09-15-2008, 12:42 AM   #1

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THANKFULLY there are people rising up against those who parade themselves as politicians and powerbrokers. In Norway people are making positive protests to raise peoples awareness regarding Chemtrails - I urge you to research this subject. I came across chemtrails back in 2000 in a magazine called Nexus (bi-monthly), it was an article about a community affected by chemtrails. If you go to You Tube and enter chemtrails you will see plenty of videos showing this phenomena, also Google chemtrails and read up then educate your friends! However this is only a small fragment of what we are up against, and people are sometimes to hard to awaken from their induced slumber; by such means as FLUORIDE in our drinking water, ASPARTAME in diet drinks, and foods (even non diet foods/drinks). We are being dumbed down on a daily basis, and people such as OSHO (even though not on this planet now), DAVID ICKE, IAN R CRANE, GARY NULL PHD are helping to awaken many of us. The battle is ongoing and will be bloody, but we shall prevail. Yes their are times when war is needed, and I shall shoulder arms if called upon, as will my wife! We hope it will not need such savagery, but we are realists!
People in the USA are questioning there governments version of 9/11, many not believing the BS they are being fed; as we are over in the UK regarding 7/7. Another good subject to research is what is known as FALSE FLAGS, see how our so called democratically elected leaders get things done!!! It will be extremely beneficial for those who blindly trust those in power! Politicians and Priests are two powerful figures who need addressing, we need to see the Light() as it were.
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Old 09-15-2008, 09:51 PM   #2

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"Dorothy, your boyfriend, Mulla Nasrudin, seems very bashful," said Mama to her daughter.

"Bashful!" echoed the daughter, "bashful is no name for it."

"Why don't you encourage him a little more? Some men have to be taught how to do their courting. He's a good catch."

"Encourage him!" said the daughter, "he cannot take the most palpable hint. Why, only last night when I sat all alone on the sofa, he perched up in a chair as far away as he could get. I asked him if he didn't think it strange that a man's arm and a woman's waist seemed always to be the same length, and what do you think he did?"

"Why, just what any sensible man would have done -- tried it."


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Old 09-16-2008, 03:21 AM   #3

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THANKFULLY there are people rising up against those who parade themselves as politicians and powerbrokers. In Norway people are making positive protests to raise peoples awareness regarding Chemtrails - I urge you to research this subject. I came across chemtrails back in 2000 in a magazine called Nexus (bi-monthly), it was an article about a community affected by chemtrails. If you go to You Tube and enter chemtrails you will see plenty of videos showing this phenomena, also Google chemtrails and read up then educate your friends! However this is only a small fragment of what we are up against, and people are sometimes to hard to awaken from their induced slumber; by such means as FLUORIDE in our drinking water, ASPARTAME in diet drinks, and foods (even non diet foods/drinks). We are being dumbed down on a daily basis, and people such as OSHO (even though not on this planet now), DAVID ICKE, IAN R CRANE, GARY NULL PHD are helping to awaken many of us. The battle is ongoing and will be bloody, but we shall prevail. Yes their are times when war is needed, and I shall shoulder arms if called upon, as will my wife! We hope it will not need such savagery, but we are realists!
People in the USA are questioning there governments version of 9/11, many not believing the BS they are being fed; as we are over in the UK regarding 7/7. Another good subject to research is what is known as FALSE FLAGS, see how our so called democratically elected leaders get things done!!! It will be extremely beneficial for those who blindly trust those in power! Politicians and Priests are two powerful figures who need addressing, we need to see the Light() as it were.
Yeah, you know Sweden, Finland and Norway are countries of badasses ~smiles~. Everyone has to do at least two years in the military, so basically the whole country knows how to fight ~chuckles~. If only it were that way all the way around the world ~smiles~.
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Old 09-16-2008, 10:26 AM   #4

