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Old 10-20-2009, 09:50 PM   #1

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Default Roman Cathloic Church poaching Anglicans?
Catholic Church Revises Constitution to Attract Anglicans

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Roman Catholic Church made a stunning policy reversal on Tuesday in a move to attract thousands of traditional Anglicans who have become disaffected by a growing acceptance of gays and women priests and bishops.

Catholic Church Revises Constitution to Attract Anglicans - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News - FOXNews.com

Interesting move by the Roman Church. I don't think the article gives any details for the mechanism by which an Anglican could worship using their liturgy in the RC Church. It would seem that you would need an Anglican priest. If this is the case, is it the intention of Rome that an entire congregation would break away (with or without property)? Or would they attempt to recruit Anglican priests and plant new Anglo-Roman Catholic parishes or have an Anglican service at an existing RC church?
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Old 10-20-2009, 10:34 PM   #2

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I prefer my Anglicans parboiled.
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Old 10-21-2009, 03:27 AM   #3

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That's a real reversal. Usually, we Anglicans (or Episcopalians as Americans are known since we as a nation broke from England in 1776), are usually welcoming disaffected Romans. My own Church has a number of former Roman Catholics who came to us over a variety of issues such as divorce, acceptance of gays, broader roles for women, married priests, etc. I'm one of them.

But it is true that some Episcopalians are upset over the Church's liberal policies and it would be good for them to find a church home. I'm really curious as to what they would need to do to become a full, communicating member of the Roman church. When I switched from Roman, I just had to show up and say I was baptized to be allowed to receive the sacraments. I was later "received" rather tan confirmed because the Episcopal church found my Roman confirmation completely valid. Being received was not necessary to receive sacraments but it did make me a full-fledged member with the right to vote in parish elections and run in elections myself.
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Old 10-21-2009, 04:46 AM   #4

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OY man made organized religions.

When Christians can get it together to be loving and forgiving and non -exclusionary...I will consider giving them a passing thought.
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Old 10-21-2009, 03:25 PM   #5

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Hate faggots?

Well then we have a church for you!

The Catholic Church, heck we may even burn 'em like we used to for ya.

the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
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Old 10-22-2009, 08:21 PM   #6

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Desolate, hating homosexuals vs. loving them is not even the argument although many liberal minded Christians choose to frame the argument that way. It's not like the Roman Catholics and Traditional Anglicans are in the same camp as the "God Hates Fags" Phelps church.

It's a matter of moral behavior. Guess what? I'm not homosexual but I am just as guilty as anyone else since I am a sinner and I have certainly fornicated. The problem arises when we believe that fornication is a sin and the opposite is preached from the pulpit. I have been in many congregations where there are gay members and I don't judge anyone. We all have our vices. Love each other but you have to be careful about preaching contemporary cultural morality from the pulpit.

I have had sex outside of marriage and I have lustful thoughts. I am married now but I can't help it when I have unpure thoughts but I don't expect the priest to validate it and tell me that it's wonderful and Christ loves that behavior.

If you have sex with your spouse and think of someone else, I believe that is a sin and I'm sure we have all done this to a degree. I'm starting to ramble but I suppose the stance I would take is that two men can love each other as can two women but sex is only a small part of it. Just as I won't be able to have uncorrupted sex in God's view, I don't expect gays to not express themselves. I think we just need to be honest with God about what is love and how we define the Godly gift to procreate that both homo and heteros have corrupted.

Does this mean I hate gay people or that I am a homophobe?
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Old 10-22-2009, 08:59 PM   #7

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But it is true that some Episcopalians are upset over the Church's liberal policies
"Upset"? The Episcopal Church has experienced its first schism over the issue! It's highlighted how many conservative wackjobs were hiding in the ranks.
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Old 10-22-2009, 09:02 PM   #8

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What? Catholic Britons!

What do they do on Guy Fawkes night?

@ The OP, the Anglican rite is nearly identical to the Latin rite. The split between the churches was political, and theological differences appeared down the line.

Does this mean I hate gay people or that I am a homophobe? I don't think so. If you go around preaching that homosexuality is a sin or try to stop gays from being themselves then you have a problem.
I think we just need to be honest with God about what is love and how we define the Godly gift to procreate that both homo and heteros have corrupted. One of the things that turned me off religion is this. God wouldn't create these emotions and feelings in us just to create a litmus test for us. That's not just, that's not right. If you feel in your deepest parts that you're gay then that's who you are. I don't see anything wrong with that. The same with you worrying about "unpure" thoughts. A just and loving god wouldn't create our mind with the capacity to experience those and then condemn us for it.
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Old 10-22-2009, 09:56 PM   #9

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A just and loving god wouldn't create our mind with the capacity to experience those and then condemn us for it.
This isn't the theology of all Christians and is actually one of the many divisions within the Church, but this is explained through the concept of original sin.

The idea is that Adam and Eve were in paradise but fell into sin after being tempted by Satan and were thrown out into the world. Since that time, this original sin is passed onto all people. That is why the wonderful gifts of god are always corrupted by man. For example, food is a wonderful thing and the experience of flavor is one of the things that makes life great. But the corruption of this is gluttony. Just look at the overweight people in this country for evidence!

