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Old 07-27-2010, 04:24 AM   #1

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Default Different temperments
Hi, I am just wondering to start with if one sex of the pit has a better temperment than the other??? I haven't had a pit myself so .... i'm here to listen and learn...and also if there are blue pits or not.?? I read on one site that pits don't come in blue and if they are blue they aren't pit.. true or false ??? I can't remember the site now ...i've been to so many but i'm sure i will find it again... thanks .... vicki
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Old 07-27-2010, 04:59 AM   #2

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Hi, I am just wondering to start with if one sex of the pit has a better temperment than the other??? I haven't had a pit myself so .... i'm here to listen and learn...and also if there are blue pits or not.?? I read on one site that pits don't come in blue and if they are blue they aren't pit.. true or false ??? I can't remember the site now ...i've been to so many but i'm sure i will find it again... thanks .... vicki
Hi there. Personally I don't know if there really is a difference between a male and female dogs personality. Each dog is an indivdual and some have better temperments than others. I personally love females. To me they are more stubborn and you really have to show them that you are top dog. However their undying devotion and the respect you get from them beats all. My first pit was female, my current Am Staff is female, and it's probable that any future ones will be female. That's just me though.

As for blue ABPTs, they aren't common, most blues are Am. Staffs or Am Bullies.
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Old 07-27-2010, 05:37 AM   #3

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I second the female vote. Most of my dogs over the years have been female. They can be a royal headache to train at times but I suppose I like it that way.

Best of all (according to some and I won't argue) it is EXTREMELY rare that they try to hump your leg.

But they really are hell on the grass due to the way they urinate all in one go as opposed to spreading it around more as males do when marking.
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Old 07-27-2010, 05:42 AM   #4

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Thanks.. my personal choice of any breed has always been females also...
I just wasn't sure of difference in the pits...

I had read an artical online saying that if it's blue its not an american pit. That is basically y I ask..I always thought some pits were blue. as a matter of fact I was thinking my nephew who lives our of state had a blue but wasn't sure...He has a most beautiful white one now..He's as white as snow and the most beautiful white pit i've seen....Vic

---------- Post added at 10:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:38 PM ----------

I just never could deal with the male marking everything they came in contact with..lol... including me.!!!! I've had males also ...vic
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Old 07-27-2010, 05:42 AM   #5

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Females are more mature and serious IMO.
My boys just laid back and a bit of a mummys boy.
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Old 07-27-2010, 05:59 AM   #6

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I second the female vote. Most of my dogs over the years have been female. They can be a royal headache to train at times but I suppose I like it that way.

Best of all (according to some and I won't argue) it is EXTREMELY rare that they try to hump your leg.

But they really are hell on the grass due to the way they urinate all in one go as opposed to spreading it around more as males do when marking.
Good point on the leg humping. I don't know if I lucked out or what but Athena has yet to even look like she wants to hump something. And the peeing thing is really true. If you like brown grass I guess it's no problem then

---------- Post added at 11:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:55 PM ----------

Females are more mature and serious IMO.
My boys just laid back and a bit of a mummys boy.
This is something to consider. OP, if you want a goofy dog, a male would be the better choice. I can say, at only 6 months Athena is more mature and serious than a lot of adult males I have met.
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Old 07-27-2010, 07:15 AM   #7

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this is so werid my dogs must have a gender-crisis.

because my girl is a great listener and has been easy to train. gottie was a quick learner too. But her recall is SO MUCH better thn gotties and i have only had her for about 2 months.

both of them are goofy as ever! my female is a little more independent as for gottie is a huge mamas boy. they both love to cuddle.

i think it just depends on the individual dog, for the most part.
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Old 07-27-2010, 07:25 AM   #8

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because my girl is a great listener and has been easy to train. gottie was a quick learner too. But her recall is SO MUCH better thn gotties and i have only had her for about 2 months.
Oh my girl is a quick learner, providing she doesn't get distracted by a bird or a squirrel or a leaf on the lawn...

The biggest problem I've had with females is they did learn, they do know, but they love to try and see if they can get away with it anyway. At least the one's I've had.
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Old 07-27-2010, 08:27 AM   #9

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I second the female vote. Most of my dogs over the years have been female. They can be a royal headache to train at times but I suppose I like it that way.

Best of all (according to some and I won't argue) it is EXTREMELY rare that they try to hump your leg.

But they really are hell on the grass due to the way they urinate all in one go as opposed to spreading it around more as males do when marking.
Not Sinead...she's worse at marking than Mick. She marks all over the place, but she's not spayed yet.

Mick's an asshole, but I don't blame that on being a boy. In fact, when I took him to his first herding lesson, his trainer asked me to bring his papers. He read them over and his response was, "you've got yourself a very fine pup, but he's going to be a hard dog. He was bred to be that way. They had to be that way to survive with ------." He's been the most difficult and, at the same time, the most rewarding dog I've worked with.
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Old 07-27-2010, 03:26 PM   #10

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Oh my girl is a quick learner, providing she doesn't get distracted by a bird or a squirrel or a leaf on the lawn...