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Yeah, you know Sweden, Finland and Norway are countries of badasses ~smiles~. Everyone has to do at least two years in the military, so basically the whole country knows how to fight ~chuckles~. If only it were that way all the way around the world ~smiles~.
My Mum's country of birth,Belgium,,has obligatory military service too!As I've already written we are being force fed "medication" which dumbs the majority of us down;FLUORIDE in our drinking water(1) CHEMTRAILS in our skies(2) ASPARTAME & MSG etc in our foods/beverages(3) are just a few examples of how far the Establishment will go in order to achieve their goals.
In the UK another tool used to further suppress people is television!People care far more for fictitional characters than they do for people in the real world.We don't watch any television at all and we feel much more alert and alive,it is now eight weeks of TV free life;and one of our friends cannot understand why we don't TV.The power of television!

The good news is that we are seeing more and more people awaken from their slumber,questions are being asked.Another of the Establishments tools is the education system,from primary to senior school,children are force fed the Establishment line.Luckily our daughter (who is 13) is aware of what is happening in the world,and acts accordingly.If my wife and I have another child we will school him/her at home.This also leads us to look further into immunisation of babies/children,after seeing a film by Gary Null PHD it opened our eyes as to the dangers of vaccines as to what is in these innoculations.Their has been controversy over the MMR Vaccine being linked with Autism and child death.Staying with this line of thought and our Doctor/GP are legalised drug pushers who aid Big Pharma to keep on piling up their profits up!
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Old 10-09-2008, 09:38 PM   #5

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Default Baghwan Rajneesh (Osho)
I adore the words of Osho, the Rebellious Mystic, I love his wisdom and humour. I would love to hear from anyone else who shares this with me! Maybe we can discuss all things Osho.
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Old 10-09-2008, 09:42 PM   #6

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I love Osho's stuff!
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Old 10-09-2008, 10:53 PM   #7

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I love Osho's stuff!
Aahhh....glad to know you Coffeebeing........ I came across Osho's teachings in the late 80s,and have remained with them.

I enjoy seeing him on YouTube ! I Always makes me happy and the rebel within me says YEHHHH!!!

I look forward to chatting Osho with you...
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Old 10-10-2008, 02:41 AM   #8

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Osho : His Life & Work

Most of us live out our lives in the world of time, in the memories of past and anticipation of future. Only rarely do we touch the timeless dimension of the present-in moments of sudden beauty, or a sudden danger, in meeting with the lover or with the surprise of the unexpected.

Very few people step out of the world of time and mind, its ambitions and competitiveness, and begin to live in the world of timeless. And of those who do, only a few have attempted to share their experience. LaoTzu, Buddha, Bodhidharma, .... or more recently, George Gurdjieff, Raman Maharshi, J. Krishnamurti- they are thought by their contemporaries to be eccentrics or mad man; after their death they are called "Philosophers".

And in time they become legends- not flesh-and-blood human beings, but perhaps mythological representations of our collective wish to go beyond the smallness and trivia, meaninglessness of our everyday life

Osho is one who has discovered the door to living His life in timeless dimension of the present - He has called Himself a "true existentialist" - and he has devoted his life to provoking others to seek the same door, to step out of the world of past and future and discover for themselves the world of eternity.

Osho was born in Kuchwada, Madya Prades, India on December 11, 1931. From His earliest childhood , he was a rebellious and independent spirit, insisting on experiencing the truth for Himself rather than acquirng the knowledge and beliefs given by others.

After His enlightenment at the age of 21, Osho completed His academic studies and spent several years teaching philosophy at the University of Jabalpur. Meanwhile, He traveled throughout India giving talks, challenging orthodox religious leaders in public debate, questioning traditional beliefs, and meeting people form all walks of life. He read extensively, everything he could find to broaden his understanding of the belief systems and psychology of contemporary man. By the late 1960''s Osho had begun to develop his unique Dynamic Mediation techniques. Modern man, he said, is so burdened with the out-mooded traditions of and the anxieties of modern-day living that he must go through deep cleansing process before he can hope to discover the thoughtless, relaxed state of meditation.