Maybe that’s more than you wanted to know but that’s how many Christians explain the seemingly opposition of our natural instincts and God’s will.
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Old 10-22-2009, 10:39 PM   #10

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This isn't the theology of all Christians and is actually one of the many divisions within the Church, but this is explained through the concept of original sin.

The idea is that Adam and Eve were in paradise but fell into sin after being tempted by Satan and were thrown out into the world. Since that time, this original sin is passed onto all people. That is why the wonderful gifts of god are always corrupted by man. For example, food is a wonderful thing and the experience of flavor is one of the things that makes life great. But the corruption of this is gluttony. Just look at the overweight people in this country for evidence!

Maybe that’s more than you wanted to know but that’s how many Christians explain the seemingly opposition of our natural instincts and God’s will.
I was raised Catholic, I quit when I left for college.

Unless you take Genesis literally, I don't understand how you can buy the story. Since that Catholicism teaches that those stories aren't literally true, but "morally", what the real justification for original sin becomes lost. Because even when I was Catholic, I had a hard time with that one. If you take it literally, then we're going to have a fundamental disagreement.

I don't get why the mistakes of your ancestors should have any bearing on your life, you did not take part of it and were not party too it. Another one of those problems with justice.
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Old 11-02-2009, 04:54 AM   #11

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Do you think there will be a "slew" of Anglicans/Episcopalians converting to Catholicism?

For some reason, I do not think so.....What do you think?
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Old 11-02-2009, 05:29 AM   #12

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Well, if you're looking for "we'll take just about anybody" kind of church that's not that into making waves and going extreme, there's always the Methodists. Where I come from, they were pretty good about poaching disaffected Southern Baptists who got disenchanted with more extreme forms of worship--or got turned off by the evangelism.
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Old 12-02-2009, 01:52 AM   #13

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I’m not married, but it seems that sex is another thing that man corrupts, in addition to the gift of foods (our gluttony). Rape, abortion, and infidelity are but 3 examples of man’s selfish sexuality. We have a way of degrading God’s “gifts,” as you say.

This isn't the theology of all Christians and is actually one of the many divisions within the Church, but this is explained through the concept of original sin.

The idea is that Adam and Eve were in paradise but fell into sin after being tempted by Satan and were thrown out into the world. Since that time, this original sin is passed onto all people. That is why the wonderful gifts of god are always corrupted by man. For example, food is a wonderful thing and the experience of flavor is one of the things that makes life great. But the corruption of this is gluttony. Just look at the overweight people in this country for evidence!

Maybe that’s more than you wanted to know but that’s how many Christians explain the seemingly opposition of our natural instincts and God’s will.
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Old 12-02-2009, 03:25 AM   #14

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I Rape, abortion, and infidelity are but 3 examples of man’s selfish sexuality.
Sexual fidelity is a man-made construct.
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Old 12-02-2009, 05:29 AM   #15

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"man-made construct"? What about the 10 Commandments, for those of us who believe?

OldMama, on the subject of baptism, in the Nicene Creed, which you are most likely familiar with, we say: "We acknowledge ONE baptism for the forgiveness of sins...", which means if you are baptized legitimately in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit in ANY Christian denomination, you don't need to be baptized again in another denomination.
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Old 12-02-2009, 05:31 AM   #16

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"man-made construct"? What about the 10 Commandments, for those of us who believ?
Well, then your faith tells you that they're the divine word of God.

But as you've no proof that that is the case (hence the necessity for faith) I'm going with "man-made construct."
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Old 12-02-2009, 05:33 AM   #17

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Sexual fidelity is a man-made construct.
No, I think it is a woman-made concept. Ask Tiger Woods which half of his marriage had to hotfoot it out of the house for fear of getting brained with a golf club.
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Old 12-02-2009, 06:06 AM   #18

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Funny, I would argue that it is man-made because it has always been about possessing women. In Judeo-Christian societies (and in ancient Rome as well) women were/are expected to be innocent, pure, and faithful, while men are tacitly allowed to sleep around, so long as they don't get caught.
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Old 12-02-2009, 06:17 AM   #19

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Funny, I would argue that it is man-made because it has always been about possessing women. In Judeo-Christian societies (and in ancient Rome as well) women were/are expected to be innocent, pure, and faithful, while men are tacitly allowed to sleep around, so long as they don't get caught.
Concerning the "men" part, how do you explain the Christian teaching in Matthew 5:32? It doesn't seem to agree with what you just wrote. See also 1 Corinthians 6:9.
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Old 12-02-2009, 06:19 AM   #20

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Funny, I would argue that it is man-made because it has always been about possessing women. In Judeo-Christian societies (and in ancient Rome as well) women were/are expected to be innocent, pure, and faithful, while men are tacitly allowed to sleep around, so long as they don't get caught.
I guess I have never developed confidence to test the "Don't get caught" part. If I got it wrong, I'd be dead in a matter of hours. Never mess with a tough little Southern girl.
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