The biggest problem I've had with females is they did learn, they do know, but they love to try and see if they can get away with it anyway. At least the one's I've had.
Rita is a quick learner but she is also easily distracted even now at age 2. When she is able to focus, though, she is really intent about it and about doing what she was asked. Very rarely does she try to get away with something and when she does a correction will put her back in line for a good while. She is also much more sensitive to emotions and way more of a cuddlebug then the males I know.

Not sure if it a female thing as I have only ever had 2 female dogs, but both of them were more protective of the house and family and more motivated to get and kill vermin than the males I have known. Rita is a great watch dog and alerts us to anything "strange". She is also on a mission to get and kill whatever is living under my back deck. Ike, my male AB, couldn't care less.

The only downside to a female is that I do not agree with spaying until full maturity and that means dealing with a heat cycle. Plus, spaying is more expensive than neutering. After the female is mature and spayed, though, I think they are great dogs.
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Old 07-27-2010, 03:32 PM   #11

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Personally my boy is very cuddly. And more of a one woman boy. He's great with the family but stays with me all day!When I'm on the comp he's right next to me. Same with the couch and bed. I've actually have had to work hard on stay because he just has to be with me. He's not overly licky like his mom, he's more like his dad with soft kisses and will only sneak ones here and there. Not a fan of the overly licky unless they are trained to give soft kisses. For me I prefer the boys!
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Old 07-27-2010, 04:02 PM   #12

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Oh my girl is a quick learner, providing she doesn't get distracted by a bird or a squirrel or a leaf on the lawn...

The biggest problem I've had with females is they did learn, they do know, but they love to try and see if they can get away with it anyway. At least the one's I've had.
That's Piper! She is the sweetest, most loving dog but boy is she stubborn and has an opinion on EVERYTHING. My males are just happy to go along with the program whereas she's always 'questioning' why I'm asking her to do anything

But I love her to death; she's actually my first female dog and I was so worried I'd end up with some bitchy dog, but she's definitely not that! She's actually my most cuddly dog. Wilson loves people, but he's a bit aloof sometimes. Charlie is a TOTAL people dog though. It just depends.

FWIW, neither of my males mark on anything. I think as long as their neutered, that's generally not a huge issue.
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Old 07-27-2010, 05:43 PM   #13

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my girl can see butterflies and chase them too after i call her.
but she will snap out of it better than my boy.
my boy pushes the limits and tries to get away with as much as he can too. his super stubborn.
but i love boy dogs! my second dog wouldve been a boy dog as well but since its harder for two of the same sex to get along, i had to adopt a female. she is my first girl dog

gigi is super people friendly. gottie is aloof but he can be friendly at times

gottie is a marker and he is nuetered although i think he was nuetered a little later in his life (i dont know if thats a factor)

gigi is sucha a bully and is so bratty and snotty but gottie is sucha sweeety and easy going

but i love them both
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Old 07-27-2010, 06:14 PM   #14

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Lucy is a lover, a cuddler, and has what may be a terminal case of Princess Syndrome. But when there's work to be done, she's all business.

Males are just plain goofy. And momma's boys.

Just keep in mind that female dogs are called bitches for a reason. Although I have to say I prefer female dogs. Their brains aren't clouded with testosterone.
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Old 07-27-2010, 11:47 PM   #15

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I agree males seem more of the attach to the hip type, of any breed it seems. My male growing up was attached to the hip of the family, if you were out with him he would be next to you. The female was doing her own thing (these were keeshounds). My boy Goren is attached to me and if my fiance calls him 90% of the time he will run to me even if I don't call at the same time. Our old male did much the same, he was a cuddler, my fiance's disabled terrier mutt boy is a cuddler. Lola is a puppy so I am not sure yet. My aunts females were do there own thing dogs too, so was my grandma's female. I always vote for males if I can, I know there can be cuddle bug females and there can be do there own thing males but in my experience the males just in general seem more wanting attention than the females. I have Lola but it is rare for me to get a female.
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Old 07-28-2010, 12:52 AM   #16

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"Better" depends on your needs.
In my experiences, females tend to be more independent and bossier .. or call it "bitchy". Probably smarter, but also smarter to figure things out you DIDN"t want them to do.
Males are more easy going, more agreeable and yes, goofier.

They don't hump your leg if you don't let them. None of mine have ever tried or even thought that that was appropriate, and I have had quite a few that stayed intact until pretty late in life.
I actually prefer males, as the head-games with the females can get a bit tiring for me.
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Old 08-16-2012, 02:35 PM   #17

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My girl can be stubborn but her love, loyalty, devotion, is incredible!
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Old 08-16-2012, 02:36 PM   #18

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I will post pics, gotta take new ones all others got deleted by accident.
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Old 08-16-2012, 04:18 PM   #19

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I really think it depends on the dog. While I normally lean towards the goofy males, there have definitely been females that I would have loved to take home.

They don't hump your leg if you don't let them. None of mine have ever tried or even thought that that was appropriate, and I have had quite a few that stayed intact until pretty late in life.
This. May the powers that be help Otis if he ever tries that crap. He'd be on lock down for the foreseeable future.
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Old 08-16-2012, 05:53 PM   #20

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Yeah, female am staff here, she's a great listener (most of the time) and really affectionate

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