In the early 1970''s, the first westerners began to hear of Osho. By 1974, a commune had been established around Him in Poona, India, and the trickle of visitors from the West was soon to become a flood. In the course of His work Osho had spoken on virtually every aspect of development of human consciousness. He has distilled the essence of what is significant to the spiritual quest of the contemporary man, based not on intellectual understanding, but tested against his own existantial experience.

He belongs to no tradition- "I am a beginning of a totally new religious consciousness ", he says. "Please don''t connect me with the past-it is not even worth remembering." His talks to disciples and seeks from all over the world have been published in more than 600 volumes, and translated to over 30 languages.

Osho left his body on Jan 19th, 1990

His commune in Nepal continues to be the spiritual growth center attracting many international visitors who come to participate in its meditation or just to experience being in Buddha field.
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Old 12-10-2008, 12:11 AM   #9

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Existence is not a problem to be solved, it is a mystery to be lived. And you should be perfectly aware what the difference is between a mystery and a problem. A problem is something created by the mind; a mystery is something which is there, not created by the mind. A problem has an ugliness in it, like disease. A mystery is beautiful. With a problem, immediately a fight arises. You have to solve it; something is wrong, you have to put it right; something is missing, you have to supply the missing link. With a mystery there is no question like that. The moon arises in the night.... It is not a problem, it is a mystery. You have to live with it. You have to dance with it. You have to sing with it, or you can be just silent with it. Something mysterious surrounds you.

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Old 12-10-2008, 12:13 AM   #10

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New neighbours had moved in and had been under observation for several days.
”They seem like a most devoted couple,” said Mulla Nasrudin’s wife to her husband. ”Every time he leaves for work she comes out on the porch and he hugs and kisses her. Why don’t you do that?”

A policeman stopped drunk Mulla Nasrudin and said to him, ”Do you know who I am?”
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Old 12-10-2008, 01:34 AM   #11

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Sometimes I can't help but think that everything is perception.

I loved and followed the Carlos Castanada books from start to finish, and one that I really liked was "Seperate Reality".

We all have our separate reality/perceptions of what is truth, and there is the mass reality of quantum mechanics, physics and mainstream soceity ~smiles~

Take the Jewish, Christian and Muslim religions...they all stemmed from the God of Abraham, but somewhere some seperate realities changes, and as it caught steam it became a mass reality in the social-religio sphere, and now they all want to kill each other because each one is the right one ~snickers~

If you grow up in a mean place like Afgahnastan your whole life hearing nothing but the Koran, that is your reality unless you see something else that changes your seperate reality, same with the Ghetto, Christians, Buddhists, etc. ~smiles~.

It is a very interesting conversation for sure!
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Old 12-10-2008, 01:50 AM   #12

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Sometimes I can't help but think that everything is perception.

I loved and followed the Carlos Castanada books from start to finish, and one that I really liked was "Seperate Reality".

We all have our separate reality/perceptions of what is truth, and there is the mass reality of quantum mechanics, physics and mainstream soceity ~smiles~

Take the Jewish, Christian and Muslim religions...they all stemmed from the God of Abraham, but somewhere some seperate realities changes, and as it caught steam it became a mass reality in the social-religio sphere, and now they all want to kill each other because each one is the right one ~snickers~

If you grow up in a mean place like Afgahnastan your whole life hearing nothing but the Koran, that is your reality unless you see something else that changes your seperate reality, same with the Ghetto, Christians, Buddhists, etc. ~smiles~.

It is a very interesting conversation for sure!
I adore Osho's wisdom! His rebellious nature too!He stripped everything down to its barest,and then dug some more!Osho spoke without hesitation,often shocked - but that was part of his charm.One of my fave quotes of his was thus "Priests Are The Politicians of the Soul"!!!
"Enjoy your human experience" is another!

Were we grow up,our family/parents and friends all have an effect on how we grow up and turn out.For example my parents were very puritanical when it came to sex - so hey guess what - I had problems with sex!Still do to a degree!Taking it back it a stage further,and my Mum was brought up by a strict Catholic Mother,so she was "programmed" to think about sex in the way that she did.To my Mum sex was dirty,but this was due to her upbringing. Taking things a stage forward and to were we are today,we have our governments interfering with our basic human rights.Here in the UK we have become the most spied upon nation in the world - FACT! Everywere you go there is a camera following your every move - 1984 - is well here!Our way of life is being threatened by such things as GM Food, Irradiation, Artificial Sweeteners (ASPARTAME-SACCHARIN etc),and Fluoride in our drinking water! All introduced to "dumb" us down!Guess who used FLUORIDE in the drinking water? HITLER! Yes to keep the concentration camps managable. I have digressed,I am sorry! But I have researched the things I've written about and people need to awaken to what sort of world we live in!
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Old 12-10-2008, 03:31 AM   #13

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If you grow up in a mean place like Afghanistan your whole life hearing nothing but the Koran, that is your reality unless you see something else that changes your separate reality, same with the Ghetto, Christians, Buddhists, etc. ~smiles~.

It is a very interesting conversation for sure!
I tend to disagree, having studied the Koran as well as other sacred books of many religions. None are mean though some of the places surely are. Each of the Holy books are blueprints about how to live one's life and how to treat others. And all Holy books can be interpolated to be less than friendly to others not of your faith. But if read in their pure form with out a bunch of priests to tell you what is meant they are quite good.

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Old 12-10-2008, 03:34 AM   #14

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I agree fully and misworded my intentions UncleMike ~smiles~, but I think you understood what I was trying to convey ~smiles~
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Old 12-10-2008, 03:42 AM   #15

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I adore Osho's wisdom! His rebellious nature too!He stripped everything down to its barest,and then dug some more!Osho spoke without hesitation,often shocked - but that was part of his charm.One of my fave quotes of his was thus "Priests Are The Politicians of the Soul"!!!
"Enjoy your human experience" is another!

Were we grow up,our family/parents and friends all have an effect on how we grow up and turn out.For example my parents were very puritanical when it came to sex - so hey guess what - I had problems with sex!Still do to a degree!Taking it back it a stage further,and my Mum was brought up by a strict Catholic Mother,so she was "programmed" to think about sex in the way that she did.To my Mum sex was dirty,but this was due to her upbringing. Taking things a stage forward and to were we are today,we have our governments interfering with our basic human rights.Here in the UK we have become the most spied upon nation in the world - FACT! Everywere you go there is a camera following your every move - 1984 - is well here!Our way of life is being threatened by such things as GM Food, Irradiation, Artificial Sweeteners (ASPARTAME-SACCHARIN etc),and Fluoride in our drinking water! All introduced to "dumb" us down!Guess who used FLUORIDE in the drinking water? HITLER! Yes to keep the concentration camps managable. I have digressed,I am sorry! But I have researched the things I've written about and people need to awaken to what sort of world we live in!
Agreed, I too am trying to wake the world up, but who will lead this Crusade against the 1% in power? And how will we incorporate such policies? I am a firm believer in war, as my god rewards those that fight for their convictions, however many would rather not fight, and I would like to say one thing Conservatives spout that is true "There is not freedom without death"

I think most people want to do something but how do we unite? Not too mention any force that gets big enough in America will just disappear with NSPD-51 and the loss of Habeas Corpus thrown out the window.

And when you consider that the government here in America has taken control of the all ways in and out of the country (you could sneak into the south or north I guess) by taking control of Airports, Shipping Docks with "Homeland Security".

Then they just took over the Financial Institutions, next they'll be sending the national guard to people's doors to get their guns ~chuckles~

If you look at history every dictator has pulled this, I am skeptical but I firmly believe that there is some force like the Illumanati (even if it is an unseen force of darkness pulling the strings) who just want to dominate the world. It may be hogwash but so many things are happening in so many countries at so many levels. It reminds me of the 1930's and the rise to WWII.
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